Nerve Center Lecture

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Lesson Nerve centers, inhibition

Nerve centers, inhibition

Lecture plan :

1. The role of central nervous system in integrative, adaptive activity

of the body.
2. Reflex principles of functions regulation.
3. Methods of studying central nervous system.
What is inhibition?
 Inhibition is a independent nerve process which is caused by excitation and
manifested by the suppression of another excitation.
 Inhibition means to slow down the excitation effect of the CNS.
 Inhibition is the process whereby nerves can retard or prevent the
functioning of an organ or part (inhibition of the heart by the vagus nerve).
 Inhibition is the reduction of a reflex or other activity as the result of an
antagonistic stimulation.
 Inhibition is a state create at synapses making them less excitable by other
sources of stimulation.
 Inhibition is active event, which is with its basics the same as excitation.
Inhibition In The CNS

Integrative activity in the central nervous

system is carried out with the participation
of excitatory and inhibitory processes.
The inhibition phenomenon was
discovered in 1863 by Academic I. M.
Sechenov. Ch. Sherrington, N.E. Vvedensky,
A.A. Ukhtomsky, I.P. Pavlov showed that
inhibition occurs in the work of all parts of
the brain.
Inhibition is a positive process, which
manifests itself externally in the inhibition or
weakening of the excitation process.
Inhibition mechanism. (Eccles, Renshaw), proved the existence of
intermediate structures, Renshaw and Purkinje cells, which have a connection
with motor neurons, and the excitation of motor neurons causes the releasing of
an inhibitory neurotransmitter that acts on the motor neuron. As a result, the
inhibition process develops.

Central inhibition is on the synapses of the central nervous system.

It is realized by the short neurons through releasing of the inhibitory
neurotransmitter, which causes hyperpolarization on the
postsynaptic membrane.
depending on the mechanism, there are four types of central inhibition,

1. Postsynaptic inhibition (hyperpolarization)

2. Presynaptic inhibition (depolarization)
3. Pessimal inhibition (continuous depolarization)
4. Inhibition following excitation (minimal hyperpolarization)
Presynaptic inhibition- Presynaptic inhibition in many cases involves
axoaxonal transmission in which release of a neurotransmitter from one axon
acts at receptors on another axon to suppress release of transmitter from the
second axon to causes persistent long-term depolarization.
The reasons are as follow:
Cathodic depression
Slow depolarization blocks the permeability of the membrane to sodium ions,
enhancing the work of sodium-potassium ATPase.
- occurs at presynaptic terminal before the signals reach the synapse
- the inhibitory transmitter is GABA → opening of Cl- channel allowing large Cl- ions to diffuse into
- the negative charge of these ions cancels excitatory effect of positive charge Na+ ions that enter
terminals when action potential arrival - the positivity in postsynaptic neuron is reduced thus reducing
excitation of synapse
- it occurs in many sensory pathway in nervous system
- terminal nerve fiber inhibits one another, minimizes the sideway spread of signal in sensory tract
Postynaptic inhibition - associated with the activity of specific inhibitory
cells. When the inhibitory cell is excited, a specific inhibitory neurotransmitter
(glycine, GABA) is released. In response to the interaction of inhibitory
neurotransmitter with postsynaptic membrane receptor, hyperpolarization
(inhibitory postsynaptic potential ) develops on the membrane.
The reason:
an increase in the permeability of the membrane for potassium ions, which
leaves the cell.
Postsynaptic inhibition is less selective and the neuron is switched off from
nervous activity.
- Increases (more negative) normal resting membrane potential.
- Opens Cl channel and allows Cl- ions to move from extracellular space into cells → more negative potential
than normal.
- Opens K channel and allows K+ ions to move from cells into extracellular space → more negative potential
than normal.
- Both Cl- influx and K+ efflux increase (more negative) intracellular negativity → hyperpolarization.
- It inhibits neuron because membrane potential is away from threshold for excitation (-45mV)
-IPSP → -5mV
This type of inhibition develops in the excitatory synapses as a result of strong
depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane under the influence of nerve
impulses arriving too frequently.


A discrete type of inhibition is that developing in a nerve cell after termination
of excitation and which appears when excitation is followed by strong after-
hyperpolarization of the cell membrane.
The excitatory postsynaptic potential arising under these conditions proves
insufficient to depolarize the membrane, and a spreading of excitation does
not occur.
NERVE CENTER is a group of neurons (structures) in the central nervous
system, which is necessary to perform reflex and the regulation of individual
functions of the body.

Physiological Properties Of Nervous Centers:

1. Unilateral conduct of excitation.
2. Synaptic delay. One synaptic delay equals 1-2 ms (0.5 ms for transmitter
release, 1.5 ms for transmitter diffusion).
3. High fatigue. (depletion of transmitter stores, energy resources, adaptation
of the postsynaptic receptor to the transmitter)
4. Summation of excitement - (In 1863, I.M.Sechenov discovered) the ability
of NC to summarize the excitation of subthreshold force and give a reflex
5. Transformation of rhythm and strength of the stimulus.
6. High sensitivity to hypoxia.
7. There are two types of summation:
- Spatial summation
- Temporal summation

Spatial summation is when progressively larger

numbers of primary afferent (presynaptic) neurons are
activated simultaneously, until sufficient
neurotransmitter is released to activate an action
potential in the spinal cord (postsynaptic) neuron.

Temporal summation occurs when one presynaptic

neuron releases neurotransmitter many times over a
period of time. The total amount of neurotransmitter
released may exceed the threshold value of the
postsynaptic neuron. The higher the frequency of the
action potential the more quickly the threshold may be
8. Convergence means signals from multiple
inputs uniting to excite a single neuron. Figure
shows convergence from a single source. That is,
multiple terminals from a single incoming fiber
tract terminate on the same neuron.
The importance of this is that neurons are almost
never excited by an action potential from a single
input terminal. But action potentials converging on
the neuron from multiple terminals provide
enough spatial summation to bring the neuron to
the threshold required for discharge.
9. Divergence is the process by which one
presynaptic neuron terminates on many
postsynaptic neurons. Often it is important for
weak signals entering a neuronal pool to excite
far greater numbers of nerve fibers leaving the
pool. This phenomenon is called divergence.
10. Occlusion is “blocking". They have partially overlapping receptive fields -
Nerve centers.
11. Facilitation - the total reaction is higher than the arithmetic sum of the
reaction with isolated stimulation.
12. Aftereffect (continuation of the reaction after irritation stopped)
- short-term (trace depolarization).
- long - circulation of impulses through closed neural circuits.
13. Low lability.
14. High sensitive to hypoxia.
15. Selective sensitive to pharmacological substances.
16. Tonus.
17. Plasticity.
COORDINATION ACTIVITIES. Coordination is the interaction of neurons in the
NC, which provides a coordinated integrated activity of all centers, as a result of
this, an adequate reflex response occurs.
Final common
pathway by
The principle of reciprocity,
is conjugate and
interconnected innervation.
(muscles - antagonists),
(inhale - exhale).
When the central nervous system sends a message to the
agonist (muscle causing movement) to contract, the
tension in the antagonist (muscle opposing movement) is
inhibited by impulses from motor neurons, and thus must
simultaneously relax. This neural phenomenon is called
reciprocal inhibition.
Feedback principle
Dominance principle - discovered by A.A. Ukhtomsky. The dominant is a
temporarily dominant focus of excitation, characterized by the following
ability to summarize excitation.
increased excitability.
persistence of excitement.
inertia of excitement.
conjugate inhibition of other centers.
the ability to attract impulses to other centers.

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