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Alchemy in the
Roasting Lab

Discovering Organic Acids

(Part 2 of 2)

by Joseph A. Rivera

This article
was originally WELCOME BACK as we continue our journey After phosphoric acid, malic acid is the most
published in the into the mystical world of coffee chemistry. In common acidulant used in food.
May/June 2005 the last issue, we discussed the roasting process, In a coffee plant, malic acid serves as a key
issue of Roast the thermal decomposition of compounds and compound in several important metabolic
the formation of more than 30 organic acids, half processes. As such, its final production within
of which are volatile. We discussed three acids at the bean is invariably affected by environmental
length, namely, chlorogenic, quinic and citric. conditions. As we mentioned in the last issue,
To review, both chlorogenic and citric regional humidity tends to raise the level of
acids decrease in concentration due to thermal the fruity acids in coffee, such as coffees from
decomposition and have an inverse relationship the highly humid Coban region of Guatemala.
with degree of roast, whereas quinic and caffeic What exactly causes this increase in “fruitiness”
acids actually increase in concentration due to remains to be determined, but my guess is that
the breakdown of chlorogenic acids. it is an increase in the level of malic acid in the
During the roasting process, more than bean. This guess may hold merit; for example, in
800 compounds are created, 60 of which are wine chemistry, wines that typically exhibit the
key coffee odorants and many of which remain most fruitiness, such as Chardonnays, tend to
unidentified by scientists, making coffee a truly have higher levels of malic acid.
complex beverage. What we do know is that the During the roasting process, malic acid’s
contribution of organic acids to coffee flavor is of fate closely resembles that of citric acid. With a
paramount importance. Besides acidity, organic melting point of 130° C (268° F), slightly below
acids play an important role in the development that of sucrose, malic acid rapidly decreases in
of flavor precursors and aroma elucidation. In concentration as the degree of roast increases.
this issue, we will probe further and investigate While green beans contain anywhere from 0.30
some of the other minor acids in coffee and their to 0.70 percent of malic acid, a typical medium
major impacts in the cup. roast will lose roughly 30 percent of that due to
thermal decomposition.
Malic Acid
Acetic Acid
Found in high concentration in apples, malic
acid commonly goes by alias of “apple acid.” Acetic acid, most commonly known as the active
Malic acid has a greater perceived sourness than ingredient in vinegar, is for the most part created
citric acid and is commonly detected by the foliate during the roasting process. During roasting,
papillae on the side of the tongue. As such, it is carbohydrates composed of six to 10 carbons in
frequently used in the food industry to impart length are broken into smaller fragments. These
sour/fruity characteristics commonly found in fragments give rise to a number of different
chewing gums, ciders and low-calorie beverages.
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products, including acetic acid and others, which simply dissolve in alter aroma, flavor and overall character. Trained cuppers, with their
the coffee infusion to increase the level of soluble solids. delicate palates, have been known to detect a change in beverage pH
Depending on roasting conditions, levels of acetic acid in as small as 0.10 pH units.
roasted coffee can increase up to 25 times from its initial green bean Another important quality of acetic acid is that it is a volatile
form. Because its production originates from the breakdown of molecule that our olfactory system readily detects. How can you test
carbohydrates, arabica beans with almost double the concentration that? Simply open a bottle of vinegar. As the acetic acid molecules
of sugar than robusta will always contain more acetic acid after in vinegar begin to absorb heat due to ambient room temperature,
roasting. But as we’ll discuss later, acetic acid is quickly lost once you they begin to vibrate. These vibrations occur by the thousands with
roast past a medium roast, at times exhibiting up to 90 percent loss. many simultaneously colliding and eventually gaining enough
Unlike some of the other acids we discussed, acetic acid is a weak energy to escape the liquid and into the surrounding air. The room
acid that dissociates only seven percent in the coffee brew. But don’t soon fills with thousands of acetic molecules and a nasty vinegar
be fooled into dismissing this acid as unimportant. For although its smell permeates the air.
contribution of protons (hydrogen) in the cup may not be significant, Because acetic acid is so volatile, it plays an important role in
it is what it does not do that is most important. It has been known coffee aroma. Since most identified aromatic compounds are oil-
for more than 75 years that perceived acidity is not only a function based, many remain dissolved inside oil droplets within coffee.
of free protons in solution, but also of the “reserved acidity” due to Interestingly, arabica has an estimated 60 percent more lipid content
undissociated acids. That is, acids that do not readily breakdown and than robusta, perhaps explaining why arabicas have so much more
contribute to any great extent to pH; a property common in weak aroma complexity.
acids such as acetic. Furthermore, research has confirmed that even During roasting, the level of acetic acid will peak during light
minor changes in pH due to undissociated acids can significantly roasts, then rapidly decrease as roasting progresses due to loss by
evaporation. For roasters wishing to capitalize on this, roasting
technology has an answer. Enter pressure roasters. These
roasters minimize the loss of volatile acids and maintain higher
levels of acidity than traditional roasting by taking advantage of
simple physics. Perhaps one of the best known is the Smitherm
Continuous Pressure Roaster, into which Sivetz has put much
research. At times, pressure roasting can gain as much as 0.20
units in beverage pH. That is, it will decrease the pH in coffees
from 5.20 to 5.00 simply by using pressure versus conventional
roasting. Although 0.20 units may not seem like much, it
represents almost double the level of acidity based on the
logarithmic scale. Unfortunately, the use of pressure roasting
has mainly been suited for use with lower-quality robusta
coffee, where an increase in acidity is always desirable.
Another minor source of acetic acid is post harvest
processing. During wet processing, acetic acid is produced
as a byproduct of fermentation. Depending on regional
temperature, fermentation time can range between 12 and 36
hours. Fermentation time in excess of 48 hours typically leads
to the formation of “stinkers” as a result of excess production
of undesirable volatile acids, such as acetic, proprionic and
butyric acids. During processing, fermentation comes to
an end when the sticky mucilage is removed from the bean,
followed by thorough washing with clean water. But even
with proper washing, trace amounts of acetic acid remain in
the bean. In these trace amounts, the acid is a desirable trait,
for it contributes to a noticeable cleanliness and brightness as
compared to other dry-processed coffees.
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Phosphoric Acid

Unlike the other acids discussed so far, phosphoric

acid is not an organic acid, but rather an inorganic
acid. How do we know this? Its lack of available
carbon in its structure classifies it as such (Figure
1). Although there are many conflicting views on
the origin and role of phosphoric acid in coffee, it is
currently believed that phosphoric acid stems from
the coffee plant’s uptake of inositol hexaphosphate
or phytic acid, an organic acid.
During roasting, phytic acid decomposes to
form phosphoric acid, an acid that is 100 times
more potent than most of the organic acids
discussed so far. As such, many researchers believe
that phosphoric acid significantly contributes to
beverage acidity due to its strength and ability to
readily dissociate. In a 1999 study by the Coffee
Quality Institute, formerly the Specialty Coffee
Institute, a significant amount of phosphoric acid
was found in specific lots of Kenya AA and SL28 as FIGURE 1
compared to a Colombian Supremo. Furthermore,
experiments in which this acid was added to other As an inorganic acid, much of this acid survives the roasting
coffee origin brews significantly altered acid profiles to levels almost process, and it is believed that phosphoric acid is better extracted from
identical to Kenyan coffees. darker roasts, which is quite contrary to what we may expect. But
the puzzle still remains open, as many researchers on one side claim
that phosphoric acid, due to its potency, significantly contributes to
perceived acidity; whereas, others claim that the acid is neutralized
by an equivalent amount of potassium in the coffee brew.
The good news is that, as with all branches of science, coffee
chemistry is a continuously evolving field that every day brings new
answers to old questions. But there is still much more to explore on
our road to truly understanding the complexity of coffee. With its
myriad compounds formed and its physiological and psychological
effects on the brain, coffee is by far the most radical drink ever
introduced to mankind. Fortunately, through modern technology
and advances in chemistry, we are closer now to truly understanding
this Nectar of the Gods than we have ever been.

JOSEPH A. RIVERA holds a degree in food chemistry

and is the SCAA’s resident coffee scientist. He manages, a site dedicated to the science of coffee. He
can be reached at

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