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Austenitic stainless steel-ferritic steel weld joint failures

Article · September 1982


86 401

2 authors, including:

Ronald Klueh
KLR Materials


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Austenitic Stainless Steel-Ferritic Steel
Weld Joint Failures
Recommendations for extending weld joint lifetime include
using transition pieces with intermediate coefficients of
thermal expansion between the two steels and using
transition pieces that minimize carbon transfer


ABSTRACT The cause of failures of dis- have long been recognized (Ref 1-5) by elevated temperature service.
similar-alloy (austenitic or ferritic) joints in The utility industry has experienced a rash Although several reasons for dissimilar
superheater and reheater tubes of fossiJ- of transition-joint failures in fossil-fired alloy weld failures have been postulated
fired steam plants was investigated. In the steam plants. These failures often occur (Ref 2-5), no comprehensive mechanism
failures of interest, cracks form and prop- after 15 to 20 years of operation, well for relating microstructure to failure has
agate in the ferritic steel (usually 214 Cr-l before the lifetime of the tubing is ex- been given _This paper presents thoughts
Mo steel) about 5 to 15 Mm from the hausted Because of the economic conse- on the subject that are based on our
fusion line The complex microstructure quences of a power plant shutdown) the observations on experimental welds and
developed at the interface between weld need for an improved dissimilar alloy on failed and unfailed welds taken from
metal and 214 Cr-1 Mo steel during weld is obvious fossil-fired plants as well as on observa-
welding and elevated-temperature ser- Nearly all austenitic-ferritic, dissimilar tions by other investigators
vice was examined in (1) the as-welded alloy weld failures in seT vice (Ref 6) or
and as-welded-and-tempered conditions test programs (Ref 1-5) have occurred in
Experimental Procedure
and (2) failed and unfailed joints having the ferritic alloy Most of the failures
more than 100,000 h of service in a occurred with 21.4 Cr-1 Mo steel tubing Optical metallography was used as the
fossil-fired boiler and piping as the ferritic alloy, primarily primary technique in this study _Several
Metallographic observations on tailed because most fossil-fired power plants failed and unfailed dissimilar-alloy weld
and unfailed joints were combined with are constructed with this steel and joints that had been in service for as long
literature observations to explain the because it was also used in most of the as 137,000 hours (h) in fossil-fired steam
interface microstructure and subsequent test programs (Ref 1-5) Various austenit- plants were obtained Also, several bead-
failure mode On the basis of the pro- ic stainless steels are used in power plants on-plate welds were made on 21f.t Cr--1
posed failure model, recommendations including Types 304, 316, 321 and 347 Mo steel plate by the gas tungsten arc
are presented for improving joint reliabil- Because failure occurs in the ferritic steel, process with Type 309 stainless steel,
ity however, the austenitic stainless steels ENiCrFe-2, ENiCrFe-3, and ERNiCr-3 filler
are not discussed here metals Parts of these bead-on-plate
The microstructure of a typical dissimi- welds were examined in the as-welded
Introduction lar aHoy weld failure between 21.4 0--1 condition, but others were examined
Since the 1940's, both ferritic heat- Mo steel and austenitic stainless steel after thermally aging or after a postweld
resisting steels and austenitic stainless steam pipe has been studied by a number heat treatment
steels have been used in most commer- of investigators (Ref 1-15), and factors Selected specimens were also studied
cial fossil-fired power plants Primary boil- that contribute to dissimilar alloy weld in more detail with the electron micro-
ers and heat exchangers operate at tem- failure have long been understood (Ref probe
peratures and environmental conditions 1-5) Tucker and Eberle (Ref 4) summa-
that make low-alloy ferritic steels the best rized them as:
1 Cyclic thermal stresses Results and Discussion
choice for the structural material The
chromium-molybdenum steels - espe- 2 Low oxidation resistance of the The microstructure of the dissimilar
cially 21.4 Cr-1 Mo steel- have been low-aHoy ferritic steel alloy weld is determined by phases devel-
used extensively. For the superheater) 3 Carbon migration oped during welding _Various phases are
reheater tubes, headers, and the hot- 4 Metallurgical deterioration caused indicated in Fig 1 which consists of Fe-
reheat steam pipes, however, the ele- Ni-Cr diagrams taken from the Metals
vated temperatures usually make austen- Based on paper presented at the 61st A WS Handbook (Ref 16) on which regions
itic stainless steels the necessary choice Annual Meeting held in Los Angeles California, representing Type 309 stainless steel and
Because of this use of two materials during April 13-18. 1980 nickel-rich filler metals have been super-
within one system, a transition joint is R L. k.LUEH and I F KING are with the Metals imposed
required and Ceramics Division of the Oak Ridge Recognizing the phases that can form
The problems inherent in such joints National Laboratory Oak RIdge TennessE'E' when 21.4 Cr-1 Mo steel is welded with

302-s ISEPTEMBER 1982

Cr Cr
10 90 10
20 80 i;. 20 80 ~, MAXIMUM y
~ 30 70' ~ ~ 30 70 • -"- (900 TO
~ 40 6Oq. ~ 40 I
1300 0C)

N 50 501b N 50 50 1b
;-" 60 Q(SV'
~a+:r .. 40~C- .;- 60 QIS!..·
n + .!-..-' .~. ,- 40 ~C-
30 ~ 30 ~
20 20
iO 10

iO 20 30 40 5060 70 80 90 Ni 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Ni
wt. '70 NICKEL wf, '70 NICKEL

70' .!I.. C -CAR8IDE .$' 35 MAXIMUM Y
• P ,PEARLITE ,f 30 (0 1 '7. 'C)
60 q.
50 1b J: 25
40\, J\.O 20
30 ~ ;-' 15

,;::,\ Fe iO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Ni
\E.I wI % NiCKEL wt "'/0

fig 1- SectIons of ternary Fe-Ni-Cr ph,l5e diagram RegIons arE shown to represent the compositions of 2!4 Cr-] Mo steel Type 309 stainless steel
Iflfer metal and the typical nickel-base filler metal. Published by permission of American Society for Metals, E C Rain and R H Aborn, Cr-Fe-Ni Phase
Diagrams ,,' pp 1260-6 'f in Metals Handbook, Cleveland 1948

different filler metals discussion that fol- on steam generator tubes, as we will treatment at 704°C (1299°F), the dark-
lows below centers on actual microstruc- demonstrate, On close examination of etching "lamellar phase" of Eaton and
tures that develop in dissimilar alloy welds Fig 2, another phase appears to be Glossop (Ref 10) was observed - Fig 4
during welding, when aged in the labora- present in the grain boundaries ~ Fig 2 All indications are that this is a precipitate
tory, and during elevated temperature B that formed in the light-etching region of
service Finally, a failure mechanism is The microstructures of Fig. 2 were Fig. 3 Although difficult to resolve, at
postulated on the basis of microstructural brought out with the typical etchant for high magnification a small precipitate
observations 2 y,; Cr-I Mo steel (2% nital) When the again appears to be present in the grain
Support for the proposed mechanism 21.4 Cr-l Mo steel was over-etched, boundaries parallel to the fusion line (ar-
is presented from metaJlographic studies another zone became visible between rows in Fig _ 4B) The microstructure
on dissimilar alloy joints that failed during the weld metal and the 2 y,; Cr-1 Mo between these grain boundaries and the
service in fossil-fired plants steel (Fig 3) and would appear to be the dark-etching phase is noticeably different
'light-etching phase," observed by Eaton from that of the 21.4 Cr-l Mo steel well
and Glossop (Ref 10) and Jones (Ref away from the fusion line Extremely few
Experimental Observations
13) precipitate particles are in the matrix
To determine what phases form during As a result of the heavy etching, we between the grain boundaries and the
welding, we made several bead-on-plate found it difficult to resolve, simultaneous- lamellar precipitate The dark-etching
welds on annealed 21.4 Cr-l Mo steel ly, the light'etching region and the 2 y,; phase also appears when a Type 309
plate Figure 2 shows the interface micro- Cr-l Mo steel microstructure _By focusing stainless steel bead-on~plate weld is aged
structure of Type 309 stainless steel weld on the light-etching region, a substructure for 500 h at 566°C (1051°F) (without a
metal on the 21.4 Cr-l Mo steel plate can be delineated - Fig _3 Furthermore, postweld heat treatment; this aging treat-
Two observations are of interest: at the edge of this region (away from the ment is similar to a service exposure)
1 The interface with the weld metal is weld metal), a narrow dark area occurs Similar microstructures occur when
very indistinct that is somewhat different from the nickel-base filler metals are used instead
2. The grain boundaries in the 21.4 region on either side of it This region of Type 309 stainless steel filler metal
Cr--l Mo steel away from the interface could be one that contained two phases Figure SA shows the interface for an
are parallel to the fusion line [y + a(o)] during welding-Fig 1 ERNiCr-3 filler metal After a piece of this
The latter feature is common to all When a piece of the bead-on-plate weld was aged for 500 h at 566°C
such fusion welds. including welds made weld was given a 5 h postweld heM (1051°F), the dark-etching region again



. - REGION '


Fig 3 -Micro5tructure of region near fusion

line of bEad-an-plate weld of Type 309 5tain-
le5s steel on annealed 2!it Cr-l Mo steel.
Etched heavily with 2q~ nital to bring out
@ light-etching zone

FIg 5 - Microstructure of region near fusion

line of bead-an-plate weld of ERNiCr- 3 fillEr
metal on annealed 2!it Cr-l Mo steel plate
A -as-welded, B-aged 500 h at 566°(

Fig 2-Microstructure of region near fusion into the 21,4 Cr-l Mo steel (other ele-
line ofbead-on-pfate weld of Type 309 stain- ments present in the weld metal will also
h:.55 steel on annealed 2% 0-1 Mo steel diffuse into the 2l,4 Cr-l Mo steel but will
Etched lightly with .2;b mb} have much less effect because of their
smaller concentrations) At the fusion line,
a region of melted-but-unmixed 21,4 Cr-l
Mo steel will emerge, in which this diffu-
became evident - Fig 58. We made sim- sion can readily occur; solid state diffu-
ilar observations on bead-an-plate welds sion will also be rapid at the elevated
for ENiCrFe-3 and ENiOFe-2 on 21,4 0-1 temperatures developed during welding
Mo steel plate Because the high nickel and chromium
After prolonged service in a fossil-fired concentrations increase the hardenability
boiler, the microstructure changes, but this region will transform to martensite
vestiges of the as-welded microstructure during cooling
remain; this is shown in Fig. 6 for a Type In addition to the diffusion of nickel
321 stainless steel- 21;4 (r-1 Mo steel and chromium from the weld metal, car-
joint welded with ENiCrFe-l This joint "!L . _ - bon will diffuse toward the weld metal
was in service at about 560°C (1040°F) Because the driving force for this migra-
Fig 4-Micrastructure of region near fUsion
for more than 100,000 h Interestingly tion is provided by the higher solubility of
line of bead-an-plate weld of Type 309 stain-
the dark-etching phase has disappeared carbon in the weld metal (this applies for
less steel filler metal on 2!it Cr-1 Mo steel
The grain boundaries parallel to the plate annealed 5 h at 704°(' (1299°F) after both types of filler meta!), the increased
fusion line are still present, and they very welding Etched with 2?h nital. Arrows indicate carbon content in the nickel and chromi-
definitely contain another phase precipitate5 in grain boundarie5 um diffusion zone will further increase
Although not easily resolved, voids or hardenability
fissures were often seen to be associated Decarburization will be accompanied
with the precipitates in the parallel grain by carbide dissolution. The loss of carbon
boundaries of welds that had been in from the 21,4 Cr-l Mo steel in the vicinity
Development of Miuostructure
service. Such fissures were also observed of the fusion line allows grain growth to
by Gray et al (Ref 6) - Fig 7 Because Our experimental observations can be occur The grain boundaries move away
they were not observed on the bead- related to the phase relationships men- from the fusion line into the 2 1,4 Cr-l Mo
on-plate welds (as-welded or aged), they tioned earlier During welding, chromium steel, giving rise to grain boundaries that
could well be creep cavities and nickel from the weld metal diffuse are parallel to the fusion line Grain-

304-s ISEPTEMBER 1982

untransformed base metal takes place chromium and molybdenum of the type
The phase in the grain boundaries found by Apblett et al (Ref 18) could
parallel to the fusion line (Fig. 6) is of form within the grain boundaries and
special interest because transition joint grow by grain-boundary diffusion We
failures usually occur by cracks that prop- would expect the regions to be especially
agate along this boundary or in a region chromium rich, because more than 4.5
adjacent to it (Ref 6, 11)* High-chromi- times as many chromium atoms as
um 8-ferrite regions are believed to form molybdenum atoms are present in the
in these grain boundaries during welding alloy
Apblett et al (Ref 18) showed that 0- Because of the high-chromium concen-
ferrite can occur in 2 'h Cr-l Mo steel trations these regions have a higher car-
Fig 6 - Microstructure of transdion weld joint heated to welding temperatures. They burization potential While cooling from
between 20. Cr-l Mo steel and Type 321 stated, "Apparently when the carbide the welding temperature and later during
stainless steel welded with ENiCrFe-l joint phase (in the annealed 2 'h Cr-1 Mo steel service, these regions will carburize, thus
was in service in a fossil-fired plant for more being heated during welding) dissociates, forming the chromium carbides that com-
than '100000 h at about 560°C (J040()F) there exist regions of sufficiently high- monly occur in this alloy (molybdenum
alloy content to close the gamma loop " carbides are also possible), As these
They concluded that the high-alloy con- regions of high chromium carburize, they
tent at the site of the original carbide will grow by diffusion of chromium from
boundary migration is controlled by the resulted in alloy diffusion, which caused the matrix immediately adjacent to the
rate of decarburization; the distance of the size of the 8-ferrite regions to grain boundary
these boundaries from the fusion line increase They found these regions to Carbides in the boundaries are larger
indicates the size of the decarburized occur only at grain boundaries than those in the matrix and are in a
region (grain-boundary migration may be During welding, the 2'h Cr-l Mo steel low-energy position (the grain boundary)
controlled by the carbide dissolution) in the HAZ adjacent to the weld metal is Because of this, the growth of the grain
We postulate that, in accordance with austenitized Because of the high temper- boundary carbides should be favored
the phase diagram (Fig 1), the former atures in this region, carbides quickly over those in the nearby matrix Figure 7
weld metal will be austenitic The diffu- dissociate Homogenization and austenite shows that few precipitates occur adja-
sion zone (formerly base metal) that is grain growth are rapid giving rise to large cent to the grain boundary on the side
high in nickel and chromium solidifies to austenite grains immediately adjacent to away from the weld metal The large
and transforms to martensite on cooling the weld metal At some distance into the carbides on the other side of the bound-
Because the region is higher in carbon as 2'h Cr-l Mo steel, the temperature aries are usually in grain boundaries per-
a result of diffusion from the 2'h Cr-l decreases to the point that grain growth pendicular to the fusion line The small
Mo steel, the precipitate that forms in this slows. We believe this decrease occurs ones often occur in rows parallel to the
region when tempered, or aged, is a where the grain boundaries are aligned grain boundaries that parallel the fusion
carbide (same as the proposal by parallel to the fusion line Under these line; they could have formed because of
Wood - Ref 11) The narrow dark conditions, once the carbides in these chromium and molybdenum concentra-
region noted in Fig 3 could be a region boundaries dissociate, a region rich in tion buildup in the grain boundary before
somewhat higher in chromium and there- chromium and molybdenum (both ferrite it migrated
fore a two-phase a(8) + 'Y region during stabilizers) is left behind To confirm the possible validity of the
cooling Farther into the HAZ of the 2 'h For whatever reason (favorable sur- above hypothesis, we did microprobe
Cr-l Mo steel, the transformation face energy, etc), a 8-ferrite region rich in studies on the ENiCrFe-l weld on 2 'h
depends on the temperature reached Cr-l Mo steel and Type 321 stainless steel
during welding Where temperatures that had been in service over 100,000 h
exceed the A c /' 'Y forms; when cooled. 'Y in a fossil-fired boiler In one experiment,
transforms to bainite or proeutectoid fer- *As pointed out by Wood" the light- and we annealed a piece of this joint for 1 h
rite When heated below A( l' no trans- dark-etching regions are interesting. but crack at 92JOC (1701°F) and air cooled it (a
formation occurs; only tempering of the propagation is always outside that region normalizing treatment for the 2 'h Cr-1


'"~" 6
r It ~


• ,
If' ,
t # {C'
<i. q
• \ 5"m

'" •
Fig 7 - Cross section of failed transition joint that was in service for about 150,000 h (77 years) at about 560"C (1040"F) The photomicrograph shows
that thE' crack propagates in grain boundaries of 2!4 Cr-1 Mo 'Steel. Source. Gray, R I, king J F, Leitnaker, j M, and 5laughter, G M. Examination of a
Failed Transition Weld Joint and the Associated Base Metals, ORNL-5223, 7977 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge" TN


HO r - - ' - I - ' -,-- , , - - r - , - - ' - , - ' -,-',--r-,-,-,----,

- 90 1- -'2'-'"I,'-C,,'_---'-'M"O'--'S"T-=E-=E-=L --j f-_-'EoeN";C'"'-'F"'c.-.c'-'WecE"L"O'-'M"E,,T.e:A,,L_---1

80 r-
Ei 70 r-

>- 60 "-
O; 50 ' -
~ 40 -
Fig. 8 ~ MiCrostructurf of a transition joint ~ 30 -
between 20 Cr- 7 Mo steel and Type 32 'I ~
stainless steel welded with ENiCrFe-l, in ser- x 20 -
vice at about 560°C (704o°F) for 100,000 h
alter whiCh it was normalized (7 h at 92rC 01
170PF then ail cooled) Diffelential interfer-
Ence cantlast miuograph Differences in hard- 20 40 60 80 iOO 120 140 '60 '80 200
ness give rise to relief po!J5hing The layel TRAVERSE DISTANCE (pm)
between the weld metal and the 2 0 Cr-l Mo Fig 9 - Nickel and chromium praftle across fusion line region of specimen in Fig 17 Shown is the
,teel is the light-etching region light-etching zone to be a550ciated with diffusion from the weld metal

Mo steel). After this treatment, the light- about 560'C (1040'F) but which was not temperatures near 1200'C (2192'F) and
etching phase (which we assume is mar- heat treated before examination We forcing the tubes together.
tensite rich in nickel and chromium) was compared the x-ray intensities for three The microstructure in this case was
clearly visible - Fig 8. precipitates with the intensities of the somewhat different from that observed
With the microprobe, nickel and chro- nearby matrix As shown in Fig -10 for for fusion welds - Fig. 11 The decarbu-
mium profiles were determined from the one of these precipitates, the chromium rized grain-growth region was readily
weld metal through the light-etching composition was considerably higher apparent In addition to the decarburized
phase into the 214 Cr-1 Mo steel The than it was in the adjacent matrix A slight region what appeared to be a two-
light-etching phase definitely delineated increase also occurred in the molybde- phase zone occurred adjacent to the
the region of nickel and chromium diffu- num concentration The other two pre- bond line At high magnification the sec-
sion - Fig 9 Qualitative microhardness cIpitate particles showed similar results ond phase appears to be similar to the
observat"lons showed that the light-etch- These microprobe results are in agree- phase in the grain boundaries parallel to
ing region is harder than the neighboring ment with the proposed mechanism the fusion line in the fusion welds
regions We also had access to an induction- We feel that the second phase is the
We also examined the precipitates in pressure weld between 21,4 Cr-1 Mo same as the phase in the parallel grain
the grain boundaries parallel to the fusion steel and Type 321 stainless steel, which boundaries of the fusion welds. The high-
line of the specImens shown in Fig 6 This failed in service after about 137,000 h at er chromium concentration in the stain-
was the same ENiCr Fe-1 weld that had about 560'C (1040'F) These welds are less steel allows chromium to diffuse into
been in service more than 100 000 h at made by induction heating the tubes to the 21,4 Cr-l Mo steel and gives rise to a

Fig lO-X-ray intensitiEs for precipitatE and 20 Cr-l Mo steel matrix for the transition Joint in service for more than 700.000 h at 560°C (I040°F)

306-5 I SEPTEMBER 1982


fig 12-Photomiuograph of an oxide-fHled crad in failed weld joint

the induction-pressure welds. We have

suggested a mechanism by which the
high-chromium regions can occur

Failure Me'C'hanism

As discussed earlier dissimilar-aHoy

weld joints fail by the propagation of
cracks parallel to the fusion line usually at
a small distance (5 to 15 j.Lm) from the
fusion line (Ref 1, 3-6, 10-13) In the
failure of fusion welds that we and other
investigators (Ref 6) have examined, it is
found that the crack usually follows the
gr ain boundaries that parallel the fusion
line [the grain boundaries that contain the
precipitate particles (Ref 6)]-Fig. 7 Such
cracks often contain oxides (Fig 12), I"
Fig 11- Microstructure of an induction-pres-
sometimes in the form of an "oxide
sure weld bEtween 2!4 Cr-l Mo stf'el and Fig 13 - ExamplE of oxide notch formed on
Type 321 sfainle,s" steel The foint W15 taken
finger" that reaches inward from the outer 5urfacE of a dissimilar-alloy weld joint
from servicE' after about 137000 h at about external surface
560'C (1040 C F) Etched with 2?i; nit'll Based on our experimental observa-
tions, we postulate a failure mechanism
for dissimilar-alloy welds We found that believe that, more important. the notch
the high-chromium particles formed in effect depends on chromium depletion in
+ austenite region at the weld-
a-ferrite the grain boundaries parallel to the fusion the matrix adjacent to the grain bound-
ing temperatures As opposed to the line of fusion welds deplete the chromi- ary (Ref 4) We also believe that the
single-phase diffusion region in the fusion um from the adjacent matrix Because notch then leads to crack nucleation and
weld, this two-phase diffusion region chromium imparts oxidation resistance to propagation
results because solid state diffusion the 21,4 Cr-1 Mo steel, this region should In addition to the loss of chromium
occurs, whereas liquid state diffusion is be more susceptible to oxidation than are from the matrix, which leads to a
postulated for the fusion weld Micro- its surroundings decrease in oxidation resistance, the car-
probe studies verified that the second Reduced oxidation resistance leads to bon concentration is also depleted by
phase was high in chromium an oxide notch at the external surface- diffusion to the weld metal and carbide
The photomicrographs (Fig 11) also Fig 13 Such a notch is present on all formation in the high-chromium and
show indications of precipitate particles tubes that have been in elevated-temper- molybdenum regions in the grain bound-
in the grain boundaries of the Type 321 ature service Without the loss of chromi- aries Loss of carbon is accompanied by
stainless steel. This finding is attributed to um from the matrix,. however, no pro- loss of strength (Ref 7) Hence, the
carbon diffusion from the 21,4 Cr-l Mo nounced notch should form slightly away region is of lower strength than is the
steel The grain boundary microstructure from the fusion line, and the oxide thick- surrounding material, thus favoring stress
of the 2l.4 Cr-l Mo steel near the inter- ness at that point should be the same as it concentration and failure in the region
face of the pressure welds is also differ- is on 21,4 Cr-l Mo steel away from the Although the low-strength material has
ent from that of the fusion weld (no interface, which is not the case - Fig inherently high ductility, a low-ductility
parallel grain boundaries) - Fig 6 13. failure results because only a very narrow
In summary the important new exper- Tucker and Eberle pointed out that, zone is involved in the failure
imental information presented in this sec- because of the difference in oxidation Although this hypothesis can explain
tion is evidence that the grain-boundary resistance between 21,4 Cr-l Mo steel the observations on failure position, a
precipitates are chromium-rich and that and the weld metals (all of which are high crack nucleation mechanism is re-
the chromium is depleted in the vicinity in chromium and thus more oxidation quired - that is, some joints have oper-
of the grain boundaries for fusion welds resistant than is 2l.4 Cr-1 Mo steel) an ated successfully for more than 150,000
and adjacent to the two-phase region for "oxide notch" forms at the interface We h, whereas others have failed in less than


Once a crack is nucleated, crack We did a detailed failure analysis of an
growth will proceed from the influence induction-pressure weld between Type
of the external stress, from the cyclic 347 stainless steel and 214 Cr-1 Mo steel.
f- thermal stresses, and possibly from the This joint was from an oil-fired plant that
Z stresses gener ated by the oxide that had operated about 20,000 h and had
2: forms within the crack Because the been cycled 385 times (40 cold starts)
a. region adjacent to the grain boundaries The operating temperature for this unit
..J parallel to the fusion line has [ow oxida- ranges from 525 to 550'C (977 to 992'F)
> tion resistance, a tendency for oxidation We also obtained an unfai[ed joint that
LU to continue along this boundary wi!! exist had been in service immediately adjacent
~ Once a crack forms ahead of the oxide to the failed joint A discussion of this
J: notch oxide should quickly fill the failed joint is of interest because it failed
0:: crack-Fig. 12 in a manner that would be expected if
LU Assuming the oxide is magnetite our proposed mechanism (from the
en (Fe 30 4), as is normally the case for 214 standpoint of chromium depletion) is cor-
0:: Cr-1 Mo steel, the volume ratio of the rect

f- Fig 74 - The 2!4 Cr- 7 Mo steel fracture sur- oxide to metal is much greater than unity When the failed joint was cut from the
Z For iron the ratio is 2 10 (Ref 19) Thus, unit. it fell apart From a close visual
LU face OXIde forms on surface after fracture
2: Photomicrograph is near the inner surface the oxide formed in this crack could itself examination we found that most of the
a. Etched with 2'?i; mta/ generate stresses and hasten failure, fracture surface was smooth - as if the
..J These stresses, added to those imposed tube separated at the weld interface
> by thermal cycling and by external loads, However, near the tube outside surface,
LU 20,000 h (all joints develop a notch, even would then give rise to crack propagation a region occurred in which material from
~ those that do not fail) This difference and failure It should also be noted that the 21,4 Cr-1 Mo steel adhered to the
J: occurs for seemingly similar joints (joints crack propagation along the paralle[ grain surface of the Type 347 stainless steel
0:: that were similarly prepared and were in boundaries will be aided by any creep Metallogr aphic examination of two
LU service under seemingly similar plant cavities that may have formed adjacent sections from the failed tube indicated
en conditions) Such discrepancies occur for to the precipitates that most of the separation occurred at
0:: similar welds,. regardless of filler metal The proposed mechanism appears to or near the prior weld interface - Fig, 14

f- (austenitic stainless steel or nickel base) or describe fusion weld failures adequately The separation at the weld interface
Z welding process (Induction-pressure weld A[though only a limited number of induc- occurred from the tube inner surface
2: or fusion weld) The question then tion-pressure welds were examined, we through about 85 to 90% of the wall
a. becomes: Why does a crack nucleate showed previously that the microstruc- thickness For the remainder of the wall
..J below the oxide notch in some cases and tures of these are different from those thickness, separation occurred along 2 J,4
LU not in others? for the fusion welds (there are no grain Cr-1 Mo steel grain boundaries about
LU Given supposedly simIlar operating boundaries parallel to the fusion line) one grain width into the 21;4 Cr-1 Mo
C steel This separation resulted in grains of
conditions (temperature.. number of ther- Nevertheless. we believe that a similar
J: mal cycles, and internal tube pressure) mechanism applies for the induction~ 2 \4 Cr-1 Mo steel adhering to the Type
0:: the only possible difference from one pressure welds Based on studies of sev- 347 stainless steel (Fig 15) and grains
c( joint to another must involve stresses eral failed induction-pressure welds, our pulling from the 2 \4 Cr-1 Mo steel (Fig
en from external loading conditions (i e observations further substantiate the pro~ 16) Interspersed within the grain-bound-
0:: stresses on the tubes as a result of the posed failure mechanism ary separation, further regions occurred
design and construction, including weld- In induction-pressure welds chromium in which separation again occurred along
Z ing stresses but excluding stresses from is removed from the 2lf4 Cr-1 Mo steel the weld interface
the internal steam pressure) Such loads matrix adjacent to the two~phase zone The first metallographic examination of
2: the cross section of the unfailed joint
a. are known to be present, although their described - Fig 11 On close examina-
nature and position are not well docu- tion, an almost continuous layer of this revealed no indication of cracks forming
LU mented phase appears to exist at the interface of parallel to the weld interface Features of
LU We propose that some critical external the two~phase region and 2 lf4 Cr-1 Mo interest in the unfailed joint were the
C stress is necessary to nucleate a crack at steel During service" this phase could oxide notches that appeared on the

J: the oxide notch: if the external stress is grow by the same method as the parti- external surfaces at the weld interface
0:: large enough, it alone could nucleate the cles in the grain boundaries of the fusion Two types were observed: a wedge-
c( crack. However, the total stress from the weld An oxide notch is always observed shaped notch at the inner surface (Fig
en external load superimposed on the cyclic to form in this chromium-depleted 17A) and a blocky notch at the outer
LU surface (Fig 178) Similarly shaped
0:: thermal stresses (generated by differ- region

ences in thermal coefficients of expan-
sion for the joint materials as well as the
Because of the high temperatures and
relatively long times involved in making
notches were observed on both pieces
of the joint that were examined
LU internal steam pressure) more probably an induction-pressure weld, decarburiza- When etched, the interface micro-
2: leads to crack nucleation at the notch tion and grain boundary migration are structure of the unfailed specimen was
The crack is probably a fatigue crack similar to the uncracked regions of the
LU nucleated by the combined external and
much more extensive for these welds
Many of the boundaries are almost per- joint discussed earlier - Fig -11 The width
LU cyclic stresses The cycles are those pendicular to the fusion line Because of of this zone was somewhat less than that
C engendered by startups and shutdowns the high temperatures. the carbides in of the other weld This difference proba-

J: of the power plant (several hundred these boundaries could form by the bly reflects the different service time
<) (20,000 vs 137,000 h), which results in
usually occur during 100,000 h of opera- mechanism postulated for those in the
c( tion) The idea of a fatigue crack is further grain boundaries of the fusion welds differing amounts of mass transfer The
en substantiated by the fact that thermal Regardless of how they form, numerous wedge-shaped notch at the inner surface
LU cycling is required to produce failure in forms along the weld interface, as we
0:: precipitates occur in the grain bound-
the laboratory (Ref 5) Under this pro- aries, but very few in the lTiatrix Thus, would expect for this chromium-de-
posal, only joints that are stressed by chromium again appears to be drained pleted zone The blocky notch was
external loads above some critical value from the matrix as shown by electron somewhat more complicated
will nucleate a crack and fail microprobe studies A detailed examination was made to

308"sISEPTE~BER 1982
Fig 15 - Fracture surface showing grains of 2!4 Cr-l Mo steel adhering Fig 16-Fracture near outer surface showing that 2% Cr-l Mo steel
to Type 347 stainless steel Photomicrograph is near the outer surface grains were removed during fracture Etched with 2% nital
Etched with aqua regia

verify that failure was not the result of a bly much higher than does the inner the 21,4 Cr-1 Mo steel regardless of the
defective weld Although details of that surface (the grain sizes attest to that) At weld filler metal used. Only the extent of
examination are not discussed here, we temperatures near 1200°C (2192°F) the process (the amount of decarburiza-
concluded that metallic bonding was Apblett et al (Ref 18) noted ,-ferrite tion, etc) is different
achieved during welding and that failure formation in grain boundaries Thus, the The studies by Tucker and Eberle (Ref
was of the dissimilar-alloy type (i-ferrite forms in grain boundaries near 4) showed that the high-nickel filler met-
After grinding and repolishing the the outer surface, which leads to high- als are superior to the austenitic stainless
unfailed specimen, we found evidence of chromium concentrations at these grain steel filler metals This conclusion is
crack formation On the tube inner sur- boundaries Chromium carbides eventu- accepted by most people in industry.. and
face of both metallography specimens ally form, further depleting the matrix high-nickel filler metals are now used
(the same two pieces of sample were adjacent to the grain boundaries. Crack almost exclusively Although the micro-
studied), we found evidence that a crack propagation occurs along these grain structure at the interface of the joints
was present - Fig 18 Figure 18 shows boundaries for the same reason that it made with high-nickel filler metals is simi-
the oxide wedge and a very fine "crack" occurs along the grain boundaries of the lar to that of those with austenitic stain-
ahead of the massive wedge As ex- fusion weld The blocky oxide at the less steel filler metals, an improvement
pected, the cracks run along the weld outer surface (rather than a wedge) results because there is a smaller differ-
interface adjacent to the two-phase occurs because of the lower chromium ence in coefficients of thermal expansion
zone. It is not possible to determine concentration in the matrix (the chromi- for the high-nickel filler metal and the 21,4
whether or not the crack contains oxide, um is in grain-boundary carbides), which Cr-l Mo steel than there is for the stain-
although tt appears to is again the result of the high temperature less steel filler metal and 21,4 Cr-l Mo
Examination of the blocky outer sur- reached by induction heating steel This smaller difference gives rise to
face oxide notch also provided additional The short service duration (20,000 h) smaller thermal stresses With smaller
evidence of the failure mode (Fig 19) before failure emphasizes the importance
Two cracks are evident within 21,4 Cr-1 of the thermal cycles. Previous failures of
Mo steel grain boundaries The crack induction-pressure welds were on joints
adjacent to the oxide layer contains that had generally operated for 100,000 h
oxide, but we are less certain that the or more (Ref 20) However, these joints
other does. These cracks come through had endured considerably fewer thermal
21,4 Cr-1 Mo steel and move toward the cycles than the 385 of the current joint
weld interface For example) although the other induc-
From these observations this unfailed tion-pressure weld we examined (Fig 11)
joint appears to be in the early stages of was in service for over 137,000 h, it had
failure. The fracture morphology of the endured only 220 cycles
failed specimen can now be readily These effects of thermal cycles on
explained Cracks are nucleated at both failure support the formation of a fatigue
oxide notches At the inner surface the crack, as proposed above: nucleation
crack propagates along the two-phase and propagation of such cracks are
zone, as expected, because it is a chromi- determined by the number of cycles and
um-depleted zone. However, at the out- stresses in a complicated manner Gener-
side surface, cracks nucleate and propa~ ally, for a fatigue crack to nucleate, a
gate in grain boundaries in the 21,4 Cr-1 threshold stress needs to be exceeded;
Mo steel adjacent to the bulky oxide this again emphasizes the importance of
notch When the joint fails, the fracture the external stress on the process
surface is smooth and flat near the inner
surface and tears grains from the 21,4
Recommendations for Improved
Cr-l Mo steel at the outer surface
Transition Joints
We understand the reason for the
different fracture morphology at the out- Assuming that the proposed failure
er surface when we consider the welding mechanism is correct, we now consider
process. Induction heating is used to heat how transition-joint lifetimes can be Fig 17-Photomiuographs of OXIde notches
the tubes to temper atures as high as extended. Our studies indicated that, for at the weld intuface A - wedge-shaped
12OO°C (2192°F) The outer surface fusion welds. the same basic metallurgical notch at the tube inner surface B-Blocky
reaches the highest temperature, proba- processes occur near the fusion line in notch at tube outer surface


1200 lJm I

Fig 18 - After repoltshing there was evidence of a crack below the wedge-shaped oxide notch of the unfailed joint

thermal stresses larger external loads will less steel tubes (Ref 21) A transition carbon transferred during welding and
be needed to nucleate a crack at the piece is chosen to have a coefficient of service
oxide notch thermal expansion that is intermediate For fossil-fired plants having thousands
The most obvious solution to the dis- between the ferritic and austenitic steels of dissimilar-alloy weld joints, a transition
similar-alloy weld joint problem is the This results in a more gradual change in piece solution might be quite expensive
minimization of external loads on the the difference in coefficients of thermal Furthermore, such a joint replaces one
transition joint If the external load is expansion and a consequent decrease in weld by two Because welds are critical
below that required for crack nucleation, the cyclic thermal stresses Alloy 800H areas in every structure and failure can
no failure should occur This solution has has been proposed as a transition piece occur for many reasons other than the
been obvious to most people, Because all for Liquid-Metal Fast-Breeder Reactor one discussed here, a transition piece
external loads cannot be eliminated, it applications (Ref 21). The improvement may be less than the ideal solution How-
may be possible to determine which in thermal stresses generated in such a ever, such a solution might be possible
joints in a plant carry significant external trimetallic joint over the bimetallic joint for the joints known to have high exter-
loads Periodic examination of these has been demonstrated by finite-element nal loads, especially if relatively few such
joints could be planned, and emergencies analysis (Ref 22) welds are present in a plant
could be avoided by replacing these Other transition pieces considered Offhand, a change in welding process
joints when inspection indicates that include stabilized and low-carbon 2l.4 or procedure does not appear to offer
problems exist. Knowledge of the exter- Cr-1 Mo steels The objective for using much possibility for dissimilar-weld joint
nally loaded joints could then be used to such joints was to minimize carbon trans- improvement All the currently favored
minimize inspection of all joints in a given fer As seen above, chromium depletion weld filler metals form similar microstruc-
plant In future power plants the design appears to affect adversely the operation tures at the fusion line If it were possible
of the plant could provide for such a of tr ansition joints, For that reason it may to eliminate decarburization at the inter-
maintenance plan Wherever possible, be advisable to use a chromium-molyb- face, the joint could be improved Any
plant design should locate the externally denum steel transition piece with a higher joining process for which prolonged
loaded joints in areas in which they can chromium concentration (3 to 5% Cr or heating can be avoided should be an
be easily inspected and, when necessary, perhaps a stabilized 3 to 5% Cr alloy) In improvement Obviously, the microstruc-
easily replaced addition to keeping sufficient chromium tures developed when induction-pres-
Another possibility is the introduction available and thus avoiding oxide-notch sure welds are made (Fig 12) indicate that
of a transition or spool piece between formation, the larger chromium concen- prolonged heating is not avoided in that
the ferritic steel and the austenitic stain- tration would also lower the amount of process Although friction welding may
be possible, this technique involves
severe local heating, which would proba-
bly transfer the failure from tens of
micrometers from the fusion line to only
a few micrometers away Indeed, it might
aggravate the problem by narrowing the
zone for which chromium is depleted
Finally, if the formation of an oxide
notch could be prevented, the life of
transition joints should be extended The
most obvious way to do this would be an
oxidation-resistant cover over the weld
on the inner and outer surfaces of the
tube This obvious solution was pro-
posed by Tucker and Eberle (Ref 4)
Indeed, they tested coatings applied by
calorizing and chrome plating However,
when these joints were tested under
cyclic conditions, the thermal expansion
differences between the coatings and the
other materials caused the coatings to
crack, after which failure occurred by the
usual manner They did find that, "The
weld overlay deposited with 80Ni20Cr
withstood over 5000 h at 1100°F
Fig 19-Blocky-shaped oxide notch at the outer 5urface 5howing grain boundary crack.s in 214 (20 12°F), involving 308 temperature-
Cr- J Mo steel stress cycles without notch or crack for-

310-s I SEPTEMBER 1982

mation at the weld overlay-base metal Based on the proposed failure mecha- 7 KluE.·h R. L 1974 The effect of carbon
junction or at the protected junction" nism, several possible solutions were pro- on 2 25 Cr- 'I Mo steel (I) microstructure and
According to the Tucker and Eberle posed Elimination of external loading tensile properties I Nuc/ Mater 54 '!974. pp
41 to 54
criteria for a successful transition joint stresses is the most obvious Others
8 Baker. R, G., and Nutting, J 1959 The
(Ref 4)," only those specimens com- include transition pieces (spool pieces) TEmpering of 2% Cr-1 Mo Steel After
pleting the thermal-cycling tension tests between the tubes to lower the thermal QUEnching and Normalizing, I Iron Steellmt
for 5000 h at the test temperature with- stresses and oxidation-resistant coatings (London), '192 1959, pp. 257 to 268
out defect were considered satisfacto- on the external surfaces of the welds 9 Klueh, R L. '!977. The Thermal Aging of
ry." Therefore, this coating was success- Annealed 2% Cr-1 Mo Steel, Environmental
ful; Tucker and Eberle suggested its use Acknowledgments Degradation of Engineering Materials, Virginia
"as a method of emergency repair' Polytechnic Institute Blacksburg Va 1977
Special thanks are due to several peo- pp. 643 to 65'1
These results make the idea of using an
ple Samples from operating fossil-fired 10 Eaton. N F and Glossop, B A 1969
oxygen barrier to prevent failure appear
plants were obtained from P Haas of The Welding of Dissimilar CrE·ep-Resisting
to have merit Since 1956 there have FErritic Steels' Met Canstr Sr Weld I suppl
American Electric Power, S. Lyons of
been improvements in coating tech- 12:6-'10
United Illuminating, and S Hilton of the
niques that may offer promise Although '11 Wood, 01969 Discussion session 4
Tennessee Valley Authority C W. Houck
it was beyond the scope of this paper to welding dissimilar metals Met Canstr Sr
performed the metallography Detailed
search for such a barrier, any experimen- Weld /1, suppl 12:134-'136
discussions about the manuscript with 12 Barford, J E.t .11. 1970 Weldment crack-
tal program designed to improve dissimi-
R W Cooper were helpful; the manu- ing involving a complex creep-resistant steel
lar-weld joints should include a search for
script was also reviewed by C. J Long Proceedings of conference on welding creep-
suitable oxygen barriers
C R Brinkman, and G M Slaughter. resistant steels 54-65 Abington, England The
Irene Brogden edited the manuscript, and Welding Institute
Denise Campbell typed the final copy 13 lones, W k C 1974 Heat treatment
Conclusion Research sponsored by the Division of effect on 2CrMo joints welded with a nicke/-
Reactor Research and Technology, US base electrode Welding lournal 53(5):225-0, to
We have examined the dissimilar-alloy 231-0,
weld failure problem that is quite com- Department of Energy, under contract
14 l3oniszewski, T 1970 Discussion Pro~
mon in fossil-fired boilers for transition W-7405-eng-26 with the Union Carbide ceedings of conference on welding creep-
joints between ferritic steels (primarily Corporation resistant steel. '185 to 186 Abington England:
21,4 Cr-l Mo steel) and austenitic stainless ReferenCe'S The Welding InstitutE.
steels Previous studies were reviewed 15 Glossop, B A. Hall. D and Irvine, J
The complex microstructure that devel- I. Blaser, R V Eberle, F, and Tuc:kE'r J T 1969 The welding of high-pressure pipework
ops at a weld metal-21,4 Cr-1 Mo steel 1950 Welds between dissimilar alloys and full for the CEGB Proceedings of conference on
siZE steam piping Am 50c Test Mater Pmc pipe welding 125-130 Abington England'The
interface during welding and elevated-
50189-807 Welding Institute
temperature service was examined in the 2 Lien. G E. Eberle F, and Wylie, R 0 16 Sain, E C. and Aborn R H 1948
as-welded, as-welded-and-tempered, 1954 Results of service test program on tr an- Cr-FE--Ni phaSE diagrams Metals handbook
and as-welded-and-aged conditions and sition welds between austenitic and fenitic 1260 to 1261 American SociE.ty for Metals
in failed and unfailed joints that had been steels at the Phillip Sporn and Twin Branch C1EvE·land, Ohio,
in service in fossil-fired boilers for more plants. Trans A5ME76:1075-1083. '17 Clark, J Band RhinE-5. F N 1959
than 100,000 h Failed induction-pressure 3 Emerson R W, Jackson, R W, and Diffusion layer formation in tErnary alloys
welds were also examined. Failure gener- Dauber, C A 1962 Transition joints betWEEn Trans A5M 5'1: 199 to 219
ally occurs in the HAZ of the ferritic steel austenitic and ferritic steel piping for high 18 Apblett, Jr , W R Dunphy, R P... and
tempEraturE steam service Wt.Iding lournal Pellini W S 1954 Transformation of Cr-Mo
about 5 to '15 ,um from the fusion line
41(9):385-0, to 393-0, steels during wE-,lding Welding lournal
Our observations were combined with 4 Tucker, J. T and Eberle, F '1956 Devel- 33(1):57-0, to 64-5
previous results to develop a theory of opmEnt of a ferritic-austE·nitic weld joint for 19 Kubaschewski, 0, and Hopkins B E
the mechanism by which the interface stE·am plant applications Welding lournal 1962 Oxidation 01 metals London: Academic
microstructure forms during welding, 35('11):529-0, to 540-5. Press
how it evolves during elevated-tempera- 5. Barford, J , and Probert, K S 1972 (Sept 20 Personal communication from S Hilton
ture service, and how this microstructure 17-21) Interfacial Effects in Dissimilar StE.el TE-nnessee Valley Authority Chattanooga
leads to failure. The chief new feature of Joints Paper pnc,sented at the International Tmn July 8. 1979
this proposed mechanism, the formation Conference on Welding Research RelatE.d to 2'1. King, J F, Sullivan, M. D , and Slaughter,
Power Plants. Marchwood Engineering Labora- G M 1977 DevE·lopment of an Improved
of a chromium-depleted region, was
tories. Stainless Steel to Ferritic Steel Transition Joint
demonstrated experimentally We found 6 Gray, R J. King, J. F ,Leitnaker, J M., and Welding lournal 56( 1'1):354-0, to 358-0,
this chromium-depleted region to be SlaughtE.'f G M 1977 (January) Examination of 22 Dakher, A W, Yang, T, M, and Chu,
prone to preferential oxidation and even- a failed transition weld joint and the associated C L 1977 High-Temperature Thumal-Elastic
tually to lead to notch formation, crack basE metals ORNL-5223 Oak Ridge Tennes- Analysis of Dissimilar Metal Transition Joints I
nucleation, and propagation SE.·e Oak Ridge National Laboratory Eng Mater Technol 99:65-69


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