Globalization Notes

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Created using Notebooks by Droid-Veda LLP Nov-1-2023

1.) I believe Global citizenship is extremely important. As the world is becoming increasingly interconnected, and it’s critical for

folks to have a global perspective. I think it is beneficial for schools and communities to teach students with the context and a

broader understanding and addressing issues that may impact us all. This understanding helps students to be more inclusive and

empathetic of others, and it also broadens their own horizons as they learn about other countries and people. In short, global

citizenship education is important because it helps students to become better global citizens and gives them a deeper

understanding and appreciation of the world around them.

2.) Syria

Global Issue

¢ The civil war in Syria has led to a humanitarian crisis with people suffering from violence and left without access to basic

necessities like food and shelter.

¢ The civil war has led to a large-scale exodus of people from the country, and severe impact on the Syrian economy and its

infrastructure, with many cities and towns being destroyed and the country’s oil industry severely damaged.

Ways to help as a Global Citizen

¢ Contribute to humanitarian aid organizations providing relief to those affected by the conflict.

¢ Promote awareness of the plight of the Syrian people through public education and outreach.

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