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CO1: Discuss practicum concepts and procedures.

Performance Assessment Output:
Reflective Essay


Prepare a 1-2 pages reflective essay on the relevance of the practicum policies,
procedures, and professionalism concepts in the BSBA curriculum. Make sure that
your composition will have an in-depth reflection, specifying the insights obtained
and following proper grammar. Please use the format below. For those who do not
have an internet connection, you may write your answer on a clean sheet of paper,
following the format given.

Introduction (1 paragraph; start with a topic statement, then discuss what the
readers can expect from your essay.)

Content (Mention first the role of the student interns then followed by your
realizations after learning about such roles. Then discuss your point view of the
relevance of practicum policies and procedures and professionalism concepts
on the BSBA curriculum, why is it important.)

Conclusion (What were your significant learnings for this activity).

Formatting Guide:

Font Size 12
Font Type Times New Roman, or Bookman Old Style
Paper Size 8.5 by 13 inches (Letter or Short)
Spacing Double-spaced
Margin 1.5 inches left, 1 inch top, bottom, right
Page Number Format Upper right-most corner


CRITERIA 15 11.25 7.5 3.75
The Introduction Introduction Introduction
introduction contains a topic does not does not
contains a statement . contain a topic contain a topic
topic statement . statement .
Introduction is Introduction is Introduction
Introduction vague in terms vague in terms do not covey
clearly states of what of what what the
what the readers can readers can readers expect
readers can expect from the expect from the from the essay.
expect from essay. essay.
the essay.
CONTENT Writing Writing Writing Writing shows
reflects an in- reflects a reflects lack of
depth general minimal reflection with
reflection reflection reflection no supporting
supported supported supported facts and
with facts and with facts and with few facts concepts.
concepts. concepts. and concepts.
CONCLUSION Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion
clearly contains the contains the does not
contain students’ students’ contain the
learned learned learned students’
insights from insights from insights from learned insights
the activity; the activity; the activity; no from the
insights with few discussions of activity; no
thoroughly discussions of insights discussions of
discussed. insights gained. insights gained.
MECHANICS Punctuation, Punctuation, There are only Distracting
(Spelling, spelling, and spelling, and a few (3-4) errors in
Punctuation, capitalization capitalization errors in punctuation,
are all correct. are generally punctuation, spelling, and
No errors. correct with spelling, and capitalization.
few errors (1-2) capitalization.

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