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Course on Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics Education

For Junior High School Mathematics Teachers

Yogyakarta, 16 – 27 October 2023
(Online Mode)


Written by:

Dimas Prayoga Nurmansyah



Implementing Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics Classroom

Optimizing GeoGebra for Enhancing Junior High School Student Understanding
of Geometric Transformations


Disseminating Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics Education

in the form of workshop in Mathematics MGMP in Jember

Written by: Dimas Prayoga Nurmansyah

School : SMP Negeri 12 Jember

Province : Jawa Timur
Country : Indonesia
E-mail :

Acknowledge by,

Director, Academic Supervisor,

Dr. Sumardyono G. Yoga Utama

NIP. 197505222001121004 NIK. 199208232019041401
Implementing Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics Classroom
Optimizing GeoGebra for Enhancing Junior High School Student Understanding
of Geometric Transformations


Disseminating Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics Education

in the form of workshop in Mathematics MGMP in Jember

In the realm of mathematics education, one universal truth prevails: no two
students are alike. Each brings a unique set of experiences, abilities, and learning styles
to the classroom. In recognition of this diversity, the implementation of differentiated
instruction in the mathematics classroom stands as an educational imperative. It not only
acknowledges the individuality of learners but also seeks to provide a tailored, inclusive,
and effective approach to teaching mathematics. However, the importance of
differentiated instruction extends beyond the four walls of a single classroom.
Disseminating knowledge and best practices regarding differentiated instruction to the
wider mathematics teaching community is equally vital. This sharing of insights,
strategies, and experiences empowers educators and fosters a culture of continuous
improvement in mathematics education.

Differentiated instruction serves as a dynamic response to the multifaceted needs of

students. By tailoring instruction to meet the diverse learning requirements of each
student, it not only promotes inclusivity but also maximizes the potential for growth and
understanding. Mathematics, a subject often perceived as challenging, benefits
immensely from this approach. It enables educators to bridge gaps in mathematical
proficiency, deepen students' conceptual understanding, and ignite a lasting passion for
the subject.

Yet, the significance of differentiated instruction transcends the individual

classroom. In a world interconnected by information and knowledge, the dissemination
of insights and strategies regarding differentiated instruction in mathematics education is
instrumental. By sharing successful practices and innovative approaches, teachers and
educators can collectively advance the quality of mathematics teaching across
communities, regions, and even nations. This dissemination becomes a catalyst for
professional development and a means of fostering a vibrant and collaborative
mathematics teaching ecosystem.
In this proposal, we will propose some activities to implement and share the
knowledge in regards with the knowledge and experiences gained during the course on
differentiated instruction by SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics (SEAQiM). It aims to
provide some evidence of the dual importance of implementing differentiated instruction
in the mathematics classroom and conducting wide-scale dissemination of knowledge
related to differentiated instruction within the mathematics teaching community.
Together, these elements will form a powerful synergy that enhances mathematics
education, strengthens teacher communities, and ultimately empowers students to excel
in the world of numbers and problem-solving.

B. Objectives
By implementing Differentiated instruction in Mathematics Education in classroom:
1. Teacher can develop classroom-experiment-based differentiated mathematics lesson
materials using GeoGebra
2. Students and teacher experience the differentiated lesson;
3. Teacher can help students to learn mathematics joyfully and meaningfully; and

By disseminating Differentiated instruction in Mathematics Education:

1. Alumnae can improve their skills and knowledge about Differentiated instruction and
design the other innovation in mathematics teaching and learning activities.
2. Alumnae can inform and educate the communities about Differentiated instruction in
mathematics learning
3. Alumnae can raise awareness and engage the other mathematics teachers to develop
and implement Differentiated instruction in mathematics classroom.
4. Alumnae can use ICT media in teaching, such as GeoGebra or others

C. Expected outcomes.
1. By implementing Differentiated instruction in classroom, it is expected to improve
the quality of the lesson so that can help students improve their motivation,
achievement, and understanding etc.
2. By disseminating Differentiated instruction to the community, it is expected to enrich
the knowledge of our colleagues, so that it will help them to improve the quality of
their mathematics classroom.

D. Action Plan Contents

1. Classroom Implementation(s)
Mathematics Topic Course Content that will be Differences in your work
Implemented (before and after joining
SEAQiM Course)

Geometric 1. Strategies for Before joining SEAQiM

Transformation Differentiating Process in course :
Mathematics Classroom I usually teach geometry
transformation material
2. The Use of ICT for
using worksheets and
Differentiated Instruction books provided for free by
3. Assessment in DI: Use of the government, and I
Formative Assessment to explain the entire material
Support Differentiated on the whiteboard.
After joining
Differentiated instruction
course, I will provide the
interactive activities using
GeoGebra, and using
various resources to
accommodate the different
needs of my students and I
use Kahoot for formative
Beside that, after joining
SEAQiM Course, on my
lesson planning I will try
to make a prediction of the
student thinking and
prepare the teacher
response for students
thinking (HLT)

2. Dissemination
I will conduct the workshop entitled “Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics:
Optimizing GeoGebra in Geometric Transformations”. This workshop aims to equip
mathematics teachers with the knowledge and practical strategies for effectively
implementing differentiated instruction in their classrooms.
Some of the key components and activities are as follows:
a. Introduction to Differentiated Instruction:

1) Provide an overview of what differentiated instruction is and why it is

essential in mathematics education.
2) Share best practices (based on real teaching sessions of SEAQiM’s course)
that support the effectiveness of differentiation.
b. Understanding Your Students:
1) Explore methods for assessing students' diverse learning needs, including
pre-assessments, observations, and data analysis.
2) Discuss the importance of recognizing various learning styles, strengths,
and challenges among students.
c. Differentiation Strategies:
1) Present a range of strategies and techniques that can be employed in a
mathematics classroom, such as tiered assignments, flexible grouping, and
choice boards.
2) Offer practical examples and case studies to illustrate the application of these
d. Adapting Curriculum and Resources:
1) Discuss how to modify and adapt existing curriculum materials to meet the
needs of a diverse group of students.
2) Showcase available resources, including textbooks, digital tools, and
manipulatives, that can support differentiated instruction.
e. Assessment and Feedback:
1) Explain how to design assessments that align with differentiated instruction,
including formative and summative assessments.
2) Discuss ways to provide meaningful feedback to students to foster growth
and improvement.
f. Peer Collaboration and Sharing:
1) Encourage teachers to collaborate and share their own experiences with
differentiated instruction.
2) Facilitate group discussions and brainstorming sessions for adapting
strategies to specific classroom situations.
g. Planning and Implementation:
Group working in creating personalized action plans for implementing differentiated
instruction in their classrooms.


No Type Date

1. Classroom Implementation Oktober - November 2023

2. Dissemination Oktober - November 2023

 Implementation : SMPN 12 JEMBER in 9F Class
 Dissemination : Jember Regency Mathematics Teachers Community


No Type Targets
 32 Students
 Improvement on
1 Classroom Implementation students’ Motivation
 Improvement on
students’ Understanding

 30 Teacher as
2 Dissemination Participants of the

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