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Science Laboratory Assessment

Elite Physics Grade 10

Force on a Current Carrying Wire Lab


Two experiments were performed to determine the magnetic field strength of the field
between two bar magnets. A current carrying wire was fixed in position between two bar
magnets which were attached to a “U shaped” piece of steel, which was placed on a
balance, as shown in the diagrams below.

Figure 1
Figure 2

In the first experiment the length of the wire in the magnetic field was constant and the
current through the wire was varied, the reading on the balance was measured.
In the second experiment the current through the wire was constant and the length of the
wire in the magnetic field was varied, the reading on the balance was measured.
The results of each experiment are given below in each table for experiment, you will use
the data to determine the strength of the magnetic field.
Introduction questions

Elite Physics Grade 10 Force on a Current Carrying Wire Lab Term 2, 2022-23 academic year Page 1 of 7
Science Laboratory Assessment
Elite Physics Grade 10
1. Using figure 2 above, determine the direction of the force on the wire, write your
answer below.

Answer :

2. Given that the wire is fixed in position and cannot move, state the direction in which
the magnet assembly moves, explain your answer. Write your answer below
Answer :


Experiment 1 to determine the strength of a magnetic field by changing

the current through a current carrying wire.

1. Using the Reading on the balance for each measurement,

calculate the Force on the wire and write down values in Table for
Experiment 1. (Use g=10 N/kg)

Table for Experiment 1

Current through Reading on
Length of wire (m) Force on wire (N)
wire (A) Balance (g)
Elite Physics Grade 10 Force on a Current Carrying Wire Lab Term 2, 2022-23 academic year Page 2 of 7
Science Laboratory Assessment
Elite Physics Grade 10

0.1 1.0 1.40

0.1 1.5 2.31
0.1 2.0 3.12
0.1 2.5 3.81
0.1 3.0 4.62
0.1 3.5 5.22
0.1 4.0 6.24
0.1 4.5 6.60
0.1 5.0 7.39

2. Plot a graph of Force on wire vs current through wire, using the data in the
table. The graph must have the correct labels for the title, axes, units and
line of best fit. You must plot it by hand on the grid below or graph paper.

Elite Physics Grade 10 Force on a Current Carrying Wire Lab Term 2, 2022-23 academic year Page 3 of 7
Science Laboratory Assessment
Elite Physics Grade 10

3. Calculate the slope of the line of best-fit, show all calculations here. (please provide
Answer :

4. Use the slope of the line of best-fit to determine the magntitude of the magnetic
field strength, show all calculations here.

Answer :

5. Use the graph to estimate the reading on the balance when the current through wire
is 3.75 A, show all calculations here.

Answer :

Elite Physics Grade 10 Force on a Current Carrying Wire Lab Term 2, 2022-23 academic year Page 4 of 7
Science Laboratory Assessment
Elite Physics Grade 10

Experiment 2 to determine the strength of a magnetic field by changing the length of a current
carrying wire.

1. Using the Reading on the balance for each measurement, calculate Reading on the balance in kg and write
down values in Table for Experiment 2.

Table for Experiment 2

Length of wire (m) Current through wire (A) Reading on Balance (g) Reading on Balance (kg)

0.01 3.0 0.44

0.02 3.0 0.85

0.03 3.0 1.41

0.04 3.0 1.78

0.05 3.0 2.29

0.06 3.0 2.74

0.07 3.0 3.18

0.08 3.0 3.62

0.09 3.0 4.05

0.10 3.0 4.62

Elite Physics Grade 10 Force on a Current Carrying Wire Lab Term 2, 2022-23 academic year Page 5 of 7
Science Laboratory Assessment
Elite Physics Grade 10

2-Plot a graph of Reading on balance (kg) vs length of wire, using the data in the table. The
graph must have the correct labels for the title, axes, units and line of best fit. You must plot it
by hand on the grid below or graph paper.

Elite Physics Grade 10 Force on a Current Carrying Wire Lab Term 2, 2022-23 academic year Page 6 of 7
Science Laboratory Assessment
Elite Physics Grade 10

3- Calculate the slope of the line of best-fit, show all calculations here. (please provide units).
Answer :

4- Use the slope of the line of best-fit to determine the magntitude of the magnetic field
strength, show all calculations here.

Answer :


5- Use the graph to estimate the force on the wire when the length of wire is 0.045 m,
show all calculations here.


1. Given that the actual value magnetic field strength is 0.15 T. Calculate the percentage error in the calculated
value for magnetic field strength for each experiment and comment on the accuracy, show all calculations here..

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