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 Mercantilism - the ideology that motivates countries to search for islands that are rich in natural

resources, particularly gold?

 Statelessness - The status of having no nationality as a consequence of being born without any

 Study the world systems theory: core, peripheral, semi, external (example of countries)

o Core countries are wealthy, militarily strong, and hold significant social power and colonial
o Peripheral countries are poor, have exploitable resources, and do not possess great social
stability or government.
o Semi-peripheral countries have some of the characteristics of core and peripheral countries.
o External areas are countries or regions that fall outside of the scope of world systems theory.

 Principle of the law of the sea (Principle of freedom, Principle of sovereignty, Principle of the
common heritage of mankind)

 UNCLOS - United Nations Convention on the Law of the SEA

 Regionalism - the political process characterized by economic policy cooperation and coordination
among countries

 The Global South is a term that broadly comprises countries in the regions of Africa, Latin
America and the Caribbean, Asia (without Israel, Japan, and South Korea), and Oceania (without
Australia and New Zealand)

 The Global North (broadly comprising Northern America and Europe, Israel, Japan and South
Korea, as well as Australia and New Zealand)

 Treaty - A formal, international agreement between nations that is governed by law at the
international level.

 Multinational corporation – Multinational companies own a home company and its subsidiaries.
Multinational companies have centralized management system.

 International organizations - An international system's members will come to an institutional

agreement to accomplish goals in accordance with systemic conditions while taking into account
their individual characteristics, aspirations, and concerns.
 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) - An area beyond and adjacent to territorial sea, not extending
beyond 200 nautical miles from the baseline of the territorial sea.
 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) - States that all human beings are born free and
equal in dignity and rights.
 Mid-ocean archipelago - A group of islands situated in the ocean at such distance from the coasts
of form the coasts of firm land as to be considered as an independent whole rather than part of,
our coastline of the mainland.

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