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SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY - {The Best IAS Academy In South India SINCE 2004 UPSC PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS DECODED SYLLABUS LT ar OD) dl AP -2241, 11" Main Road, Shanthi Colony, Anna Nagar West Chennai - 600 040, Tamil Nadu, Contact : 9962002006 SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY” 4 Ie the sest1as academy In South india SINCE 2004 INDEX SI.No Subjects Page No 1. History 3 2. | Geography 10 3. | Polity 18 4. Economics 23 5. Environment 26 6. International Organisation 30 7. Science and Technology 31 SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY” q Ie the sest1as academy In South india SINCE 2004 1. HISTORY ANCIENT INDIA ‘DECODED Topics SOURCES SYLLABUS Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic- Occupation, Tools, Pottery, | Primary- Old NCERT Class 14 Settlements, Lifestyle, Prehistoric Art (Cave paintings). Chapter 5.6 Stone Age CChalalthic- Early towns and settlements, Farming Cutures | Themesin indian History Part (Ahar, Malwa, Jorwe ete}, Pottery (Ochre colored}, Owelling | secondary Tamil Nadu History and Burial practices book Class 11 ‘Origin, Geographical Extent, Cites and fowns, Urban platning, | Primary Old NCEAT Cass 12 Indus Valley Important structures, Agriulture/Trade and economy, Political | Chapter 7 Civilization- Bronze Age organisation, Religious practges- Nature and animal worship, Crafts and Pottery, Seals, Bfonze and terracotts figurines, Decline and its causes. ‘Themes in indian History Part! Secondary - Tamil Nadu History book class 12 Early Vedic Age (1500. 300 8ce) ‘Advent of aryans, Family and kinship - Tribal, Rig Veda, Socal Practices Tribal Polity and administration. Occupation and, ‘economy, Religion and Veele Gods. Primary= Old NCERT Class 11 Chapter 8 ‘Themes in Indian History Part Secondary - Tamil Nadu History book class 12 Later Vedic Age (900 - 600 8ce) Transition to Later Vedic Age , Developments in Political Organisation and Eeonomy, Social Order Rise of Gotra system, Ashramas, Caste), Differences between Rig Vedic and Later Vedic society, Use of Iran- PGW Iron Phase, Vedas and Upanishads, Religion and rituals Heterodox Philosophical systems. Primary Old NCERT Class 1 Chapter 8, 25, ‘Themes in Indian History Part Secondary - Tamil Nadu History book Cass 11 Nitin Singhania book Chapter 14 ‘Mahajanapadas / ‘Age of Buddha (600-300 8ce) (a) Rise of State polity 2nd Urbanisation- Rise of new cites, 'Magachan Empire - Administration & Economy , Republican States, Society and Religion, Iranian & Macedonian Invasion, () Jainism and Buddhism. Birth of Mahavira / Buddha, Orgin and Spread, Doctrines and Principles Monastic establishments (Basadls/ Vitara), Jain & Suddhist Counc, Artand Architecture iterature Primary Old NCERT Class 13 Chapter 10, 13,12.13, Tremes in Indian History Part + Nitin Singhania Book ‘Secondary Tamil Nadu History book Class.13 Mauryan Empire Rise of the Mauryan dynasty, Chandragupta Maurya, ‘Administation, bureaucracy, taxation and polity, Chanakya's Arthashastra Ashoka - Inscriptions (minor and major rock edicts) , Art and Architechure, Ashoka's Dhamma and patronage of Buddhism. Primary Old NCERT Class 1 Chapter 14,15 Themes in Indian History Part Secondary - Tamil Nadu History book cass 11 Post Mauryan Age (a) Sungas and Kanwas (e) Central Asian invasions - Indo Greeks, Shakas, Parthians, Kushans. ‘Their Impact- Money Economy, expansion in trade, silk route. Influx of foreign elements in polity, army, crafts Primary Old NCERT Class 11 Chapter 16, 17,19 “Themes in Indian History Part Secondary - Tamil Nadu History SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY” s Ie the sest1as academy In South india SINCE 2004 Religious Devilments- Mahayana Buddhism, Gandhara and ‘Mathura school of at, Science & Technology, Literature. (c)_Satavahanas- Polity and administration, Economy, Social Organisation, Religious Patronage, Art and Architecture. book Gass 12 ‘Megalithic culture- burials, pottery, tools, setiements, Primary Old NCERT Class 1 seria Chane 8 ing teaie craven Hecieins Gp eT. TOA | pay eee cuptanage | secure DevlopnengtSenceanttaciag, |= 221 " sma, ewlomeng Ses AAIEPAPRL |i Heo Pr Wot Wort rt abe any hte ee | neared Hoy works of Aryabhata, Varahamihra etc. Decline of Guptas. oe tt vaso: FO anda ane inpa.Scal | PanO4NEERT Gs roscipin | cndton as ruth cyngor | ehpr sowotnd seipy Toned sty thea Worthan a frotenoi Pinay = NERC TH Chi 2 rains | rats andengusin sous, Amn af enemy CChalukyas in South CChalukya art, Pallava art and Literary works. ‘Themes in Indian History Part Secondary - Tamil Nadu History book Gass 11 MEDIEVAL INDIA ‘DECODED SYLLABUS ‘ToPics SOURCES Chola Empire 9" 12" century) The rise of Chalas, Administration and taxation, Territorial Expansion, Society and Culture. Chola Art & Architecture. Primary- OU@NCERT Class 13 Chapter 3 Themes in Indian History Pari Secondary - Tamil Nadu History book class 11 Ghaznavid and ‘Turkish Invasions (1000-1200 ce) Coming of Ghaznavid, Status of Rajput States and reasons for defeat, Ghurid invasion. Alberun'sKitab-u-Hing. Primary Old NCERT Class 11 Chapter § ‘Themes in Indian History Part Secondary - Tamil Nadu History book Class 12 Delhi Sultanate (1200-1400 ce} ‘Nature ofthe State, Administration of Delhi Sultanate, State Departments and various posts, Miltary reforms. Land revenue and taxation, local and vilage administration, ities and towns. Trade and crafts, Agriculture, export & imports, Economie and socal fe Religion and customs under the Sultanate, Scientific advancements Primary O1d NCERT Class 11 Chapter 6.78 Themes in Indian History Part Secondary - Tamil Nadu History book cass 12 SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY” s Ie the sest1as academy In South india SINCE 2004 Artand Architecture of Delhi Sultanate, Construction and rise of new Cities ‘Accounts of foreign travellers like bn Batutta, Court poets and Historians like Amir Khusrau, Barauni et, The Mamluks (1206-1290) - Quib-ud-din bak, Ikutmish CChagalani system, Raziva Sultana, Balban- Policies and administration, Mongol menace, Khalis (1290-1320), The Tughlags(1320-1414), The Sayyid dynasty (2414-1451), The ods 1451-1526} Vijayanagara and Bahmini Kingdom Rise of Viayanagara State, Havihara and Bukkaraya, Political Organisation - Nayaka System, Social if and Economy, Krishna Devaraya- administration and foreign policy, Lterary works Arc Hampi. Visit of Foreign travellers-Nicolo Conti, Abdul Razack, Nun, Barbossa ure of Vi ara: Structufes of Bahmini Kingdom. Polity & intemal Conflts, Administration and Economy. Conflict with Vijayanagora-Satle of Talkotta, Rise of Deccan’ culture, Arcitechure of Bahminis, Disintegration of Bahminis, Annexation by Mughal empire Arrival of Portuguese, Impact on Indian Politics, trade and economy. Relationship with Indian rulers. Primary Old NCERT Class 11 Chapter 9 ‘Themes in Indian History Part Secondary - Tamil Nadu History Book class 12 Religious and cultural Developments in India(1200- 1500 ey Rise of concept of Bhakti, Valshnavites and Salvites in South {Alwars and Nayanmars, Shankaracharya and Ramandj, hakthi movements in North India and Maharashtra. Saguna and Nirguna schools, Bhakth Saints and Poets, Bhakti Literature, Impact an Social fe Sufi movements: Basie concept, 12 orders or Slslahs, Sufi salets- Nizammuddin Aulya, Moinuddin Chist, Saba Farid, Suh impact on Indian ats, culture and society. Primary O1d NCERT Class 1 Chapter 13 ‘Themes in Indian History Part Secondary - Tamil Nadu History book Class 11 “Mughal Empire 11526-1555 Babar{1526-1530), Fist Battle of Panipat Battle of Kanwa , Babar Nama-Hufiayun (1530-1535, 1555-56) sur dynasty (1535-1555) SherShah’s righ Administ land revenue policy, Law & Order, 1556-1707 Akoar’s Reign (1556-1605) - Second battle of Panipat, Early expansion under Sairam khan, Administration and Polity, Mughal army, Land revenue system of TodarMal “Mansabcari System and political organisation, Akbar's Rajput -anomie Reforms. Policy, Religious tolerance and socal reforms. Economic and Social Conltions- Cty and village life, Zamindars and peasantry, Religious ideas, status of women, Primary= Old NCERT Class 11 ‘Chapter 12.13.14, 15,16,17,18,19 ‘Themes in Indian History Pat Secondary - Tamil Nadu History book cass 12 SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY” 4 Ie the sest1as academy In South india SINCE 2004 Arabic and Persian Literature, Account of court Historians and Poets, Foreign accounts of travellers on Mughal society and polity, “Mughal Arts- Miniature Painting, Mughal Architecture and ‘Monuments. Traditional crafts, Export and imports, Science and Technology. Disintegration of Mughal Empire (1707-1856) Decean Conquests of Aurangazeb: Impact. Causes of disintegration. Rise of Marathas ‘Maratha expansion under Shival, Maratha army administration, Chauth and Sardéshmuhi, Conflict wit ‘Mughals and other Deccan gowers. Primary Old NCERT Class 11 Chapter 19 Themes in Indian History Part Secondary -TamillNadu History book cass 12 ART & CULTURE DECODED SYLLABUS Topics SOURCES Indian Art & Architecture TG Various stesassoclated with Architecture. Their significance and location. Sculptures, figurines &seals. -Mauryan Architeeture- Ashokan Pilars, Stupas, Cave ‘Architecture: Chaltyas & Viharas, Sculptures. Post Mauryan ~ Features of three schools of art- Gandhafa, Mathura, Amaravatl. Rock cut caves Gupta period: Cave Architecture: Ajanta, flora, Sagh, Nasik ete “Temple Architecture — Nagara Style ‘Temple Architecture in South India -Pallava style, Dravidian Style- Chola temples, Vesaa Style, Nayaka school, Hoysala Style, Pala school of temples Medieval Islamic Architecture. Delhi Sultarate- Different characterises and introduction of new Features of various dynasties: The Mamluks, Khijis, Lodhi Mughal Architecture ~ Features and important structures. Provincial Styles- Bengal, Malwa, Rajputana, Ancient & Mecieval Primary Old INCERT Class 21 Nitin Singhania Book Chapter 1 SIABook ‘The Hinds MetroPlus Indian Paintings Prehistoric Paintings Cave paintings in Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chacolithic periods. Their location colors, themes. "Mural Paintngs- Ajanta Ellora, Sittanavasal ete. Miniature paintings ~ Mughal Era Ancient & Medieval Primary Old INCERT Clas 11 SHANKAR tn IAS ACADEMY s Ie the sest1as academy In South india SINCE 2004 Regional Paintings Different Schools: Rajasthani, Pahari, Kishangarh, Bundi, Kangra, | Nitin Singhania Book Chapter 2 Basholi, Tanjore, SIA Book Folk Paintings Madhubani,Pattachta, KalignatPattua,Kalamkarl, Warliete.__| Teindy= Metro Plus Cassical Music: Hindustan! and Carnatic Forms: Their features Ancient & Medieval Primary Old Indian Music| and styles. Ancient & Med Folk Music: Pandwani,Lavani,Dandiya, Wanawan, Khonjom Parwa ete 8 Classical dance forms- Bharatanatyar, Kuchipucl, Nitin Singhania Book Chapter 5,6 Dance Forms | Mohiniyattam, Odiss,Kathakal, Satya, Manipur, Kathak Folk dances. Chauy Raslla,Garba,Dandiya,Ghoomar,Padayani | Nitin Singhania Book ete The Hindu Friday Review ‘Ancient & Medieval Primary Old Indian Theatre| Ritual theatres of diferent trations like Arkianat, Ramlila) | NCERT Class 11 Entertainment theatre foqms-Tamasha, Nautanki, wang ete. | Nitin Sighania Book Chapter 7 SIA Book Indian Puppetry _| St°?8 Puppets Kathpii Sommalatam. Shadow Puppets- Nitin Singhania Book Chapter & Ravanchayya, Togaly Gomoayetta, Rod puppets Putul Nautch, | SIA Book Yampur Fars & Festivals | MBOWaNC Tibal abd Northeast festivals. Losar, Wangala, | NitinSinghania Book Chapter 18 Bi Sia Book “Ancient India - Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranakas, Upanishads, | Ancient & Medieval Primary - Old Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas. INCERT Class 11 Sanskrit Literature -Prose, Drama & Poetry - Works of couft | Nitin Snghania Book Chapter 13 Indian Uterature | Pike Kalidasa, Sucraka, Bhasa of Ancient, Medial Indi. Pali & Prakrit Literature Jain texts: Angas, Upangas. Buddhist ~ | sia Book Canonical (Trpitakas} and non-canonical (atakas) Persian/ Arable iterature - Works of court historians of Delhi Sultanate, Mughals, ahmins. Ex-Ai--Akbar’ by Abul Fal, Tarikh-foashahl by Baraun FOCUS AREAS ~ (Conceptual larity + Facts) 1) IVC-Presence/ absence of items or prices, sites 2) Ancient/ Medieval terms- Professions, govt departments 3) Timeline/ Contemporaries 4). Sites/ports- significance & location 5) Uterary works /recent trend 58) Religious doctrines - in news 7} Buddhism, Jainism( 1 question/min) 8) Architecture/ Inscriptions 9) Communities /s 2 Their Festivals SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY” q Ie the sest1as academy In South india SINCE 2004 MODERN INDIA ‘DECODED swuates Topics sources ‘Advent of Europeans = Portuguese, French, Duten, English and Danish = Anglo-French wars and carmatie wars ‘Weak Mughal Rulers post Aurangazeb Old NCERI xi Chapter -2.2.45,6 ~ Rise of Regional Kingdoms Bengal, Hyderabos, Awadh | on Cnanter 3.40 Before revolt | Conquest and Establishment of British Empire “Tern non Hstry ar = Battle of Plassey, Suxar = Mysore, Maratha, Sikh, Ahan wars ~ Innovative Administrative polices Ringfence, subsidiary alliance an Geet of lapse ‘OW NCERT Xi Chapter & Causes, spread , nature and cdhsequences Revolt of 1857 Spectrum- Chapter 7 Important personalities and area of revolt ‘Themes in Indian History Pat Socio Religious Important associations and leader OlANCERT Xi! Chapter 67.13 Spectrum: Chapter 8&9 Movements “Themes in Indian History Pat Ii ‘OWNCERT XI Chapter 12 Modern Pre-INC organizations, Newspapers Specttum- Chapter 10 Nationalism Factors for growth of Modern National ‘Themes in Indian History Pati INC- Moderate Phase Foundation of NC ‘Approach, Ideology, Important leaders and contributions. economic erclsm of British Rule OW NCERT Xi! Chapter 12,14 Spectrum- Chapter 11 ‘Themes in Indian History Pat Extremist Phase (1905-1918) Tse af evemism, Parton of Bengal [Anti-Partition, Swadeshi Movement surat Split Minto - Morley reforms Revolutionary Activism (1907. 3917) Bengal, Maharastra, Punjab, Abroad Imp leadars and activities OW NCERT x1! Chapter 14 SpectrumChapter 12 & 13 ‘Themes n Indian History Pati World events and Nationalist ‘World War land response Home Rule Movement Lucknow Pact Russian Revoltion and impact, Montague Chelmsford Reforms OW NCERT Xi! Chapter 15 Spectrum- Chapter 14,15 Temes in Indian History arti SHANKAR tn IAS ACADEMY s Ie the sest1as academy In South india SINCE 2004 Experience in South Africa Emergence of | Emergence of Satyagraha Technique Ganahi Experimentsin india ‘Champaran, Kheda and Ahmedabad Row/att Act, Jalianwala bagh massacre Non cooperation | Khilafat movement Movement Now Partcpation of masses and withrawal OWNCERT xi! Chapter 15, Spectrum- Chapter 16,15 ‘Themes in Indian History Part ‘Swaralists and No-changers Phase in between | Emergence of socialist, Marxist ideas NeMand CDM | Peasant, Trade and caste movements, Revolutionary Activity- Old NCERT XUIChapter 35 Spectrum- Chapter 17 Themes in Indian History Part un up to COM = Simon Commission = Nehru Report and response iA OWA NCERT XII Chapter 15, cw Lahore session and Pootna Swaral . ch Disobedience | Spread of CoM Spectrum Chapter 19, Movement Govt Response: Gandhi- win Pact ‘Themes in Indian History Part Round Table Conferences (RTC) Communal Award- Poona Pact Gandhi Harlan Compaign G01 Act 2935 Post COM Council Entry and Congress Performance Congress Rule in Provinces OW NCERT X1IChapter 15, Spectrum: Chapter 20,21 “Themes in ndian History Parti Nationalist Response to WW i Bose- Gandhi- Nehru Ideologies ‘August offer, Individual Satyagraha, Cripps Mission {uit India Movement: Resolution and Mass participation ‘Weavell Plan 1939-1947 INA (st phase and Bose arrival, trials Elections- Congress and League's performance Cabinet Mission Plan Aslee Statement, Mountbatten plan Inia Independence Act and Partition India Post Independence OWA NCERT XM Chapter 15, Spectrum- Chapter 22,23, 24, 25 ‘Themes in Indian History Pati NOTE TOPIC PRIMARY SOURCE ‘SECONDARY SOURCE (Old NCERT Class 12, ANCIENT & MEDIEVALINDIA | vhemes in indian History Part | and “Tamil Nadu History book Class 11 Ancient & Medieval ART & CULTURE a neer cea Nitin Singhania Book Spectra MODERN INDIA (Olé NCERT Cass 12 ‘Themes in Indian History Part | and i SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY” ¥ Ve The nest as Academy In South india SINCE 2004 2. GEOGRAPHY GEOMORPHOLOGY re ‘Tories sources SYLLABUS Solar System | Planets, stars, satlites, ete Gh NCERT = Chapter {atitude and Longitude including important Parallels and Meridian Motions ofthe Earth Rotation, Revolution and their effects farth Incination ofthe Earth’ Axis ad its fet Sth NCERT ~Chapter iI Local and Standard Time and thefnterational Date Lin) Calendar. Eclipses Solar, Lunar Sees lomo Dre area, Vase chapter Inteor ofthe | Voleanoes et 42” NCERT (Fundamentals of arth * sical geography) ~ Chapter Sontie Preece = ptr Core Rocks & andforts Rocks Rocks & Soils 11" NCERT (Fundamentals of Types of Racks Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic. physica geography) ~Chapter V Rock cycle Waves ~P waves, S waves, Body and Surface waves ey Earthquakes wee Pe ee 11" NCERT (Fundamentals of Types of Cathar physical geography) ~ Chapter I Types ‘RR NCERT= Chapter vo Ath NCERT (Fundamentals of Landforms physica geoeraphy)—Chapter V aul Distribution of Continents & Oceans Theories and evidences. Forces of drifting, Plate tectonics. Plate boundaries ~ Divergent, Convergent and Transform. SP NCERT= Chapter 11" NCERT (Fundamentals of ‘physical geography) ~ Chapter 1V Ath NCERT (india physical environment) = Chapter It & Tandformsin india and across the Rivers and lakes, ‘Mountain and Peaks. Map reading ~ Refer Atlas. word Mateus, te SCELANEOUS TORIES omen, Diastrophism Fonenaes la momorshic | Endogei Proces artauakes, ote | say ncERT (Fundamentals Pr i movements, physical geography} — Chapter VI rocsss Poarenng afte] 24 Velen Pe Tage Fares — | Weathering, Mas moverents Foon 10 SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY” ¥ Mth Bestia Academy in South nda INCE 2008 Transportation & Deposition Frosonal ents and their impacts - Wing, Runnin ner neice ‘Wins, Running | sh NCERT (Fundamentals of Landtormsand | landforms Water, Seer thes their Evolution Depositional Ground Water, Glaciers, Waves & Physical Beographyl ~ chapter landforms Currents CLIMATOLOGY ‘DECODED Torics sources SYUABUS Composition of atmosphere Gases, Water Vapour, Dust Particles, etc Structure of atmosphere Exosphere, Thermosghere , Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere, ltitude vs Temperature 7” NCERT~ Chapter V 9 NCERT— Chapter {LH NCERT (Fundamentals of ‘physical geography) ~ Chapter Vi 1” NCERT (india physical environment) ~ Chapter IV Solar Radiation, Heat Balance and Tnsolation Aphelion and Perihelion ‘Temperature Variability of Isolation at the surface ofthe Earth ALUHNCERT (Fundamentals of Day Season Year physical eography) — Chapter IK Rotation on Axis, Angle of Inclination of sun rays, Length of the ay, Transparengy of Atmosphere, Configuration of and in terms ofits aspect. Heat Balance Heating and cooling of ‘Conduction, Convection, atmosphere Agvection ‘Albedo adiston andfaebndger __| Shorter Melatin Ath NCERT (Fundamentals of Long wave Earth Radiation physical geography) ~ Chapter x Temperature Factors omtioling Temperature distribution Inversion of Temperature ‘Adiabatic Lapse Rate and Latent Heat of Condensation ‘Atmospher ‘Atmospheric Pressure Belts and Wind Systems Circulation and | Atmospheric Pressure Weather Vertical variation of pressure Systems Horizontal distrinution of pressure World Distribution of Sea Level Pressure Pressure Gradient Fore, Factors affecting te velocity | Frictional Force, Coriolis Force, Pressure and Wind (Cyelonie & Antieyclone Greulaton) and direction ofthe wind, ‘General Creulation of the Atmosphere {atitudinal Variation of Atmospheric Heating Emergence of Pressure Belts Migration of Belts Following apparent Path of Sun 9? NCERT— chapter LUA NCERT (Fundamentals of physical geography) — Chapter x u SHANKAR tn IAS ACADEMY s Ie the sest1as academy In South india SINCE 2004 Pattern of Distribution of continents & Oceans Planetary Winds | Rotation of the Earth GGeostrophic Wind, Jet Streams & Rossby Waves [Major Jet Steams: Subtropical Jet Stream & Polar Jet Stream Ar Mass and Air masses based on Source Regions jreulation Re Creat Simpiied Global Circulation - Hadley Cel, Ferrell Cell NCERT — Chapter IV 11 NCERT (Fundamentals of ‘Seasonal Wind, Local Wind, Land and Sea Breezes, Mountain physical geography) ~ Chapter X and Valley winds, AIR MASS —fronts,Exraropical cyclone, | 8°" Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, et, {GC Leong ~ Chapter XIl| & XIV Waterin the ‘Atmosphere Water Vapour, Precipitation, Humidity ~ Absolute and Relative. \! ase ncear (Fundamentals of Saturation - DeudPoigt [physical geography) ~ Chapter Xi Evaporation and Dew, Frost, Fog & Mist, etc. Condensation, rm Types= Girus Cumulus, Stratus Nimbus. eS {1th NCERT (Fundamentals of Cloues roc physical geography) ~ Chapter Xi Middle ~ Altostratus Attocumulus Low Stratacumulus Nimbostratus | GC L#en8 Chapter Xt Vertical Development ~ Cumulus and Cumulonimbus Water inthe Rainfall, Snowfall, Sleet Hall wari Precipitation pen Ath NCERT (Fundamentals of mosphere a cal geography) — Chapter XI Types or anil Conventional, Orosraphi, Cyclonic] PMY BeoBraPhy)— Char World Distribution of Rainfall Timportant climatic phenomena and its | ENSO and UANina, 10D, Polar vortex, et IMD and earth sciences ministry ctfects, websites. World climate | Hot, Wet Equatorial Cimate ‘Tropical Monsoon and?ropical Marine Climates Savanna or Sudan Climate ot Desert and Mid-Latitude Desert Climates Warm Temperate Western Margin (Mediterranean) Climate Temperate Continental (Steppe) Climate 6C Leong Chapter XV to XXV \Warm Temperate Eastern Margin (China Type) Climate Cool Temperate Western Margin (ritsh Type) Climate Cool Temperate Continental (siberian) Climate Cool Temperate Fastern Margin (Laurentian) climate Arctic or Polar Cimate SHANKAR tn IAS ACADEMY The Best IAS Academy In South India SINCE 2004 OCEANOGRAPHY coed suas ocean fer tener | mene yet oh ine snc ting_| Ven rt rempernreat |Teodence —|ird ater pfien | renee oceans the Ocean Water = 12° NCERT (Fundamentals of ee physical geography) ~ Chapter Xi forces Thermo cline pecrtcal 3 ilayers Distribution < recor tecing_| Free ow fom seotyoine | | toy fice owen Wd orem cor Vernal rd Son of iy Fens sy, Deny influencing ‘Sun moon winds, tweet wines fetton WE ra owrons Movements of Gravitational ‘Types of Tides 11° NCERT (Fundamentals of Grater | no ote een) cea cen ued on Ds ccconcures | ed and nm cine tod caren he Wor 3

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