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Faculty of Industrial Engineering,

Robotics and Production Management

Robot Manufacturing II
- Semestrial Project 1542e -


Conf.Dr.Ing.Mircea Fulea Ruta Andrada
Suteu Rares
Topoliceanu Stefan

Ch 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Project goal ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1. 2 Problem description .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Project methodology ......................................................................................................................... 3
Ch 2. Product and assembly analysis...................................................................................................... 4
Ch 3. Development of the manufacturing process ................................................................................. 5
3.1 The process Layout ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Process requirements ................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Equipment Index .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Process analysis ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.5 The process steps .......................................................................................................................... 9
Ch 4. Robots ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1 The robots ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Ch 5. Estimarea Riscurilor ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................ 37
General conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 37
Resources ................................................................................................................................................... 38
Ch 1. Introduction

1.1 Project goal

The project’s goal is to design an efficient and viable flexible production system with integrated handling,
sorting, packaging and palletization for a chess and backgammon game.

1. 2 Problem description
The solution is required to involve all the necessary steps of production for both the chess pieces and the
backgammon pieces all of these for two types of products, an affordable version and an expensive one. The
process will be composed of a series of connected manufacturing equipment with the end goal of delivering
a final product.

1.3 Project methodology

In order to design the production layout, we first were required to read out the “Practical Guide for Students”
and to refer to it for each step of the project. After the brainstorming session and resource gathering session,
we started off a concept drafting phase to outline our ideas and determine some of the best ways to move
forward. From there it was mainly an iterative process where we improved over each meeting, until the
polishing and technical report drafting.

First draft of the project.

Ch 2. Product and assembly analysis
When it comes to the final product, we were tasked with assembling two types of chess boards that will
include instructions and both chess and backgammon pieces, an affordable version with a simpler build and
a more expensive one with a refined quality.

The simpler chess board was designed to be as straightforward as possible; it consists of 32 chess pieces and
30 backgammon pieces all set up in 2 separate bags and paired with an instruction manual inside of a simple
wooden board.

The complex chess bord has the same number of pieces and the instructions, but the build is different, where
in the cheaper version the pieces were separated in bags, here the chess pieces are carefully placing inside
of a foam, and the backgammon pieces come wrapped similarly with bank coins, that are places as well in
the foam.
Ch 3. Development of the manufacturing process

3.1 The process Layout

3.2 Process requirements

Equipment List
The production process requires the following:
- An extensive conveyor system - 1 Pallet wrapper
- Area fencing - 2 Instructions distributors
- 4 Delta robots – IRB360 - 1 Small piece sorting and wrapping
- 9 Big manipulation robots – IRB1410 equipment
- 3 Medium manipulator robots – IRB1600 - 5 Quality assurance stations
- 2 Small manipulation robots – IRB120 - 5 Line scanners
- 16 Control units - 5 Line divertors
- 12 ROBOTIQ AGS grippers - 1 Box tape and sealing machine
- 1 Pneumatic sphere grippers - 3 Vertical automated magazines
- 1 Clamping gripper (palletization) - 2 Bag wrapping machines
- 2 Bowl sorters - 2 Conveyor packing machines
- 1 Flex factory - 1 AGV unit
- 2 Index tables - 1 Forklift unit
- 1 Pallet dispenser

Process required parameters

• Line flexibility
• Quality Assurance
• Line efficiency
• Error avoidance
• Increasing safety factors
3.3 Equipment Index

Picks up the parts and sorts

The machine picks up the them according to the defective
Transport of parts
instruction and distributes them ones or the standard number set
individually CONVEYOR for quality check
Conveyer packing of parts by
applying foils and separating
Checking the end position of the Camera for checking and
communicating the position of them with heated blades
the parts on the tape MACHINE

Robot for handling boxes

Vibration sorting of the parts,
Handling robot for components,
they come out in order on the ROBOT ARM
picks them up from a tape and
AUTOMATED places them in a defined place
Optical backgammon sorter and
ROBOT ARM wrapper simillar to a grain sorter
and a bank coin wrapping
The machine acts as a bag- Sensor detects positions on WRAPPING
wrapping machine indexing table to communicate MACHINE
presence of components
Conveyor transports the
OPTICAL SENSOR packaging boxes in open
It stores a number of boards and Used to recirculate pieces to be
foams, is used to lowers them sorted and placed in foams.
through a lift system. FLEX FACTORY
LIKE Apparatus for packing and
DISPENSER applying bands to close boxes
The robot picks up the chess
games with a sucction gripper
Optical sensor to determine and places them on the line
positions on line.
Elevator-type machine for
AGV for picking up and
dispensing rolls
transporting pallets from
Conveyor for transporting pallets conveyors

The main assembly unit will

Unit for wrapping pallets by
rotate and robots will execute
Robotic palletising arm rotating the pallets and moving
the assembly process in both
the sheet applicator vertically
3.4 Process analysis

The production process is thought in mind with the flux diagram in order to go through all the production

Flux Diagram
3.5 The process steps

The process starts at the first colour sorting phase using the IRB360 Delta robots to pick up different
coloured pieces. When it comes to the simple pieces, the robots pick up both chess and backgammon
pieces while at the expensive pieces, they will only pick up the chess pieces to ensure a more optimized
From here the pieces have two different path to take. The cheap process will overgo a bowl vibrating sorter
that will position pieces on 6 paths based on the pieces geometry, for the chess pieces and 1 for the
backgammon pieces, so that only certain types will be released in the end of the tunnel using channel
The pieces will go on the belt towards the bag wrapping machine that only bags the amount that falls
inside and since the bowl only lets a number of so many pieces on the line they will be separated in bags.
As for the backgammon pieces, from the sorted line, they will enter in an automated optical sorting and
wrapping machine. The system combines the grain/small parts sorting machine used in agriculture to sort
rice grains and a coin wrapping machine used for bank coins at the end of the machine.

When it comes to the index table, the process is simple. For the cheap game, the board are pushed on the
table by the automated vertical magazine in the open position they’ve been stored in, the table rotates,
and the small IRB120 robots pick up an instruction from the instruction dispenser and places it inside if the
table. The table rotates and the IRB 1410 robot arm will take a bag with chess pieces and a bag with
backgammon pieces and put them inside of the board. The table rotates and the secondary robots sets the
pieces properly inside of the box, the next robot is used to close the lid of the box, and the last robot will
pick the board an place it on the conveyor.

For the expensive set the main difference will be that the board has a different construction where it
comes not in 2 opened halves but one unibody board without a lid, the table spins and the 3rd robot in line
places the foam with the pieces while the 2nd robot places two backgammon wrapped sets dispensed by
the coin-wrapping machine. The table will spin to the next robot that uses the lid’s special snap on feature
to push down on the tabletop and the last robot will take the board and place it on the conveyor.
After the boards are placed on the line the boards will make their way through a line scanner that looks for
any problems with the board or dispenses one every set number of boards for inspection at the quality
assurance station. The good boards will move on to the conveyor packing machine that seals them
individually in plastic. From there the board pass one more time through a scanner for the same quality
assurance process.
Once taped and sealed the boxes are overgoing another line scan in order to check them for any damage
and here we will be able to check out weather the boxes meet the standard of quality.
Once all boxes are setup on the pallets, the next phase is the automated pallet wrapping using this exact
same equipment, that once done can turn the pallet in the proper orientation so that it can be loaded on
the AGV and transported in the logistic facility.
Ch 4. Equipment

The Delta Robot – IRB360 Flex Picker

Manipulation Robot – IRB 1410
The Manipulation Robot – IRB 1600
The Manipulation Robot – IRB 120
Optical Sensor – E3ZM
The Gripper - Robotiq gripper ags 001

The ROBOTIQ gripper was used in most

of our operations from the bag grab at
the cheap board to the board packing
and foam manipulation in the expensive
pieces. The sensor is a highly capable one
that’s easier to monitor and program.
The Gripper - VERSABALL

The dynamically conforming flexibility of

the VERSABALL gripper enables
automotive components pickup such as
the one used in our case where we have
this gripper to pick up the small pieces of
the Flex Factory and place them inside of
the foam. The soft vacuum pressure touch
allows the gripper to not damage the foam
or the pieces.
The gripper – Clamping gripper FlexGripper

The Flex Factory – anyfeed SXM100

The Line Camera - LS4KM-GV TAG-7
The paper dispenser and folding machine - ZE9B/4

Is used in both lines in order to take the

instructions and fold them in so that they can
be picked by the robots and placed inside of
the boxes.
The Wrapping and Bagging machine

The equipment takes the plastic roll that’s

preconfigured with closed sections, it will cut one
side in order to fit the pieces inside and then reheats
the open end.
The OCR Separator and wrapper

This machine is a modified OCR rice/grain separator used for colour separating backgammon pieces and
inside it has a system similarly to bank coin wrapper that takes the pieces and seals them in paper.
Automatic Carton Box Unpacking Machine

This equipment inside of the 3D model is symbolically placed as a black box since there aren’t available
CAD models for this machine.
Automatically complete the unpacking, forming, bottom bending and bending, and at the same time
complete the bottom tape sticking.

The vacuum gripper - VGC10

This vacuum gripper is used for the instruction pick up process where the robot takes them and places
them in the boards.
Ch 5. Risk Diagram


Denumire pro-
iect Paletizare
Data analizei
analiza de risc Participanti

masuri de
eliminare ,
Identificare con- reducere
Tipul riscurilor secinte Masuri propuse- eliminare ; reducere riscuri riscuri
Piese unghiu-
lare Fara obiect
Obiecte in ca-
dere Impact Asezarea cutiilor pe paleti dupa un layout prestabilit. OK
Impact ;strivire Deschiderea( deblocarea) usilor de acces in celula ro-
botizata - conditionata de oprirea miscarilor misca-
rilor robotilor ( ABB ). Robotii se vor opri ferm la de-
clansarea opririi de urgenta sau la deschiderea usilor
de acces in celula robotilor.Griperele montate pe
bratele robotizate vor asigura o fixare corespunza-
Mase in mis-
toare a pieselor manipulate - solutia aleasa nefiind
care- inertii
afectata de oprirea brusca a robotului sau de intre-
ruperea alimentarii cu energie a robotului sau a in-
tregii celule.Accesul in celula robot in baza unei pro-
ceduri speciale- descrisa in ''ANALIZA DE RISC'' con-
form ANEXA 1 Directiva masina 2006/42/CE si EN ISO
12100. OK
Aparatoare de protectie conform EN ISO 13854; EN
ISO 13857.Se vor respecta cerintele EN ISO 10218-1
Impact ; tragere roboti industriali;Se va bloca accesul in zona de
Inaltime de la
in interior masina pericol - roboti de manipulare - prin inaltimea OK
;strivire corespunzatoare a aparatoarelor fixe si distanta fata
de zona periculoasa.Se vor stabili anvelope soft
pentru traiectoriile permise la robotii de manipulare.
Inalta presiune Fara obiect
Instabilitate Se va respecta planul de manevrare(robotii vor fi
prevazuti cu dispozitive pentru manipulare standardi-
zate ) .Gardurile de protectie vor avea fixare cu an-
core in sol - dimensionate corect pentru asigurarea
unei bune stabilitati si vor fi corect dimensionate in
cazul impactului pieselor manipulate. Se vor respecta
cerintele pentru limitarea accesului altor persoane
Ranire ;Strivire;
decat cele autorizate in timpul manevrarii ,montarii ,
demontarii.La demontare se vor lua in considerare
toate tipurile de energie cu care este alimentata
masina.Se va realiza decuplarea masinii de la toate
sursele de energie si se vor elimina toate energiile
reziduale .Se va efectua o instruire corespunzatoare
a personalului. OK
Energie ci-
netica Fara obiect
Mobilitate ele-
mente Fara obiect
Rotire ele-
mente Fara obiect
Suprafete Alunecare Zonele de acces si interiorul masinii( zona de asezare
aspre sau componente in suporti si zonele carterizate) se vor
alunecoase curata in fiecare schimb pentru a se evita expunerea
persoanelor la pericolul de alunecare.Se vor utiliza
exclusiv solutii adecvate de curatare compatibile cu
cerintele pentru produsele manipulate. OK
Fenomene Electrocutare ; Structura suport alimentator si celula robotizata
electrostatice descarcare sarcini vor fi prevazute cu legaturi de echipontentialitate si
electrostatice legaturi la centura de impamantare pentru evitarea
aparitiei sarcinii electrostatice.Se va respecta planul
de legaturi si dimensiunea conductoarelor de lega-
tura la impamantare conform proiect electric.Dulapul
electric principal si panourile de comanda vor avea
legaturi corespunzatoare la bara de impamantare. OK
Atingeri di- Electrocutare Aparataj prevazut cu aparatoare de protectie si
recte cutiile de comanda cu IP minim IP 54 OK
Distanta insufi-
cienta intre
piesele in mis-
care si compo-
nentele aflate
sub tensiune Fara obiect
Suprasarcina Intrerupatoare automate si disjunctoare insotite de
fisa tehnica in care se regasesc standardele electrice
respectate in fabricatie ; se vor monta aparate corect
calibrate pentru aplicatie. OK
Piese cu de- Electrocutare ; Prizele pentru circuitele de 230 V c.a. vor fi alimen-
fecte de izo- scurtcircuit tate cu intrerupatoare automate corect dimension-
latie ate OK

Scurt-circuit Instalatia electrica - cu respectarea EN 60204-1 OK

Radiatie ter-
mica Fara obiect
Fara obiect
Explozie Fara obiect
Zona din hala de productie unde se monteaza masina
va fi prevazuta cu dotari PSI conform normelor in
vigoare(stingatoare cu pulberi)
Incendiu OK
Radiatii de la
surse de cal-
dura Fara obiect
Fenomene de
cavitatie Fara obiect
Sisteme de ex-
haustare Fara obiect
Scurgeri de
gaze la viteza
mare(aer com-
primat) Fara obiect
Procese de Se va realiza o masuratoare a nivelului de zgomot in
fabricatie gen- zona .Nivelul de zgomot nepericulos este 75
eratoare de dB.Pentru valori mai mari se va asigura echipament
zgomot(stan- de protectie a auzului in functie de presiunea acus-
tare ; taiere ; tica masurata si durata de expunere.
etc) OK
Parti in mis-
care Fara obiect
Polizarea su-
prafetelor Fara obiect
Piese rotative
dezechilibrate Fara obiect
Suierat - in-
stalatie pneu-
matica Fara obiect
Producatorul robotului va completa si preda lista cu
piesele de uzura a acestuia si va specifica periodici-
tatea inlocuirii acestor piese de uzura.Aparatul de
depozitare paleti va avea lista cu piese de schimb in
Uzura piese dosarul tehnic . OK
Fara obiect
Fenomene de
cavitatie Fara obiect
Alinierea disconfort
Placa mobila alimentator - ghidata - asezare in
gresita a
aceeasi pozitie pentru preluare componente- mon-
pieselor in mis-
tare detectori pozitie
care OK
mobile Fara obiect
Piese rotative
dezechilibrate Fara obiect
de vibratie Fara obiect
Ranire ; contuzii ; Fabricantul va completa si preda lista cu piesele de
strivire uzura ale masinii si va specifica periodicitatea inlocui-
rii acestor piese de uzura.Se va stabili programul - pe-
riodicitatea activitatilor de lubrefiere ; se va stabili
lista lubrifiantilor recomandati pentru activitatile de
Uzura piese mentenanta. OK
Fara obiect
Sursa de radi-
atii ionizante Fara obiect
Radiatii elec-
de joasa
frecventa Fara obiect
Radiatii optice( Ranirea ochilor Pentru dispozitivele de detectie se vor utiliza sezori
infrarosu, vi- laser din clasa 1 sau 2.Fascicolul senzorilor nu este
zibil si ultravio- orientat spre operator.
lete) inclusiv
laser OK
Radiatii elec-
de frecventa
radio Fara obiect
Aerosoli Fara obiect
Agenti biologici
si microbiolog-
ici(virali sau
bacterieni) Fara obiect
Combustibili Fara obiect
Praf Fara obiect
Explozivi Fara obiect
Fibre Fara obiect
Inflamabile Fara obiect
Lichide Fara obiect
Fum Fara obiect
Gaz Fara obiect
Oxidanti Fara obiect
Fara obiect
Acces oboseala ;stres La postul de lucru se va monta un panou de co-
manda cu HMI- control functionare masina.Panoul
de comanda cu HMI va fi montat pe un suport - inal-
timea de montare conform cerintelor fisei de ergon-
omie 1550-1650 mm.Pe ecranul HMI va fi posibila
aparitia de mesaje de avertizare pentru operator
atunci cand apar situatii nesigure.Sculele si dis-
pozitivele pentru efectuare de operatiuni in post vor
fi montate intr-o pozitie ergonomica( comanda mo-
bila robot -teach pendant).Accesul la scule usor fara
obstacole. OK
Proiectare Se va monta un panou de comanda cu HMI- control func-
locatie indica- tionare masina.Panoul de comanda cu HMI va fi montate
tori si unitati pe un suport - inaltimea de montare conform cerintelor
de afisare vi- fisei de ergonomie 1550-1650 mm.Grafica ecranului HMI
permite o utilizare usoara a masinii prin definirea clara a
comenzilor si mesajele de secvente logice.Se va monta co-
loana luminoasa si lampi de semnalizare permisie acces in
zona de asezare componente.Sculele si dispozitivele
pentru efectuare de operatiuni in post vor fi montate intr-
o pozitie ergonomica( comanda mobila robot -teach pen-
dant).Accesul la scule usor fara obstacole.
oboseala ;stres OK
Proiectare Aparatul de depozitare paleti va fi prevazut cu
,locatie sau tablouri de comanda in zona operator , pe un su-
identificare a port care sa asigure un bun acces si o buna vizibili-
dispozitivelor tate asupra postului.Inaltimea de montare conform
de control cerintelor fisei de ergonomie (1500 mm)Statia ro-
botizata va avea panoul de comanda montat intr-o
pozitie accesibila de unde exista o buna vizibilitate
asupra masinii.Butoanele si dispozitivele de comanda
sunt etichetate corespunzator (etichete sau simbo-
luri clare usor lizibile).Sculele si dispozitivele pentru
efectuare de operatiuni in post vor fi montate intr-o
pozitie ergonomica( comanda mobila robot -teach
oboseala ;stres pendant).Accesul la scule usor fara obstacole. OK
Flicker ,
bra,efect stro-
boscopic Fara obiect
Oboseala ; afecti- Masina va fi montata intr-o hala de fabricatie unde va fi
uni ale vederii montata o instalatie de iluminat corespunzatoare ( minim
Iluminatul local 300 lux) OK
tare mentala Fara obiect
Postura Fara obiect
Activitate re-
petitiva Fara obiect
Din pozitie operator exista o buna vizibilitate asupra
Vizibilitate masinii. OK
Praf si ceata Fara obiect
netice Fara obiect
Fulgere Fara obiect
Afectare integri- Masina va fi montata intr-un mediu cu umiditate
tate circuite elec- controlata.
Umiditate tronice OK
Poluare Fara obiect
Zapada Fara obiect
Temperatura Fara obiect
Apa Fara obiect
Vant Fara obiect
Lipsa de oxigen Fara obiect
Fara obiect
Fara obiect
Fara obiect
Fara obiect
Fara obiect
Analiza de risc va detalia masurile de eliminare ; reducere riscuri -pentru
OBS. fiecare capitol
a)O singura origine a unui pericol poate avea mai multe consecinte posibile
b)Pentru fiecare tip de risc sau grup de pericole , unele consecinte potentiale pot fi legate
de mai multe origini ale pericolului

General conclusions

Our impression after finalizing the project are that that the
IRB 120, data sheet, PDF (
IRB 1410, datasheet, PDF (
IRB 1600, data sheet, PDF (
IRB 360 Data sheet A4 (
Robotics - Project - How to Design an Industrial Robotic System (
Fully Automatic Grab Type Carton Box Packing Machine - Buy carton box packing machine, automatic carton
box packing machine, carton box packing machine price Product on Zhangjiagang Baiji Machinery CO., Ltd
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