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Code of Conduct for


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01. Introduction 2

02. Human rights and labor law 4

03. Health and Safety 5

04. Environment 6

05. Responsible business operations 7

Falu Energy & Water's code of conduct for suppliers 2

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01. Introduction

Our Code of Conduct

Falu Energi & Vatten (FEV) is a committed community builder that, with the customer's best
interests in focus, creates the conditions for a simple and sustainable life in Falu municipality. Now
and in the future.

With our operations in electricity, power production, heating, cooling, city networks, recycling
and water, we are an important part of our customers' everyday lives. The code of conduct is
essential for us to be able to maintain our value base and create added value for customers,
employees, suppliers and owners.

About the code of conduct

The basis for FEV's code of conduct is our values Open and Responsible, and the ten
principles of the UN Global Compact ( in the areas:

• Human Rights
• labor law
• environment

• fight against corruption

The code of conduct is also based on the ILO's eight core conventions and the UN Convention on the Rights of the

The code of conduct sets out the minimum requirements that we place on our suppliers, in
addition to the laws and regulations that regulate the suppliers' operations. It is the suppliers'
responsibility that these minimum requirements are also applied to subcontractors. Everything
written about suppliers below also applies to any subcontractors.

Suppliers must establish appropriate control systems and follow up on deviations from the
principles stated in the code of conduct. In the event of deviations, in the company's own
operations or with a subcontractor, it must be immediately reported to FEV and measures must be taken.

FEV reserves the right to carry out audits, either itself or via a third party, of the part of the
business of the supplier or its subcontractors that is relevant to the code of conduct.

Falu Energy & Water's code of conduct for suppliers 3

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02. Human rights and labor law

Suppliers must support and respect internationally recognized human rights.

All employees, customers and suppliers must be treated well and with respect.

Child labor

Suppliers must not participate in or take advantage of any form of child labor. If child labor is
discovered, an action program must be introduced.

Suppliers shall not employ children below either the minimum age for employment or the age
for completion of compulsory education in the country. Suppliers must not hire workers under the
age of 18 to perform work that is determined by national law to be dangerous.

Discrimination and harassment

Suppliers may not practice any form of discrimination including, for example, gender, gender
expression, sexual orientation, age, language, nationality, religion or other belief, ethnic or
social origin, financial reasons, functional variation, pregnancy, indigenous population affiliation,
trade union affiliation, or political opinions .

Suppliers must treat everyone fairly and respectfully and not tolerate any form of physical or
psychological harassment, threats or abuse. Suppliers also have an obligation not to tolerate
unwanted sexual approaches.

Forced labor
Suppliers must not use forced labor by, for example, retaining their employees' identity
documents or using coercion or threats to force a person to work.

Terms of employment
Employees must have the right to freely leave work or terminate their employment with reasonable
notice. Suppliers are also obliged to ensure that the employees have legal working hours, wages
and benefits.

Salary must be paid directly to the employee at the agreed time and in full. All terms of
employment, including compensation, working hours, vacations, days off and holidays must
comply with applicable laws and regulations, in particular mandatory industry standards. Overtime
must be paid.

Freedom of association

Suppliers must recognize and respect the employees' right to organize freely in any labor
organization and respect the right to collective bargaining. Suppliers are also obliged to let the
employees appoint an independent employee representative.
The employees must also be able to communicate openly with the employer about working
conditions, without fear of, for example, harassment, threats or punishment.

Falu Energy & Water's code of conduct for suppliers 4

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03. Health and Safety

Suppliers must provide a safe and healthy working environment that complies with national
guidelines. For example, relevant training must be offered and instructions must be available
in a language that the employees understand.

Risk and crisis management

A risk analysis of the business is a basis for working with a safe working environment. Incidents
and damages must be reported and measures must be introduced and followed up by the suppliers.

Suppliers must have an up-to-date crisis management plan and educate and train the personnel
who will handle any crises that may arise. Routines for assessing, prioritizing and remedying
risks must be in place.

Workplace conditions and protective equipment

Suppliers must ensure that workers are informed about the possible health risks that the work
may entail and provide appropriate work environment training. All workers must have access to and
use relevant protective equipment.

Handling of chemicals
Suppliers must ensure that all chemicals used are documented in a register that is continuously
updated. Information on the name of the chemicals, area of use and reference to safety data sheets
must be available. Safety data sheets must be available in languages that the affected employees

All chemicals must be stored, handled and transported so that soil, water and air are not
contaminated and so that the risk of ignition or explosion is minimized.

Falu Energy & Water's code of conduct for suppliers 5

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04. Environment

Systematic environmental work

Suppliers must actively strive to carry out systematic environmental work and have good knowledge of the
environmental impact of their operations based on a life cycle perspective.

Comply with environmental legislation

Suppliers must comply with the environmental laws and regulations that are current for the performance of the
agreed work. Suppliers must also ensure that they have and maintain all necessary permits and licenses.

Reduced environmental impact and the precautionary principle

Suppliers must reduce their environmental impact to the greatest extent possible.

Suppliers must handle hazardous substances in a responsible manner to avoid emissions.

Where possible, suppliers must replace hazardous substances with less hazardous ones.

Resources such as water and energy must be used efficiently and the impact on biodiversity and ecosystem
services should be minimized.

Suppliers must use the precautionary principle if threats of serious or irreversible damage arise. Suppliers must
also take preventive measures as soon as there is reason to believe that an activity could harm the environment or
human health.
Suppliers must also respect the principle that the polluter pays in cases where it is applicable.

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05. Responsible business operations

Suppliers must conduct their business activities with high ethical integrity and in
accordance with current national and international legislation as well as internationally
agreed business ethics rules.

Suppliers must comply with local and international anti-corruption conventions and not
themselves participate in or cause FEV to participate in any form of corruption, including
extortion, embezzlement, bribery and money laundering.

Suppliers may not offer or accept any favors or other improper or inappropriate advantage for
the purpose of, for example, securing a decision, securing an advantage, securing an
advantage, avoiding a disadvantage or establishing or maintaining a business.

Safe products
Suppliers must take responsibility for delivering safe products by following rules
and regulations related to safety and quality requirements, for example CE marking.

Reporting of irregularities
Suppliers are required to have a function to enable the reporting of points of view,
recommendations or complaints relating to the workplace, the environment or business
practices, a so-called whistleblower function.


Suppliers must respect and comply with applicable competition legislation, including the
obligation not to exchange commercially sensitive and strategic information with competitors
or to enter into anti-competitive agreements with any business partner.

Information security

Suppliers must process personal data in accordance with applicable legislation,

regulations and regulations.

Suppliers must further minimize the risk of information theft, for example by establishing
routines and instructions regarding secure information handling.

Immaterial rights
Suppliers must respect intellectual property rights and protect confidential
information by securing it against misuse, theft, fraud or improper disclosure.

Falu Energy & Water's code of conduct for suppliers 7

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Falu Energy & Water's code of conduct for suppliers 8

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