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Environmental problems including global warming, flash floods, and others affect us now. One of
the causes of these problem is the misbehavior of the people towards waste management. Some
people discard their trash carelessly. They do not consider how their acts can affect the
environment or people's health.

Waste disposal can be defined as any method used to discard unwanted substances or materials.
Poor waste management practices cause serious environmental issues in a particular area. The act
of disposing of waste in a way that harms the environment is known as improper waste disposal.
Examples include littering, dumping hazardous waste on the ground, and failing to recycle items
that ought to be recycled.


1. Ignorance: Lack of knowledge regarding safe trash disposal. Ignorance of the effects of
imprudent behavior.

2.Lazziness: they never follow the required procedures for disposing of rubbish, persons who are
lazy tend to discard things wherever they choose without considering the consequences.

3. Greed: This emotion can lead to incorrect waste disposal, such as burning plastic and rubber
tires instead of saving them or trading extra car tires for more money.


• Our Health is Affected

such as lung problems, heart disease, skin rashes, breathing issues, and more.

• Effects on the environment

Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere as some trash decomposes, potentially trapping
heat on Earth and causing aberrant weather patterns including an increase in storm and typhoon
activity. This has been happening for some time.

• air pollution

Burning rubber and plastic, for example, contributes to greenhouse effects and air pollution when
waste is burned in the open.

• Soil Contamination

is brought on by the presence of synthetic chemicals, soft soil, odorous soil vapor, and other
changes to the natural soil environment.

• Human infections

Direct contact with garbage can cause skin irritation, blood infections, and the spread of bacteria
to open wounds.

How can we solve this?

• Decomposed

Your household waste can be disposed of in a decomposed form. Numerous products, including
food waste, animal waste, yard trash, and more, can be composted.

• Recycling

Another method of getting rid of rubbish is recycling it. Recyclable materials include paper, tin,
aluminum, plastic, and a wide range of other materials.
• Purchase environmentally friendly goods.

Find a way to buy goods that are more environmentally friendly rather than those plastic soda
bottles. This includes, among other things, calendars, coloring books, and bottle openers.

Knowing that many lives have been lost as a result of the recent disasters makes me very sad.
Every time a typhoon hits the Philippines, many areas are subject to flooding, and to make matters
worse, many families have lost their homes and have nothing left to live on. Storms and other
natural disasters destroyed their wealth. Because of the greenhouse effect and global warming, we
are currently experiencing exceptionally hot temperatures. Untidy environments are the source of
many different diseases. The aroma of fresh air is no longer detectable to others. All of this is a
result of bad waste management.

Therefore, cease inappropriate disposal right away. And for the benefit of our nation, we practice
reduce, reuse, and recycle.

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