A. Exact Solution

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Potential distribution near a flat surface: Plot the

following solution for the potential distribution phi

a. Exact solution
⎡ 1 + exp (−kx) tanh ( ) ⎤

ϕ = 2ln ⎢

⎣ 1 − exp (−kx) tanh ( ) ⎦

b. Approximate solution
1 + 0.25ϕs exp (−kx)
ϕ = 2ln [ ]
1 − 0.25ϕs exp (−kx)

c. Debye-Huckle approximation
ϕ = ϕs exp (−kx)

c. Find where the solutions in 'b' and 'c'

start to deviate from the exact solution.

vary kx between 0 to 2 and compare the

solutions for ϕ = 0.5, 1, 2.

In [3]: import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Arrange the 'kx' from 0 to 2 and write the all input data
kx = np.linspace(0, 2, 20)
l = len(kx)
phi_s1 = 0.5
phi_s2 = 1
phi_s3 = 2

Exact solution
In [5]: # Define the 'phi_e'
phi_e1 = np.zeros(kx.shape)
phi_e2 = np.zeros(kx.shape)
phi_e3 = np.zeros(kx.shape)

for i in range(0, l, 1):

# Write the equation of 'phi' for exact solution.
phi_e1[i] = 2*np.log((1+np.exp(-kx[i])*np.tanh(phi_s1/4))/(1-np.exp(-kx[i])*np.
phi_e2[i] = 2*np.log((1+np.exp(-kx[i])*np.tanh(phi_s2/4))/(1-np.exp(-kx[i])*np.
phi_e3[i] = 2*np.log((1+np.exp(-kx[i])*np.tanh(phi_s3/4))/(1-np.exp(-kx[i])*np.

plt.plot(kx, phi_e1, label ='phi_s=0.5')

plt.plot(kx, phi_e2, label ='phi_s=1')
plt.plot(kx, phi_e3, label ='phi_s=2')
plt.title('Exact solution Potential distribution')

Approximate solution
In [6]: # Define the 'phi_a'
phi_a1 = np.zeros(kx.shape)
phi_a2 = np.zeros(kx.shape)
phi_a3 = np.zeros(kx.shape)

for i in range(0, l, 1):

# Write the equation of 'phi' for approximate solution.
phi_a1[i] = 2*np.log((1+0.25*phi_s1*np.exp(-kx[i]))/(1-0.25*phi_s1*np.exp(-kx[i
phi_a2[i] = 2*np.log((1+0.25*phi_s2*np.exp(-kx[i]))/(1-0.25*phi_s1*np.exp(-kx[i
phi_a3[i] = 2*np.log((1+0.25*phi_s3*np.exp(-kx[i]))/(1-0.25*phi_s1*np.exp(-kx[i

plt.plot(kx, phi_a1, label ='phi_s=0.5')

plt.plot(kx, phi_a2, label ='phi_s=1')
plt.plot(kx, phi_a3, label ='phi_s=2')
plt.title('Approximate solution Potential distribution')

Debye-Huckle approximation
In [7]: # Define the 'phi_D'
phi_D1 = np.zeros(kx.shape)
phi_D2 = np.zeros(kx.shape)
phi_D3 = np.zeros(kx.shape)
for i in range(0, l, 1):
# Write the equation of 'phi' for Debye-Huckle approximation.
phi_D1[i] = phi_s1*np.exp(-kx[i])
phi_D2[i] = phi_s2*np.exp(-kx[i])
phi_D3[i] = phi_s3*np.exp(-kx[i])

plt.plot(kx, phi_D1, label ='phi_s=0.5')

plt.plot(kx, phi_D2, label ='phi_s=1')
plt.plot(kx, phi_D3, label ='phi_s=2')
plt.title('Debye-Huckle approximation Potential distribution')

c. Find where the solutions in 'b' and 'c'

start to deviate from the exact solution.
In [10]: # Initialise the subplot function using number of rows and columns
figure, axis = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(15,15))
# fig.tight_layout(pad=5.0)

# phi_s=0.5
axis[0, 0].plot(kx, phi_e1, label ='Exact solution', linestyle='--');
axis[0, 0].plot(kx, phi_a1, label ='Approximate solution', alpha=0.6)
axis[0, 0].set_title("phi_s=0.5")
axis[0, 0].grid()
axis[0, 0].legend()

# phi_s=1
axis[1, 0].plot(kx, phi_e2, label ='Exact solution', linestyle='--');
axis[1, 0].plot(kx, phi_a2, label ='Approximate solution', alpha=0.6)
axis[1, 0].set_title("phi_s=1")
axis[1, 0].grid()
axis[1, 0].legend()

# phi_s=2
axis[2, 0].plot(kx, phi_e3, label ='Exact solution', linestyle='--');
axis[2, 0].plot(kx, phi_a3, label ='Approximate solution', alpha=0.6)
axis[2, 0].set_title("phi_s=2")
axis[2, 0].grid()
axis[2, 0].legend()

# phi_s=0.5
axis[0, 1].plot(kx, phi_e1, label ='Exact solution', linestyle='--');
axis[0, 1].plot(kx, phi_D1, label ='Debye-Huckle approximation', alpha=0.6)
axis[0, 1].set_title("phi_s=0.5")
axis[0, 1].grid()
axis[0, 1].legend()

# phi_s=1
axis[1, 1].plot(kx, phi_e2, label ='Exact solution', linestyle='--');
axis[1, 1].plot(kx, phi_D2, label ='Debye-Huckle approximation', alpha=0.6)
axis[1, 1].set_title("phi_s=1")
axis[1, 1].grid()
axis[1, 1].legend()

# phi_s=2
axis[2, 1].plot(kx, phi_e3, label ='Exact solution', linestyle='--');
axis[2, 1].plot(kx, phi_D3, label ='Debye-Huckle approximation', alpha=0.6)
axis[2, 1].set_title("phi_s=2")
axis[2, 1].grid()
axis[2, 1].legend()

# Combine all the operations and display

In [ ]:

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