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Process Paragraph

Definition: Is a paragraph that the author explains a step-by-step of an action or a state.

✓ Considering the steps of writing paragraphs is crucial for every paragraph, steps from (analyzing
the question to proofreading, revising and editing)
✓ Active and passive voices of simple present tense is the most used tense in this paragraph.
✓ Using imperative sentences can be helpful while stating the process.
✓ Using Additional Transitional Words can keep a good flow of our writing.
Parts of a Process Paragraph;

1- Topic Sentence.
The first sentence of a process paragraph illustrates the topic/question and points to the reader to
look for a process or procedure.
2- Supporting Sentences.
In this step we bring more detailed steps and procedures about the topic.
3- Concluding Sentence(s).
we can either explain the last step of a process or, a summary of the procedures can be written as
a conclusion sentence.
Exercise one: Identify and underline the topic sentence, main points, procedures/examples, and the
conclusion of this paragraph.
Question: Write a process paragraph about how to memorize vocabulary?

To effectively memorize vocabulary, follow this three-step approach. Begin by immersing

yourself in your targeted language through reading, as this expands your word bank and helps
you understand their context of use. Secondly, maintain a vocabulary notebook, writing down
new words and periodically revisiting them. This repetition helps shift these words from
passive memory to active memory, making them readily available for use in your conversations
and writing. In addition, consider having your siblings, friends, and classmates to further
reinforce the studied vocabulary. In summary, this combination of reading, consistent review,
and implementing them is a well-rounded strategy for helping boost your vocabulary range.

Instructor: Shams “Hussaini” pg. 1

Exercise Two: Write a process paragraph about the one of the following questions;
1- How to plant a flower?
2- How to make a cup of coffee?

TOPIC SENTENCE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------ process 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------. For Example, ------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------process 2------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. For instance, ------------------------
-------. Inconclusion, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Instructor: Shams “Hussaini” pg. 2

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