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Dr. Aarti Abhishek Shah.

“Shobhaben Pratapbhai Patel School of Pharmacy &
Technology Management, SVKM’s NMIMS, V.L. Mehta
Road, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai- 400056, India”
 Cardiovascular system consists of the blood, the heart, and blood vessels.

 The heart beats about 100,000 times every day, which adds up to 35 million beats in a

year and about 2.5 billion times in an average lifetime.

 The scientific study of the normal heart and the diseases associated with it is known as

 The Heart is about 12 cm long, 9 cm wide at its broadest point,
and 6 cm thick, with an average mass of 250 gm in adult females
and 300 gm in adult males.
 Location of the Heart : The heart rests on the diaphragm, near
the midline of the thoracic cavity.
 It lies in the mediastinum, an anatomical region that extends
from the sternum to the vertebral column, the first rib to the
diaphragm, and between the lungs.
 About two-thirds of the mass of the heart lies to the left of the
body’s midline.
 The membrane that surrounds and
protects the heart is the pericardium.
 It confines the heart to its position in the
Myocardium mediastinum, while allowing sufficient
freedom of movement for vigorous and
rapid contraction.
 The superficial fibrous pericardium, is composed of tough, inelastic, dense irregular

connective tissue.
 It prevents overstretching of the heart, provides protection, and anchors the heart in the

 The deeper serous pericardium is a thinner, more delicate

 membrane that forms a double layer around the heart .

 The inner visceral layer of the serous pericardium, also called the epicardium , is one of the

layers of the heart wall and adheres tightly to the surface of the heart.
 This slippery secretion of the pericardial cells, known as pericardial fluid, reduces friction

between the layers of the serous pericardium as the heart moves

Layers of the HeartWall
 The wall of the heart consists of three layers :
 The epicardium (external layer)
 The myocardium (middle layer)
 The endocardium (inner layer)
 Epicardium, the thin, transparent outer layer of the heart wall, is also called the visceral
layer of the serous pericardium. It is composed of mesothelium and delicate connective
tissue that imparts a smooth, slippery texture to the outermost surface of the heart.
 Myocardium , which is cardiac muscle tissue, makes up about 95% of the heart and is
responsible for its pumping action.Cardiac muscle is involuntary.
 Endocardium a thin layer of endothelium overlying a thin layer of connective tissue. It
provides a smooth lining for the chambers of the heart and covers the valves of the heart.
Chambers of the Heart
 The heart has four chambers.
 The two superior receiving chambers are the atria ( entry halls or chambers)
 The two inferior pumping chambers are the ventricles ( little bellies). On
 The anterior surface of each atrium is a wrinkled pouch-like structure called an
 Each auricle slightly increases the capacity of an atrium so that it can hold a greater
volume of blood.
 on the surface of the heart are a series of grooves, called sulci , that contain
coronary blood vessels and a variable amount of fat.
Right Atrium
 The right atrium forms the right border of the heart and receives blood from three veins: the superior

vena cava, inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus (Veins always return blood to the heart).
 The right atrium is about 2–3 mm in average thickness.

 The anterior and posterior walls of the right atrium are very different.

 The posterior wall is smooth; the anterior wall is rough due to the presence of muscular ridges called

pectinate muscles , which also extend into the auricle.

 Between the right atrium and left atrium is a thin partition called the interatrial septum, A prominent

feature of this septum is an oval depression called the fossa ovalis, the remnant of the foramen ovale, an
opening in the interatrial septum of the fetal heart that normally closes soon after birth.
 Blood passes from the right atrium into the right ventricle through a valve that is called the tricuspid

valve because it consists of three leaflets or cusps. It is also called the right atrioventricular valve.
 The valves of the heart are composed of dense connective tissue covered by endocardium.
Right Ventricle
 The right ventricle is about 4–5 mm in average thickness and forms most of the
anterior surface of the heart.

 The inside of the right ventricle contains a series of ridges formed by raised bundles of
cardiac muscle fibers called trabeculae carneae .
 Internally, the right ventricle is separated from the left ventricle by a partition called the
interventricular septum.

 Blood passes from the right ventricle through the pulmonary valve (pulmonary
semilunar valve) into a large artery called the pulmonary trunk, which divides into
right and left pulmonary arteries. Arteries always take blood away from the heart
Left Atrium

 The left atrium is about the same thickness as the right atrium and forms most
of the base of the heart.

 It receives blood from the lungs through four pulmonary veins.

 Like the right atrium, the inside of the left atrium has a smooth posterior wall.
 Because pectinate muscles are confined to the auricle of the left atrium, the anterior
wall of the left atrium also is smooth.

 Blood passes from the left atrium into the left ventricle through the bicuspid
(mitral) valve , which, as its name implies, has two cusps. It is also called the left
atrioventricular valve.
Left Ventricle
 The left ventricle is the thickest chamber of the heart, averaging 10–15 mm and
forms the apex of the .
 Blood passes from the left ventricle through the aortic valve (aortic semilunar
valve) into the ascending aorta (aorta to suspend, because the aorta once was
believed to lift up the heart).
 Some of the blood in the aorta flows into the coronary arteries, which branch from
the ascending aorta and carry blood to the heart wall.
 The remainder of the blood passes into the arch of the aorta and descending aorta
(thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta).
 Branches of the arch of the aorta and descending aorta carry blood throughout the
 Operation of the Atrioventricular Valves
 Because they are located between an atrium and a ventricle, the tricuspid and bicuspid valves
are termed atrioventricular (AV) valves.
 When an AV valve is open, the rounded ends of the cusps project into the ventricle.
 When the ventricles are relaxed, the papillary muscles are relaxed, the chordae tendineae are
slack, and blood moves from a higher pressure in the atria to a lower pressure in the ventricles
through open AV valves .
 When the ventricles contract, the pressure of the blood drives the cusps upward until their
edges meet and close the opening.
 At the same time, the papillary muscles contract, which pulls on and tightens the chordae
 This prevents the valve cusps from everting (opening into the atria) in response to the high
ventricular pressure.
 If the AV valves or chordae tendineae are damaged, blood may regurgitate (flow back) into the
atria when the ventricles contract.
 Operation of the Semilunar Valves
 The aortic and pulmonary valves are known as the semilunar valves because they are
made up of three crescent moon-shaped cusps.
 Each cusp attaches to the arterial wall by its convex outer margin.
 The SL valves allow ejection of blood from the heart into arteries but prevent backflow
of blood into the ventricles.
 The free borders of the cusps project into the lumen of the artery. When the ventricles
contract, pressure builds up within the chambers.
 The semilunar valves open when pressure in the ventricles exceeds the pressure in the
arteries, permitting ejection of blood from the ventricles into the pulmonary trunk and
aorta .
 As the ventricles relax, blood starts to flow back toward the heart. This backflowing
blood fills the valve cusps, which causes the semilunar valves to close tightly.
 There are various kinds of blood vessels:
 Arteries
 Aorta (the largest artery, carries blood out of the heart)
 Branches of the aorta, such as the carotid artery, the subclavian artery, the celiac trunk, the
mesenteric arteries, the renal artery and the iliac artery.
 Arterioles
 Capillaries (the smallest blood vessels)
 Venules
 Veins
 Large collecting vessels, such as the subclavian vein, the jugular vein, the renal vein and the iliac
 Venae cavae (the 2 largest veins, carry blood into the heart)
 They are roughly grouped as arterial and venous, determined by whether the blood in it is
flowing away from (arterial) or toward (venous) the heart. The term "arterial blood" is
nevertheless used to indicate blood high in oxygen, although the pulmonary artery carries
"venous blood" and blood flowing in the pulmonary vein is rich in oxygen. This is because
they are carrying the blood to and from the lungs, respectively, to be oxygenated
Systemic & Pulmonary Circulations:
 In postnatal (after birth) circulation, the heart pumps blood into

 two closed circuits with each beat—systemic circulation and

 pulmonary circulation.

 The left side of the heart is the pump for systemic circulation; it receives bright red,
oxygen-rich blood from the lungs.

 The left ventricle ejects blood into the aorta .

 From the aorta, the blood divides into separate streams, entering progressively
smaller systemic arteries that carry it to all organs throughout the body—except for the
air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs, which are supplied by pulmonary circulation.
 In systemic tissues, arteries give rise to smaller diameter arterioles, which finally
lead into extensive beds of systemic capillaries.

 Exchange of nutrients and gases occurs across the thin capillary walls.

 Blood unloads O2 (oxygen) and picks up CO2 (carbon dioxide).

 Venules carry deoxygenated (oxygen-poor) blood away from tissues and merge to
form larger systemic veins. Ultimately the blood flows back to the right atrium
 The right side of the heart is the pump for pulmonary circulation; it receives all the
dark red, deoxygenated blood returning from systemic circulation.

 Blood ejected from the right ventricle flows into the pulmonary trunk, which branches
into pulmonary arteries that carry blood to the right and left lungs. In pulmonary
capillaries, blood unloads CO2 , which is exhaled, and picks up inhaled O2 .

 The freshly oxygenated blood then flows into pulmonary veins and returns to the left
Coronary Circulation
 Nutrients are not able to diffuse quickly enough from blood in the chambers of the
heart to supply all the layers of cells that make up the heart wall. For this reason, the
myocardium has its own network of blood vessels, the coronary or cardiac
Autorhythmic Fibers: The Conduction
 An inherent and rhythmical electrical activity is the reason for the heart’s lifelong
 The source of this electrical activity is a network of specialized cardiac muscle
fibers called autorhythmic fibers because they are self-excitable, repeatedly
generate action potentials that trigger heart contractions.
Cardiac action potentials
 Cardiac excitation normally begins in the sinoatrial (SA) node, located in the right atrial wall just inferior and lateral to the

opening of the superior vena cava. SA node cells do not have a stable resting potential. Rather, they repeatedly depolarize to
threshold spontaneously. When the pacemaker potential reaches threshold, it triggers an action potential . Each action
potential from the SA node propagates throughout both atria via gap junctions in the intercalated discs of atrial muscle fibers.
Following the action potential, the atria contract.

 By conducting along atrial muscle fibers, the action potential reaches the atrioventricular (AV) node, located in the

interatrial septum, just anterior to the opening of the coronary sinuS.

 From the AV node, the action potential enters the atrioventricular (AV) bundle (also known as the bundle of His). This

bundle is the only site where action potentials can conduct from the atria to the ventricles.

 After propagating along the AV bundle, the action potential enters both the right and left bundle branches. The bundle

branches extend through the interventricular septum toward the apex of the heart.

 Finally, the large-diameter Purkinje fibers rapidly conduct the action potential beginning at the apex of the heart upward to

the remainder of the ventricular myocardium. Then the ventricles contract, pushing the blood upward toward semilunar
 As action potentials propagate through the heart, they generate electrical currents that can be detected
at the surface of the body.
 An electrocardiogram ECG, is a recording of these electrical signals.
 The ECG is a composite record of action potentials produced by all the heart muscle fibers during
each heartbeat.
 The instrument used to record the changes is an electrocardiograph.
 In clinical practice, electrodes are positioned on the arms and legs (limb leads) and at six positions on
the chest (chest leads) to record the ECG.
 The electrocardiograph amplifies the heart’s electrical signals and produces 12 different tracings from
different combinations of limb and chest leads.
 Each limb and chest electrode records slightly different electrical activity because of the difference in
its position relative to the heart.
 By comparing these records with one another and with normal records, it is possible to determine
 (1) if the conducting pathway is abnormal,
 (2) if the heart is enlarged,
 (3) if certain regions of the heart are damaged, and (4) the cause of chest pain.
am or ECG
Pqrst waves
 In a typical record, three clearly recognizable waves appear with each heartbeat .

 The first, called the P wave, is a small upward deflection on the ECG.

 The P wave represents atrial depolarization, which spreads from the SA node through
contractile fibers in both atria.
 The second wave, called the QRS complex, begins as a downward deflection, continues as
a large, upright, triangular wave, and ends as a downward wave.
 The QRS complex represents rapid ventricular depolarization, as the action potential
spreads through ventricular contractile fibers.
 The third wave is a dome-shaped upward deflection called the T wave.

 It indicates ventricular repolarization and occurs just as the ventricles are starting to
 The T wave is smaller and wider than the QRS complex because repolarization
occurs more slowly than depolarization.
 During the plateau period of steady depolarization, the ECG tracing is flat.

 Systole refers to the phase of contraction; the phase of relaxation is diastole

 The ECG waves predict the timing of atrial and ventricular systole and diastole.

 At a heart rate of 75 beats per minute, the timing is as follows

 A single cardiac cycle includes all the events associated with one heartbeat.
 Thus, a cardiac cycle consists of systole and diastole of the atria plus systole and diastole of the ventricles.
 Stages of the cardiac cycle
 The normal number of cardiac cycles per minute ranges from 60 to 80. Taking 74 as an example each cycle lasts
about 0.8 of a second and consists of:
 • atrial systole — contraction of the atria
 • ventricular systole — contraction of the ventricles
 • complete cardiac diastole — relaxation of the atria and ventricles.
 The superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava transport deoxygenated blood into the right atrium at
 the same time as the four pulmonary veins convey oxygenated blood into the left atrium.
 The atrioventricular valves are open and blood flows through to the ventricles.
 The SA node triggers a wave of contraction that spreads over the myocardium of both atria, emptying the atria
and completing ventricular filling (atrial systole 0.1 s).
 When the wave of contraction reaches the AV node it is stimulated to emit an impulse which quickly spreads to
the ventricular muscle via the AV bundle, the bundle branches and Purkinje fibres.
 This results in a wave of contraction which sweeps upwards from the apex of the heart and across the walls of
both ventricles pumping the blood into the pulmonary artery and the aorta (ventricular systole 0.3 s).
 The high pressure generated during ventricular contraction is greater than that in the aorta and
forces the atrioventricular valves to close, preventing backflow of blood into the atria.
 After contraction of the ventricles there is complete cardiac diastole, a period of 0.4 seconds,
when atria and ventricles are relaxed. During this time the myocardium recovers until it is able
to contract again, and the atria refill in preparation for the next cycle.
 The valves of the heart and of the great vessels open and close according to the pressure within
the chambers of the heart.
 The AV valves are open while the ventricular muscle is relaxed during atrial filling and systole.
When the ventricles contract there is a gradual increase in the pressure in these chambers, and
when it rises above atrial pressure the atrioventricular valves close. When the ventricular
pressure rises above that in the pulmonary artery and in the aorta, the pulmonary and aortic
valves open and blood flows into these vessels. When the ventricles relax and the pressure
within them falls, the reverse process occurs.
 First the pulmonary and aortic valves close, then the atrioventricular valves open and the cycle
begins again.
 This sequence of opening and closing valves ensures that the blood flows in only one direction
Heart Sounds
 During each cardiac cycle, there are four heart sounds, but in a normal heart only the
first and second heart sounds (S1 and S2) are loud enough to be heard through a
 The first sound (S1), which can be described as a lubb sound, is louder and a bit longer than
the second sound.
 S1 is caused by blood turbulence associated with closure of the AV valves soon after
ventricular systole begins. The second sound (S2), which is shorter and not as loud as the
first, can be described as a dupp sound.
 S2 is caused by blood turbulence associated with closure of the SL valves at the beginning
of ventricular diastole. Although S1 and S2 are due to blood turbulence associated with the
closure of valves, they are best heard at the surface of the chest in locations that are slightly
different from the locations of the valves.
 This is because the sound is carried by the blood flow away from the valves.
 Normally not loud enough to be heard, S3 is due to blood turbulence during rapid
ventricular filling, and S4 is due to blood turbulence during atrial systole.
 Cardiac output (CO) is the volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle (or
the right ventricle) into the aorta (or pulmonary trunk) each minute. Cardiac
output equals the stroke volume (SV), the volume of blood ejected by the
ventricle during each contraction, multiplied by the heart rate (HR), the
number of heartbeats per minute.

 CO = SV * HR

 (mL/min) (mL/beat) (beats/min)

Blood Pressure
 Contraction of the ventricles generates blood pressure (BP), the hydrostatic pressure
exerted by blood on the walls of a blood vessel. BP is determined by cardiac output ,
blood volume, and vascular resistance . BP is highest in the aorta and large systemic
arteries; in a resting, young adult, BP rises to about 110 mmHg during systole
(ventricular contraction) and drops to about 70 mmHg during diastole (ventricular
 Systolic blood pressure is the highest pressure attained in arteries during systole,
and diastolic blood pressure is the lowest arterial pressure during diastole

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