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Brand Management

Our Brand – SpaceOutClean

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Group C

Matriculation Number:
Brand Management 2

Executive Summary

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The brand management concept is an important aspect for business organisations throughout
the world. Brand management is important for a brand in terms of its recognition,
consistency, and maintenance.

The study provides a brief overview of the business concern of SpaceOutClean, which is the
subject for brand development where the company aims at offering dual use sanitisers in both
Singapore and the United Kingdom. The study also covers brand development decisions
mainly focused on brand positioning, brand sponsor, and brand extension, which are
beneficial for the SpaceOutClean, along with a brief overview of the desired 4P marketing

The study also highlights international branding strategy that has covered components of
localisation, brand positioning, understanding consumer behaviour, expansion of
procurement source, brand guidelines, developing campaign and re-market, for
SpaceOutClean to thrive in the country of the United Kingdom.
Brand Management 3

Table of Contents
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................5

1.1. Company Background.....................................................................................................5

1.2. Company Core Value......................................................................................................5

2. Overview of the Brand...........................................................................................................5

3. Brand Development Decision................................................................................................5

3.1. Brand Extensions............................................................................................................6

3.2. Brand Positioning............................................................................................................6

3.3. Brand Name Selection.....................................................................................................7

3.4 Brand Sponsorship...........................................................................................................7

4. Brand Equity..........................................................................................................................7

4.1. Brand Awareness............................................................................................................7

4.2. Meaning...........................................................................................................................7

4.3. Responses........................................................................................................................7

4.4. Resonance.......................................................................................................................7

5. Market Segmentation.............................................................................................................8

5.1. Geographic Segmentation...............................................................................................8

5.2. Demographic Segmentation............................................................................................8

5.3. Psychographic Segmentation..........................................................................................8

6. Marketing Mix.......................................................................................................................8

6.1. Price.................................................................................................................................9

6.2. Product..........................................................................................................................10

6.3. Place..............................................................................................................................10

6.4. Promotion......................................................................................................................10

7. International Branding Strategies.........................................................................................11

Brand Management 4

7.1. Localisation...................................................................................................................11

7.2. Brand Positioning..........................................................................................................12

7.3. Understanding Client’s Behaviours..............................................................................12

7.4. Brand Guidelines...........................................................................................................13

7.5. Developing Campaign...................................................................................................13

7.6. Re-Market.....................................................................................................................14

8. Co-Branding.....................................................................................................................14

9. Conclusions..........................................................................................................................14

9. Reference List..................................................................................................................15
Brand Management 5

1. Introduction

1.1. Company Background

1.2. Company Core Value

2. Overview of the Brand

3. Brand Development Decision

Brand development is a strategic approach of the marketing process which enables business
organisations such as SpaceOutClean to develop and distinguish its products offered in the
market from the rest of its customers, deeming such products more preferable by the potential

Brand development allows businesses to increase brand awareness among the targeted market
segment, establishes a foundation of trust for the company, increases customer loyalty,
generates value, and sets expectations towards the brand (Mijan & Abdullah, 2019). In the
brand development for the brand of SpaceOutClean, two particular components have been
identified in the entire brand management process. These components are briefly discussed
Brand Management 6

Brand Brand Brand
Extention Positioning Sponsorship

Fig X: Brand Development Process

(Source: Self-Created)

3.1. Brand Extensions

The brand extension aspect of brand development refers to the brand name employed by the
corporate entity to launch a product or service. This development decision allows the brand
of SpaceOutClean to automatically gain a competitive advantage when the company launches
a new product since it ensures a specific segment of consumers s to purchase their product
since they are loyal to the company.

Brand extension can be in the form of line extension, which will be a new use or form of
sanitisers of the existing category of sanitisers offered by SpaceOutClean.

3.2. Brand Positioning

The positioning aspect of a brand refers to designing the company's offerings, which creates
an image at a distinctive place in the consumer's minds that are present in the target market.
Brand Management 7

This mainly concerns the consumers having a favourable belief and outlook about the brand
of SpaceOutClean, which is preferred to be more positive than that of the businesses of
sanitisers in the United Kingdom. The brand's main concern is related to how consumers
perceive the sanitisers offered by SpaceOutClean that influences customer purchase
behaviour (Fayvishenko, 2018).

3.3. Brand Name Selection

3.4 Brand Sponsorship

There are four probable decisions concerning brand sponsorship that includes Co-brand,
private brand, licensed brand, and manufacturer's brand.

Brand sponsorship decisions can include selling the SpaceoutClean’s sanitisers as the
manufacturer's brand since it will likely be marketed by the manufacturing company itself
(Atak, 2021).

4. Brand Equity

4.1. Brand Awareness

4.2. Meaning

4.3. Responses

4.4. Resonance
Brand Management 8

5. Market Segmentation

5.1. Geographic Segmentation

5.2. Demographic Segmentation

5.3. Psychographic Segmentation

6. Marketing Mix

In general terms, the marketing mix refers to the elements generally involved in the
marketing process of a given product or service. The marketing mix was selected for the
market of the United Kingdom for the development purpose of SpaceOutClean brand 4P.
4P refers to the Price, Product, Place, and Promotion (Thabit & Raewf, 2018).

These marketing mix elements are briefly discussed below concerning SpaceOutClean.
Brand Management 9

Fig X: The Marketing Mix 4P

(Source: IDF, 2021)

6.1. Price

Price is concerned with the amount paid by consumers to avail of a product or service.
Therefore, the product offered by SpaceOutClean require a price set that is suitable for the
consumers that seek convenience and peace of mind.

A price too high may not leave a positive impression on the brand (Mac-Kingsley & Pokubo,
To discuss on Price point for said product
Brand Management 10

6.2. Product

Product is the article of either a product or service that a given business organisation offers.
The product aspect requires the SpaceOutClean to deliver quality products under the brand
name that makes it distinctive, ranging from a feature of sanitisation, quality, or addition of
unique features of the sanitisers for customers of SpaceOutClean (Wahyuntari & Sutarma,
To discuss on the unique features of our sanitisers

6.3. Place

Place element in the marketing is vital for business organisations and brands for proceeding
towards brand development decisions. It is already determined that the brand of
SpaceOutClean will be set up overseas, in the country of the United Kingdom. However, the
brand must determine an ideal place for marketing, such as product acceptance by consumers.

6.4. Promotion

Promotion is concerned with brand awareness, that is, an advertisement for the brand,
establishment of public relations. The goal of promotional activities is to spread awareness
regarding why the customers need the products offered by the business organisation. Hence,
SpaceOutClean also requires to consider potential strategies for advertising their product to
the customers in the country of the United Kingdom, such as the use of online platforms and
social media for reaching and appealing to the larger audience (Bi, De Wu, Gao & Lin,
2019). To discuss the promotion platforms to adopt.

Considering the above discussion, it can be stated that abiding by the marketing mix of 4P
and the areas for brand development decisions will allow SpaceOutClean to take their
Brand Management 11

business overseas and compete against the operational local sanitisers suppliers in the country
of the United Kingdom.

7. International Branding Strategies

International branding strategies of SpaceOutClean are important to attract the potential

buyers of the targeted developed countries, the United Kingdom. In the ever-increasing
competitive marketplace, international marketing strategies will help strengthen the brand
values and settle convenient localisation of sanitisers manufacturing company -
SpaceOutClean of Singapore, in the developed nation United Kingdom (Truong, Klink,
Simmons, Grinstein & Palmer, 2017).

Typically, global marketing strategies will be helpful for this business organisation to
develop market research and fulfil the business perspectives in the competitive marketplace
in the United Kingdom. The international branding strategies of this small business
organisation are discussed below:

7.1. Localisation

To meet the market competitiveness in the United Kingdom, SpaceoutClean will include
additional features to the screaming function of the sanitisers such as local slang “Slag Off”
(means to make fun of a person by verbally attacking them) to alert social distancing.
Melodic tunes to activate UV LED to disinfect the area within 1 meter of the user’s

SpaceOutClean will also perform as a new emerging company; hence localisation would be
the best market approach of this small sanitisers manufacturing company towards
regionalisation. The expansion of a foreign business relies on local consideration while
focusing on overseas investment. In this respect, localisation would be one of the
international branding strategies.
Brand Management 12

Apart from that, this effective decision-making strategy localisation will be focused on the
local integration with other companies in the United Kingdom that will help expand the
business of SpaceOutClean throughout the country.

7.2. Brand Positioning

Brand positioning would offer this business organisation to expand its market in the
distinctive place of the targeted market of the United Kingdom. Hence, brand positioning will
be considered an effective strategy to differentiate its brand from competitors in market
competitiveness (Van Tonder, Petzer & Van Zyl, 2017).

On the contrary, the brand position would help understand the targeted consumers, enhance
the brand capabilities and identify the competitors positioning.
To discuss any particular target market, consumers etc.

7.3. Understanding Client’s Behaviours

In the changing business environment of sanitisers manufacturing companies in the United

Kingdom, understanding of clients' behaviour of this business organisation, SpaceOutClean
would play an important role. Hence, identifying sanitisers manufacturing companies'
behavioural approaches, business intention, and psychological factors would be an ideal
choice of international branding strategy.
Brand Management 13

7.4. Brand Guidelines

In order to survive in the new market environment, brand guidelines should be developed,
which will ensure the consistency of this brand. Hence, brand guidelines should be made
based on this brand's history, mission, values, and vision. In addition, brand guidelines should
be designed in simplified manners so that in-depth information can be understandable by the
targeted clients or the employees of this business organisation (Alparslan, 2017).

Therefore, the media branding and the tone of voice of SpaceOutClean will help ensure
consistent business growth. On the contrary, comprehensive brand guidelines can help
maintain control of the production process and develop effective relationships with the
external suppliers and the internal team.

7.5. Developing Campaign

After entering into the new marketplace, developing a campaign would be an effective
international branding strategy in maintaining consistent brand messaging in the various
marketing channels through traditional and digital media platforms.

SpaceOutClean needs to choose the most cost-efficient campaign approach in developing

brand awareness.

In the developing campaign, content creation needs to include promotion and execution. In
the era of digitalisation, the development of campaigns would be boundless.
To discuss the type of content for promotion such as tag line etc.
Brand Management 14

7.6. Re-Market

The term re-marketing is an effective way of connecting targeted and potential customers or
customers who have already shown interest in the company's products. Remarketing would
help SpaceOutClean in strategically positioning the valuable ads to the targeted audiences to
increase brand awareness. The proper usage of digital media platforms will play an important
role in improving brand experiences before the consumers.

In general, when a person accepts the cookie policy of a website that stores a bit of
information except sensitive information like name and address. Therefore, when that person
visits another website, ensure recommended ads based on the people's choices.

8. Co-Branding

9. Conclusions

The above study has been conducted about the concepts regarding brand management, and
the theories that are concerned with the brand management for the brand of SpaceOutClean, a
brand to be developed and sustained in Singapore and taken to the overseas market of the
United Kingdom of sanitisers manufacturing industry.

The overall conclusion that can be derived from the current report is that the SpaceOutClean
is required to identify the company's psychology, nature, and behaviour to determine the
appropriate brand management theory applicable for the brand to sustain. There is also the
requirement for proper brand development decisions and adherence to the 4P marketing mix
along with international branding strategies that are specifically designed for the brand of
SpaceOutClean to be more appealing become more of a consumers preference.
Brand Management 15

9. Reference List

Mijan, R., & Abdullah, N. A. (2019). How do the brand-oriented SMEs communicate.
International Journal, 4(17), 71-79. Retrieved from

Fayvishenko, D. (2018). Formation of brand positioning strategy. Baltic Journal of Economic

Studies, 4(2), 245-248. Retrieved from

Atak, A. (2021). Design Diversity and Brand Loyalty. Saudi J Bus Manag Stud, 6(3), 56-60.
Retrieved from

Thabit, T., & Raewf, M. (2018). The evaluation of marketing mix elements: A case study.

International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 4(4). Retrieved from

Mac-Kingsley, I., & Pokubo, I. M. (2019). Marketing Mix Strategies Performance: A Study
of in SMEs in Rivers State of Nigeria. World Journal of Entrepreneurial Development
Studies, 3(1), 32-39. Retrieved from
Brand Management 16

Wahyuntari, N. L. P., Sutarma, I. G. P., & Antara, D. M. S. (2020). The Implementation of

Marketing Mix to Increase Room Sales. Jurnal Bali Membangun Bali, 1(1), 55-64.
Retrieved from

Bi, W., De Wu, J., Gao, Y., & Lin, R. T. (2019). Original Paper Study on the 4P in the
Innovation Strategy of Three Squirrels’ Network Marketing. Retrieved from

Truong, Y., Klink, R. R., Simmons, G., Grinstein, A., & Palmer, M. (2017).Branding
strategies for high-technology products: The effects of consumer and product
innovativeness.Journal of Business Research, 70, 85-91. Retrieved from

Van Tonder, E., Petzer, D. J., & Van Zyl, K. (2017). A mediated model of relationship
quality factors affecting behavioural intention at a luxury motor vehicle dealership. European
Business Review. Retrieved from

Alparslan, N. A. S. (2017). Branding and national identity: The analysis of “Turkey: Discover
The Potential” campaign. Bilig, (83), 201-224. Retrieved from

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