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Frank Mashina © 2023


Frank Mashina © 2023






Mashina, Frank
The Crushed Destiny


This book recounts the essence of my experience in imagination and in that sense is a true story.
However, it
Is not intended as literal account, and it is not to be taken as a portrayal of any living person. All
names of
Individuals, places, institutions and the inserted images are all fictio

Frank Mashina © 2023


Table of Contents

[CHAPTER 1] – UNSPEAKABLE NIGHT .................................................................................. 7

[CHAPTER 2] – THE TRUTH THAT I DIDN’T KNOW .......................................................... 39

[CHAPTER 3]- AWAITED DREAM .......................................................................................... 93

[ CHAPTER 4] - CHOICES ....................................................................................................... 134

[CHAPTER 5]- I’AM GOING TO MAKE IT ........................................................................... 157

[CHAPTER 6]- THE PROMISED DAYS ................................................................................. 177

[CHAPTER 7]- I WISH I KNEW .............................................................................................. 213

[CHAPTER 8]- THIS IS IT ........................................................................................................ 238

[CHAPTER 9] - THE LOST CITY ............................................................................................ 263

[CHAPTER 10]- CONSEQUENCES ......................................................................................... 276

Frank Mashina © 2023



To all the resilient souls who fight against the darkness within and around them, To the ones who

dare to unravel secrets and confront their deepest fears. This book is dedicated to the unwavering

spirit of humanity. May your courage inspire others to stand tall in the face of adversity, and may

your strength remind us all that even in the crushing depths of destiny, there exists a spark, a

flicker of hope, guiding us toward the light.

In the echoes of your bravery, In the triumphs of your hearts, this tale finds its purpose and


With deepest gratitude,


Frank Mashina © 2023



65001, Upanga street, ilala

Dar es Salaam



Frank Mashina © 2023



[camera focuses on news reporter standing outside the courthouse, with crowds of people and

media personnel in the background]

The courtroom buzzed with tension as the trial of Raymond Philemon Sapuka and Josephine

Salum Motoko unfolded at the ICC [ International. Helen Steven from MTV NEWS stood

outside the imposing ICC building, her voice laced with urgency, reporting live to the world.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Helen Steven from MTV NEWS,

broadcasting live. We are here live outside the ICC in Dane Country, where the trial of Raymond

Philemon Sapuka and Josephine Salum Motoko continues to captivate the world's attention. This

is undoubtedly the most significant legal showdown of the new millennium."

Cutting to footage of the courthouse's imposing facade, Helen's voice continued, "The accused

Raymond Philemon Sapuka and Josephine Salum Motoko stand accused of leading an

International Criminal Organization, orchestrating mass murders, drug dealing, human

trafficking, and being involved in a range of serious criminal activities."

Clips of supporters holding banners and signs filled the screen. Helen's enthusiasm was palpable

as she described the atmosphere, "The atmosphere here is electric, with supporters of the

defendants showing unwavering solidarity. They believe that Raymond and Josephine are heroes

in a battle against a system they see as corrupt."

Security personnel surrounded the courthouse, their vigilant presence evident. Helen's voice took

a serious tone, "Security remains tight, with authorities taking no chances. The stakes are

incredibly high in this trial, and emotions are running even higher."

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Images of the legal teams entering the courthouse were shown, and Helen's tone turned

determined, "Inside that courthouse, legal heavyweights are clashing as the prosecution presents

its case against the accused. The world is watching as the innocence of their clients."

The camera focused on Helen holding up a microphone, her gaze unwavering, "We'll continue to

bring you live updates on this historic trial as it unfolds. Stay tuned for more coverage on this

truly unprecedented legal drama. Reporting live from Dane Country, I’m Helen Steven, from

MTV NEWS, and this is a moment in history."

Cutting to the inside of the courtroom, Judge's voice boomed, "All rise. We are gathered here

today to address the grave charges brought against Raymond Philemon and Josephine Salum.

Mr. Philemon, you have been accused by the United States of Dane for leading an International

criminal organization known as BMO and the murder of 287 people. Ms. Salum, you are also

charged with the same offenses. How do you both plead?"

Raymond Philemon, his voice heavy with emotion, stated, "Your Honor, I plead not guilty to all


Josephine Salum, her voice nervous yet resolute, echoed, "Your Honor, I also plead not guilty to

all charges."

The judge continued, "Very well. Let the record show that both defendants have entered not

guilty pleas. Mr. Philemon and Ms. Salum, you each have the right to legal representation. Do

you have attorneys present?"

Raymond's Lawyer stood, announcing, "Yes, your Honor, I am representing Mr. Philemon. My

name is David Abas."

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Josephine’s lawyer, equally poised, stated, "Your Honor, I am representing Ms. Salum. My name

is Vivian Turner.

"The courtroom drama unfolded as the prosecution presented its case, with Agent Raynolds from

NIA taking the stand, detailing the extensive evidence against the defendants. The defense

attorneys cross-examined, questioning the validity of the evidence and attempting to challenge

the charges levied against their clients.

The tension in the courtroom was palpable as the trial continued, and the fate of Raymond

Philemon Sapuka and Josephine Salum Motoko hung in the balance, awaiting justice in this

unprecedented legal battle.

Raymond's Lawyer, his voice firm and assertive, pressed on, "Agent Raynolds, are you certain

that all the evidence you’ve collected directly implicates my client Mr. Philemon in these


Agent Raynolds, his confidence unwavering, replied, "Yes, Mr. Abas. We have substantial

evidence linking Mr. Philemon to the organization's leadership and the planning of these crimes."

Josephine’s lawyer, keen on defending his client, challenged, "Detective Raynolds, can you

provide concrete evidence that my client, Ms. Salum, was directly involved in these murders?"

Agent Raynolds calmly explained, "Ms. Turner, while the evidence against Ms. Salum is

circumstantial, it points to her significant involvement in BMO’s operations, which includes the

crimes in question."

The judge, addressing the court, added solemnly, "In addition to the charges previously

mentioned, the prosecution has also levied additional charges against Raymond Philemon and

Josephine Salum. These charges include gun possession, engagement in terroristic activities,

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conspiracy towards Nance Williams' disappearance, involvement in drug dealing, mineral theft,

economic sabotage, and human trafficking."

Raymond’s lawyer promptly raised an objection, stating, "Your Honor, these additional charges

seem excessive and unrelated to the original accusations."

Josephine's Lawyer agreed, saying, "I concur with Mr. Abas, Your Honor. These new charges

appear to be an attempt to unfairly prejudice the jury."

The judge considered the objection carefully, addressing the counselors, "Understanding your

concerns, Counselors. The court will review these additional charges for relevance and validity.

We’ll proceed with the trial on the original charges, and a decision regarding the additional

charges will be made in due course."

He continued, his voice firm and decisive, "Before we adjourn for the day, it is important to note

that due to the gravity of the charges and the nature of the accusations against the defendants,

Raymond Philemon and Josephine Salum, they will remain in the custody of government

authorities until further notice. This decision is made to ensure the safety of all parties involved

and to prevent any interference with the ongoing legal proceedings. The court proceedings will

resume next week Tuesday, 14th April 2009, and both defendants will be held in government

custody during this time. Court is adjourned for today.

The trial of Raymond Philemon and Josephine Salum is nothing short of a global sensation,

marking it as one of the most significant cases of the new millennium. The accusations of the

leading an international criminal organization, orchestrating mass murders, and engaging in a

wide range of criminal activities has captured the attention of people all over the world. Media

outlets from every corner of the globe followed the case closely and live case follow up were

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broadcasted, with headlines splashed across newspapers and constant updates on Television and

the internet.

In Dane country, where the trial is taking place, the population flocks to the ICC like never

before. The courthouse becomes a hub of anticipation and intrigue, with supporters of Raymond

and Josephine fervently hoping for their release. To them, the defendants are heroes, symbols of

defiance against the establishment. They believe that the accusations were part of a conspiracy,

and their unwavering support painted a stark contrast to the vehement opposition from the other

side of the coin.

Raymond Philemon’s life had taken an unexpected turn. He had started his journey as a medical

student, dreaming of a career dedicated to saving lives and healing the sick. However, as

circumstances would have it, he found himself drawn into a world far removed from his initial

aspirations. The unraveling of the trial and its intricate web of criminal activities had transformed

him from a medical student into a witness to one of the most complex and high-profile legal

battles in recent memory. His life had taken a path he could never have foreseen, and it was now

intricately intertwined with the unfolding drama of the courtroom.

Raymond's voice trembled with worry as he spoke, "Our fate seems to have betrayed us,


Josephine, her tone laced with equal concern, responded, "And it is leading us to the scary, ever

wished destiny. But we'll win this." Her determination cut through the uncertainty, a flicker of

hope in the face of impending darkness.

[Uneasy Music playing at the background]

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Raymond Philemon, famously known as Ray, a young man hailing from the Dane country. He

was deeply committed to his pursuit of a medical degree at DHMU [DREAM-MORE HEALTH

UNIVERSITY] in the Kito region. His family consisted of his mom, Veronica, who was often

his primary caregiver, and his father, Mr. Philemon Sapuka, who frequently embarked on

business trips. Despite the separation due to their work, they managed to maintain a seemingly

content and harmonious family.

On a particular Sunday morning, October 19th, 2003, Ray’s routine continued as usual. His mom

attended the first mass, leaving him alone at home. This had become a familiar pattern for Ray,

given his parents’ demanding schedules. Despite the busyness of both his mother and father, Ray

cherished the moments when they were together. Those times made him feel cherished, Valued,

and unique. However, on that particular Sunday, He sensed a subtle shift in the air. He couldn’t

help but ponder how the weekend would unfold without visiting any of his friends, a departure

from his unusual routine.

He contemplated, “should I give Nance a call? hmm, perhaps not now. is this the right time?

what if she perceives me as too stubborn?” these were the thoughts swirling in his mind.

eventually, he settled on going for a brief run, a daily ritual he practiced after his early morning

wake-up, sometimes even after his evening classes. running served as his refuge when life’s

challenges loomed, providing solace in the midst of turmoil. the uncertainty of his academic

future weighed heavily on his mind. medicine was his sole plan a, and he had never considered

an alternative. his mother’s daily reminder, “your future lies in your hands, but don’t fret too

much. your father and I have paved a bright path for you. it’s only a matter of time”, continually

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occupied his thoughts. his fixation on the future had nearly made him forget he was alive in the


At 6:00AM, He made a firm decision, “I won’t be going to church today.” After preparing

himself, he embarked on his short run. As he approached his destination, he checked his

smartphone and saw that he had covered 3.1 kilometers. Ray paused by a roadside stone to catch

his breath. This spot offered a breathtaking view of the city below, nestled within the

mountainous terrain. The natural beauty surrounding him featured lush greenery, Vibrant

flowers, and a tranquil pond mirroring the clear blue sky. The weather seemed to favor him

during his runs, with gentle, warm breeze carrying the fragrance of blooming flowers and the

soothing touch of sunlight. The picturesque environment and the pleasant climate had a magical

way of easing his burdens. While jogging through this idyllic haven, He couldn’t help but feel a

profound sense of peace. The combination of the scenic beauty and the endorphins released

during his run cleared his mind and lifted his spirits. This harmonious union of nature’s beauty,

favorable weather, and physical activity became his allies in conquering the stresses that beset

his life. In these moments, he discovered clarity and a much-needed respite from the challenges

that lay ahead, feeling rejuvenated and prepared to face an uncertain future.

[Hello world music playing, by Alan Walker ft Torine]

With headphones adorning his head, he selected a cherished song, ‘Hello World’ by Alan Walker

featuring Torine. The melodic notes encapsulated the very essence of his inner thoughts. Post his

revitalizing run, he’d make his way home, infused with a newfound vitality and a deepened sense

of purpose. His heart ached with a longing for Nance Willimas that was almost palpable. Day in

and day out, he yearned for her company, but the crippling grip of fear held him captive. The

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courage to approach her eluded him, like a fleeting shadow. His emotions, once a source of

inspiration, ad turned shackles, chaining him to his own desires. In this self-imposed

imprisonment, he become a victim of his own feelings, watching opportunities slip through his

fingers, unable to break free from the bonds of his unspoken affection.

[Jealous Song by Labrinth playing at the background]

“Every time I saw Nance with James Jr., it was like a dagger through my heart”, he confided to a

close friend, the jealousy burning within him like a relentless flame. However, he steadfastly

refused to succumb to his emotions. With a resolute determination, he whispered to himself, “My

future is greater than chasing fleeting romances.” As the haunting strains of music played in the

background, he pushed his life forward. The lyrics echoed in his mind, reminding him of his

purpose and resilience. He knew he was destined for something bigger and brighter. Through all

the ups and downs, he channeled his jealousy into his medical studies. Every setback fueled his

determination to excel. His textbooks became his refuge, his notes his solace, he found comfort

in studies. He transformed that jealousy into a burning ambition, propelling him towards a future

where success was the only option.

His daily routine was meticulously structured, a reflection of the order he diligently sought in

life. Commencing with the laundering of his sweety workout attire, he ensured his surroundings

remained immaculate. Home cleanness mirrored the discipline he strived for. Once household

tasks were complete, he dedicated himself to crafting a nourishing breakfast to fuel his

endeavors. Recognizing the significance of a balanced diet in maintaining mental acuity and

physical vigor, he often indulged in a hearty bowl of oatmeal accompanied by a freshly brewed

cup of coffee. The subsequent hours were devoted to his personal studies, a relentless pursuit

driven by an unwavering passion of medicine. Textbooks, medical journals, and research papers

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were his companions as he absorbed knowledge with unwavering determination. His pursuit of

medicine stemmed not solely from personal ambition but from an earnest desire to leave a

positive mark on those around him. He harbored the unshakable belief that through dedication

and relenting effort, he could one day contribute to the betterment of society, enhancing the

health and well-being of countless individuals. It was this profound sense of purpose that fueled

his tireless pursuit of excellence within the realm of medicine. He firmly believed that mastering

his studies and gaining expertise, he possessed the potential to usher in positive transformation

and make a profound impact on the world.

Amidst his intensive study sessions, the growling of his stomach served as a persistent reminder

that a well-deserved meal, a brief respite from his academic endeavors, was on the horizon. He

made his way to the kitchen, a man on the mission to craft something truly hearty and satisfying.

Today, the chosen masterpiece was a homemade pasta dish, a symphony of flavors in the

making. The aroma of garlic, herbs, and tomatoes simmering together filled the air as he toiled

over the stove. The final flourish came in the form of a generous sprinkle of grated Parmesan

cheese, a culinary touch that elevated the dish to perfection. He served himself a plateful of this

delectable meal and savored each bite. The flavors danced upon his taste buds, offering a

moment of culinary indulgence amidst the backdrop of his relentless academic pursuits.

Tradition dictated that a portion be set aside in the fridge for his mother, a custom he faithfully

upheld. Amidst his day’s asks, He paused to explore the vast expanse of the internet, stumbling

upon exciting news that would captivate his attention. It was a headline from the University’s

‘Digital Magazine Society, DMS’, and it bore the intriguing news that “Nance broke up with

James Jr.”. The revelation hung in the air, a development that held the potential to reshaped his

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world. The breakup saga involving Nance Williams and James Jr. morphined into an overnight

internet sensation, seizing control of headlines and gathering such dramatic titles as “the story of

the year”, “second titanic” and “world’s tragedy”. The news spread like wildfire, captivating the

curiosity of students and the general populace alike. The reactions to fellow students to the news

were as diverse as they were intricate. Nance Williams and James Jr had long been subjects of

both admiration and resettlement, largely due to their perceived airs of pride and opulence. The

couple’s extravagant lifestyle had drawn many admires, but it had also stoked the flames of

jealousy and acrimony. Therefore, when the news of their split hit the public domain, emotions

surged to the surface, creating a maelstrom of feelings among onlookers. The news of Nance

Williams and James Jr. ‘s breakup had a profound impact on people, with various

interpretations swirling around like a storm. To many, it was seen as a tragic turn of events,

leaving them baffled as to why these two seemingly inseparable billionaire kids had parted ways.

Some believed it was a tragedy of epic proportions, a love story gone awry. They couldn’t

fathom why two individuals who had seemingly everything would choose to end their

relationship. The lavish gifts, extravagant vacations, and opulent lifestyle they had once

showcased together now stood as remnants of a love that had crumbled. However, doubts and

questions hung in the air. People speculated about the reasons behind the breakup. Some

wondered if it was due to the pressures of their privileged upbringing, the weight of expectations,

cheating history of James Jr., or perhaps the clash of two strong personalities. Others whispered

about third parties and scandals, weaving intricate theories to make sense of the sudden rift. In

the midst of all this uncertainty, the breakup of Nance Williams and James Jr. remained an

enigma, leaving people pondering the complexities of love, wealth, and the human heart.

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Some students expressed sympathy for Nance who seemed to be the victim, understanding the

emotional toll a breakup could take. Others, however, couldn’t resist a sense of schadenfreude,

finding a certain satisfaction in seeing the seemingly unassailable couple flatter. Memes and

jokes began to circulate on social media as people found ways to laugh at their expense, perhaps

as a form of catharsis or an attempt to deflate the aura of pride surrounding the couple. In the

midst of the gossip and speculation, it was clear that Nance and James Jr.’s breakup story had

become more than just a personal matter. It had turned into a public spectacle, reflecting the

complexities of human emotions and the sometimes-fickle nature of public opinion.

Upon hearing the news, a whirlwind of emotions stirred within Raymond’s heart. From a

distance, he had silently admired Nance Williams for extended period, but the walls of his

shyness had always hindered him from approaching her. The reality undeniable- Nance Williams

hailed from a family of immense wealth, much like James Jr. Their relationship had been a

prominent fixture in the news, from their grandiose dating days to their headline-grabbing

breakup. It was abundantly clear to him that Nance moved within social circles that demanded a

specific standard of living, intelligence, and financial stability, dimensions he felt incapable of

fulfilling. His humble background and financial constrains cast a shadow of doubt over whether

he could ever be the type of man she might seek. As a result, Raymond kept his feelings hidden,

suffering silently while watching from the sidelines. He was imprisoned within his own feelings

and his heart was trapped within a vicious circle of my hurtful feelings that he didn’t know how

to untie himself. Nance’s beauty and grace always left him in awe, but he believed that someone

like him, without the means to match her lifestyle, would never stand a chance.

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Brandon Franklin, a fellow classmate, and one of Ray’s closet friends, shared a unique chemistry

with him that extended beyond the confines of their academic lives. Their friendship was built on

a foundation of trust, forged through countless study sessions and shared moments of laughter. In

the labyrinth of university life, they were not just classmates but also tablemates, often found in

conversation about life’s challenges and aspirations. This close bond had led to Brandon

becoming one of the few individual’s privies to the emotional turmoil that Raymond Philemon

had been grappling with, particularly when it came to matters of the heart. One day, they strolled

along Kito Beach, Brandon, always the supportive confidant, was about to impart some wisdom

that could potentially reshape Ray’s perspective on his romantic pursuits.

Ray: (Sighs) “Brandon, you know how I’ve been feeling about Nance and this whole situation.”

Brandon Franklin: “I know, Ray. I’ve seen the emotional turmoil you’ve been going through.”

Ray: “It’s just so hard to approach her, especially considering her background and everything,

plus the fact I can’t beg her to love me.”

Brandon Franklin: (Nods) “I get that, man. But look, we’re walking by Kito Beach, and it’s a

beautiful day. How about we take a seat and talk this through?”.

Ray: “Alright, Brandon. I could use some advice.”

Brandon Franklin: “Here’s the thing, Ray. Nance and James Jr. have a strong chemistry to each

other, but relationships sometimes can be complicated. What you need to do is understand her

heart, figure out what she’s missing or craving that James Jr. might not providing. Every woman

is single if the right man approaches her.”

Ray: “That makes sense, but how do I go about that?”

Brandon Franklin: “Start by getting to know her better, find out what’s passionate about, what

her interests are. Show genuine interest in her as a person, not just someone who was dating

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James Jr. If you can provide her with something he can’t, whether it’s shared hobbies, or simply

being there for her, it might just make all the difference. Remember, don’t act too thirsty.”

Ray: “Thanks, Brandon. I appreciate your advice. It’s worth a shot.”

Brandon Franklin: “You got this, Ray. Just be yourself and be there for her. Who knows what the

future holds?”

Despite Brandon’s support, his heart kept being sick over Nance, He constantly grappled with

self-doubt and fear, unable to gather the courage and even to say a simple “Hi” to Nance

Williams. His shyness, particularly around girls, seemed insurmountable. The truth was, He had

never tasted Romantic love before, making the thought of confessing his feelings to someone as

remarkable as Nance utterly daunting. Yet, deep inside, He harbored an unquenchable thirst for

that elusive connection, the kind of love that poets and dreamers wrote about. Nevertheless, deep

withing, He nurtured a longing for that inexplicable connection. It was his wish that for some

days to come he will be in deep love with her, in a very special way that no one could ever take

her away from him.

Mrs. Philemon, ever- wise and empathetic, could discern the inner turmoil that consumed her

son. In her maternal wisdom, she offered solace wrapped in the warmth of unconditional love.

“The heart desires often defy beyond societal expectations. Follow your heart, and you’ll find

what truly matters, Raymond”, she gently reassured him.

Raymond’s voice trembled with Uncertainty, “Should I trust my heart?”

With a gentle smile, she replied, “Yes, my dear. Follow it and see where it takes you”.

“But what if it takes me to a girl who doesn’t want me?” he questioned, his vulnerability laid


With empathic understanding, she inquired, “Is this all about Nance Williams?”

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Raymond nodded, “Yes mom. I’ve tried to decipher my heart’s yearnings, but my courage

falters, I can’t even find the words to greet the one my heart longs for. Am I losing my mind over


Mrs. Philemon’s eyes softened with maternal affection, “You’re fortunate, my lucky boy. At

least you can feel love for someone. Some people go through life without ever experiencing such

emotions, and that’s a far greater fear.”

Raymod Sighed, “I fear that if she senses how desperately I want her, she might raise her walls

even higher, and I’ll never reach her.”

A glint of maternal wisdom sparkled in her eyes, “Would you like me to teach you how to win

her heart, my son?”

Raymond’s eyes widened in admiration, “You’re a genius, Mom, and you always know what I


She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, “You’re my only child, my only son. Instead of

forcing your heart upon her, make her see you”

Raymond pondered her words, “But How?”

With a smiling face, she replied, “Just be a good boy who performs good in class, act nice, smile,

become confident. Don’t show her that you are after her, I meant don’t act too thirsty.”

Raymond Philemon had always revered his mother’s counsel, valuing it above all else. Her

wisdom had cast a profound influence over the course of his life, offering invaluable guidance

through the intricacies of matters of the heart and the twists and turns of life’s challenges. Her

words were akin to a compass, reliably guiding him through various circumstances. Even his

father, Mr. Philemon, though often engrossed in his insights, providing a different perspective

that harmonized with the wisdom shared by his wife.

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As Raymond contemplated the prospect of reaching out to Nance, a mixture of fear and

hesitation enveloped him. The idea of taking that crucial step was undeniably daunting, yet he

drew strength from the advice of his parents, which had prepared him for this very moment. With

their words of encouragement echoing in his mind, he mustered the courage to send that pivotal

WhatsApp message- “Hello Nance.” The seconds that followed stretched into an agonizing

eternity as he anxiously awaited her response. It was a seemingly small but undeniably

monumental step, one that held the potential to alter the trajectory of his life. His heart raced, but

optimism coursed through his veins, filling him with hope and anticipation. Yet, as he powered

off his phone, a wave of agitation washed over him, his hands trembling with the gravity of what

he had just done. His breathing quickened as he grappled with the rising tension within.

Rejection was never easy, especially when it came from someone you had desperately sought to

connect with. After a few agonizing minutes, he mustered the courage to switch on his phone.

This time, he navigated directly to her WhatsApp inbox. The message was read, but there was no

reply. Doubts began to gnaw at him, and he questioned the wisdom of his decision to reach out.

His Sunday spiraled into a disheartening low, and the fear that he had revealed too much of his

desires and obsessions weighed heavily on his mind. It was a such disheartening day that he even

went to bed without eating dinner, a departure from his unusual routine.

The next morning, he resolved to test his culinary skills, the sizzle of bacon in the pan and the

rich scent of freshly brewed coffee filling his kitchen. He savored every bite of his meal, the

combination of crispy bacon and invigorating coffee serving as the perfect catalyst for the day

ahead. Thoughts of his mother lingered as he contemplated her continued rest, mindful of his

father’s absence due to his ongoing business trip. The uncharacteristic hush in their household

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served as a poignant reminder of his father’s absence. However, an unspoken change hung in the

air that morning. When he informed his mother of his plan to head to the University, she

surprised him by declaring her intention to skip work. With a gentle smile and a reassuring

embrace, he departed for the university, sensing an unidentifiable shift in the morning’s


Raymond left home as usual, bidding farewell to his mother, Veronica, who had decided to stay

home instead of going to work. Her absence from work, while seemingly minor, had subtly

altered the morning routine.

As he stepped out of the door, a feeling that something was amiss lingered in his mind, making

him acutely aware that the day held an unspoken difference. He stepped outside and walked a

short distance, catching a DALADALA that transported him to the station. From there, he

boarded a KIBAJAJI, a mode of transport that swiftly carried him to his school. Glancing at his

watch, he noted that it was 0613 AM, still early in the morning. With determination, he retrieved

his books and began delving into the chapters of the upcoming lectures.

Raymond had devised a plan to win Nance's heart - to be a polite and well-performing student,

dressed impeccably and exuding a pleasant scent. He was well aware of her distaste for rough,

lazy, and poorly-presented boys. The day unfolded smoothly, and during the afternoon break, he

spotted Nance. Not wanting his fears to hinder him, he gathered the courage to approach her and

confidently uttered, "Hi, Nance?"

She responded with a warm smile, "Hello, Ray."

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Raymond, still surprised by her lack of response to his WhatsApp message the previous day,

inquired, “Why didn't you reply to my WhatsApp text yesterday?”

She explained, “I receive a lot of messages, many of them similar to yours. You didn't specify

who you were.”

Inwardly amazed, he realized that she hadn't even saved his number despite their class

representative’s repeated requests for everyone's contact information. He mumbled, “That's right.

Those are my digits. Feel free to contact me if you need to.”

He gathered his courage to ask, “Would you mind if I ask you something?”

She appeared surprised and slightly embarrassed, replying, “If you're planning to ruin my day,

that's not happening.”

He quickly clarified, “No, I was wondering if we could have a ‘study session’ together.

Still looking taken aback, she responded, “I'll think about it. Bye, Ray.”

Raymond bid her farewell, saying, “Goodbye, Nance.”

Raymond’s day concluded on a high note, marked by the longest conversation he had ever had

with a girl, particularly with Nance. Returning home, he was filled with an indescribable

happiness, a feeling he couldn't easily share with anyone, but it was undeniably the best time he

had ever experienced. His mother, perceptive as always, noticed his mood.

Nance Williams had genuinely loved James Jr, but he had taken advantage of her affections.

James Jr was a notorious playboy who had embraced a hedonistic lifestyle, exploiting his

family's wealth to indulge in fleeting romances, leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake. He

thrived on the adoration he received from numerous admirers, living a life of extravagance

characterized by lavish parties, extravagant gifts, and a perpetual quest for novelty.

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Despite the heartbreak caused by their breakup, Nance Williams carried herself with remarkable

grace and dignity, unwavering in her commitment to her principles. From a distance, she quietly

observed James Jr.’s playboy lifestyle, noting his constant transition from one fling to another.

As time passed, she couldn't help but discern the emptiness that pervaded his existence and the

superficiality of his relationships.

The news from the 'Digital Magazine Society (DMS)' describing her as the victim following her

breakup with her ex-boyfriend deeply upset her. Determined to prove her strength and resilience

to the world, she affirmed to herself, “I must show the world that I am not weak and won't be

taken for granted.” Nance's feelings of resentment toward James Jr. had taken root long ago

when she discovered his infidelity. From that moment forward, she resolved to stand up and fight

against him.

“I will show him that I am nothing less than when we were together,” she affirmed to herself.

Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, grappling with various scenarios and potential solutions,

yet nothing seemed to provide clarity. Then, a recollection surfaced – Ray had encouraged her to

reach out if she ever felt the need. She reached for her phone and opened WhatsApp, scrolling

through a barrage of messages that had flooded in since her breakup with James Jr.

Her attention focused on my WhatsApp profile, where a picture of Ray’s family caught her eye.

It was not merely for impressing her; it was a photo filled with genuine admiration for his family.

But each time she gazed at it; she felt a sense of entrapment. In that frozen image, she saw a

happy, smiling family unit. Unbeknownst to her heart at that moment, she found herself in a

delicate balancing act, torn between her feelings for Raymond and the uncertainty surrounding

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his emotions toward her. As she ventured into the inbox section, she discovered Ray’s message

from yesterday, a simple "hello Nance?" A fleeting smile crossed her face.

“What should I reply him?”, asked herself.

“Hello Raymond. You good handsome?”, she texted back. Then, she kept replying other

people’s messages.

When he got home, he found his mom home.

With a smile in his face, he greeted, “Good evening my world”

“Good evening my handsome boy”, she replied.

With a hesitant gesture, she began, “Today, you came back from school earlier.”

The home was already spotless, so he made his way directly to his room to complete the school

assignments assigned for the day. After finishing his routine tasks, he opened WhatsApp to find

Nance Williams still online. She initiated a video call, and they engaged in a conversation that

lasted for around half an hour. They made a conversation, and with each passing moment, their

connection grew stronger. She shared her deep feelings for James Jr, how she had given him her

all, only for him to use and betray her, leaving her in a difficult situation. Ray offered words of

comfort and solace.

Then, she posed a question, “Have you ever been in love?”

He responded, “I wish I had experienced love, but my mom keeps saying those emotions are

meant for adults and that they might jeopardize your future if you explore them too early.”

She laughed at him, then posed a question “So, do you rely on your parents for everything, even

those concerning you heart?”

Gently, he replied, “Not for all decisions, but they had experienced what I’ am experiencing at

this moment, so it worthy taking their advice”

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Appreciatingly, she said “Wisdom with aging, I understand”

Nodding his head, “Yeah”, he replied.

Curious, she inquired, “Would you mind if I make a video call?”

“No, I'd be so happy for that,” I replied eagerly.

With a pleasant tone, she said, "Goodbye, Raymond. I want to work on the assignment that was

due this morning.”

Playfully, I responded with a laughing smile, “I already finished it. Would you like to see it?”

“Yes, why not?” she agreed.

I promptly sent her the PDF of my assignment. Afterward, I turned off my phone's Wi-Fi and

delved into studying the material for the upcoming chapters. The room was filled with silence

until my mother finally broke it.

“Don't you want to cook dinner with me tonight, son?” she called out.

“I'm coming, darling,” came the quick reply as the He rushed to the kitchen. Dinner preparation

ensued, and the meal was set in the dining room, which had been prepared by Veronica, Ray’s

mother. Seated at the table, they began eating while the television played in the background,

featuring a program on mountain hiking, a channel that his parents had a particular fondness for.

As the clock inched toward 7:55 PM, they switched the channel to MTV in anticipation of the

news segment, a nightly ritual in their household. Their parents had always emphasized the

importance of staying informed about global events through television. All seemed ordinary until

a sudden shift occurred when the news anchor declared, “Today October 20th, 2003. We are

broadcasting that a Live multiple gunshots reported, and fifteen people presumed shot and killed

at the Leto Gold mining site. Police officers are currently attempting to breach the area and

provide rescue to the injured civilians…”

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On the day preceding October 20th, 2003, Philemon Sapuka, a man deeply involved in the

intricate world of business, checked his BMO business weekly schedule on his laptop. To his

surprise, he found that he was scheduled to carry out a gold exchange business, an ordinary affair

in his line of work. However, the intrigue arose when he received a cryptic message notification

instructing him to bring a specific briefcase along for the exchange. A sense of unease settled

over Philemon as he sensed that something was unusual about this particular transaction. Despite

his instincts urging caution, he felt compelled to comply with the mysterious request. With a

mixture of curiosity and wariness, he meticulously prepared for the business trip, making sure he

had everything he needed for the exchange.

Feeling a responsibility to his family, Philemon informed them about the upcoming business trip,

not wanting to leave them in the dark about his sudden departure. Little did he know, this

decision would unknowingly set off a chain of events that would alter the course of their lives

forever. Philemon Sapuka embarked on his journey from Kito to the neighboring Leto region,

where the mysterious business trip was stated to take place. Upon arrival, he chose

accommodation at one of the region’s finest establishments, the DH [ DREAMER’S HOTEL],

an opulent oasis catering to guests from various nations. These international hotels, renowned for

their high quality, boasted maximum security and impeccable treatment for their esteemed

clientele. Unbeknownst to most, these hotels were discreetly operated under the umbrella of

BMO, adding an air of secrecy to their luxurious ambiance. Upon settling into his allocated

room, Philemon decided to refresh himself after the journey. He indulged in a luxurious shower,

allowing the warm water to wash away the weariness of travel. Afterwards, he retrieved his

BMO business laptop, hoping to find a response regarding the enigmatic instructions he had

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received. However, despite his anticipation, the requested confirmation from BMO headquarters

had yet to arrive, leaving him in a state of increasingly uncertainty.

Philemon’s suspicion deepened s the minutes ticked by without the expected confirmation from

BMO. It was highly unusual, given the swift and precise nature of their operations. Feeling a

gnawing sense of apprehension, he decided to take matters into his own hands. With a steady

hand, he dialed a secured number known only to a select few. His voice was laced with concern

as he inquired whether the assigned business he was about to undertake had indeed been issued

by BMO. The response on the other hand of the line was a resounding ‘no’. It was a chilling

revelation someone had manipulated the system, orchestrating a false business schedule without

BMO’s knowledge or consent.

Despite the revelation, he was told to proceed with caution. Backup would be dispatched to his

location, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. BMO was determined to uncover the

perpetrator behind this audacious breach. Questions hung in the air, thick with intrigue. Was it a

rival organization attempting to sabotage BMO? Could it be a generation error within their own

system? Or perhaps, someone with a sinister agenda aimed to eliminate Philemon from the game

altogether. The mystery deepened, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the entire situation.

Philemon’s hands trembled slightly as he decoded the encrypted message, revealing its cryptic

contents. “Gs@LGM,M07015PM,2MAX.BRFCS” translated to a meeting regarding gold

business at the Leto Gold Mines on Monday at 0715PM. The message emphasized that only two

individuals were permitted to attend, with Philemon Sapuka being one of them. The instructions

to bring the briefcase added another layer of intrigue.

As he forwarded the message to his superiors, doubt gnawed at Philemon’s mind like persistent

shadow. The unusual circumstances and the clandestine nature of the operation left him

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questioning the legitimacy of the mission. Why the secrecy? Why the limited number of

attendees? And what significance did the briefcase hold in this enigmatic exchange? These

questions swirled in his thoughts, creating a sense of unease that settled deep within him.

In response to his apprehension, Philemon took meticulous precautions. He prepared a special

suit, carefully selected to offer both flexibility and protection. His briefcase, usually containing

essential classified documents, was now fitted with additional compartments for secure storage.

Underneath his clothing, he wore a chest bulletproof vest, a shield against any potential threats.

His hand instinctively rested on the grip of the pistol gun holstered at his side, a stark reminder

of the dangerous that might await him. This outfit made him look younger just like the old days.

Despite his doubts, Philemon’s training kicked in, urging him to be prepared for the unknown.

AS he readied himself for the mission, a mixture of caution and determination etched onto his

face, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that he was stepping into a situation far more complex and

perilous than it appeared.

At the appointed hour, when the hands of the clock pointed precisely to 0700PM, Philemon,

accompanied by his trusted friend and close business associate, Joshua Shoko, made his way to

the designated meeting site at the Leto Gold mines. The air crackled with a palpable tension, the

darkness of the night only enhancing the mystery that shrouded the encounter.

Philemon’s footsteps echoed in the quite of the mines, each sound reverberating against the

walls, amplifying the sense of anticipation. With every step, his senses heightened, his eyes

darting to every corner, every shadow, vigilant for any signs of danger or unexpected presence.

Beside him, Joshua mirrored his caution, his eyes scanning the surroundings as they moved

forward. Both men knew the gravity of the situation, the cryptic message lingering in their

thoughts like an unspoken riddle waiting to be unraveled.

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The soft glow of a distant lamp illuminated the silhouette of a figure, standing near the mine

entrance. As they approached, the figure came into focus, revealing a woman whose face was

hidden in the shadows adding to the air of secrecy that enveloped the meeting site. With a nod

exchange between Philemon and Joshua, they continued, their movements towards the isolated

house, deliberate and calculated. Whatever lay ahead, they were prepared, their senses sharp, and

their minds attuned to the enigmatic nature of the mission. As they approached the figure, the

night seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the revelation that was about to unfold.

In a stunned disbelief, Philemon’s eyes widened as he realized that Madeline, Nance’s mother,

was the one who had scheduled the meeting.

“H-Hello, Madeline, “He stammered, his surprise evident.

Madeline, her laughter chillingly devoid of remorse, approached Philemon. “Long time since the

last time I saw you,” she said, her voice laced with malice.

With a swift motion, she pulled a gun from her bag and shot Joshua Shoko multiple times in the

chest. He crumpled to the ground, lifeless, in an instant.

Philemon, his expression a mix of desperation and fury, demanded, “What have you done,

Madeline? You don’t know what you’re dealing with. I thought you wanted only two people.

Why did you kill him?”

Madeline, still laughing, replied with a sinister grin, “I’ve just changed my mind…You thought

your bulletproof vest would help you. Damn.”

Philemon, struck with a sudden revelation, remembered that his wife, Veronica was the one who

had ordered the bulletproof vest. A sharp pang of betrayal pierced his heart, leaving him

desperate and broken.

“She betrayed me,” he uttered, his voice laden with heartbreak and disbelief.

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Madeline, her eyes filled with annoyance yet a sinister smile playing on her lips, retorted, “I

thought you were the smartest in the room.”

His fury boiling, Philemon demanded, “What do you want?” His eyes darted around, realizing he

was surrounded from all angles.

With calculated caution, Madeline approached him fearlessly, disarming him and dropped his

gun. Philemon found himself powerless as he noticed the trap closing in on him.

She came close to his face, as if about to kiss him, but instead, she swiftly whispered into his ear,

“I want the list of the seven men, plus your briefcase.”

Amazement flickered in his eyes. “What seven men? I don’t know what you’re talking about,”

he replied, his confusion evident.

Madeline chuckled, a sinister smile on her lips, as she received Philemon’s response. With a

subtle nod, she signaled for the removal of Joshua Soko’s body, which was unceremoniously

tossed into a nearby house.

Confidently, though her lips trembled with anger, Madeine revealed a painful truth. “One night

in the 1980, something terrible happened to me. Seven men brutally assaulted me. I became

pregnant and bore Nance. She never knew her real father, neither did I.” Tears welled up in her

eyes as she continued, her voice quivering with a mixture of anger and sorrow. “Only Veronica

was there for me. She helped me track down those seven men, and we discovered they were

working for the BMO, your organization.”

Philemon, trembling with fear, witnessed his friend’s body being disposed of, haunted by

Madeline’s words. He managed to stammer, “Just give me time, I will find those names, I

promise, I …” Furiously, Madeline interrupted him, her voice rising to a shout. “Shut up!

Promise? No, that’s not going to happen. Veronica offered $100 Million dollars for your

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execution to the Black Cats, TJO, for her own reasons. Don’t take it personally. I was just

begging a favor as a friend before I kill you. I need you to hand me the briefcase and the list of

the seven men.”

Philemon, struck by the news of betrayal from his beloved wife, cried out, “Why does she want

me dead?”

Amused by Philemon’s ignorance, Madeline laughed and replied, “You have a lot of money, but

the family can’t spend it in a more luxurious way. Your son has grown up and can inherit your

fortune. What else? Why wouldn’t she want to take over your position at the BMO?”

In the moment of sheer terror, Madeline raised her pistol towards Philemon’s head, her finger

inching towards the trigger, prepared to end his life. Accepting his fate, Philemon closed his

eyes, steeling himself for the final blow.

“Bye Philemon,” she taunted, preparing to pull the trigger.

But just as she was about to fire, the night was shattered by unexpected chaos. Multiple gunshots

echoed through the air, flashes of light and the sharp sounds of gunfire decorating the entire area.

Madeline’s shot went astray, hitting Philemon in the chest instead. He collapsed to the ground.

Writhing in pain, his mind torn between the agony in his chest and the urgent need to secure his

life and the precious briefcase. Thinking Philemon was dead, Madeline allowed herself a

moment of assurance. However, Philemon, fueled by adrenaline and desperation, crawled across

the ground and grabbed a gun from one of the deceased bodies nearby. In that moment, his

survival instincts kicked in; he was the only one who could save his own life.

Seizing the opportunity, Madeline fled from the crime scene, leaving behind the chaos she had

unleashed. Meanwhile, the area was soon swarming with MTV and the police, the sounds of

sirens growing louder, as they closed in on the scene of the deadly confrontation.

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In an instant, the mother's demeanor transformed into one of terror. She lost her appetite and

came close to experiencing a heart attack due to the shock brought on by the news.

‘You can't serve the whole world, no matter how hard you try. You shouldn't be frightened by

every piece of bad news,” came his attempt at reassurance.

But her response was a tearful and impatient one: “Your... your father... my... my love.”

Surprised and concerned, he asked, “What about my father?”

Her voice quivered as she replied, “Your father might be among the victims.”

Innocently, he questioned, “But how? He said he was going on a business trip, didn't he?”

At that moment, Raymond remained blissfully unaware of the unfolding events outside. His

efforts to calm her seemed futile as her anxiety and nervousness spiraled out of control. He did

his best to comfort her mother, and after some time, she regained her composure.

He persisted with his inquiries, asking, “Did Dad go to the Leto mining site on his last business


His mother, still panicked and unable to provide a clear response, seemed to be on high alert.

“It's happening. We have to,” she declared, the urgency in her voice evident.

Worry and frustration etched across Ray’s face, He implored, “What's happening, Mom? Where

do we have to go?”

With a sense of urgency, she responded, “Clear the dining room, then get changed.”

Rising from her chair, she swiftly left the dining room and hurried to her room. There, she

retrieved some money from Dad's safe locker and a car key. Then came the announcement that

left me shocked and frustrated: “Sorry to tell you, son, but we are going to Leto now.”

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He had no other option but to comply with her command. He entered his room and quickly

changed out of his sleeping clothes. Reluctantly, he followed her, offering her an escort. The sky

outside was darkening as evening approached.

In an attempt to understand the urgency, he asked, “Mom, why shouldn't we go tomorrow?”

The exchange continued in tense silence. “No! That would be a mistake,” His mother insisted.

He probed further, his curiosity overpowering his apprehension. “Mistake! But how?”

She responded cryptically, “You are asking a lot of questions, son. You will meet their answers

so soon. I promise.”

Raymond knew there was a significant secret his mother was concealing from him. Throughout

his life, she had displayed unwavering strength and wisdom. She had a way of gently explaining

things she knew he could comprehend while safeguarding those she believed he wasn't ready to

understand. Time, in her view, would unveil the truth, and until then, she shielded him with her


[ Eerie Dreams by Kelvin MacLeod]

The atmosphere inside the car grew heavy as tension lingered, and they exchanged anxious

glances. In the distance, the faint sound of sirens and the sporadic flicker of police car lights

heightened their unease. His mother clutched the steering wheel tightly, trying to maintain her

composure. They veered off the main road onto a path leading to the Leto Mining sites. The

surrounding darkness cast elongated shadows, lending an air of mystery and foreboding to

everything. It was a moment where fear and confusion coalesced, enveloping them.

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Arriving at Leto in the dead of night, the surroundings were eerie and shrouded in darkness. The

moonless midnight lent a haunting ambiance to the desolate landscape, where an uneven road

ventured into obscurity. Their fear was palpable, and his mother could clearly see his


Reassuringly, she said, “We will be okay, son,” and guided his arm to rest on her shoulder,

providing some comfort. The road ahead seemed terrifying, with owls' mournful cries echoing

through the nearby forests. An unsettling silence enveloped the area, interrupted only by the faint

rustling of unseen creatures in the surrounding trees. The uneven path ahead appeared like a

malevolent labyrinth, twisting and turning as if challenging anyone to venture deeper. As they

neared a long-forgotten mining area, the distant sound of multiple gunshots shattered the

stillness, sending shivers down their spines. Each shot reverberated through the night, delivering

an ominous message of danger lurking just beyond the reach of their headlights. They were both

overcome with fear, his face a mosaic of sweat and tears, despite the chilly midnight air. With a

mother's reassuring words, they embarked on a journey into the unknown. Her voice carried a

veneer of courage, yet deep down, the reality was undeniable; both of them were gripped by fear.

The path that lay ahead resembled a perilous dance with uncertainty. The desolate road they

traversed seemed forsaken, and the haunting echoes of violence reverberated through the air,

casting a sinister aura of suspense and dread over them.

Their destination brought them to a dilapidated, seemingly abandoned house. The moonless night

and eerie silence only heightened the tension. They stepped out of their slightly worn Land

Cruiser, their senses heightened, and an undercurrent of trepidation ran through their every

move. The house stood there like a forgotten relic, waiting to reveal its secrets in the darkness.

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In the stillness of the night, his mother's voice broke the silence, pointing out that they had

reached their intended destination. They proceeded with caution, exiting their somewhat battered

Land Cruiser. Uncertainty hung in the air like an invisible shroud, enveloping them as they

approached the house, its decaying structure an unsettling sight. His mother's words hinted at her

familiarity with this place, mentioning that she had visited Leto on two prior occasions, albeit

long ago. However, a sense of doubt seemed to linger, as if she wasn't entirely certain whether

they had indeed arrived at the right location.

Raymond, overwhelmed by the grim sight before him, began to vomit, the horror of the scene

etching itself into his memory. Tears streamed down his face as the overwhelming smell of death

permeated the area. Veronica, burdened by the knowledge of what had transpired here, could do

nothing but lament the tragic consequences of her actions. She felt the weight of responsibility

for the lifeless bodies they passed, haunted by the thought that if she hadn’t ordered her

husband’s execution, none of this would have occurred. She looked at her son, his tender heart

evident in his eyes. Her own heart ached with a deep pain as she halted the car, torn between

speaking her mind and the potential consequences of her words. Ultimately, she chose silence.

Inside, a storm of doubt raged within her. Was she a good or bad person? After a few moments

of contemplation, she convinced herself that every action had been driven by a purpose. Tears

streamed down her face as she gazed at her son and uttered the words, “Your mama is not the

bad person, Raymond.”

Raymond was taken aback, his voice quivering she responded, “I’ve always known you’re the

best mom I could have.” Tears and hiccups intermingled as he continued, “Will Dad be safe?”

She felt a sharp pang in her heart and assured him, “Yes, he’s going to be fine, darling.”

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His voice trembled, “But what if he’s not?”

“Let’s not think like that, baby. You know I love you, Raymond. Right?”

Nodding through his tears, He whispered, “That’s right, Mom.”

“When all of this is over, I’m going to disappear for a while, son. To cut some loose ends. It’ll be

better for all of us,” She confessed.

Raymond cried even more helplessly, asking, “What loose ends? how will I survive this without

you, Mom?”

She made unwavering eye contact, drew closer to her son, and wrapped him in a comforting hug.

“The less you know, the better. You are the bravest person in the world, you will pass through

this, my son,” she whispered.

Upon entering the house, it became evident that electricity was available, even though the lights

remained off. In the dimness, Veronica took it upon herself to illuminate the surroundings,

flipping the light switches to reveal the interior. The once-hidden details of the house began to

emerge from the shadows, shedding light on the mysteries concealed within. It was an incredibly

terrifying day moment in Raymond’s life. Several bodies were spread over the floor and the

blood was spread all over the place. They seemed to be killed brutally several past hours.

“I can’t hold any longer’’ he said to her. Raymond started to vomit uncontrollably. He never

faced a such scene in his life. The sight of the bodies with horrifying injuries and postures made

him experience a little more worry. His mother started examining the deceased bodies on the

floor, after some minutes she came across the body of Joshua Shoko, going by the street name

“Banzi’’. He was a very close friend to Ray’s father, Mr. Philemon and their family at whole.

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Therefore, finding his deceased body over the crime scene area arose a suspicion that maybe his

father might be murdered too.

Raymond started crying in agony, and his mother had to console him. They had nothing for

certain to conclude till that moment. The sound of someone snoring laboriously was heard. This

startled all of them, and they had to approach the location were the sound was coming from.

They came out from the back door of that House, and they discovered that there was a shack

situated next to the House. They carefully approached the shack with great caution and they saw

a man snoring on the ground. As they were coming closer, they saw a pool of blood sprinkled all

over the grasses. This was the unspeakable night, the moment he witnessed things he never

thought would come across to his life.

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Two months had elapsed since the passing of his father, Mr. Philemon Joseph Sapuka. The

incredibility of such a turn of events had never crossed his mind, even in his most extravagant

fantasies. The news had swiftly disseminated throughout the entirety of Dane country, a tale that

defied belief. The constant intrusion of radio broadcasts exacerbated his mental turmoil,

ceaselessly reiterating the same tragic narrative. Each mention of his parents' names, inexorably

tied to a perilous criminal syndicate, further ensnared his thoughts. The entirety of his existence

had unraveled;it was not merely his parents' prestige at stake but also the shadow it cast over his

own prospects. A disheartening notion began to take root, that despite his diligent studies, future

employment prospects could be forever tainted by his family's tarnished legacy. Yet, tenaciously,

he persevered in his studies, holding on to the hope that the natural order of things would

eventually realign itself in his favor.

He was allowed to continue his studies while the investigations into the murder of 57 individuals

and his parents' involvement unfolded. The watchful eyes of police officers followed his every

move, conversation, and action, diligently recording and reporting everything. It felt like a never-

ending nightmare, an incessant invasion of privacy. Anxiety clung to him persistently; there was

no escape. Former friends distanced themselves, with the exception of Nance Williams.To

everyone else, he was the child of pirates, murderers, criminal masterminds, drug kingpins, and

illegal gemstone traders. He couldn't accept or deny these allegations, and only God knew the

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turmoil in his life. Lost in his own thoughts, he couldn't help but reflect on his parents, who had

always appeared kind and cheerful, not only to him but to everyone they met. Such thoughts left

him feeling overwhelmingly despondent.

“The one you think you know the most, maybe you have no idea at all,” he mused. There was an

undiscovered truth about his life, and he questioned whether he had the strength to face it.

The night of the 20th of October would go down in history as one of the most harrowing nights

of their lives. They approached the ramshackle structure with utmost care, exercising extreme

caution. To their astonishment, they discovered a man slumbering on the ground. Drawing

nearer, they beheld a gruesome sight—an expanse of blood staining the grass beneath. The attire

the man wore perfectly mirrored the customary garments favored by the Ray's father. Though

age had crept upon him, he remained the epitome of timeless fashion. Both of his parents had

always cherished their youthful appearance, as if they were determined to remain forever young.

The mother retrieved her smartphone from her pocket and activated the smart torch. Illumination

revealed the grim reality: the father teetered on the precipice between life and death. His body

bore the grim testament of multiple gunshot wounds to the chest, alongside a fractured leg that

hinted at a fierce struggle preceding his demise. They gingerly shifted him away from the

macabre pool of blood, and the mother attempted to disrobe him to assess the severity of the

injuries. Veronica sounded the alarm, noting the significant blood loss and the looming threat of

hemorrhagic shock if immediate action wasn't taken.

Philemon Sapuka donned the robust chest vest, an item his mother had once explained to him as

a “bulletproof chest plate.” It struck him that such things were typically reserved for cinematic

adventures. It seemed as if his parents were embroiled in something substantial, their actions

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hinting at meticulous preparation and an exit strategy. His thoughts drifted momentarily, only to

be jolted back to reality by his mother's urgent plea, “Help me carry my husband!” Tears welled

up in her eyes as she beseeched his assistance. Whispers of reassurance flowed from his mother's

lips as she cradled her husband in her arms, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and hope.

With great care, they lifted him and guided him toward the waiting car.

[ The sound of Silence, by Simon & Garfunkel]

As they helped Philemon toward the car, he made a feeble attempt to speak to Raymond, but his

words were unitelligible. It seemed as though Philemon had something important to convey,

perhaps a message that would reveal the truth: that his own mother was a ticking time bomb,

poised to destroy everything. Veronica, seated in the car, silently prayed that Philemon wouldn’t

be able to utter a word or provide any signal. This was the perfect moment to uncover the harsh

reality that his mother was, in fcat, a deceiver, a destroyer of the legacy of his father had worked

so hard for years to build for him.

Philemon struggled to extends his hand and graspy Raymond’s, atteempting to convey his

message, but he couldn’t quite convey the signal effectively. The weight of the truth loomed

heavy inn the air- Veronica was indeed the source of all the suffering, and there was no room for


Veronica made a subtle distraction strategy, though Raymond remained unaware of the ulterior

motives, she sent Raymond back to the house to fetch a piece of clothing for tying his father’s

leg to control bleding. Raymond headed towards on eof te deceased bodies on the ground to

retrieve the necessary cloth. Unbeknownst to him, inside the car, Veronica whispered to him, her

words dripping with malice, “You are supposed to go, Philemon. Your son is grown up, and I

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can take control of every bit of your wealth. You have been an obstacle to me, and I never had a

chance to enjoy my life. Die”

Veronica’s action turned sinister as she placed her hand over Philemon’s face, suffocating him

without a sound. She ensured his life slipped away, all while keeping her son, Raymond,

completely oblivious to the dark deed unfolding just inches away.

As Veronica cruelly prevented Philemon from breathing, tears streamed down his face. He found

himself in the midst of a deep pain, not justs from the physical suffocation but also from the

emotional torment of thinking about his son. He wondered what would become of Raymond, his

only child, in he wake of his own demise.

In his final moments, a bitter revelation pierced through his thoughts: “Every evil man has

unpleasant ending.” Philemon, once the continental head of the crime organization, BMO, now

laced the grim irony of his own life coming to an end at the hands of his only wife. He pondered

what fate had in store for her, as history had shown that every evil person eventually met a

painful demise.

As he slipped further into the abyss of death, the pain he felt was not just physical but also

stemmed from the betrayal he had never seen coming, much like the saying goes, “You won’t

see it coming.” He wondered if Raymond would uncover the truth behind his mother’s façade or

meet a similar destiny as his own. In his agony, Philemon couldn’t scream, but he lashed out

with a final act of defiance. He bit into Veronica’s hand as he succumbed to the darkness of


Feeling an insticual need for self- defense, Raymond discretely retrieved a gun from Shoko’s

lifeless hand at the house, unbeknownst to his mother. The weight of the firearm in his palm was

both comforting and terrifying. He sensed that something was gravely wrong, an intuition urging

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him to be prepared for anything that might come his way. With trembling hands, he tucked the

gun securely into his waistband, vowing silently to protect himself and uncover the truth behind

the madness that had befallen his family. Every nerve in his body was on high alert, and his

mind raced with thoughts of survival and unraveling the twisted secrets that had led them to this

nightmarish situation. Little did his mother know, Raymond had armed himself, ready to face

whatever darkness lurked ahead.

Veronica, feigning distress, continued her dramatic charade, screaming at the top of her lungs,

“Philemon! My love! Breath, darling! Please, come back to me!...”

Raymond, in a state of panic, hastily grabbed a piece of cloth from one of the lifeless bodies

inside the house. Hearing his mother’s his mother’s cries, he dashed out of the house like a

speeding bullet, fear and concern etched on his face s he rushed to her side.

Raymond’s heart sank as he witnessed the lifeless form of his father, Philemon. Disbelief washed

over him, and he crumbled into tears, his strong façade shattering like fragile glass. In that

moment, he felt like a vulnerable child, overwhelmed by the loss and the shocking turn of events.

Veronica, her eyes filled with tears and guilt, approached her devastated son. She wrapped her

arms around him in a tight embrance, and together, they sobbed in unison. Their shared grief was

a painful reminder of the tangled web of secrets and deception that had led to this tragic

outcome. While Veronica knew the truth of what had transpired, Raymond realized he had to

tread carefully in the uncertain aftermath, where every move couldn’t yet comprehend.

The comfofting hug between Raymond and his mother took a siniter turn when he sensed

something wet on his back. A creeping sense of dread overcome him as he examined his father’s

face and noticed the blood on his lips, a stark contrast to how he had appeared moments before.

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Worried and perplexed, He asked his mother if she was bleeding on her arm, attempting to make

sense of the unsual circumstances.

Veronica, taken aback by the question, quickly replied, “Yes, it must have happened when they

were carrying your father’s body into the car.”

His concern deepened, and he offered, “Can I tie your wound?” There was a moment of

hesitation, and then she reluctanatly agreed. As he took his mother’s hand to examine the injury,

the telltale signs of teeth markings became apparent. A chilling realization began to dawn on

him: his mother had been the one who had attempted to kill his father, confirming his suspicions.

With her heart racing and adrenalline pumping through her veins, Veronica swiftly retrieved the

briefcase from Philemon’s hand. She then slid from the back seat to the front, her hands

trembling as she clutched the steering wheel. With a fierce determination, she slammed her foot

on the accelerator, driving away from the crime scene with a reckless abandon. The engine

roared, and the car vanished into the night, leaving behind the echoes of chaos and death.

Meanwhile back at the seat, Raymond remained in stunned silence. The realization that his

mother was a monster disguised in sheep’s clothing hit him like a tidal wave. The woman he had

always known as his loving and warm mother had just revealed herself to be capable of

unimaginale violance and betrayal. His mind strggled to process this shocking truth, leaving him

in a state of bewildered disbellief. Confusion gnawed at him as he grappled with the fact that his

mother had killed his father, a man who had always seemed happy and loving when they were

together. He couldn’t comprehend why his mother had taken such a drastic step, shattering the

semblance of normalcy that had once defined their family. Frustration welled up inside him, a

whirlwind of unanswered questions tomermenting his thoughts. Why had she done it? What had

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driven her to such extreme measures? And why had she spared him? The sudden onslaught of

incomprehensible events left him feeling lost, Vulnerable , and utterly bewildered in the face of

the darkness that had descended upon his life.

In the dim twilight, the car glided along the desolate road, slicing through the silence of the

evening. The journey continued until they arrived at a place called 'Usara'. Without hesitation,

Veronica brought the car to a halt, her hands steady on the steering wheel. With a swift motion,

she pulled out her phone, her fingers dancing across the screen as she dialed an unknown contact.

The air crackled with anticipation as the conversation unfolded around them, the words

exchanged between Veronica and the unknown contact foreign and incomprehensible. The

mysterious voice on the other end spoke with authority, demanding a confirmation code.

“Confirmation code PJS0VJPS0RPJSK. Requesting immediate extraction! OVER,” Veronica's

voice rang out, cutting through the tension-laden atmosphere. The unknown contact confirmed,

and Veronica wasted no time in informing them about the compromised situation, invoking 'plan


“Situations are compromised. Proceeding with plan B, OVER,” she declared, her voice

unwavering. The unknown contact sought details about the extraction location, and Veronica

responded with precision.

“Usara. Maximum time left 40 minutes,” she conveyed, her words laden with urgency. The

unseen voice acknowledged the location and inquired about the number of extracts, to which

Veronica replied firmly.

“One, OVER," she affirmed, her resolve unshakable. The unknown contact probed further,

seeking information about the level of treatment, to which Veronica responded cryptically.

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“Level 5. Further explanations will be handled, OVER,” she stated, her tone brooking no


Time ticked away as they waited in the darkness, the minutes stretching into eternity. Then, like

a fleeting shadow, a Land Rover appeared, swiftly navigating the terrain. Veronica's instructions

were clear. With a reassuring glance, she instructed Raymond to follow the driver, placing her

trust in him. Fear gripped the observer, leaving no room for hesitation as they carried out their

assigned role in that pivotal moment.

In that crucial moment, Raymond's mother's voice cut through the tension, her instructions firm

and resolute. “Follow the driver,” she emphasized, her tone laced with trust. Raymond, clearly

frightened, found himself left with no choice but to comply, his apprehension palpable.

“We are proceeding with plan B. You know exactly what to do,” Veronica directed, her words

directed at the driver. With a nod, the driver took charge, guiding Raymond away from the scene,

leaving Veronica behind, her figure fading into the distance.

Amidst the quiet hum of the moving vehicle, the driver, now revealed as Sam, maintained his

silence, prompting Raymond to break the quietude. “What's your name?” he inquired, his

curiosity getting the better of him.

“I'm Sam, short for Samwel Julian. But I'd rather you call me Uncle Sam. Alright?" Sam replied,

his voice carrying a sense of mystery.

“Okay. So, how did you meet my mother?” Raymond probed further, seeking to unravel the

enigma that surrounded Sam's connection to his mother.

“It's a long story, kid, and I'd rather not discuss it,” Sam deflected, his past shrouded in secrecy.

“Why? Don't I deserve to know?” Raymond persisted, his determination evident.

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“Once upon a time, I was your mother's classmate. We were the best of friends, ready to do

anything for each other,” Sam revealed cryptically, leaving Raymond with more questions than


Raymond, undeterred, pressed on, seeking clarity about the cryptic phrases he had overheard.

“What was that whole 'Agent McDonald: Agent McMicken' affair?” he questioned, his tone

earnest, hoping for an explanation.

“That's the secure way we handled our businesses,” Sam explained, his words laden with a

weight of history, leaving Raymond to ponder the mysteries that surrounded his mother's past.

“Alright, Agent Sam. Why didn't you and my mother end up married?” the curiosity persisted,

the question hanging heavy in the air like an unspoken secret.

Sam, with a slight smile, chose his words carefully, revealing a glimpse of the past. “Please, call

me Uncle Sam. Not every friendship culminates in matrimony, you know. But you're onto

something. We were in love once, but perhaps I wasn't the best choice for her. In the end, she

chose my boss, Mr. Philemon J Sapuka, your father. He had wealth and influence even then, so

perhaps he was the one who truly deserved her,” he explained, his tone tinged with a mixture of

resignation and acceptance.

As he gazed upon Sam's countenance, hidden beneath a facade of composure, it was evident that

turmoil raged within him. He harbored emotions he chose not to reveal, his past with Ray’s

mother a bittersweet memory etched in the lines of his face. At least, he had unveiled a truth that

had eluded him throughout his existence.

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Uncle Sam continued to navigate the road, his hands steady on the wheel, his eyes focused on the

path ahead. The journey led them to a desolate dwelling, seemingly abandoned to the world.

They disembarked from the vehicle and sought refuge within. Externally, it bore the semblance

of a run-down establishment, yet its unassuming facade concealed a deeper purpose.

“This structure is but one of your father's ‘go-downs.’ We employ them for the storage of our

armaments, clandestine exchanges, and on occasion, rendezvous,” Uncle Sam disclosed,

shedding light on the hidden facets of my father's enterprises. In that moment, the walls of the

seemingly ordinary building whispered secrets of covert operations and clandestine alliances,

enveloping them in an atmosphere of intrigue and secrecy.

He continued, revealing more layers of his father's covert dealings. “At times, your father

utilized these hideouts not only for storing his wealth but also for conducting clandestine

transactions with government officials and other criminal organizations.”

The revelations left him profoundly astonished, as though trapped in a surreal dream. Sam, with

a practiced ease, reached for a particular box inscribed with the initials 'PJSSON,' a clear

reference to Philemon Joseph Sapuka's son. He unlatched it to reveal clothing, currency, and a

firearm, each item meticulously arranged. Selecting the garments, he tossed them my way,

instructing him to don them.

“Hurry up, Boss Raymond. We're departing in 5 minutes,” he urged, his voice carrying a sense

of urgency that spurred him into swift action. The weight of responsibility settled on his

shoulders as he quickly changed into the attire, realizing the gravity of the situation that lay


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In a moment of intense emotion, Raymond's trembling hand gripped the gun, pulling it from his

waistband, the metal cold against his palm. His tear-filled eyes burned with fury as he pointed

the weapon at Uncle Sam's head, his voice breaking with a demand for answers.

“Did you collaborate with my mother to kill my father?” he screamed, his voice a furious roar,

the words tearing from his throat like a wounded animal's cry.

Uncle Sam, fear etched across his face, raised his hands in a placating gesture, his voice

trembling with surprise and desperation. “Put the gun down, son. I had nothing to do with your

father's death,” he pleaded, his words laced with sincerity, his eyes wide with shock.

Raymond, his anger escalating, nearly pulled the trigger, his finger trembling on the edge of

release. “Shut up...!! Why did she call you and no one else?” he demanded, the question

punctuated by the deadly click of the gun's safety mechanism.

“Me and your parents have been working in the same organization, BMO if you wanna call it,”

Uncle Sam explained hurriedly, his words a desperate plea for understanding. "I had a romantic

history with your mother, but I have nothing to do with any of your father's death."

“Why did she call you?” Raymond's voice sliced through the air, sharp and unwavering, his

finger tightening on the trigger, the threat of violence hanging heavy between them.

“I just follow orders and protocols,” Uncle Sam replied, his voice tinged with resignation. “Your

mother holds a higher position in the organization, and she had the access to do that. Maybe she

had her own reasons, which I don't know.” His words hung in the air, a fragile thread of

explanation in the face of Raymond's raging storm.

“Why should I trust your words?” Raymond thundered, his fury unabated, his eyes blazing with

anger and suspicion.

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Uncle Sam, trembling in fear, his life hanging in the balance between survival and demise,

responded with a shrewd calmness. “You have no one else around to trust, except me. Allow me

to train you, and you will have your vengeance in the future,” he proposed, his words calculated

to appeal to Raymond's thirst for justice.

Breaking through Uncle Sam's words, Raymond's mind whirred with the weight of his decisions.

He looked squarely at Uncle Sam, his voice unyielding. “You owe me a bullet. Your life is in my

pocket, do something stupid, and you'll regret it,” he warned, the threat hanging heavy in the air.

Uncle Sam, breathing a sigh of relief, sensed a chance at redemption. “We have to move out of

here to avoid suspicion. We have to discard every piece of evidence that shows we were here,

including your gun,” he urged, his voice pragmatic, his eyes pleading for cooperation.

Raymond, his gaze a mix of belief and hesitation, handed over his gun to Uncle Sam. “Try not to

do something stupid,” he cautioned, the fragile trust between them hanging by a thread, their fate

now intertwined in a dangerous dance of secrets and survival.Uncle Sam's experienced eyes

scrutinized the gun, his brow furrowing as he realized its true nature. He directed a probing

question at Raymond, his voice laced with curiosity and suspicion. “Where did you get this


Raymond, caught off guard by the question, responded with frustration, his words tumbling out

in a rush. “I retrieved it from Joseph Shoko's deceased body in the abandoned house at the time

my mother distracted me to go searching for a piece of cloth to tie my father's leg to control

bleeding,” he explained, his tone tinged with anger and disbelief.

Uncle Sam, adopting a professional demeanor, calmly described the firearm's falseness to

Raymond, providing technical details that confirmed its counterfeit nature.

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Feeling a jolt of realization, Raymond's eyes widened with understanding. “So Veronica set him

up from the beginning... the suit... the bulletproof... they were all fake, the delay of backup,” he

exclaimed, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place, the truth dawning upon him.

Uncle Sam, his empathy evident, spoke gently to Raymond, his words carrying the weight of

wisdom. "There are a lot of things to know first before you confront the truth,” he advised, his

voice a beacon of caution amidst the storm of revelations, guiding Raymond to tread carefully in

the labyrinth of deception and conspiracy.

“Hey Boss Raymond,” he called out, the words slicing through the heavy air. His mind was a

tempest of surprise and disbelief, his thoughts racing at the magnitude of his mother's betrayal. “I

wish she had better reasons for doing what she has done,” Raymond thundered, his voice a

volatile blend of fury and fear, the weight of the truth pressing down upon him like a suffocating


Stammering, he managed to ask, his words barely audible amidst the chaos that engulfed his

mind, “Wha... What... did you say... Bo... Boss?” Trauma clung to me, its tendrils tightening

around his throat, rendering him speechless as the world seemed to spiral beyond control.

“Your inquiries are mounting, kid,” he replied, his voice calm yet tinged with sympathy. “I wish

I could answer them all, but I can't. We're leaving in 3 minutes,” he informed, his words a stark

reminder of the urgency that enveloped them, pulling him back from the precipice of despair.

With no alternative, he complied with his directives, quickly changing into the provided attire.

Sam's hands moved with practiced efficiency, relocating the firearm to another container while

retrieving shampoo, a brush, and a hair dryer from his arsenal of necessities. Methodically, he

cleansed the areas tainted by blood within the vehicle, erasing the evidence of the grim struggle

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that had occurred earlier. His movements were deliberate, each action a testament to his expertise

in handling delicate situations.

Upon completing the task, he liberally sprayed the car with perfume, the scent mingling with the

remnants of tension in the air, masking the shadows of the recent events. It became increasingly

apparent that meticulous planning and unwavering control characterized the unfolding events.

The details of his actions left Raymond in the dark, a mere observer, his understanding limited to

the visible surface of the carefully orchestrated facade, uncertain about what lay ahead in the

intricate web of secrecy and intrigue.

Uncle Sam gathered his former attire, the hair dryer, and the shampoo container, placing them

into the incinerator, setting them ablaze to eliminate any potential evidence. The box containing

the gun, whose purpose still eluded Raymond, was carefully stowed away in a secure locker.

This locker was secured with a combination of numbers, the significance of which remained a

complete mystery to him. Exiting the 'go-down', Sam sealed it tightly with passcodes. They

reentered the vehicle, poised to depart.

With an empathetic tone, he remarked, “I understand that everything seems peculiar, Boss


Tears welled up in his eyes, and he confessed, “I don't comprehend any of it.”

Uncle Sam’s silence echoed his confusion as the vehicle pulled away, leaving the secrets of that

mysterious place behind. The road stretched ahead, winding like the enigma of his mother's

actions, leaving him drowning in a sea of unanswered questions, the truth slipping through his

fingers like grains of sand.

The car glided through the night, the road stretching ahead into the unknown. Inside, a heavy

silence settled, broken only by the hum of the engine and the occasional distant sound of tires on

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asphalt. In the dim glow of the dashboard lights, Boss Raymond's face was a canvas of

conflicting emotions – confusion, fear, and a yearning for answers.

Uncle Sam, his eyes focused on the road, spoke in a measured tone, trying to bring a semblance

of clarity to the chaos that had enveloped their lives. His words, though reassuring, couldn't

dispel the thick fog of uncertainty that clung to the air, “I know it's overwhelming, Boss

Raymond. Your mother made some tough choices, and she entrusted me to keep you safe. There

are truths that need time to unfold, and I promise, in due course, it will all become clearer.” He

assured him.

The night outside seemed endless, the darkness swallowing the landscape as they drove further

away from the mysteries of the past. Inside the car, two souls wrestled with the enigma of their

existence, bound together by secrets and a shared journey into the depths of the unknown."

In that moment, Sam's eyes glimmered with a genuine kindness, his voice carrying the weight of

a profound truth. “Every sacrifice made was rooted in love,” he continued, his words weaving a

tapestry of sincerity. “Your parents, despite the hardships, forged a path for you, a testament to

their unwavering devotion. Understand, dear one, life's intricacies may confound, but the love

guiding these decisions remains steadfast, an unyielding beacon in the face of uncertainty.”

In the midst of his fury, he challenged Uncle Sam, “What happens when they forge a path that

you are not interested with?”

Uncle Sam, his eyes brimming with wisdom, responded with a calm confidence. “Life's

pendulum swings between highs and lows,” he stated, his words laden with profound truth.

“Guilt, worry, and happiness, each has its moment. Acceptance of the present, no matter how

harsh, is the key. You, my son, tread a challenging path now, but remember, peace often comes

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at a price. Don’t blame your parents for making things this way, wake up and take a streer wheel.

You are responsible for your own life now. Stay resolute amidst the storm.”

Raymond, his voice surprisingly calm, inquired about a darker chapter. “How did it feel,” he

asked, his tone steady, “the time I pointed a gun to your face?”

Uncle Sam locked eyes with him, an aura of profound wisdom emanating from his gaze. His lips

curved into a tranquil smile, as though he held the secrets of the universe within. “Fate, my dear

boy,” he begun, his vovice a melodic symphony of insight, “is a master weaver, crafting the

tapestry of our lives beyond the cnfines of understanding. In the face of my own mortality, I

discovered the art of acceptance- a lesson etched in the fabric of my being. My past, a mosai of

diverse roles, each defined by imperfections, led me to this moment.”. His words resonated like

echoes from ancient scrolls, carrying the weight of centuries-old truths. “Life’s imperfections,

the sins we bear, serve as the chisel shaping our destinies. Even amidst the sahdows, there lies

purpose. As long as breath graces my lungs, I am bound to illuminate paths, to be the beacon in

the darkness of your existance.” The air seemed to shimmer with the brilliance of his revelation,

as if the universe itself had whispered its secrets to him.

Raymond, with a warm smile etched across his face, absorbed Uncle Sam's words intently. The

young boy pondered for a moment, then inquired, “Is there a clear boundary that separates good

and evil?”

Uncle Sam, visibly affected by the depth of the question, clenched his teeth before responding,

“From a human perspective, our inherent flaws lead us to mistakes, feeding our darker impulses.

The more good one does, the more they suppress their evil tendencies. Throughout life, the

cumulative balance of good and bad deeds defines us. There is indeed a definitive line between

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good and evil. However, straying into darkness doesn't permanently brand you evil; it signifies a

deviation from your inherent goodness. If you find your way back, embracing the path of

goodness, you become virtuous once more. That's why saints exist, guiding us back to the light.”

Raymond found an interest in Uncle Sam’s words, and he decided to as him another question, “

Do you consider yourself a good or bad person?”

Uncle Sam, his gaze steady, contemplated Raymond’s question for a moment before responding.

“Young man,” he began, his voice carrying the weight of his life’s complexities, “good and bad

are labels society slaps on us, trying to confine the vastness of human experience. In the twists of

my life, I found myself in dark alleys, entangled in the web of a criminal world. Yes, I’ve been a

part of BMO criminal organization, dealt in drugs, and even faced the steel bars of prison. But,

let me share a perspective with you.”

His eyes held a flicker of resilience. “Life doesn’t reward us the same opportunities. I did what I

had to to to survive,” he continued, his tone unyielding. “Life’s storms pushed me to edges I

never thought I’d tread. I made choices, flawed as they were, to protect myself and those I cared

about. Survival sometimes demands paths we’d never willingly choose. It doesn’t make me

inherently bad. It makes me a survivor.”

His words resonated with a profound truth; an understanding born from the crucible of his own

existence. In his defense, he stood firm, a testament to the human spirit’s tenacity amidst

adversity. Raymond understood that he needed to tread cautiously; his life hung in the balance,

and he could very well be a potential witness to the events that had transpired. As he reflected on

that haunting night at the Leto Gold Mining site, a tumultuous mixture of frustration and despair

engulfed him. The grim tableau of lifeless bodies, one of which belonged to his father, remained

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etched in his memory. An overwhelming sense of grief and powerlessness washed over me,

leaving my heart heavy with sorrow.

Amidst the chaos, questions raced through his mind. Why had his mother stayed at the crime

scene? Where had she disappeared to? Why had she driven away just when I needed her the


In the midst of this turmoil, an unfamiliar figure, Uncle Sam, introduced himself and ushered me

into a car. I couldn't help but wonder, "Is he trustworthy?"

The car sped away from the macabre scene, taking them further into the unknown, a prospect

that filled Raymond with dread. Silence hung in the air, and his mind was besieged by a

relentless onslaught of distressing images. Sleep eluded him throughout the journey, as his

emotions remained tangled and disordered. Amidst the chaos, he clung to any semblance of

familiarity in this surreal moment, unable to shake the overwhelming sensation that his life had

irrevocably and dramatically shifted.

Underneath his veneer of composure, a cauldron of frustration and anger bubbled relentlessly.

He harbored seething resentment towards the capricious hand of fate that had thrust him into this

bewildering situation, replete with unanswered questions about his family and an ominous fog of

uncertainty shrouding the path ahead. The enigmatic presence of this man, now referred to as his

uncle, only deepened the web of perplexity that enveloped him. He grappled with an inundation

of unanswerable queries, trapped in the labyrinth of his own thoughts.

His mother's fate weighed heavily on his mind, and he had no inkling of her well-being. The loss

of his beloved father on that harrowing night remained a gaping wound in his heart, a

nightmarish reality that defied rational comprehension. Every attempt to unravel the enigma that

had become his life yielded only frustration, a cascade of unanswered questions echoing within.

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Impulsively, he declared, “I will do anything to unearth the truth,” the vehemence in his voice

betraying his impatience. At that moment, he couldn't muster the capacity to care about Uncle

Sam's perception of him.

As the car delved deeper into the forest, an eerie hush descended, punctuated solely by the

haunting echoes of owls among the trees. This desolate place, forever etched as the backdrop to

the darkest chapter of his existence, seemed to permeate his very soul. It magnified the

frustration and fear that gripped him, casting a shadow over his thoughts.

Sensing his inner turmoil, Uncle Sam finally broke the silence, his voice providing a stark

contrast to the ominous surroundings. “Raymond,” he began, his tone measured and soothing, “I

understand this is overwhelming, but I need you to stay composed. We'll navigate this ordeal

together, I promise.”

Ray’s reaction was swift, laced with fury. “Promise? That word means nothing to me.”

Uncle Sam probed gently, “Has someone broken your heart?’

“It's already broken,” He retorted bitterly. “Neither your soothing words nor your promises can

mend this devastation.”

“We'll find a way through this. I pr—"

Interrupting him, He unleashed his pent-up frustration. “How can you say that?” His voice

quivered with emotion. “I don't understand anything. Everything has crumbled. My father is

dead, and my mother... she's gone. We're stranded with no answers in the middle of nowhere.

How do you expect me to remain composed?”

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Uncle Sam's response was calm and measured. “Raymond, in this world, there are times when

we must take necessary actions to restore equilibrium. BMO, they...they bring order to the


His words hung heavy in the air, a cryptic justification for the convoluted path they found

themselves treading. His frustration simmered beneath the surface, concealed beneath a facade of

forced composure as he offered a nod, pretending to understand. In his heart, he recognized that

his words served as a distorted rationalization for a dubious course of action. Yet, in this

convoluted world, where the boundaries between right and wrong had blurred into murky shades

of gray, he felt trapped without alternatives.

Uncle Sam, ventured forth with his request. “I need you to do something for me. Will you?”

Curious, a response came, “What is it?”

His voice carried a tone of urgency as he divulged, “I need you to be brave and listen closely. In

the event a traffic officer questions us on our journey, we're visiting your grandparents in the

Kito region. We're engaging in a little game here.”

“Alright”, He replied, acquiescing to the strange request

He handed him passports, each meticulously detailed and seamlessly aligned with their

fabricated identities. Despite his efforts to comprehend the situation without burdening “David

Atieno” with inquiries, curiosity got the better of him.

Raymond, taken aback by Uncle Sam’s words, questioned, “I never met my grandparents. Why

should I listen to a stranger teaching me how to lie?”

Uncle Sam, his expression stern, replied, “I think I’ve been patient enough. I’m tired of your

questions. If you find I difficult to cope, I’m afraid your mother has a pending execution order on

your head too.”

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Raymond, astonished by the revelation, examined the passport identity card and confronted

Uncle Sam, “Why does it say ‘Spenser David’ here with my passport?”

“BMO uses special hackers to infiltrate NID [National identity system] and generate identity

cards. With our experts, one can have more than one NINs [National identity numbers]. Spenser

David is your new identity that you will use until we safely reach the Kito region,” Uncle Sam

explained calmly.

Raymond nodded in acknowledgement. “Understood”, he replied.

“Good”, Uncle Sam said to him, his tone firm yet reassuring.

Raymond couldn't help but chuckle as he perused the passports. The situation had spiraled into

absurdity, and his very identity had undergone a dramatic transformation. He was no longer

Raymond Philemon Sapuka; his mother was no longer Veronica Philemon Sapuka, and Uncle

Sam was now his father.

“Why are we assuming these new identities?” He inquired, unable to contain his curiosity.

In hushed tones, Uncle Sam, now David Atieno, explained, “It's for our safety, Spencer David.

We must vanish, leaving no trace behind. You must trust me; it's our only safeguard.”.

They kept moving, the surroundings becoming a blur as Raymond’s mind was filled with a lot of

uncertainty. “If Uncle Sam is saying the truth, what kind of a mother dares kill her son?” he

murmured in his mind. He began to contemplate the depths of his mother’s actions, pondering,

“What happened to her?” The unanswered questions weighed heavily on his thoughts, adding to

enigma of their situation.

He acquiesced to his request, yet a whirlwind of unanswered questions stormed through his

mind, casting doubt upon his entire existence. “Was my life a fabrication? Was Veronica truly

my mother? Had Philemon been my real father? Did Uncle Sam conspire with my mother to

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eliminate my supposed father? Is Spencer David even my real name, and if so, would it make

any difference? Had everything been orchestrated, and who are my true parents? Is Uncle Sam

an ally or a foe? Were my parents’ privy to these enigmatic circumstances? Would I ever see

Nance again? How would my life unfold? Or is this a dream within a dream?

He decided to shatter the silence, his frustration and confusion bubbling to the surface. “Protect

ourselves from what? What is BMO? Why are we fleeing? Can I even trust you, Uncle Sam? Are

you truly who you claim to be?”

In a gentle tone, Uncle Sam said, “I comprehend your doubts, Spencer, but there are facets

beyond your knowledge, things I can't elucidate right now. Just understand that we must keep

moving, and our new identities will keep us concealed. It's the sole path to uncovering the truth.”

With an avalanche of questions looming, he pressed on, his uncertainty mounting. “From whom

are we running, and why? What has happened to my mother?”

Uncle Sam remained reticent as they continued their journey home to Kito, where they resided.

He ushered him inside the house, inexplicably in possession of the keys. He glanced at the usual

spot where they kept the house keys, only to discover they were still there. “So, he had spare

keys," He muttered to himself.

They settled at the table, and after a while, Raymond switched on the TV to catch the latest

news. He headed to the kitchen, preparing coffee in the early morning light. The news bulletin

reported a brutal massacre of 57 individuals—43 men and 14 women—scattered across the Leto

area. It also mentioned the discovery of an unidentified deceased man, roughly 43 years old,

found within an abandoned and dilapidated Land Cruiser, registered to a businessman named

Philemon Joseph Sapuka in the Usara region.

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The available information fails to confirm whether the deceased individual is the registered

owner of the vehicle or someone else entirely. Limited details about his family have surfaced.

The newly appointed Regional Crime Officer, Honorable RCO Salum Motoko, urged full

cooperation in the ongoing homicide investigation. He declared, “My office remains open 24/7

for anyone possessing information, whereabouts, or evidence that could aid in solving this

unprecedented tragedy. The presumed deceased individuals are linked to the formidable

international criminal organization known as the BLACK MAFIAN ORGANIZATION [BMO],

a group that has eluded capture for decades without success. Thank you,” he concluded in his

brief address.

The news sent a shiver down his spine, causing his head to throb. He couldn't help but recollect

the moment he left his mother and father the previous night. The car had been in pristine

condition then, so how could it have exploded? He pondered; his mind devoid of answers. His

gaze shifted to Uncle Sam, who appeared to have dozed off on the couch. It was a school day,

but after what He had witnessed the previous night, attending school that day was not on his

agenda. He retreated to the bathroom, took a shower, and returned to his room, where exhaustion

claimed him, and He succumbed to slumber, leaving Uncle Sam on the couch.

His sleep was disrupted by intense nightmares centered around the previous night's events. He

attempted to return to sleep but found no solace. He ventured out of his room and noticed Uncle

Sam's face etched with anxiety.

“Some NIA agents are pursuing us,” he revealed.

“Why? What's NIA?” I inquired, seeking clarification.

“It's a shortened form for the NATIONAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY. It was established in

1886 in response to significant threats from BMO,” Uncle Sam explained.

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“Why are they pursuing us here?” He pressed further.

“Haven't you heard the news? Philemon Joseph Sapuka has been found dead in an explosion.

They suspect he was affiliated with BMO, which is accurate. That's why they came to investigate

him here, at his house.” He explained

“Can you tell me more about NIA and why they haven't been able to dismantle BMO?”

“NIA is a highly trained group with exceptional spies. They collaborate with agents worldwide.

Despite their success in countering terrorism elsewhere, they've failed to track down BMO

because this criminal organization is incredibly specialized, integrated, systematic, and employs

only professionals. It conducts its operations without leaving any trace of evidence. To NIA, it's

almost mythical; none of them have ever actually seen or understood how the organization


Raymond was stunned by the revelations but still struggled to comprehend. “Did you say they

work only with professionals” He inquired.

“Yes, exclusively highly trained professionals. Your parents were integral members of the

organization,” he affirmed.

Uncle Sam glanced at his wristwatch, which displayed an incorrect time of 06:00 AM. He

couldn't fathom why he wore a watch that displayed the wrong time. When I glanced at the wall

clock in the dining room, it read 02:03 PM on Tuesday.

“Now, follow me and do as I say,” he instructed.

Uncle Sam moved to the center of the dining room and took an unexpected action. He pushed the

dining table aside and discreetly lifted a corner of the carpet, revealing a hidden glass keyboard

beneath. He skillfully typed a series of passwords, and, to my astonishment, a previously

unnoticed door on the left side of the dining room silently slid open. The door had never caught

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my attention, and the way it operated was a marvel of ingenuity. It seamlessly blended into the

dining room's design, leaving me astounded by the level of organization and precision

maintained by the BLACK MAFIAN ORGANIZATION (BMO) to ensure secrecy and security.

“You need to learn quickly and understand everything you see. All our safe houses have an

international design standard. Everything is meticulously arranged,” Uncle Sam emphasized.

He nodded in understanding, saying, “Okay, I understand.”

“We are proceeding with plan B, as your mother mentioned. She is certified by the organization

to initiate plans officially. Last night, she formally activated plan B. Each member of the

organization has a specific role to play at the designated time, and I've been assigned to train

you. Do you understand?” he inquired.

“Yes, I understand," I replied hesitantly.

“We can't venture outside right now as NIA agents are waiting to apprehend us for questioning.

It's not safe for you at this moment,” Uncle Sam added.

Fear gripped him as he questioned, “Not safe for what?"

“Follow me,” he said, guiding him into a newly revealed chamber. The door closed behind them,

and the chamber began descending underground, similar to an elevator. At that moment,

frustration and confusion still clouded his mind. He stood at a crossroads, torn between two

starkly different paths. On one side was his dream of pursuing medicine, a path of healing and

compassion that he had once cherished. On the other side loomed the dark world of the BMO, an

organization that had already ensnared him in its web of secrecy and crime. The gravity of the

decision He was about to make weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't help but wonder if there

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was any way to reconcile his shattered dreams of becoming a doctor with the ominous role he

was being thrust into within the criminal underworld.

He was left in awe by the unexpected presence of such an underground facility beneath their

seemingly ordinary house. They arrived in the underground area, which featured office rooms, a

training area, an arsenal room, and even a parking area filled with various new cars. As he

explored the space, he was astounded by its organization. The walls were soundproof, ensuring

that nothing from within could be heard outside. The place was filled with numerous items and

equipment that he couldn't describe due to the limited time. They entered one of the office


“Today's session is about self-expression,” Uncle Sam said.

Surprised, he responded, “What? I studied that during the orientation course before my Form 1


With a smiling face, he said, “Good, the job will be easier and quicker then.”

After a few minutes of corrections, he asked him to repeat it for the last time until he was

satisfied. Uncle Sam remained in the underground basement and instructed him to return to the

dining room and restore everything to its previous order.

“I'll stay in this underground basement, in case anything goes astray, I'll be your backup,” he


In the chilling silence of the house, Raymond’s footsteps echoed as he entered the bathroom,

seeking solace in the running water of the shower. Outside, shadows cast by dim streetlights

flickered, and NIA agents, their faces stern and badges glinting menacingly, noticed the

movement inside. With an air of authority, one of the agents spoke, his voice sharp and cutting

through the quite like a dagger.

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(Each agent showing badges) “This is NIA. We want to ask you a few questions about

yesterday's incident. Will you allow us to enter?” Inquired one of the NIA agents his words hung

heavy in the air, suffocating the room.

“Yes. Come in,” Raymond’s response, though brave, trembled with underlaying fear, his heart

pounding in his chest.

“Do you mind if I make you some coffee?” He offered, trying to mask his unease with false


“No thanks,” one of the agents declined, their gaze piercing, their eyes devoid of empathy.

“What's your name?” the NIA agent inquired, his tone as cold as ice, sending shivers down

Raymond’s spine.

“I thought you'd start by mentioning yours. You're the ones who entered our house.” He

defended, a feeble attempt at asserting control over the situation.

“My name is Agent Raynolds from the NIA,” the agent declared, his words laden with authority,

“and I'm currently in charge of this investigation. This is Agent Anna,” he said, touching her

shoulder with a calculated gesture, “and that's Agent Michael,” he continued, pointing with a

cloved hand. “We are all from NIA. What's your name, please?”

Raymond, his voice barely audible, replied, “Raymond Philemon Sapuka.”

“What's your age?” Agent Raynolds pressed, his eyes scrutinizing every nuance of Raymond’s


“20 years old,” Raymond answered, his throat dry and constricted.

“What are your parents' names?” Agent Raynolds questioned, his tone unyielding, cutting

through Raymond’s defenses.

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“Philemon Joseph Sapuka and Veronica Philemon,” Raymond replied, his words hanging in the

air like a curse.

“Is this your current residence, or is there another one we should know about?” Agent Raynolds

probed further, his words echoing with an unsettling finality.

“No, only this one,” Raymond confessed, the truth feeling like a weight upon his soul.

“Where were you last night?” Agent Raynolds continued, his gaze boring into Raymond’s soul,

searching for any flicker of deception.

“Right here in this house, sleeping,” Raymond’s voice wavered, the darkness outside the window

seemingly seeping into his very being.

“Did your parents come home last night?” Agent Raynolds’ question hung in the air, pregnant

with dread anticipation.

“Unfortunately, I fell asleep early and overslept. I'm not sure if they came home and left earlier,”

Raymond confessed, the fear in his eyes reflecting the uncertainty that gripped his heart.

“What's going on? Am I under arrest?” Raymond’s voice quivered, his breaths shallow and


“No, kid, there's something we should inform you.” Agent Raynolds said, his expression

unreadable, sending a chill down Raymond’s spine.

(Looking curious and terrified) “What is it?” Raymond asked, his voice barely a whisper, the

room closing in around him, the darkness suffocating, and the agents’ expression foreboding,

painting a picture of horrors yet to come.

Agent Raynolds, his tone measured and empathic, delivered the unsettling news, “I'm sorry,

Raymond Philemon. We've uncovered information about your parents." The weight of his words

hung heavily in the room, the air thickening with dread as he continued, his voice carrying the

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weight of the grim truth. “Your father, Philemon Joseph Sapuka, was indeed a victim of the Leto

Gold mining site massacre. He had multiple gunshot wounds, mostly concentrated in the chest

before being exploded in his own car. We have confirmed his identity.”

Shock coursed through him like a lightning bolt, and his face must have contorted into a mask of

sheer terror. His breath caught in his throat as he struggled to process the confirmation of his

father's fate, a reality he had tried to deny for so long.

“Your mother, Mrs. Veronica Philemon,” Raynolds continued, “is still missing. We are actively

searching for her, and we will do everything we can to find her.”

His words were meant to offer a glimmer of hope, but they only left e more bewildered and

confused. Tears welled up in his eyes as a torrent of emotions overwhelmed him- fear, grief, and

confusion all vying for dominance.

He kept fighting to maintain his composure, knowing that in this high-stakes game, one mistake

could mean the end of everything. Despite his inner turmoil, he nodded, thanking the agent for

the information, but inside, it was in turmoil, realizing that the truth about his parents had been

unveiled, leaving his with more questions than answers.

“How long have you known your father was the head of the criminal organization known as the


In a calculated attempt to feign fury and desperation, he retorted, “What the hell are you talking

about? I have known my father as a businessman, and my mother as a doctor. Nothing more,

nothing less. Am I under arrest or what?”

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Agent Raynolds, his demeanor unyielding, responded with a chilling certainty, “This is NIA;

there's nothing you can hide from us. We know every detail about your criminal father. We know

his mission and everyone he collaborated with.” His words devoid of emotions, hung in the air,

each syllable dripping with an unsettling truth that sent shivers down his spine. The room seemed

to close in around him, the shadows playing tricks on his senses, amplifying the intensity of the

moment. The façade of control he had clung to shattered like a fragile glass, leaving him exposed

to the dark reality closing in from all sides.

Speaking in a hushed tone, Agent Anna conveyed, “We need your information just to see if it

aligns with what we have. We have an offer for you. In exchange for your cooperation, providing

us with information about your parents and the BLACK MAFIAN ORGANIZATION (BMO),

we can offer you custody protection. You'll be safe, and we'll ensure your well-being.”

With an innocent tone and empathetic face, Agent Michael continued, “If you give us what we

need, you will be free, and we’ll leave immediately through that door” he pointed a finger

towards the exit, his gaze unwavering. “You will be under our protection, and all your school

fees will be covered by the government.”

Their words, shrouded in professionalism, carried an unsettling weight. The room felt

oppressive, the stakes higher than ever before. The choice between revealing secrets that had

long been buried and the ominous unknown hung in the air, intensifying the tension and casting a

chilling pall over the conversation.

In a stern and angry gesture, Agent Raynolds asserted, “Refuse the offer, and you’ll rot in hell.

Are we clear?”

With a disdainful chuckle, he retorted, “If you have everything about him, why are you even


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Agent Michael’s tone turned icy as he responded, “Do you really want to play it like that?”

Switching back to an innocent tone and empathetic demeanor, Agent Michael added, “If you

give us what we need, you will be allowed to continue with your normal routines, your normal

life. You will be under our protection, and all your school fees will be covered by the

government, think about it, Raymond.”

In a display of feigned impatience, he pleaded, “You are the playing here. I am just a student, an

orphan and a child of the parents you are telling me that one is murdered and the other flew to

nowhere. I believe my parents were never involved in any dangerous groups, and I have no

reason to believe they were. So please, if I am under arrest, I would like to speak to my lawyer. If

not, can you get out from my house with all your bullshits.”

Agent Anna, her tone gentle yet persuasive, attempted to sway his decision, stating, “Raymond

Philemon, sometimes people can be drawn into situations without fully realizing that they’re

getting into. We believe your cooperation can help us dismantle a potentially dangerous

organization. You’ll be helping us make the world a safer place.”

Torn between loyalty and fear, he hesitated, his voice wavering, “I…I need some time to think

about it. I can’t make a decision like this without knowing more. Please, can y’all leave?”

With a smile that sent chills down his spine, Agent Anna responded, “Thanks for your


Her words, though seemingly benign, carried an undertone of menace, leaving him with an

unsettling feeling as they left the room. The weight of the situation clung to him like a

suffocating shroud, making the choice ahead even more daunting. This day, Raymond made a

choice that will haunt him throughout his entire life.

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NIA is the special agency organization established to swipe terrorism brought by criminal

organizations in the Dane Country, especially BMO. It was established in 1886, under the

president Jesca Mullein.

That’s how he had a conversation with NIA. They didn’t believe his responses. They knew

Raymond was either lying or hide the truth, in which they were right. They headed towards their

car that was packed outside Ray’s house and started to review the interrogation video they

recorded in the past few minutes.

Agent Raynolds furrowed his brow, scrutinizing the kid’s demeanor closely. “There’s something

off here. His reactions don’t match the weight of the news we just delivered. The kid seemed to

knew what we were about to ask him before we got there.”

Agent Anna nodded in agreement, her eyes focused and analytical. “Absolutely. His body

language doesn’t align with his supposed fear. It’s as if he’s reading from a script.”

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Agent Michael claimed in, his voice calm yet discerning. “I observed discrepancies in his

account of his parents. He seemed oddly indifferent about his mother’s disappearance and overly

concerned about trivial matters like school fees.”

Raymond, deep in thought, continued the analysis. “His emotional responses are incongruent

with the gravity of his situation. We need to investigate further, cross-check his statements with

available records, and look for any patterns that might indicate deception.”

Anna leaned forward; her expression determined. “I’ll instruct the tech team to dig into his

background. We might uncover hidden connections or inconsistencies that could unravel his


Michael, acknowledging the urgency, stated, “We can’t afford to overlook any details. The

involvement of the BMO adds complexity. We need to expose the truth, no matter how deep it’s


Raynolds nodded, his gaze unwavering. “Agreed. Let’s proceed meticulously. We might be

dealing with more than meets the eye.”

Veronnica, her hands trembling with a mix of fear and desperation, accelerated down the

highway toward THE DREAM HOTEL, her husband’s last known hotel location. Time was of

the essence, and she had a singular purpose- to find the answers that might shed light on her

missions ahead. Unbeknownst to her, the BMO had caught wind of her betrayal. It was a colossal

error, a treason that could serve as gaping hole for tearing down the very foundation of BMO.

They had planted minuscule cameras, strategically hidden, that now broadcasted her moves live

to the BMO headquarters, her actions exposed for their security. Inside the hotel room, Veronica

wasted no time. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, attempting to crack the newly changed

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passwords of the safe box and her husband’s computer. Every futile attempt deepened the pit of

despair within her. The walls seemed to close in as she realized her lack of means to decrypt the

files stored on the phone, the laptop, or the mysterious briefcase her husband had obtained from


In the dim glow of the hotel room, Veronica's fingers danced across the keyboard as she

persisted in her attempts to decrypt the encrypted laptop. The tension in the air was palpable as

each failed attempt fueled her growing desperation. Meanwhile, in the heart of the Al-Sahra'

Desert, El Capto Country, Aficaria Continent, within the secretive corridors of the BMO

headquarters, Chief Executive Omari bin Salim strode purposefully toward the accountant's

office. His voice, resonating with cold authority, cut through the air as he issued a chilling

command to Linnaeus Jafar, the chief accountant operator: "Initiate an execution order for

Veronica Philemon Sapuka." The room seemed to freeze in response to the sheer weight of his

words. Omari bin Salim provided meticulous details, outlining Veronica's location at THE

DREAM HOTEL in the Rimeca Continent, Dane Country, Leto Region. He described her

appearance meticulously, ensuring there were no mistakes, and authorized a substantial payment

of $150 million in cash to THE JUSTICE ORGANIZATION, the notorious black cats, a group

known for their lethal efficiency.

Veronica, unaware of the impending danger, made one final attempt to decrypt the laptop.

Against all odds, she succeeded. The same password, her late husband's favorite place he had

always wished to live, granted her access, unlocking not just the laptop but also a safe containing

secrets that could shake the very foundations of the BMO.

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Unbeknownst to her, a formidable force had orchestrated her execution, motivated by the

revelation of the briefcase's contents. The unfolding events resembled a high-stakes chess game,

with Veronica unwittingly positioned as the pawn, threatened by powerful players whose moves

were as precise and calculated as those of the most shadowy intelligence agencies.

In a swift, determined motion, Veronica collected everything from the safe and seized

Philemon's laptop, packing them meticulously into a bag. Every second was crucial, and she

knew she couldn't afford to waste even a moment. With a sense of urgency propelling her, she

rushed out of the hotel room and into the corridor. Her footsteps echoed as she made her way

toward the elevator, her heart pounding in her chest.

Meanwhile, in a completely different setting, Madeline Alfred, a dedicated reproductive health

activist, was engrossed in a meeting discussing the alarming increase in the annual rate of young

women getting cervical cancer. Her voice carried a note of concern as she reported, "The

incidence rate of invasive cervical cancer was 8.9 per 100,000 women during 1998 through

2003. More than 70% of all cervical carcinomas were squamous cell type, and nearly 20% were

adenocarcinomas. Cervical carcinoma incidence rates were higher for black women compared

with white women and for Hispanic women compared with non-Hispanic women. Hispanic

women had elevated rates of adenocarcinomas compared with non-Hispanic women. The South

exhibited increased incidence and mortality rates compared with the Northeast."

In her concluding remarks, she emphasized, "Disparities by race/ethnicity and region persist in

the burden of cervical cancer in the Dane country. Comprehensive screening and vaccination

programs, along with improved surveillance, will be essential if we are to reduce this burden in

the future. As reproductive health activists, we have planned to..."

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Her speech was abruptly interrupted by a beeping notification on her smartphone. As she picked

up the phone, her expression shifted from focus to shock as she read the message that demanded

an unthinkable action – executing her closest friend, Veronica, a person she had known as the

deepest friend of all time. The message hung in the air, casting a dark shadow over the room,

leaving Madeline torn between loyalty and an unimaginable choice.

Madeline swiftly concluded the meeting, citing a sudden emergency, and hurriedly left the

conference room filled with people and reporters, a live broadcast capturing her every move.

Outside, she informed her driver of the urgency and requested to drive alone to the airport. Her

anxiety was palpable as she entered the car, immediately reaching for another phone. Her fingers

moved rapidly over the screen, typing in a series of digits before pressing call. The phone rang,

each tone amplifying her tension, until finally, a voice on the other end answered with a cautious


In hushed tones, Madeline urgently whispered, "You are in danger. Someone at the top chain has

authorized your execution. Stay safe."

Meanwhile, her own fears now confirmed, Madeline, who had sensed for a while that something

was amiss, accelerated her Mercedes with a controlled urgency. She navigated the streets with

precision, heading to the airport where a company plane awaited her. With a single-minded

determination, she took flight, heading directly to the Kito region, her own home, where she

hoped safety and answers awaited her.

As Madeline arrived home, she found her daughter Nance already back from the university.

There was a palpable sense of relief in their embrace, both acknowledging the challenges of their

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day's work. In the cozy ambiance of their home, they settled into a mother-daughter


Madeline, sensing her daughter's worry, inquired gently, "How was your day at the university?"

Nance sighed; her voice filled with concern. "It was exhausting, Mama. But what's bothering me

more is that I didn't see Raymond at the lecture room today. I'm really upset about it."

Madeline, trying to calm her daughter's rising worry, said reassuringly, "Maybe he had a valid

reason, sweetheart. Don't jump to conclusions. We'll find out what's going on."

Nance, her face a mix of concern and affection, responded to her mother's attempt at reassurance.

"We're not in love, Mama, I promise. But..." Her voice trailed off, her eyes revealing more than

her words.

Madeline, picking up on her daughter's unspoken emotions, gently teased, "Are you sure about

that?" A playful smile crossed her lips.

Nance blushed slightly before regaining her composure. "Positive, Mama. It's just... I'm worried

about him."

Feeling her daughter's genuine concern, Madeline handed her the car keys, her worry evident in

her eyes. "Be careful, my love. Call me if anything feels off. I trust your judgment, but I can't

help but worry."

Nance, taking the keys, mustered a smile. "I'll be fine, Mama, I promise. There's nothing to

worry about. I just want to check on Raymond, that's all."

With a final hug and a whispered assurance, Nance left, her determination visible. Madeline

watched her daughter leave, her heart a mix of worry and pride, trusting in her daughter's

resilience and strength.

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Raymond didn’t know why he decided to change and be a continuum to his father’s missions. He

didn’t know where his mom is till this time and he had no idea what happened to her. Something

that he didn’t know till that moment was that, there was a sniper hidden at a distance who was

keeping eye on him. Her mission was to execute him any time he was about to deliver any

information regarding BMO.

He attempted to distract himself by playing video games, but his mind kept drifting back to the

disturbing images from the previous night. Frustrated, he left his room and found solace in

cooking. In the kitchen, he prepared a delightful meal—a colorful array of roasted vegetables,

tender grilled chicken drizzled with a savory sauce, and a side of garlic herb pasta. The aroma

filled the air, offering a brief respite from his troubled thoughts.

Meanwhile, Nance Williams drove her car, her mind consumed by thoughts of Raymond.

Despite the short time they had known each other, her heart was inexplicably drawn to him. She

found herself happy and safe around him.

Raymond, while lost in his thoughts, he was jolted back to reality when he saw the headlights of

a Mercedes, signaling someone's arrival. His pulse quickened with anticipation as he watched

Nance Williams through the car window.

"Give me a minute, baby, I'm coming," Raymond called out, rushing into his room. To his relief,

everything was in order. He sprayed himself with his favorite perfume, infusing the room with its

enchanting scent. The rush of love and excitement momentarily transported him from the world

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of worry and sorrow to a blissful, happy realm. He whispered to himself, "Yes, finally, I'm in


Outside, Nance playfully teased, "Are you going to let me in or what?"

Raymond, already prepared and with a sparkle of happiness in his eyes, welcomed her inside.

The air was filled with the delectable scent of the food he had prepared, mingling with the

captivating fragrance of his chosen perfume. Both surprised and delighted, they burst into

laughter. Nance couldn't help but exclaim, "I thought I was surprising you, but it turns out I'm the

one falling into your surprise." Their shared laughter echoed in the room, marking the beginning

of a beautiful, unexpected chapter in their lives.

In the warm glow of Raymond's house, he welcomed Nance with a smile that reflected his deep

affection for her. Their evening together was filled with tender moments and heartfelt words,

expressing the profound connection they shared. As they settled into a comfortable conversation,

their voices carried the weight of their emotions.

"Being with you feels like finding a missing piece of myself," Raymond confessed, his eyes

fixed on Nance. "I cherish every moment we spend together. You bring a light into my life that I

never knew I needed."

Nance, captivated by Raymond's sincerity, replied, "You make my world brighter. Your presence

is a calming force, and I feel a profound connection with you that I've never felt before. You're

my sanctuary, Raymond."

Raymond gently took her hand, his touch conveying more than words ever could. "You're my

anchor, my confidant. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you more than words can


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Nance met his gaze, her eyes filled with love and vulnerability. "And I love you, Raymond.

You're my solace, my joy. I feel complete with you by my side."

Their love hung in the air, tangible and undeniable, creating an atmosphere of warmth and


In the soft twilight, Nance's eyes gleamed with a thirst, a longing for love that was unmistakable.

Her words, unspoken but evident in the depths of her gaze, expressed a profound desire to delve

into the unknown, to explore the depths of Raymond's world that very evening.

Feeling the magnetic pull of her affection, Nance gently clasped Raymond's hand, her touch

carrying an electric charge of anticipation. With an unspoken understanding, Raymond

reciprocated, acknowledging the unspoken yearning that lay between them. With a tender yet

confident grasp, he pulled her close, enveloping her in the warmth of his arms

Their silent communication spoke volumes, and in that moment, Raymond led Nance to his

room, a sanctuary where the boundaries between their souls could blur and their deepest desires

could be unveiled. The air was thick with the sweet scent of anticipation as they ventured into the

unknown, guided by the unspoken language of love and longing that bound them together.

In the tender moments they shared, it became apparent that this encounter held a significant

meaning for Raymond. It was a novel experience for him, his heart and mind navigating

uncharted territory in the realm of romance. His demeanor hinted at the innocence of a first-time

explorer, stepping into a world he had yet to fully comprehend. Nance, with her keen perception,

observed the intricate dance of emotions within Raymond. She could sense his internal struggle,

the flickering uncertainty mingled with curiosity that played out in his eyes. His emotions, like

delicate butterflies, fluttered within the confines of his mind, yearning to take flight yet tethered

by the chains of inexperience. Despite the intensity of his feelings, Raymond found himself

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hesitating, held back by the uncertainties that come with new beginnings. In a surge of passion,

Nance's desire engulfed her like the primal instincts of a hungry lioness on the prowl. With a

fervent hunger in her eyes, she pounced on Raymond, her hands and lips becoming explorers

tracing the landscape of his body. Every touch was charged with intensity, as if she was seeking

to uncover hidden secrets beneath his skin. Her movements were swift and purposeful, driven by

a carnal need that knew no boundaries. She devoured his presence with a raw, unbridled hunger,

her touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake. Her lips pressed against his skin, tasting him as if he

were the most exquisite delicacy, each kiss imprinted with the urgency of her longing.

With fervent urgency, her fingers traced the lines of his physique, mapping out the contours of

his form as if she were unearthing a precious treasure. Her lips pressed against his skin, leaving a

trail of fiery kisses in their wake, each one a testament to her insatiable appetite. In the heat of

the moment, she became a creature of raw instinct, driven by a primal longing that transcended

the confines of reason.

Their bodies entwined in a sensual ballet, their hunger became a palpable presence in the room,

filling the air with an irresistible intensity. The room seemed to pulsate with their shared desire,

each touch and caress a testament to the magnetic pull drawing them closer together. In that

moment, they were not just lovers; they were creatures of the wild, succumbing to the allure of

their most basic instincts, lost in the wilderness of their passion.

In the cocoon of their shared passion, Nance and Raymond found themselves entrapped in a

heavenly bliss, experiencing a level of pleasure that transcended any they had ever known

before. Every touch, every caress, sent them soaring to unparalleled heights of ecstasy. It was as

if they had discovered a secret haven, a realm where pleasure knew no bounds, and they were the

willing explorers of this uncharted territory.

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As their intimacy peaked, Nance released a breathy sigh, her body feeling both satiated and yet

hungry for more, like a vehicle refueled yet still yearning for motion. Raymond, overcome by the

intensity of their connection, roared in primal satisfaction, his voice echoing like a lion's call on a

stormy, rain-soaked night.

Their love was extraordinary, a unique blend of raw desire and genuine affection. It felt organic,

as if their souls had recognized each other across lifetimes, coming together in a union that felt

destined. With each passing second, their passion elevated them to a plane of pleasure previously

unexplored, a realm they had never dared to venture into before. In this euphoric state, time

seemed to stretch, and the boundaries between their souls coming into proximity. Everyone

exhales in trouble, their breath trapped by the pleasure they encountered. No one was ready to

lose the other, their chemistry was extraordinary and no one else wanted to leave from that

chemistry, it was special. In the aftermath of their intense encounter, their bodies entwined in a

shared moment of intimacy, Nance and Raymond basked in the aftermath of their passionate

union. Their breathing slowed, and a sense of contentment settled over them, filling the room

with a serene atmosphere.

Nance, her eyes soft with a mixture of awe and vulnerability, turned to Raymond. "I've never

experienced a love so deep and genuine before," she confessed, her voice barely above a

whisper. "If I had known such love existed, I would have chosen it without hesitation. It could

have eased the pain of betrayal I endured from James Jr."

Her words hung in the air, carrying the weight of past wounds and the hope of a new beginning.

In this intimate moment, they shared not only their bodies but also the depths of their emotions,

forging a connection that transcended the physical realm.

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Madeline stood in the shadows, her eyes fixed on the room where her daughter, Nance, and

Raymond shared an intimate moment. A bittersweet smile graced her lips as she observed their

connection, recognizing the purity of their emotions. She couldn't help but let them revel in the

joy of newfound love, understanding the rarity of such a bond.

As Madeline glanced around the surrounding buildings, a subtle unease settled over her.

Instinctively, she sensed a presence, a silent observer in the shadows. The feeling of being

watched sent shivers down her spine, prompting her to scan the area for any signs of intrusion.

Unbeknownst to her, a skilled sniper, ever watchful, had been overwatching the scene. As

Madeline's eyes scanned the vicinity, the sniper swiftly concealed herself, blending seamlessly

into the darkness, their trained instincts responding to the arrival of an unexpected presence. In

the silence of the night, she remained hidden, observing from a distance, ensuring their watchful

gaze went unnoticed.

Madeline drove back home with a complex swirl of emotions clouding her thoughts. Her heart

was both filled with happiness for her daughter's newfound love and haunted by the demons of

her own past. The warmth of love that Nance was experiencing was something Madeline had

never truly known in her own life. Love had always been a distant and unattainable dream for

her, a realm she had purposely avoided, scarred by her own painful experiences.

As she made her way home, Madeline's mind was flooded with prayers, whispered into the night

like a desperate plea to the universe. She prayed fervently that Raymond, the man who had

captured her daughter's heart, would be different, that he wouldn't break Nance's heart as others

had broken hers. The weight of her hopes and fears settled heavily on her shoulders, a burden she

carried with both trepidation and anticipation.

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In the quiet solitude of her prayers, Madeline found solace, channeling her deepest desires into

the universe, hoping against hope that her daughter's love story would be different, that it would

be filled with the happiness she had always longed for but never dared to believe was possible.

Her footsteps echoed her silent prayers, a fragile echo of hope in the face of her own shattered


In the hidden shadows, Elizabeth Deathtrap, the enigmatic sniper, observed the unfolding love

story of Raymond and Nance with a mix of fascination and envy. The intensity of their

connection left her both captivated and longing for something she had never known. As she

indulged in her escape, finding solace in the haze of intoxication, she allowed herself a

momentary break from the harsh realities of her profession. In the depths of her high, she

dreamed of a love as profound and genuine as the one she had witnessed.

With a bittersweet smile, Elizabeth acknowledged the beauty of their connection, even from a

distance. She saw in them a love that transcended the ordinary, a flame that burned brightly in

the darkness. In her own way, they became unwitting role models, symbols of hope for those

who yearned for a love story as compelling as theirs.

Unbeknownst to Raymond and Nance, their bond had become a beacon of inspiration,

illuminating the path for others who dared to dream of such a love. As their journey unfolded,

veiled in uncertainty, the impact of their love story resonated far beyond their own lives, leaving

a mark on the hearts of those who witnessed their connection. The future remained unknown, a

tapestry waiting to be woven, and the world watched,

wondering where the twists and turns of their journey would ultimately lead them.

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Nance Williams sat in Ray's room, her fingers dancing over the phone keyboard, typing out a

message to her mother. As she pressed send, her hands momentarily stuck in the position,

lingering on the keyboard, caught in a moment of hesitation.

Meanwhile, at Madeline's house, she was engrossed in preparing something special for herself

and her daughter. In the midst of her preparations, a beep notification illuminated her smartphone

screen. Her eyes widened with anticipation as she read the message, her face slowly breaking

into a smile.

"Mom, I won't make it home today. Me and Raymond are stuck in a video game, and at this hour

of the night, I wouldn't be able to drive. Hope you won't mind it, Darling, Nance W."

Madeline read the message, her skepticism growing with every word. A wry smile played on her

lips as she muttered, "Damn, she's started lying."

In response, Madeline picked up her phone, her fingers gliding over the keys as she typed out a

reply, "Take care, darling. I love you, Madeline." The words carried both a mother's concern and

a hint of understanding, embracing the complexities of their relationship in a single message.

Madeline sat alone in her room, the weight of her past and the burden of her present pressing

heavily on her shoulders. She opened a drawer and retrieved an old diary, its pages filled with

memories of a time long gone. Among the faded pages, she found a photograph from her

childhood, a cherished memento that now seemed to mock her with its innocence.

As she gazed at the photograph, tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the image before her. The

haunting reality of the task she had been assigned gripped her heart, squeezing it with a relentless

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force. The message on her phone, a stark reminder of the choices she was forced to make,

loomed large in her mind.

Veronica Alfred, her most beloved childhood friend, had become her target, a bitter twist of fate

that tore at the seams of their once unbreakable bond. Veronica's actions, driven by a thirst for

vengeance, had left Madeline grappling with a decision that seemed impossible to make. How

could she reconcile the love she felt for her friend with the dark path she was now compelled to


To make matters worse, Madeline was burdened by a secret she dared not share with her

daughter. The growing affection between Raymond, her target's child, and Nance, her own flesh

and blood, only deepened the complexity of their predicament. How long could she keep the

truth hidden? How long before the fragile facade they had built crumbled, exposing the harsh

realities beneath?

In the silent confines of her room, Madeline found herself caught in a web of uncertainty,

wondering how much longer she could hold everything together before it all fell apart. The

weight of her decisions, past and present, bore down on her, threatening to crush the very

essence of her being.

Madeline, engulfed in the shadows of her room, made a silent decision. With a heavy heart, she

reached out and switched off the light, plunging her surroundings into darkness. She wrapped

herself tightly in the covers, seeking solace in the cocoon of her bed. The weight of her burdens

pressed down upon her, yet she chose to surrender to the night, leaving the intricate tapestry of

fate to weave its unpredictable path.

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Meanwhile, in a different world illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight, Nance and Raymond

found sanctuary in each other's arms. The night, once filled with uncertainty and tension,

transformed into a canvas upon which their love painted vibrant and tender strokes. In the quiet

hours, they blessed the night with love, their hearts intertwining in a dance of affection and

understanding, seeking refuge from the complexities that surrounded them. As they embraced the

warmth of each other's presence, they found solace in the simplicity of their connection, allowing

love to be their guiding light in the darkness.

Madeline's nights were haunted by the specter of trouble. In the silent depths of darkness, her

sleep was marred by terrible nightmares that crept into her subconscious like malevolent

shadows. She would awaken, her scream stifled by the terror that gripped her. Each time her eyes

fluttered open, it was only the early hours of the morning, a ghostly 03:30 a.m. that taunted her

with the reminder of sleep's elusiveness.

Her restless nights were not merely a consequence of sleeplessness; they were infested by the

cruel companionship of insomnia, a relentless foe that tormented her weary mind. Moreover, she

grappled with a haunting condition, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a cruel reminder of

past traumas that continued to haunt her even in the quietest hours of the night. The burden of

her condition weighed heavily on her, making peaceful slumber an unattainable luxury.

Throughout the night, she was trapped in a cycle of torment, never finding respite from the

clutches of her troubled mind. The darkness offered no solace, only serving as a canvas for her

tortured thoughts. Sleep remained a distant dream, slipping through her fingers like grains of

sand, leaving her to navigate the endless hours of the night in a state of perpetual unrest.

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Wednesday morning unfolded, blessed with the promise of a new day. Raymond greeted the

day's first light, stirred from his slumber by the persistent chime of his alarm clock at 5:00 a.m.

He embarked on his morning routine, a whirlwind of cleanliness that transformed their home into

a haven of order. While Nance still lingered in the embrace of dreams, possibly enchanted by the

love they had shared the previous night, Raymond set about his tasks diligently.

With meticulous care, he transformed their home into a sanctuary of cleanliness. The dishes were

washed with precision, the floors gleamed under his attention, and even the flowers outside

received the rejuvenating touch of rainwater. His tasks completed; he felt a sense of

accomplishment settle within him. Guided by the rhythm of his morning routine, he stepped into

the shower, letting the cold water revive his senses and prepare him for the day ahead.

Returning to their shared room, he gazed at Nance, still lost in the realm of dreams. Her beauty

was captivating, a symphony of delicate features and radiant skin illuminated by the soft

morning light. Her hair, a cascade of silk, framed her face with elegance, adding to her allure. As

he watched her, he found himself entranced, his heart swelling with affection for the remarkable

woman who shared his life.

Leaving her to the tranquility of her dreams, Raymond quietly made his way to the kitchen.

There, his skilled hands orchestrated a breakfast extravaganza that transcended the ordinary. The

enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the sizzle of bacon and the warmth of

pastries, creating an olfactory masterpiece that filled the air with temptation. The table was

adorned with an array of delights, meticulously arranged to please both the eye and the palate.

As the tantalizing scent of breakfast wafted through the air, it worked it magic on Nance. Roused

by the aroma, she hurried to the bathroom for a quick shower, the enticing smell guiding her

steps toward the source of this culinary marvel. The breakfast, a testament to Raymond's culinary

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prowess, was a feast fit for royalty, a delightful symphony of flavors and textures carefully

crafted to awaken even the most reluctant of mornings.

After her shower, Nance Williams emerged, her skin glistening with the freshness of the

morning. As she dried her beautiful body, she moved with a grace that hinted at her inner

confidence. Stepping into their room, she put her attire which was prepared by Raymond, each

movement purposeful and elegant.

Entering the dining room, she found Raymond waiting with a breakfast spread that looked

nothing short of a culinary masterpiece. The aroma filled the room, promising a delightful

journey for their taste buds. As they sat down to eat, the flavors danced on their tongues, creating

a symphony of tastes that elicited appreciative sighs from both of them. The food was not just

nourishment; it was a celebration of their togetherness.

Nance couldn't help but watch Raymond's face as he enjoyed his creation. His gentleness,

evident in every gesture, warmed her heart. He embodied the qualities she had always dreamed

of in a partner – someone who could satisfy her desires both in the bedroom and in life, a man

who cared deeply, and a culinary artist in the kitchen. He was the kind of man who would not

only capture her desires but also hold her heart with tenderness and respect.

In her heart, Nance knew what she wanted. She was a woman of high standards, unafraid to set

the bar high. She desired a man with a vision, someone who was transparent and genuine,

qualities she saw reflected in Raymond's eyes. His presence filled her with a sense of security, a

feeling that she had found something rare and precious.

Nance was not just a woman; she was a force of nature, a person who never settled for

mediocrity. To win her heart, one had to match her passion, understand her dreams, and

appreciate the depth of her character. She was not just a girl; she was a woman with aspirations

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and a heart full of love, waiting for the right person to share it with. And in Raymond, she saw

the potential for a love story that transcended the ordinary, a connection that went beyond the

surface and delved into the depths of their souls.

After finishing their breakfast, they shared lingering kisses, the warmth of their affection evident

in every touch. Raymond gently escorted Nance outside, his eyes filled with adoration as he

closed the door behind her. With practiced ease, he placed the keys in their designated spot,

ensuring everything was in order before they left.

Opening the door of her luxurious Mercedes Benz, Nance gracefully slid into the driver's seat,

her confidence shining through. Raymond settled in beside her, and as Nance inserted the key

into the ignition, the powerful engine roared to life. The sleek, modern Mercedes glided out of

the driveway, carrying them toward both Nance's home and their shared destination – the


The car moved with effortless grace, a testament to both its engineering and Nance's skillful

driving. As they merged into the traffic, the world outside seemed to blur, while inside the car,

their connection remained sharp and clear. The journey ahead was not just a physical one; it was

a continuation of the bond they shared, a path leading them to more moments of togetherness and


The day continued in a whirl of romantic glances and shared moments for Raymond and Nance.

Their connection was undeniable, and inside the classroom, their eyes often met, communicating

a depth of affection that was hard to miss.

As the sessions came to an end, they decided to head out for lunch together, their hands touching

lightly as they walked. The sight of them together caught the attention of many, including Glory

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Jackson, the president of the DIGITAL MAGAZINE SOCIETY (DMS) club. She couldn't help

but approach Nance with a mix of curiosity and surprise.

"In the past week, we saw you going through a romantic tragedy with James Jr. Rumors were

spreading, but here you are, hanging out with Raymond, and the love between you two is

palpable. Who should be blamed for your breakup?" she inquired; her eyes sharp with curiosity.

Nance, her hand resting on Raymond's shoulder, smiled confidently, her laughter filling the air.

"I was never a victim, nor should anyone be blamed. Some things have their time and place, and

then they change. Past relationships become history. I focus on my future and what I want in my


Turning to Raymond, Glory asked, "Raymond, is Nance Williams your first love?"

Raymond's smile widened; his eyes filled with genuine affection. "Not just the first, but the one

and only," he replied, his voice filled with certainty.

"Wow," Glory responded, clearly impressed by their connection.

Meanwhile, the live broadcast of their conversation spread through the students' smartphones

like wildfire. Everyone was glued to their screens, captivated by the unfolding drama.

In another part of the campus, James Jr. couldn't contain his fury upon hearing the news. Fueled

by anger, he impulsively smashed his phone against the wall, the cracks on the screen mirroring

the broken pieces of his heart.

James Jr.'s life spiraled into chaos as jealousy consumed him. Excessive drinking became his

coping mechanism, a futile attempt to drown the pain and frustration that gnawed at his heart.

The night grew darker as he stumbled home in the early hours of the morning, his mind clouded

with regrets and bitter thoughts.

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In the midst of his turmoil, he wrestled with the question of who to blame. Was it Nance for

moving on, or was it himself for letting her slip away? The answer eluded him, hidden behind

the fog of intoxication and self-pity. It was too early for him to face the truth, to confront his own

insecurities and face the consequences of his actions. As the night wore on, James Jr. remained

lost in his thoughts, a prisoner of his own emotions, unable to escape the tormenting cycle of

jealousy and regret.

Amidst the tranquil setting of the beach, where the gentle waves lapped against the shore and the

breeze carried whispers of serenity, a storm of emotions brewed within Nance and Raymond.

Little did they know, a malicious plot was unfurling, fueled by jealousy and vindictiveness.

James Jr., driven by his overpowering jealousy, manipulated Glory Jackson with money and

influence, coercing her to tarnish Raymond's name and question Nance's choices. The news of

criminal activities involving Raymond's parents spread like wildfire across DMS blog and social

media platforms. Stickers and memes, bearing Raymond's face and his family's names, filled

their screens, surrounded by harsh comments and judgments.

Nance, her eyes widening in shock, confronted Raymond with the disturbing images. A wave of

disbelief and anger washed over him as she questioned his trust. "Tell you what? Huh! You

believe the rumors, right?" he spat out, his voice filled with frustration and hurt.

Nance, her own emotions raw, responded with a mix of disappointment and resolve. "In my life,

I never wanted to associate myself with the child of murderers, drug kingpins, and mineral

gamers. I only wanted a peaceful life. If that was too much to ask, you should have told me."

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Raymond, unable to contain his sorrow, felt tears escape his eyes, falling like drops of shattered

dreams onto the sand. The betrayal cut deep, leaving both hearts wounded and trust shattered, the

innocence of their budding love eclipsed by the shadows of suspicion.

As Raymond walked away, the weight of Nance's words bore down on him, leaving his heart

heavy with hurt and disbelief. With every step he took, he tried to mask his pain with a facade of

confidence, but when he thought he was out of sight, he crumbled into tears, questioning why his

first love had turned against him so quickly.

Unbeknownst to Raymond, Nance had followed him, realizing her mistake and the pain she had

caused him. She watched from a distance as he grieved, her heart aching with regret. She wished

she had approached the situation differently, understanding now that trust should have preceded


[Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi playing]

Raymond, his vision blurred by tears, tried to check his phone, but the emotions flooding his

eyes made it nearly impossible to see the notifications. He narrowly avoided being struck by a

passing car, but he pressed on, determined to reach the sanctuary of his home.

Desperate to escape his turmoil, he pulled out his earphones and played his favorite song, using

the music to drown out the echoes of his shattered trust. With each step, he began to jog, turning

his grief and anger into a powerful drive, channeling his emotions into a physical outlet.

Nance continued to track him, observing how Raymond transformed his pain into a relentless

determination. He jogged not just because he enjoyed it, but as a ritual, a coping mechanism that

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helped him manage his stresses. Little did she know, she was witnessing the strength of his

character even in moments of vulnerability.

Raymond reached home and found Uncle Sam had prepared a dinner.

He had been following the newly found relationship between Raymond and Nance, and saw how

it took a downfall into the social media.

"The truth that I didn't know" Raymond said to him

What? He inquired

"I need to know the truth about everything" Raymond insisted

Let's get started, uncle Sam said

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The days merged into nights, and Raymond found himself immersed in the relentless training

provided by Uncle Sam on Basic Military Operations (BMO). The training grounds were

unforgiving, a battleground of sweat, determination, and resilience. Raymond approached each

session with unwavering dedication, his mind and body pushed to their limits. Despite the

physical and mental exhaustion, he persevered, for he understood the magnitude of the skills he

was acquiring.

The BMO training sessions were not just about mastering combat techniques; they were about

honing discipline, building endurance, and nurturing mental fortitude. Raymond embraced the

challenges, internalizing the lessons with every drop of sweat that fell to the ground. The

grueling physical exercises pushed his body to its limits, forging muscles and sinews into

instruments of precision.

Uncle Sam, a seasoned mentor, guided him through the intricate web of military strategies and

tactics. Every move, every decision, was meticulously analyzed and practiced. Raymond's hands

gripped weapons, his movements becoming fluid, his mind sharp as a blade. He learned to

calculate risks, anticipate opponents, and strategize his actions. The training transformed him,

shaping him into a formidable force, a warrior ready for the battles that lay ahead.

Amidst the intense physical training, there was a deeper purpose that fueled Raymond's

determination – the search for truth. The knowledge that understanding his own story was vital

for his success in the world of shadows and secrets. The truth was his compass, guiding him

through the murky waters of deception and lies.

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In the dead of the night, after hours of rigorous training, Raymond would find solace in the quiet

corners of his room. There, he delved into the mysteries of his past, piecing together fragments

of information, seeking the elusive truth that had eluded him for far too long. The darkness

outside mirrored the shadows within his soul, and in those moments of solitude, he vowed to

uncover the secrets buried deep in his family's history.

Uncle Sam observed Raymond's determination, his eyes reflecting both pride and concern. He

knew the path they were treading was treacherous, fraught with danger at every turn. But he also

saw the fire in Raymond's eyes, the unyielding spirit that refused to succumb to fear. Together,

they delved into the intricacies of espionage, decoding encrypted messages, and understanding

the clandestine world of intelligence gathering.

Raymond's smartphone beeped incessantly, the screen lighting up with notifications from Nance

Williams, the first woman to have ever entered his fantasy world of love. With every beep,

hesitation crept into his mind, reminding him of the incident from the past week. His fingers

hovered over the screen, torn between responding to her messages and abstaining from the

connection he deeply craved.

Standing at the crossroads of his emotions, Raymond found himself entangled in conflicting

feelings. He cared for Nance, loved her with a sincerity that resonated in his every heartbeat. Yet,

he couldn't shake off the weight of his secrets, the burden of the truth that threatened to shatter

the fragile bubble of their budding romance.

The desire to confide in Nance warred with the fear of losing her. What if the truth drove her

away, leaving him alone in the darkness of his secrets? The mere thought of their last

conversation hanging in the balance haunted him, and he couldn't bear the idea of a future

without her by his side.

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In an attempt to escape the suffocating grip of his emotions, Raymond made a decision. He

retreated to the sanctuary of the basement, where the gym section awaited him. His movements

were swift, fueled by a potent mixture of anger and determination. The rhythmic thud of his

footsteps echoed in the empty space as he practiced with a relentless fervor, his body

transforming into a machine of raw power and endurance.

With each punch, each push-up, he channeled his frustration, his anger at the world that denied

him the simple pleasure of love. The sweat poured from his body, cleansing him of the

conflicting emotions that threatened to consume him. The gym became his sanctuary, a place

where he could release the pent-up energy, where he could focus on the physical strain,

momentarily escaping the complexities of his tangled emotions.

As he trained, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, his heart heavy with the weight of his

secrets. The love he felt for Nance was genuine, a beacon of light in the darkness of his

existence. Yet, the shadows of his past loomed large, casting doubt and uncertainty over their

relationship. Raymond knew he couldn't keep her in the dark forever, but the fear of losing her

held him captive, preventing him from reaching out and sharing the truth that had become his

burden. In the gym, surrounded by the scent of sweat and determination, Raymond grappled with

his emotions. The love he held for Nance was a double-edged sword, bringing both joy and

agony. As he continued his rigorous training, he vowed to find a way, a solution that would

allow him to love without fear, to embrace their relationship without the haunting specter of his

secrets. The battle within him raged on, and in that moment, the gym became the battleground

where his emotions clashed, leaving him both victorious and defeated in the struggle for love and


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Raymond made the decision to ascend from the basement, the echoes of his rigorous workout

still reverberating in his muscles. He moved with purpose, heading directly to the bathroom

where he stood under the cold rush of the shower, hoping the icy water would wash away not

just the physical exertion but also the turmoil in his mind. After the shower, he meticulously

ensured everything was in order before leaving the house. Despite his struggles to straighten his

thoughts, Nance Williams remained an ever-present figure in his mind, her image entwined with

his every thought and emotion.

Raymond, unable to shake off his internal battles, resolved not to cook that day. He retrieved his

wallet and drew out some money, intending to find solace in a simple meal. He headed to the

nearest Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), the aroma of fried chicken wafting through the air as he


Entering the familiar fast-food restaurant, he placed his order and opted for a chicken meal. On

his way back, he halted at one of the gardens he used to frequent when he sought refuge from the

world. The peaceful ambiance provided a temporary escape, a respite from the chaos within his

mind. As he tried to eat his food, he found his appetite diminished, replaced by overwhelming

thoughts of his father, Philemon. The memories flooded back – of a handsome, loving, and

gentle man who had once cared for him. Now, he was gone, lost to the unknown circumstances

surrounding his death.

Raymond's life felt like a distorted puzzle, with no clear formula to put the pieces together.

Suspicion clouded his thoughts, suspecting his own mother's involvement in his father's fate. The

revelation of his connection to BMO added another layer of complexity. He wondered if his

destiny was leading him toward his dreams or if he was merely trapped in the awaited dreams his

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parents had once envisioned. The uncertainty hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over his

every step, leaving him adrift in a sea of unanswered questions.

In the solitude of the garden, tears streamed down Raymond's face, each drop a testament to the

shattered fragments of the once-happy family he had known. The weight of his unknown fate

bore heavily on his shoulders, casting a shadow over the memories of a time when laughter and

love had filled their home. He felt adrift, uncertain of where his path would lead him, and the

pain of the unknown future was almost unbearable.

Unbeknownst to him, Nance Williams had followed him to his home, her steps quiet as she

approached. She hesitated at his doorstep, her heart and mind warring within her. There existed a

profound connection between them, a deep bond that transcended the complexities of their lives.

As she contemplated leaving, Raymond, seemingly drained and fatigued, emerged from the

house. Nance made the spontaneous decision to follow him, silently trailing behind him without

his knowledge. She watched from a distance as he found solace in the garden, his tears mingling

with the soil beneath him.

In that moment, Nance experienced a surge of joy, misunderstanding his tears as a reflection of

his thoughts about her. Little did she know, Raymond's tears were for the family he had lost, the

parents he missed, and the uncertain future that awaited him. In her misunderstanding, happiness

replaced her haunting sorrow, and she found comfort in the belief that she occupied his thoughts.

Unable to contain her emotions, Nance pulled out her phone from her bag and dialed Raymond's

number. The notification on his phone interrupted his sorrowful thoughts, and he hesitantly

picked up the call, his voice laden with vulnerability. Amidst the turmoil, their connection

remained, a lifeline in the storm of their lives.

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As Nance removed her headphones, the melodious strains of Adele's "Someone Like You" filled

the air, creating an enchanting ambiance around her. She turned to Raymond, her eyes reflecting

the wistful lyrics of the song, and whispered that she thought he was thinking of another girl

other than her.

"In the garden of my heart, where the flowers of love once bloomed, I find solace in our shared

memories. Though tears may fall, our bond endures, a beacon guiding us through the darkness."

[Song: Adele - Someone Like You].

"Do you like love surprises?" Nance inquired, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

Raymond's face lit up with a smile, his mind conjuring memories of the surprises his mother

used to arrange for him. "Yes," he replied, his voice infused with nostalgia. "My mom used to

make some lovely surprises for me."

Encouraged by his openness, Nance extended an invitation, her voice laced with anticipation.

"Make a wish, Raymond. Anything your heart desires, and I'll make it come true."

Raymond hesitated for a moment, then bared his soul with a raw honesty that sent shivers down

her spine. "I wish you'd be here right now with me, darling," he confessed, his words echoing the

ache in her own heart.

A playful sparkle gleamed in Nance's eyes as she responded, "All you have to do is close your


Raymond, intrigued yet still a bit skeptical, challenged her. "Gifts for blinds? I like it," he said,

his tone light with amusement.

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With a mischievous smile, Nance issued her response, her confidence evident in her words. "Just

count to ten, and I'll be standing beside you."

Raymond closed his eyes, trying to imagine Nance beside him, but as he counted, a subtle yet

enchanting perfume filled his nostrils, throwing him off balance. The fragrance was intoxicating,

a blend of elegance and allure that left him momentarily disoriented.

In the midst of his confusion, he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder. His eyes flew open, and

there she was – Nance Williams, standing before him like a vision brought to life. His surprise

transformed into awe, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her.

Smiles bloomed on their lips, mirroring the joy that danced in their hearts. A potent magnetic

force seemed to pull them together, their connection tangible and irresistible. Yielding to the

pull, they embraced each other with an intensity born from their deep affection, as if they were

determined to bridge any gap that had ever existed between them.

Their lips met in a fervent kiss, a fusion of longing and devotion that had lingered unspoken

between them.

In the dim light of the evening, Raymond and Nance walked hand in hand, their fingers entwined

with a firm grip, signifying the unspoken understanding between them. As they made their way

to Raymond's house, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, thick with the energy of their longing

Their steps seemed to echo the beats of their hearts, synchronized in a rhythm that only they

could comprehend. The air was charged with an electric tension, the kind that arises when two

souls deeply connected find each other after a brief separation. Every glance, every touch, spoke

volumes, expressing the hunger they felt for each other's presence.

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As they entered Raymond's home, the atmosphere changed, becoming more intimate. The scent

of candles filled the air, casting a soft, warm glow across the room. Their eyes met, and in that

moment, the unspoken words between them were louder than any conversation they could have.

Without a word, they closed the distance between them, their bodies magnetically drawn

together. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, a union of souls that had been apart for too long. In

that moment, the world outside ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the intoxicating feeling

of being reunited.

Their connection was more than physical; it was spiritual, emotional, and transcendent. In each

other's arms, they found the missing pieces of their souls, completing a puzzle that only they

could solve. The intensity of their passion grew, a testament to the depth of their love and the

strength of their bond.

In the tender afterglow of their passionate reunion, Nance's voice trembled with sincerity as she

confessed her regret for the harsh words, she had uttered the previous Wednesday. "Raymond,"

she said, her eyes brimming with remorse, "I'm so sorry for what I said. I couldn't control my

emotions, and I lashed out at you. I didn't mean any of those words, and I deeply regret hurting


Raymond, his gaze soft and understanding, reached out to gently caress her cheek. His touch was

a soothing balm to her wounded soul. "Nance," he said, his voice a gentle reassurance, "I

understand. We all have moments of weakness and say things we don't mean. I could see the

pain in your eyes, and I knew those words didn't come from your heart. I forgive you."

Nance felt an overwhelming rush of relief flood her being. The burden of her hurtful words lifted

as Raymond's forgiveness washed over her. For nights, she had tossed and turned, tormented by

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the fear of losing him. The mere thought of him saying, "Let's break up," had been unbearable, a

nightmare she couldn't escape.

With Raymond's understanding and forgiveness, a deep sense of gratitude washed over her. It

was as if a heavy weight had been lifted from her heart, leaving behind a profound sense of

peace. The storm of her emotions settled, and she felt an immense gratitude for the love they


In that moment, Nance knew that their love was resilient, capable of weathering the storms that

life threw their way. She felt an unshakable confidence in their relationship, knowing that their

bond was strong enough to withstand even the hardest moment of their love.

With Raymond's forgiveness, Nance felt an unparalleled sense of peace. It was as if a heavy

burden had been lifted, allowing her to breathe freely again. The sleepless nights filled with

worry and fear were replaced by a deep sense of contentment. She knew then, with unwavering

certainty, that she had found someone who loved her unconditionally, flaws and all. And in his

forgiveness, she found the strength to forgive herself, embracing the promise of a love that could

overcome any obstacle.

Amidst the swirling rumors and the chilling glares of judgmental eyes, Nance stood as a steadfast

beacon of support in Raymond's life. The days seemed to merge into a seamless blur of academic

pursuits, but amidst the chaos, Nance was the one constant, a soothing presence in his turbulent

world. She understood the storm that raged within him and offered him the solace he so

desperately needed.

Nance's kindness became a sanctuary, a safe haven where he could breathe freely, unburden his

soul, and experience the fleeting moments of joy. As the moon cast an eerie glow through his

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window, Raymond whispered to himself, "It is good to have a friend like her," his voice barely

audible in the haunting stillness of the night.

Their bond deepened with each passing day, evolving into a friendship that defied the

malevolence of the outside world. Nance's words were not just words; they were spells, casting

away the darkness that threatened to consume him. In her presence, he began to feel the warmth

of life seeping back into his veins, a stark contrast to the cold void that had once resided within


Amidst the chilling winds of judgment and the icy stares of their peers, Nance's friendship

became his refuge. She held his hand, not just in friendship, but in solidarity against the

relentless storm. Together, they weathered the hostility of the world, finding strength in each

other's presence.

Their study sessions became more than just academic pursuits; they became rituals of resilience,

a testament to their determination to rise above the cruelty of their surroundings. Nance's

unwavering support and encouragement fueled his spirit, propelling him to excel academically.

Their combined efforts transformed them into an unstoppable force, overcoming challenges with

unwavering determination.

In the face of adversity, Nance and Raymond stood united, their friendship serving as a beacon

of hope in the darkness. Their bond, forged in the crucible of hardship, blossomed into an

unbreakable connection, defying the sinister forces that sought to tear them apart. And as they

faced the eerie nights together, their shared strength became a force to be reckoned with, a

haunting reminder to those who dared to underestimate the power of resilience and genuine


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Veronica Philemon, the enigmatic operative, moved with precision and grace, her every step

echoing the training of a seasoned agent. With the sun's harsh rays glinting off her sunglasses,

she wore a black coat, perfectly tailored for stealth, and sturdy boots that carried her silently

across the floors. Her attire exuded a sense of authority and mystery, befitting her covert status.

She skillfully navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the seemingly ancient building, a testament

to her familiarity with the shadows. Avoiding the prying eyes of security cameras, she slipped

through the back door, vanishing into the obscurity of the clandestine world she inhabited.

Her journey led her through a series of agent-style paths, where she expertly evaded any

potential obstacles. Moving swiftly and silently, she crossed dimly lit hallways and accessed

hidden tunnels. With each step, her determination only intensified, a testament to her unwavering


Emerging on the other side of St. Whatson Street, Veronica's eyes remained sharp, her senses

heightened to detect any signs of surveillance. Guided by her instincts, she made her way

towards the unassuming building marked with the letters NIA. The National Intelligence Agency

– a place known to few, but familiar territory for someone of her caliber.

Avoiding the watchful gaze of security cameras, Veronica slipped into the underground tunnel,

following a route known only to a select few. Her movements were deliberate, each stride

purposeful as she expertly negotiated the twists and turns of the concealed passage. The darkness

became her ally, shrouding her in secrecy as she ventured deeper into the heart of the covert


With silent determination, she ascended upwards in the discreet elevator, her destination clear in

her mind. Behind her sunglasses, her eyes glinted with a mix of steely resolve and calculated

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intelligence. As she approached her objective, her focus remained unwavering, ready to face

whatever challenges lay ahead in the pursuit of her mission.

Nick Calman: (voice filled with disbelief and urgency) Veronica Philemon, the most elusive

name on our list. I never thought I'd see the day you'd voluntarily step into the lion's den. What's

your game here?

Veronica Philemon: (her demeanor steely, eyes locked onto Nick's) No games, Calman. I have

valuable information, and I need your help to survive. My son and I are in grave danger, and I've

decided to come forward with what I know.

Nick Calman: (skeptical, scanning her face for any signs of deceit) Why should I believe you?

You've been a ghost for years, pretending to be a doctor huh! Now suddenly, you want

protection? What's in it for you?

Veronica Philemon: (raising an eyebrow, her grip on the gun unwavering) Survival. That's my

bottom line. I've seen things, dangerous things, and I've had enough. I'm offering you a chance to

dismantle BMO and expose the corruption within. But in return, I need your assurance that my

son and I will be safe.

Nick Calman: (pausing, realizing the gravity of the situation) You're asking for a lot, Philemon.

We're talking about dismantling an entire organization here. How do I know you won't use this

information against us?

Veronica Philemon: (her eyes hardening, her voice chilling) You don't. But I'm taking a risk

coming here. Give me three minutes to lay out my terms, or I walk out that door and your chance

to bring down BMO dies with me.

Nick Calman: (swallowing hard, his mind racing) Three minutes, Philemon. Make it quick, and it

better be worth it.

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Veronica Philemon: (nodding, her tone cold and calculated) First, I want the execution order on

me and my son revoked. Secondly, I want all charges against us dropped. We become invisible

to the law. Lastly, I want immunity for everything I share with you. Total protection for my


Nick Calman: (leaning back, his eyes narrowing) Immunity? You're asking for a lot, considering

your history. What guarantee do we have that you won't double-cross us once you're out of this


Veronica Philemon: (her lips curling into a sinister smile) You don't. That's where trust comes in,

Calman. And I assure you, my survival instincts are unmatched. Cross me, and you won't live

long enough to regret it.

Nick Calman: (feeling the chill in her words, he knew he was dealing with a ruthless player)

Fine, Philemon. You have your immunity and protection. But in return, I want every last piece of

information you have on BMO, their leaders, operations, and anyone involved. And you will

become our informant, deep undercover, working solely for us.

Veronica Philemon: (smirking, her eyes glinting with hidden intentions) Agreed, Calman. You

won't be disappointed. Now, make the calls. Let the powers above know that Veronica Philemon

is no longer a ghost, but their worst nightmare turned informant.

In that moment, Nick Calman realized that he had just made a deal with the devil. The room

seemed to close in around him, the weight of the impending storm settling heavily on his

shoulders. The line between ally and adversary blurred, and the game they were playing had

stakes higher than he'd ever imagined.

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In the dimly lit room, Nick Calman felt his heart pounding in his chest, his palms sweaty, and his

throat dry. The sight of Veronica Philemon, poised and lethal, had rattled him to his core. His

once-confident demeanor had crumbled, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

Veronica, with a sinister smile playing on her lips, slowly stepped back toward the door, her gun

still trained on Calman. Her eyes bore into his, and he could almost feel the venom in her gaze.

She was a predator, and he was her prey.

Calman, his fear tangible, loosened his tie, his breaths coming out in ragged gasps. He couldn't

believe the audacity of the situation – a woman he barely knew had him at her mercy, and his

agency was none the wiser. He took a hesitant step forward, realizing that he was walking on a

thin line between life and death.

Veronica's smile widened, the poison in it palpable. She was a master manipulator, expertly

disguising her true intentions behind a facade of calmness. Calman knew he had to tread

carefully; one wrong move, and he'd be facing the wrath of a woman with nothing left to lose.

With calculated precision, Veronica made her exit, leaving Calman's office without a trace.

Calman, left alone, pressed the alert button below his desk, hoping for backup. Little did he

know that his agency was already compromised, and the news of their boss being kidnapped and

forced into a deal would send shockwaves through the entire organization.

Veronica Philemon was a force to be reckoned with – a ticking time bomb ready to explode at

any moment. As she vanished into the shadows, she left behind a chilling warning: "You won't

see it coming." The implications of her actions would soon ripple through the world of covert

operations, leaving everyone on edge, wondering what would happen next.

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Raymond was acutely aware of the watchful eyes that followed his every move. Police officers,

investigating the case of his parents, seemed to be everywhere he turned. But he was no ordinary

target; his training had honed his senses, allowing him to discern their surveillance tactics and

stay one step ahead. Their relentless pursuit aimed to find any illegal activity, creating a case not

just against him, but his family and their entire organization. Raymond knew that allowing this to

happen was not an option.

Meanwhile, Uncle Sam, the guiding force in Raymond's life, had taken refuge in the depths of

the house's basement. Hidden away from prying eyes, he traversed the city through an intricate

network of tunnels, connecting Raymond's sanctuary to the outside world. In this clandestine

space, Uncle Sam continued to be Raymond's mentor and protector.

Within the confines of the basement, Uncle Sam imparted invaluable knowledge. He delved into

the intricacies of various weapons, teaching Raymond not only how they functioned but also

how to wield them effectively. These clandestine training sessions became Raymond's lifeline,

equipping him with the skills needed to navigate the dangerous game that unfolded around him.

As Raymond absorbed this training, he knew he was preparing himself for an uncertain future,

where every move could be a matter of life or death.

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Raymond Philemon at one of his daily sessions from his Uncle Sam.

Raymond's training under Uncle Sam's watchful eye was comprehensive and relentless. Every

conceivable weapon found its way into Raymond's skillset. Even if a weapon was unavailable,

the theoretical knowledge behind its operation became ingrained in Raymond's mind. His

training knew no bounds; there wasn't a single weapon he couldn't learn to master.

Target shooting, agility, flexibility—Raymond honed every skill essential to becoming a lethal

force. He transformed into an efficient killing machine, dedicating his life to these rigorous

sessions. Each training became a stepping stone toward enhancing his physical prowess, mental

fortitude, and tactical expertise. Raymond's unwavering determination pushed him to continually

improve, molding him into the best version of himself.

Amidst this dark and intense training, Nance Williams remained oblivious to the shadows that

lurked within Raymond. He took great care to shield her from this side of his life, guarding their

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relationship against potential harm. Yet, he was aware that he couldn't keep this hidden forever.

Time was ticking, and the truth was bound to surface.

Despite the darkness that surrounded him, Raymond found solace in the love he shared with

Nance. He cherished their connection and was determined to ensure she only knew his best side.

His focus remained on excelling in his training, all the while safeguarding their relationship from

the looming shadows of his hidden life.

"In the heart of darkness, where secrets lurk and shadows dance, alliances are tested and loyalties

torn. In the hushed corners of power, where whispers echo louder than screams, a battle of wills

unfolds, and the line between survival and destruction blurs."

The scene unfolds at the Regional Police Office, where RCO Salum Motoko senses the weight of

the information that has landed in their hands. An urgent notification tag beeps incessantly,

carrying secrets that could shatter the very foundation of BMO. With a stern expression, RCO

Motoko issues strict orders to keep this intel guarded, for leaking it could bring chaos to their


Unbeknownst to the police officers, BMO's influence runs deep, infiltrating even the most secure

corners of the police station. A computer expert, visibly anxious, heads toward the bathroom,

clutching his phone tightly. His trembling fingers dial an unsaved number, a lifeline to the

dangerous world of BMO. On the other end of the line, a heavy voice demands confirmation: is

this intel genuine, or just another elaborate setup?

The computer expert, fear etched in his voice, relays the truth. A beep, a mere few seconds ago,

had heralded the arrival of information that could dismantle BMO from within. Threats resonate

through the phone, reminding him of the stakes. His family's safety hangs in the balance,

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tethered to his collaboration. The air thickens with tension as the ominous voice on the other end

leaves no room for negotiation, casting a shadow over the very essence of trust and betrayal.

You look weird, are you okay Kennedy? A woman co, worker at the police station asked him,

after he saw him rushing to the bathroom a few minutes ago, now coming from the bathroom, his

blood pressure seemingly high as he exhaled heavily, and every part of his body sweating despite

the low temperature AC set.

It's just my stomach thing has started again, he defended. His eyes showing fear that was very


Kennedy asked Margareth, will you help me if I tell you something as a friend?

Margareth said, no doubt Kennedy, you can ask me anything you want.

Kennedy asked Margareth to follow him, they walked upstairs up to the corridor which seemed

to be off spot.

Kennedy, looking so terrified told Margareth that, he is expecting to get Married to the coming

two months, and his wife is pregnant. For the past two days", he continued, two unknown guys

got into his car unknowingly and asked him to do exactly as they commanded, they wanted him

to report to them every move the police officers make in exchange for the life of him and his

pregnant wife. A man does anything for his family's safety, right? He asked

Margareth, replied yes, that's right. While trying to calm him down, he asked him, who else

know about this?

Kennedy replied, he told no one else other than her

Margareth, after Kennedy told her that he had told no one else, glanced around to ensure no one

was watching. Kennedy's eyes widened in surprise as he noticed her cautious behavior. He asked

her with a puzzled expression, "What are you doing, Margareth?"

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Kennedy's eyes widened in shock and fear as Margareth's actions unfolded before him. He

couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Margareth, why?" he stammered, his voice trembling with

disbelief and desperation.

Margareth's expression remained cold and determined. "I'm sorry, Kennedy," she said, her voice

steady despite the gravity of the situation. "But they have my family too. I have no choice." She

tightened her grip on the pistol, her finger hovering over the trigger.

Kennedy felt a wave of despair wash over him as he realized the depth of the deception. He had

trusted Margareth with his life, and now she was the one holding the gun aimed at his head. His

mind raced, trying to find a way out of this nightmare, but he knew he was trapped, caught in a

web of betrayal and intrigue.

As Margareth pulled the trigger, the pistol emitted a soft, muffled click, almost like the sound of

snapping fingers. Kennedy's eyes widened in disbelief. There was no deafening bang, just an

eerie silence that hung in the air. Coldness washed over him, and he gasped for air, realizing he

had only few seconds till his death took him.

The sensation of coldness spread from all over his body

He felt an overwhelming heaviness, as if an invisible weight pressed down upon him. His

heartbeat, once strong and steady, now faltered like a dying drumbeat.

Images of his family flickered in his mind – Everlin's radiant smile, the laughter of his unborn

child that he would never hear, the warmth of their home that he would never return to. Regret

and sorrow washed over him, mingling with the fear that gripped his fading consciousness.

In those fleeting moments, he found himself desperately yearning for more time – time to hold

his wife once more, time to witness the birth of his child, time to say the words left unsaid. But

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fate had other plans, and as the world grew darker, Kennedy succumbed to the finality of his

destiny, leaving behind a life tragically cut short.

In a calculated frenzy, Margareth swiftly dismantled the gun, removing the silencer with

practiced ease. With meticulous precision, she cleaned the weapon and, without a trace of

hesitation, placed it in Kennedy's lifeless hand. She then retreated to the bathroom, where a vial

of potent acid awaited her.

Carefully, she poured the acid over the silencer tube, watching as it dissolved into nothingness,

leaving behind no evidence of its existence. The sink bore no marks of the deadly encounter that

had just taken place within the room.

Returning to the mirror, Margareth met her own gaze, a chilling smile curling her lips. Satisfied

that she had erased any remnants of the crime, she meticulously wiped away the bloodstains

from her clothes, leaving no hint of her involvement.

With cold determination, she composed a cryptic message on her phone: "Loose ties have been

handled. They have everything to tear down BMO." The words were sent into the digital abyss, a

harbinger of chaos and destruction.

Masking her emotions behind a facade of normalcy, Margareth calmly returned to her computer

desk. As she resumed her work, no one would suspect the darkness that lurked beneath her

composed demeanor. The threads of deception were expertly woven, leaving behind an illusion

of innocence in the wake of her lethal actions.

Margareth glanced at the vacant seat that once belonged to Kennedy. With a disdainful tone, she

muttered, "You should have done it, you wouldn't be dead". Her words hung in the air, a chilling

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reminder of the ruthlessness that had just unfolded within the police station. Unbeknownst to

everyone around her, Margareth continued her charade, concealing her dark secrets behind a

mask of normalcy.

Amid the ongoing CCTV camera installation at the police station, a technician strolled down the

corridor, unaware of the sinister events unfolding around him. Suddenly, screams pierced the air,

echoing through the station's halls. The shrill sound of an alarm reverberated, alerting everyone

to the grave incident that had occurred within the walls of the seemingly secure police station.

Panic spread like wildfire, and the atmosphere became thick with fear and uncertainty as officers

and staff members rushed to comprehend the shocking news.

RCO Salum Motoko's voice was strained as he spoke into the phone, relaying the grim news to

NIA Chief Operator Nick Calman. "Kennedy has been found dead," he said, his words heavy

with sorrow. "We're awaiting the ballistic report to determine whose gun he used."

On the other side of the phone, Nick Calman's voice tightened with tension, "I don't want any

leaks, Salum. This could be connected to the ongoing BMO investigation. We can't afford any


"I understand the gravity of the situation," RCO Salum affirmed, his voice resolute. "I'll make

sure the station is locked down, and no information escapes these walls."

"Good," Nick Calman responded, his tone leaving no room for error. "Keep me updated, Salum.

And remember, we're in this together."

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As RCO Salum hung up the phone, he felt the weight of the responsibility that now rested on his

shoulders. The station buzzed with activity, but an undercurrent of fear and suspicion permeated

the air, reminding everyone that danger lurked in the shadows.

In the confined space of the police station, an air of foreboding settled as RCO Salum Motoko's

authoritative commands sliced through the atmosphere. The lockdown protocol clamped down

like an iron fist, cutting off any potential escape routes for those trapped inside. The surrender of

phones and transmitting devices echoed like a chilling mandate, emphasizing the gravity of the


"Initiate the lockdown protocol immediately. Phones and transmitting devices—surrender them

now. No exceptions," his voice resonated with a calculated firmness that brooked no


Margareth, her professional demeanor momentarily shattered by fear, covertly typed a plea for

backup on her phone, hoping for a lifeline amid the escalating crisis. Unbeknownst to her, the IT

expert in the room, with a keen eye for anomalies, swiftly detected the live transmission

originating from her device.

"Sir, live transmission detected in this room," the IT expert reported crisply, his fingers moving

across the keyboard with the precision of a seasoned professional.

the IT expert's voice wavered slightly, the weight of the discovery pressing upon her shoulders.

Margareth, now fully aware of her vulnerability, felt the room closing in around her. Every

keystroke reverberated with a sense of impending doom, each tap on the keyboard akin to a

countdown timer ticking away the moments before her secrets would be exposed.

On the screen, the word "Matched" appeared ominously, casting a shadow over the room. It was

as if the digital realm had woven a web around Margareth, connecting her actions to Kennedy's

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coerced collaboration with the BMO. As the truth unfurled, the room seemed to tighten its grip,

squeezing the breath out of Margareth’s lungs and leaving her paralyzed with fear.

In the dimly lit room, the weight of defeat settled heavily on Margareth's shoulders as RCO

Salum's firm voice cut through the silence. With trembling hands, she placed her phone down, its

screen displaying a message that crushed the last glimmer of hope within her. The bitter taste of

betrayal filled the air as even those who had once coerced her had now abandoned her to her fate.

Tears streaked down her face, marking her anguish and despair. The handcuffs, a symbol of her

newfound captivity, dangled ominously in front of her. Each click of the metal against her skin

resonated with the finality of her situation, leaving her broken and defeated.

The IT expert, his fingers flying across the keyboard, attempted to breach the encrypted

communication systems used by BMO, but the organization's defenses proved impenetrable.

Their advanced technology thwarted every attempt, leaving the investigators grasping at digital


As Margareth was escorted to the interrogating room, she glanced back at her phone, now a mere

reminder of her downfall. The stark reality of her actions bore down on her, and guilt clawed at

her conscience. In the echoing silence of the police station, her footsteps echoed with a sense of

resignation, the once confident and composed woman now reduced to a shattered soul.

RCO Salum's call to the NIA Chief Operator resonated with finality, sealing Margareth's fate as

he reported, "We have the killer, sir." The words hung heavily in the air, marking the end of

Margareth's ill-fated journey, and the beginning of her reckoning.

In a matter of minutes, the ominous arrival of three NIA agents, riding heavily armed vehicles,

shattered the uneasy calm outside the police station. With precision, they swiftly apprehended

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Margareth Cosmas, binding her to a fate dictated by shadowy forces. The heavy security detail

that surrounded her emphasized the gravity of her situation as she was led toward an unknown

destination — the clandestine depths of the NIA's operating black sites.

Upon her arrival at the undisclosed location, Margareth found herself in a disorienting

environment. The blinding intensity of focused lights bore down on her, adding to her frustration

and confusion. The remnants of the anesthesia she had been induced with continued to cloud her

senses, leaving her vulnerable and unaware of her surroundings. In this disorienting state, she

grappled with the uncertainty of her fate, her life hanging precariously in the balance.

Facing a barrage of grave charges, including the murder of her coworker Kennedy Martin,

breaching National intelligence, collaborating with the notorious BMO — deemed the number

one potential threat to the United States of Dane — counted as treason, Margareth found herself

at the mercy of the law. The weight of her alleged crimes threatened not only her own freedom

but also the safety of her fellow police station members.

In a desperate bid to shield her family from the impending storm, the NIA offered Margareth a

lifeline: if she cooperated fully, divulging everything she knew about BMO, they would grant her

family custody protection. In return, Margareth would face a reduced sentence of 15 years in

prison, sparing her from the looming threat of a lethal injection.

With her family's safety hanging in the balance, Margareth made the difficult choice to

collaborate with the NIA. She shared every morsel of information she possessed about BMO,

hoping that her cooperation would not only protect her loved ones but also contribute to

dismantling the dangerous criminal organization she had once been a part of. The decision

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weighed heavily on her conscience, but it was a gamble she had to take to ensure the safety of

those she held dear.

In the dimly lit basement, the atmosphere was heavy with tension. Uncle Sam, the seasoned

agent, felt the weight of responsibility bearing down on him. He was being coerced to accelerate

Raymond's training, forced into a situation where time was a luxury they couldn't afford.

The commanding voice of the higher-ups echoed in his mind, urging him to expedite Raymond's

preparedness for the imminent missions. Every passing moment felt like a countdown, each

second ticking away relentlessly, leaving Uncle Sam with a gnawing sense of urgency.

Uncle Sam glanced at Raymond, the young recruit who was now thrust into an accelerated

training regimen. The pressure was palpable, and Uncle Sam knew he had to push Raymond to

the limits of his abilities, forging him into a capable agent in a fraction of the time it usually


As Uncle Sam meticulously planned the intensive training sessions, he couldn't shake off the

feeling of being trapped between the demands of his superiors and the need to ensure Raymond's

readiness. The coming days held the promise of challenges that could make or break them, and

Uncle Sam was acutely aware that failure was not an option. Time was running out, and they had

to be prepared for whatever awaited them on the horizon.

In the shadowy depths of the basement, Uncle Sam received a chilling message from the BMO

commanding sector. The authoritative voice on the other end of the line delivered ominous news:

Professor Adams Solmon, a figure of great significance within BMO, was scheduled to arrive the

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following day. Uncle Sam's heart sank; he knew this meant their time was running out, and the

stakes had never been higher.

Uncle Sam was given a grave task: he had to orchestrate Professor Solmon's arrival and ensure

Raymond Philemon was not only prepared but also up to the daunting standards set by BMO.

The pressure intensified as Uncle Sam contemplated the consequences of failure; there was no

room for mistakes, no margin for error.

The commanding voice continued, cold and unyielding, emphasizing the severity of the

situation. If Raymond Philemon proved unable to meet the demands placed upon him, the order

was clear: execution, swift and final. It was a stark reminder of the ruthless world they were

entangled in, where knowledge could be a deadly burden, and trust was a luxury they couldn't


Uncle Sam's mind raced, contemplating the grave reality of their circumstances. He understood

the gravity of the task ahead, realizing that failure meant not only Raymond's demise but also

potentially catastrophic consequences for both of them. The weight of this knowledge settled

heavily upon Uncle Sam's shoulders as he prepared himself and Raymond for the arrival of

Professor Adams Solmon, knowing that their fate hung in the balance.

Uncle Sam's gaze fell upon Raymond, a young man caught in the merciless grip of forces far

beyond his control. The weight of the situation bore down on Raymond's shoulders, and the

vulnerability in his eyes mirrored the harsh reality they faced. Uncle Sam recognized the cruel

truth: powerful individuals manipulated their lives like pawns on a chessboard, and a mere phone

call held the power to snuff out Raymond's existence without his knowledge.

In that moment, Uncle Sam felt a surge of determination. He couldn't allow this fate to befall the

young man before him. With a steely resolve, Uncle Sam vowed to train and protect Raymond to

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the best of his abilities. He understood that in this treacherous game, the only chance they had

was to empower Raymond, arming him with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the

dangerous labyrinth of their circumstances. As he looked at the young man, Uncle Sam silently

swore to guide him, hoping against hope that together, they could defy the sinister forces that

sought to control their lives.

“Tomorrow, Prof. Adams salmon will be here. He will teach you about psychology, stuffs

relating to on how your mind works, how to manage stress, filtering your emotions, techniques

of holding secrets and the ability to see things clearly even at the darkest times of your life. He is

the best Psychologist we had in our organization; further details would be handled to you when

he arrived” uncle Sam said to Raymond.

(Raymond, with a sorry face and a hint of desperation in his eyes): “But this is my holiday, and

Christmas is approaching, Uncle. How do you think that will be possible? I will need some time

to spend with my friends. Isn’t that the normal way of life?” He tried to defend himself, his voice

quivering slightly under the weight of his plea.

(Uncle Sam, his gaze piercing and voice unwavering, speaking impulsively with a tinge of

frustration): “Do you think no one dislikes having precious time with those he/she loves? Do you

know how cautiously we have been living to secure the organization from collapsing?” His

words hung heavily in the air, filling the room with an unspoken tension.

(Uncle Sam, with a grave expression and a tone filled with honesty): "Raymond, something

urgent has occurred involving our mole at the police station. It's a dangerous situation, and you

can't afford to be there without proper training. I need you to understand the gravity of our

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circumstances. If you fail to cope with the training speed, I'm afraid they won't hesitate to

execute you. And it won't always be by my hand; there are powerful people involved, people

whose reach extends far beyond what I can fathom. Your life is at stake, and we must be

prepared for whatever may come."

(Raymond, realizing the gravity of the situation, lowered his gaze and replied with

determination, his voice shaky but resolute): “I understand, Uncle Sam. I just... I fear losing

touch with the life I used to know, the simple joys of the holidays. But if this is what it takes to

protect what matters, I'll do it. I won't let my personal desires jeopardize our mission.” His words

were laced with a mix of fear and determination, reflecting the internal struggle he was


(Uncle Sam, seeing the determination in Raymond's eyes, softened his expression slightly, his

tone a blend of reassurance and concern): "I appreciate your understanding, Raymond. It's not an

easy path we tread, but your resilience will define our success. Remember, even in the midst of

our responsibilities, we find strength in each other. Now, let's focus on preparing for Professor

Adams Solmon's arrival. We must ensure you're ready for whatever challenges lie ahead."

Despite his attempt to reassure Raymond, there was an underlying unease, a sense of impending

danger that hung thick in the air.

Raymond stood in his room, phone in hand, anxiety etched on his face.

(Raymond, sounding strained): "Nance, I'm really sorry, but something urgent has come up

regarding my parents' case. The police need me at the station frequently. It's unexpected, and I

can't avoid it," Raymond said, his voice heavy with the weight of the situation.

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(Nance, concerned): "Raymond, is everything alright? You sound... off. Is there something

you're not telling me?" Nance's worry was palpable, even though the phone line, as she sensed

his distress.

(Raymond, trying to reassure her): "I'm just stressed about this situation, Nance. I promise I'll

explain everything soon. I wish I could spend the holiday with you, but it's just impossible right

now," he replied, attempting to convey his regret over the phone.

(Nance, feeling terrified): "Raymond, please be careful. I can sense this urgency in your voice,

and it scares me. Just promise me you'll stay safe, okay?" Her concern for his safety was evident,

making her voice tremble with fear.

(Raymond, with a hint of sadness): "I promise, Nance. I'll do my best to handle this situation. I'll

call you as soon as I can. I love you," he said, his words laced with a mix of determination and


(Nance, softly): "I love you too, Ray. Just... please come back to me in one piece." Her words

hung in the air, laden with love and fear, encapsulating the depth of her emotions for him.

It was Sunday 21st dec, 2003 when the psychologist Prof. Adams Salmon arrived at the basement

via the entrance tunnel. Soon after arrival, He started the session with Raymond. Things were

easy to him since he had the knowledge about the subject, he was about to teach him. Raymond

has Psychology stuffs at the university along the medicine course. The only slight difference was

Prof. Adams taught him more practically. Raymond mastered his subjects so fast and he was

good at them.

“Sir Samwel, his scores are good. The kid shows a promising future in leading this

organization’’. said Prof. Addams Salmon to Uncle Sam.

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Raymond liked it but this sentence terrified him “The kid shows the promising future”, he did

not understand it. “Does that mean I’ am prepared for something big?”, he asked myself.

Two months have passed since the last time Raymond saw his mother. He didn’t know what

happened to her. He didn’t know if she was okay or not, it has been unsolved mystery. Each time

he was visiting the RCO office to ask for her whereabouts he was given the same answers “we

are still working on the case; I case we find anything linking to her you will be informed”.

Raymond stepped out of the office and stepped into the car which was sent by Uncle Sam to pick

him up. Each time he was visiting RCO office without them noticing anything, he had a very

little cameras that were planted around his clothes buttons.

He was about to visit RCO office. BMO engineers have designed very technological thumb

drives [Universal Serial Bus, USB] that resembled to Normal pen’s cap when looked from

outside. It’s designing is so unique. I opened it, and inside the cap, it is an USB that can neither

be detected nor sensed.

“Can I have a cup of tea, please?”, Ray asked the RCO.

So, he had to walk out of his office and that was the right time for his mission that led him there

that day. He inserted it into one of the RCO’s offices computers as instructed and copy every file

at the police station. After doing that, he took it back, close the pen’s cap. RCO came back to his

office (With an empathic face): “Sorry kid. The girl who delivers coffee to our station is

somewhat busy”, said RCO

(Smiling): “Okay, thanks for your kindness. I hope she will be there on my next visit”

(Smiling) “Yeah…Yeah…she’ll be there.”

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Raymond moved out of the police’s office unnoticed of what he did. The job was so easy since

the cameras that have been installed recently still, they weren’t functional. The inserted USB

scans each any everything from one of the computers, copying it and transmit the information to

one of the communication rooms in one among of the BMO’s safe houses.

USB driver’s pen that I used to snitch Police’s classified files

They had two technical guys who worked on them and look for anything that the police might

know about our organization. Thus why, they have been one step further than the police officers,

and thus why BMO organization has been into the shades and remained like the fairytale. Two

technical guys, Abood steven and Alen Maseko dropped, at the KITO INTERNATIONAL

AIRPORT, KIA from Al-Sahra' Desert, El Capto Country, and Uncle Sam went to pick them. He

made sure no one was after them. They pass to the scanner that was at the door prior to the main

entrance to the underground tunnel. Things were okay till this time.

“Where’s the drive” Abood steven asked, who seemed to be the main IT expert. They both

graduated from Desmon university. He took the drive and inserted it into one of the computer’s

portal USB entries. All of the fines were encrypted and therefore in order to access them, the

computer expert must either be a highly trained individual or the one with the access. This is why

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BMO has been offering scholarships to some type of people and trained to be their working

vessel. “It will take half an hour to de-encrypt the files” Abood steven said. So, they had to wait

while he kept de-encrypting the files. It was a tiresome work which required a genius mind to do

it. Before 30 minutes lapsed, Abood and his assistant de-encrypted the files. They had a lot of

cases that were not linking to our organization. They kept looking each of the files with accuracy

though it took us several hours. There was nothing sounding suspicious till we reached the files

written “CLASSIFIED”.

One of the CLASSIFIED Document about BMO found within the police stolen files

They had more encryptions than the previous files we saw. Abood steven and Alen Maseko kept

working on them. I was just looking at them, the way their fingers were moving on the computer

keyboards was so interesting. Uncle Sam noticed the way I was impressed with them.

“There’s no one who is special in the world, we just differ in the extent we use our talents.”, He

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“I believe everyone is different, and our differences make us special”, I replied

(Laughing): “How do you define those differences?”

(Looking curious): “Anything that differentiate you from the person next to you”

“Suppose, I’ am Diabetes positive and you are negative. How does having diabetes make me


“Diabetes, while a health challenge, doesn’t solely define you. It’s a part of your story that

shapes your resilience and unique perspective”

(Laughing): “So, Mr. Raymond, if our differences, even health conditions contribute to our

collective human experience showcasing our ability to overcome adversity and inspiring others,

how is talent or anything else become special?”

“True talent isn’t just about innate abilities; it’s also about how we navigate and excel in life

despite the challenges we face”

“Oh…I see. So, you’re saying that everyone’s unique challenges are their talents?

“Not exactly. I’m saying our unique challenges can lead to talents, but more importantly, they

make us individuals with diverse perspectives that enrich our society”

“Alright, I see your point. Our differences do add depth to the human experience”

“Exactly, and embracing these differences with empathy and understanding makes us a more

inclusive and compassionate society.

The computer beeped a certain signal that indicated files de-encryption was complete. The

encrypted files were talking about BMO organization and it had a lot of information about our


“Anything on the files that’s new?”, Uncle Sam asked the computer experts.

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Abood Steven sat in a dimly lit room, his eyes glued to the computer screen, where an encrypted

file titled "Project Shadow Strike" flickered ominously. The room was heavy with tension, as if

the air itself knew the gravity of the secrets being unveiled. As the file unraveled its dark

contents, Abood's eyes widened in horror. The screen illuminated his face, casting eerie shadows

across his features. The classified document revealed a sinister collaboration between the NIA,

The Black cats, the executioners. Their mission: to execute BMO leaders and dismantle the

organization from within.

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Uncle Sam, normally composed and confident, appeared visibly shaken. His hands trembled as

he grasped the edge of the table, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what they had just

stumbled upon.

Their eyes met, reflecting a mix of fear, disbelief, and a growing realization of the darkness that

loomed over them. The revelation that Veronica Philemon was entangled in this covert web sent

shivers down their spines, painting a chilling portrait of deception, loyalty, and the terrifying

power plays of the intelligence world.

In that tense moment, a collective gasp filled the room as the truth about Veronica Philemon's

betrayal reverberated among the BMO members. The atmosphere turned icy, and the once

vibrant room now felt like a cage of apprehension. Faces, once illuminated by trust, now wore

expressions of disbelief and fear. The bond they shared, built on loyalty and mutual respect, had

been shattered by the revelation that one of their most trusted colleagues had turned into a snitch,

collaborating with the NIA, their sworn enemy.

The room, once filled with the hum of teamwork and dedication, was now engulfed in a somber

silence. The BMO members exchanged glances, searching for answers in each other's eyes.

Questions lingered in the air, reflecting their shared sense of vulnerability. How could they trust

again? Doubt gnawed at the core of their unity, leaving them on edge and questioning the very

foundation of their mission. The fear of further infiltration loomed large, casting a shadow over

their once unshakeable confidence.

Raymond's voice broke the heavy silence in the room, his question hanging in the air like a

ghostly whisper, haunting the minds of his fellow members. "What if this whole thing is a set

up?" he asked, his words echoing off the walls, each syllable dripping with uncertainty and fear.

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Alen Maseko, his eyes ablaze with hostility, advanced towards Raymond, his footsteps echoing

ominously in the hushed atmosphere. "Or you are not any different from your mother," he

retorted, the words landing like a sharp slap, intensifying the fear that had already gripped

Raymond's heart.

The room seemed to close in around them, the shadows deepening as if to engulf them in an

abyss of doubt and suspicion. Raymond felt a shiver crawl up his spine, a cold sweat breaking

out on his forehead. The question he had posed now reverberated in his own mind, amplifying

his sense of dread.

The flickering light above cast eerie shadows, distorting the features of his fellow members,

making them appear almost otherworldly. The fear in the room was palpable, a tangible entity

that seemed to seep into their very souls, casting a sinister pall over their existence. In that

moment, Raymond realized he was on the precipice of a truth that could shatter his world,

leaving him in a terrifying abyss of uncertainty.

Uncle Sam's voice sliced through the tension in the room, commanding attention and silencing

the murmurs that had begun to rise. "Stop!" he boomed, his tone cutting through the heavy air

like a thunderclap. The room fell into an uneasy stillness.

His eyes moved between the faces of his team members, each expression reflecting a mix of fear,

confusion, and suspicion. "Maybe Raymond is right," he began, his voice grave, carrying the

weight of the truth he was about to reveal. The words hung in the air, pregnant with the ominous

knowledge that something sinister was unfolding.

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He continued, his words dropping like heavy stones in a pond, creating ripples of dread. "For the

past few days, BMO headquarters offered a staggering $150 million to the Black cats, the

executioners, to eliminate Veronica Philemon." The revelation hung in the air, a chilling

testament to the depths of BMO's ruthlessness.

Uncle Sam's accusatory finger pointed directly at Raymond, emphasizing the gravity of his next

words. "They also issued an order to execute you," he said, his voice steady but laced with

urgency, "in case you won't cope with the current stressful situation." The room seemed to close

in around them, the walls whispering the imminent danger that lurked just beyond their

sanctuary. Fearful eyes darted between one another, realizing the magnitude of the threats that

now encircled them, leaving them teetering on the edge of a precipice, their survival hanging by

the thinnest of threads.

Uncle Sam's voice wavered, his words laced with a mix of desperation and disbelief. "Maybe

Veronica's approach was to fool us," he mused aloud, his mind racing to make sense of the

tangled web they found themselves in. His eyes, clouded with unshed tears, betrayed the turmoil

within, yet he refused to let them fall. The weight of the situation pressed upon him, threatening

to crush his resolve.

"I had known Veronica for years," he continued, his voice steady despite the emotional storm

raging beneath the surface. "She would never have been an NIA informer for all these years

unbeknownst to us." His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of a history shared. A

history that now seemed marred by betrayal and suspicion.

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His gaze hardened, determination flickering in his eyes. "And if she was their CI [Criminal

informant] till this moment, why hasn't she brought them here, to this basement?" he questioned,

his voice sharp with the edge of doubt. The unspoken accusation lingered, casting a shadow over

the room. The truth seemed to dance just beyond their reach, elusive and taunting, leaving them

trapped in a maze of uncertainty and fear.

Raymond's voice cut through the heavy tension in the room, his words tinged with a mixture of

conviction and vulnerability. "Because she loves me," he replied, his voice unwavering despite

the tumultuous emotions swirling within him. His eyes held a flicker of hope, as if clinging to the

belief that love could be a beacon even in the darkest of times.

He pressed on, his words flowing with a strange blend of acceptance and suspicion. "Maybe she

was their informer all along," he continued, his tone contemplative. "Yet she wants to play both

sides." The room seemed to hold its breath as Raymond's mind worked through the intricate

possibilities. His words hung in the air, pregnant with uncertainty, echoing the complexities of

the situation they found themselves in.

In that moment, the basement felt like a battleground of emotions, where trust warred against

doubt, and love stood juxtaposed with betrayal. The truth remained elusive, obscured by the

shadows of the past and the uncertain future that loomed before them.

Raymond's words hung heavy in the air, each syllable laden with a mix of revelation and pain.

His voice trembled as he described the intricate web of possibilities that surrounded his mother's

actions. "Maybe," he said, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions, "she was

working with the NIA to infiltrate the BMO." The room seemed to shrink, suffocated by the

magnitude of his words. "Maybe she killed our major leaders, Philemon J Sapuka and Joshua

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Shoko," he continued, his tone a fragile thread holding together a myriad of conflicting emotions.

"Maybe she wanted to protect me too."

In that moment, the room seemed to vibrate with the weight of a revelation that shook the very

foundation of Raymond's existence. His tears flowed freely now, unburdening his heart from the

anguish that had festered within. "Maybe," he continued, his voice breaking, "along the mission,

I was born unexpectedly." His words, uttered amidst tears and sorrow, carried the heavy burden

of a son torn between love and betrayal. "And she loved me anyway."

[Mad World

Song by Tears for Fears]

As Raymond delved deeper into the complex web of secrets and lies surrounding his mother's

involvement with BMO and NIA, he began to see a different side to her. He started to realize that

his mother wasn't inherently bad, but instead, she was caught in the crossfire of a dangerous


Gradually, he became more awake to the reality of the situation. The dream he had long awaited

wasn't about becoming a part of BMO, but rather, it was a dream to tear down the very

organization that had caused so much pain and chaos in their lives. His perspective shifted, and

he found a newfound determination to uncover the truth and bring justice to those who had

wronged them.

With newfound determination burning in his eyes, Raymond knew he had to tread carefully

through the treacherous paths laid out before him. Every step he took had to be calculated, every

move meticulously planned. His goal was clear: to bring down the nefarious organization that

had wreaked havoc in their lives.

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He understood the delicate balance he had to maintain – dismantling BMO while safeguarding

his own life. Each decision weighed heavily on his shoulders; every choice was a potential

turning point. Raymond had to navigate the murky waters of espionage, deception, and danger,

all while ensuring his own survival.

His mind became a battlefield of strategies and counter-strategies, where he had to outwit the

cunning minds of his adversaries. Every ally he made, every piece of information he gathered,

was a step towards unraveling the truth and dismantling the sinister web of BMO. Raymond

knew that the path ahead was fraught with peril, but he was prepared to face it head-on,

determined to bring justice to those who had wronged him and his family.

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As RCO Salum Motoko meticulously orchestrated his plans to catch BMO, he was determined to

leave no stone unturned. With his sharp instincts and keen attention to detail, he noticed

something amiss in his own office. The keyboard of his office computer had mysteriously

malfunctioned, or so it seemed.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, RCO Salum ordered his skilled IT expert, Philomena

Patric, to replace the malfunctioning keyboard. He feigned a need to attend the NSS (National

Security Summit) debriefing, creating a cover for his true intentions.

Philomena, a dedicated professional, nodded in agreement, displaying her unwavering loyalty to

her boss. She swiftly obtained a replacement keyboard from the Police Maintenance, Repair, and

Operations Department, eager to resolve the issue.

As she began setting up the new keyboard in RCO Salum's office, her sharp eyes caught

something unusual—a tiny implanted device, cleverly concealed and transmitting live

information. Her surprise was palpable as she realized the implications: a covert USB tool,

undetected by their systems, was feeding crucial data to BMO's operating room in the Basement

facility. The discovery sent shivers down her spine, making her acutely aware of the dangerous

game being played right under their noses.

Regional Crime officer Hon. RCO Salum Motoko had been chasing this organization for years

and that was the reason he was promoted to his current RCO position. He was after the

investigation of the 57 murdered people at the Leto Gold. Mining site that took place during the

Night of 20th, October 2003, Monday. Worry crept in because RCO Salum Motoko was no

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ordinary law enforcement officer; he had proven to be highly resourceful and relentless. His

unwavering pursuit kept BMO members up night, knowing that any small slip could jeopardize

not only their freedom but also the legacy of the BMO had built. The confusion stemmed from

his unorthodox tactics and unpredictable moves. Salum Motoko seemed to anticipate BMO steps,

leaving Raymond wondering if there was a mole within their ranks or he was just good at his job.

This uncertainty added to the pressure.

Frustration gnawed at Philomena Patric as she tried to reach RCO Salum to inform him about the

covert device she had discovered. However, he remained unreachable, engrossed in the ongoing

meeting. Left with no choice but to adhere to protocol, she reluctantly decided to leave the

implanted device untouched. Despite her instincts urging her to take action, she understood the

importance of following orders and maintaining the façade of normalcy.

Meanwhile, in Ray's basement house, the covert operations of BMO continued with meticulous

precision. Uncle Sam, flanked by his two skilled IT experts, remained vigilant, tirelessly

deciphering the encrypted files obtained earlier. The atmosphere was tense, every keystroke

echoing the urgency of their mission. With every passing moment, the stakes grew higher, and

the need for caution became paramount. The weight of their responsibility hung heavily in the air

as they navigated the intricate web of secrets and deceptions that surrounded them.

“I want everything projected on the screen”, Uncle Sam ordered

“Yes sir”, Abood steven & Alen Maseko replied

“I want every BMO member receive a Notification alert. We are under investigation; therefore,

everything has to stay low for a while”, Uncle Sam ordered

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The computer experts within the BMO were very skilled in crafting covert communication

systems. Uncle Sam told them to send the message to the BMO headquarters. To send the alert

message “LE MO N IS BITTER, GO FOR VACATION” in a way that only BMO members

could understand, they used a sophisticated coding system based on a set of rules and

substitutions. Only those familiar with the system and the specific situation within BMO could

decipher the true urgency and instructions embedded in the seemingly innocuous phrase.

The message meant

LE MO N; “Leto is under investigation, Execution |of| Motoko, Operation |is| on.

IS; 1 phase of A.S.R.A.A mission

BITTER; Before the day ends, IT, through email will deliver the next plan. Raymond will be at

this mission.

; the first part of the message concerns 5 agents [Abood steven, Samwel Julian, Raymond

Philemon, Alen Maseko, Prof. Adams Salmon].

LEMON IS BITTER; Things are bad

GO; plan G, phase 0 is next

FOR; No Further, operation |is| Referred

VACATION; Request for a meeting when the mission is completed

GO FOR VACATION; Initiate a pre-planned evacuation at the Leto Region.

RCO Salum's decision to ignore the missed calls from his coworker proved to be a grave

mistake, one that would haunt him in the days to come. Unaware of the urgent message she had

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tried to convey, he left the meeting without a clue about the unfolding events at the police


Feeling the weight of the day's proceedings, RCO Salum opted not to go to the police station

after the meeting. Instead, he headed straight home, seeking solace in the embrace of his family.

Exhausted, he spent some precious moments with his loved ones, sharing a quiet dinner together.

As the night wore on, the family retired to bed, unaware of the storm brewing in the shadows, a

storm that would soon engulf their lives in unexpected ways. Little did RCO Salum know that

his decision to ignore those missed calls would set off a chain of events that would challenge his

career and the safety of those he held dear.

RCO Salum Motoko was sleeping with his wife, and his daughter was sleeping in the next room.

He didn’t know anything about BMO's invasion. He was unaware that some people wanted him

so badly as he had very sensitive information that would compromise Black Mafian organization.

In that tense moment, clocked in the obscurity of the target’s house, Raymond's senses were

heightened, and his training kicked in. With each silent step, the mission’s gravity weighted

heavily on his mind. Their mission was to kill RCO Salum Motoko, and before they did it, he

had to give them every detail he had concerning Black Mafian organization. The moment they

arrived at the house; it was 0205AM. The house’s occupants were unaware of ET20 presence,

thanks to the meticulously executed power outage and the strategic cutting of communication

they made prior to their entrance.

This was Ray’s first moment of this magnitude, a to be a leader of the execution team, ET20.

The tension was palpable as he navigated through a dark, forbidding environment, armed and

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determined. He raised his hand to signal the team to stop, and they huddled in a brief, whispered

discussion. It was that moment he saw RCO Salum Motoko’s girl going to the restroom. He

redirected the rest of his screw into the wrong direction. He just wanted to protect the girl

without them noticing anything. With the other members of the group scattered throughout the

house, searching for the family, he quietly approached the girl, trying to remain inconspicuous.

As he reached her, he gently whispered to her, “Listen carefully, I’m here to protect you. Stay

quiet and follow my lead. Your life depends on it”. Raymond could see the fear in her eyes, but

she seemed to understand the gravity of the situation. His priority was to keep her hidden from

the rest of the group, who were determined to carry out their mission. He guided her to a

concealed spot in the house, ensuring she remained out of sight. At the same time, he needed to

be vigilant, keeping an eye on the other members to avoid suspicion.

“Stay here out of sight till the moment I come back. Even if police officers arrive first, don’t

move from here. Some of them are working for us so I’ am the only one safe for you,

understand?”, he whispered to her

(Hesitating): “I understand”, she replied

With a heavy heart, Josephine witnessed the tragic and unfortunate demise of her parents’ lives

at the hands of the ruthless BMO group. They were heartless in their missions, carrying out the

terrible act in cold blood. But Ray's focus remained on protecting the innocent girl. As the chaos

unfolded, he managed to keep her hidden, ensuring that she was not discovered by the group

members who were ready to swipe out the whole family and leave no any trace behind. Once the

terrible ordeal was over, he returned to the house and found her still at the same spot he left her,

she was a smart girl.

Raymond: “What’s your name?”

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(Frightened): “Josephine”

“How old are you?”

(Crying impatiently): “17”

(Empathic): “Hey, Josephine. Listen to me very carefully”

(Clearing tears): “Okay”

“If you want to be alive, seems pretty clear to me, you’ve only one option”

“And!... what does that supposed to mean?”

She confided in him about her uncle, Abdallah living far from the city. This presented a glimmer

of hope. Raymond knew they had to act swiftly. He provided her with some money and carefully

planned her escape route, avoiding known checkpoints and areas frequented by BMO members.

The group’s relentless search for her continued, but their efforts bore no fruits as he expertly

maneuvered the situation, leaving them in the dark about her whereabouts.

As she made her way out of the city to safety, she saw Raymond as the savior, a beacon of light

in a dark and treacherous situation. She recognized that, despite his association with the group

that had taken her parents’ lives, he had risked his own safety to ensure hers. In her eyes,

Raymond became a symbol of hope and a half good person, someone who had tried to make

amends in a world filled with darkness and anger. A lot of questions were oscillating in his mind,

as he was staring at the city that slowly starts to transform his life.

“Am I a good person?”, Is there a line that distinguish bad and good? Can a single good thing

defeat 99 bad things? Would I dare take a downfall protecting someone’s life? Does fate rewards

us peace? What will happen if Nance finally know about my dark side? Am I any better than

James Jr.?"

He didn’t know answers to any of his questions

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“I have to live longer to see where will this fate lead me” he said to himself.

Madeline clenched her phone tightly, her face a mix of determination and anguish as she

reassured the commanding voice on the other end that she would work on it. The voice,

authoritative and unyielding, insisted that someone had paid a considerable amount to the

organization, and Madeline had to ensure that Veronica's body must be found.

The task given to Madeline was daunting and heart-wrenching – to execute someone who had

once been her friend and had helped her reach the position she was in now. Despite all the

terrible things Madeline had done in her life, the idea of harming a friend like Veronica shook

her to the core. Veronica had stood by her through every challenge, a loyal companion in the

face of adversity. The conflict within Madeline was palpable as she prepared herself for the


Madeline felt her throat tighten as the voice on the other end of the line grew colder and more

menacing. "It has been six months, Madeline, and still, you bring up the same excuses. Next

time, the red spot will be for Nance," the voice threatened.

Tears streamed down Madeline's face, her resolve wavered, but she mustered the strength to

respond, her voice quivering, "I will work on it this time, I promise." The weight of the task

ahead settled heavily upon her shoulders, the thought of losing another friend haunting her every


It has been 6 months since the last time Nance Williams last heard from Raymond Philemon. She

grew increasingly frightened about Raymond’s disappearance without any word from him. She

couldn’t shake the feeling that something had gone terribly wrong with him. She was haunted by

the uncertainty of his fate, imagining the worst scenarios might happened to him.

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Raymond's kidnapping was executed with meticulous professionalism. The operation was

executed in a matter of minutes, leaving him disoriented and unable to identify his captors. The

operatives operated in a coordinated manner, wearing masks and using unmarked vehicles,

making it nearly impossible for him to discern who was behind his kidnapping. This calculated

approach was intended to maintain the element of uncertainty and confusion, leaving him in a

state of apprehension about the true identity of those responsible for his abduction. This team of

highly trained operatives discreetly monitored his movements, waiting for the opportune

moment. As he exited the supermarket, they swiftly and quietly incapacitated him with an

anesthetic, administered with precision to ensure a swift and a non- violet abduction. His body

felt relaxed, his head felt dizzy, heavy and his eyelids started closing, darkness was all over his

face and he couldn’t stop it. Raymond didn’t know who kidnapped him and what was their

agenda, he didn’t know where they were taking him.

He found himself in a grim situation, whisked away to a mysterious black-site several miles s

from what seemed like a mining site, judged by the surroundings. The stark industrial landscape

added to the sense of isolation and dread. They subjected him to relentless tortures, seeking

information that he was determined not to divulge. Despite the pain and agony inflicted upon

him, he remained steadfast, never revealing a hint of the information they sought or identifying

the individuals behind this operation.

As the days turned into weeks, he couldn’t comprehend the trajectory of his fate. The uncertainty

gnawed at his psyche, leaving him in a constant state of dread, wondering if they would

eventually let him live or if this was a one-way journey to the abyss. The question of whether he

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would ever see a daylight again weighed heavily on his mind, creating an unbearable

psychological toll.

Life inside that cell was a living hell, a relentless cycle of torture, sleep deprivation, and

starvation. Every four hours, day and night, they subjected him to unimaginable pain, ensuring

that he had no respite. He was given a small portion of bread ever two days, barely enough to

sustain his weakened body. Over time, his physical and mental health state started deteriorating,

but his resolve remained unbroken.

Interrogator 1: (Violently) Where is Veronica Philemon? Speak, or suffer the consequences.

Raymond: (Gritting his teeth) I've already told you; I don't know where she is. Torturing me

won't change that.

Interrogator 2: (Coldly) You're protecting her, aren't you? Maybe we need to remind you why

that's a very bad idea.

Raymond's eyes darted around the dimly lit room, filled with an array of menacing-looking

devices. His heart pounded in his chest as he braced for what was to come.

Interrogator 3: (Smirking) Let's start with a little shock, shall we?

Searing pain jolted through Raymond's body as electricity coursed through his veins. His

muscles convulsed uncontrollably, and he gasped for air, unable to scream due to the

excruciating pain.

Raymond: (Grimacing) You'll get nothing from me... (coughs) I won't betray my family.

Interrogator 1: (Leaning in, whispering) We have ways to make you talk, ways you can't even

fathom. We can break your spirit, Raymond.

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Raymond's body trembled as he tried to maintain his composure. The interrogators' relentless

pursuit of information wore down his resolve, pushing him to the brink of despair.

Interrogator 2: (With a sinister grin) Let's try the ice room. Cold has a way of breaking even the

strongest wills.

Raymond was forcibly dragged into a freezing chamber, his breath visible in the icy air. He

shivered uncontrollably, his teeth chattering as the biting cold seeped into his bones.

Raymond: (Through chattering teeth) Y-you think this will... will make me talk? (pauses)

You're... wrong.

Interrogator 3: (Mocking) We'll see about that, Raymond.

Hours passed, each minute feeling like an eternity as Raymond endured the bone-chilling cold.

His mind teetered on the edge of madness, yet he clung to his determination.

Interrogator 1: (Returning to the room) Feeling a bit more cooperative now, Raymond?

Raymond, barely conscious, managed a defiant glare despite his weakened state. The

interrogators, realizing their conventional methods were failing, decided to change their


Interrogator 2: (Menacingly) We've heard whispers about a briefcase your father possessed. Tell

us its location, and maybe we'll consider easing your suffering.

Raymond's mind raced. The mention of the briefcase triggered memories of his father's

mysterious dealings, but he remained steadfast in his silence.

Raymond: (Hoarsely) You'll never find it. My father's secrets died with him.

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The interrogators, frustrated by Raymond's resilience, left him alone in the freezing room,

hoping isolation would erode his willpower. In the silence, Raymond's thoughts turned to his

family, the people he loved, and the strength he drew from their memories.

Interrogator 1: (Snickering) How much longer can you endure, Raymond? Your silence will only

prolong your suffering.

Raymond's once defiant eyes now held a glint of desperation. The relentless cycle of torture had

worn him down, chipping away at his sanity.

Raymond: (Muttering to himself) I won't break... I won't break...

Days turned into nights, merging into a blur of agony and darkness. The room felt smaller, the

walls closing in on him as his mind teetered on the edge of madness.

The interrogators continued their onslaught, employing psychological tactics designed to erode

Raymond's mental fortitude. Sleep deprivation gnawed at his consciousness, hallucinations

blending with reality.

Raymond: (Whispering) Mom... Dad... I'm sorry...

He muttered apologies to the phantoms of his parents, seeking solace in their imagined presence.

His thoughts became fragmented, and the line between reality and delusion blurred.

Interrogator 3: (Cruelly) Your mind is betraying you, Raymond. Embrace the truth, and the pain

will end.

Raymond's laughter echoed through the room, hollow and maddened. The torture had driven

him to the brink, and his sanity hung by a fragile thread.

Raymond: (Maniacal laughter) Truth... lies... it's all the same in this nightmare.

His laughter turned to sobs, tears mingling with blood and sweat. The room seemed to pulse with

malevolence, the shadows dancing to the rhythm of his torment.

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Interrogator 1: (Whispering) He's broken. It's time to extract what we need and dispose of him.

Raymond's mind, now a fractured mosaic of despair, clung to the memories of his family, the

only flicker of light in the engulfing darkness. Madness had claimed him, and in his shattered

psyche, he found a twisted kind of solace, welcoming the oblivion that seemed to beckon him.

In the heart of darkness, where the boundaries between reality and nightmare blur, Raymond

found himself trapped in a chilling abyss. The room, an icy chamber devoid of mercy, became

the theater for his relentless torment. Here, in this harrowing space, the vicious cycle of tortures

orchestrated by unseen hands pushed him to the brink of madness.

The air was thick with an overwhelming sense of dread, as if the very walls bore witness to the

horrors inflicted upon him. Raymond, once a strong-willed soul, now stood on the precipice of

despair, his spirit battered and broken by the relentless onslaught of pain and fear.

His desperate pleas for release echoed through the frigid air, each cry reverberating off the walls

like a ghostly chorus of suffering. Every drop of water that fell, every gust of wind that seeped

through the cracks, carried with them a sense of foreboding, intensifying the nightmare that had

become his reality.

In this grim moment, Raymond's mind teetered on the edge of sanity. The darkness seemed alive

with malevolence, and he struggled to distinguish between the real and the imagined. His very

essence, stripped bare in the cold, had become a canvas upon which his deepest fears and regrets

painted a haunting tableau of torment.

And so, in this forsaken place, Raymond's ordeal continued, each passing second driving him

further into the clutches of madness. His anguished cries for salvation were met only by the

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chilling silence of the room, a silence that whispered of unspeakable horrors and the shattered

fragments of a once resilient soul.

Raymond: (Hysterical whispers) I can't take this anymore... I'm losing my mind... Please, please,

just let me go... I'll tell you anything you want to know...

His voice cracked and trembled, the weight of despair settling deep within his bones. The

chilling silence of the room was broken only by the sound of his own ragged breaths and the

distant drip of water, a cruel reminder of his isolation.

Raymond: (Shouting into the void) Is anyone out there? Can anyone hear me? I'm begging you,

please... (His pleas echoed off the icy walls, bouncing back at him in a mockery of his

desperation. His eyes, bloodshot and filled with terror, darted around the room, searching for an

escape that did not exist.)

Every creak of the floorboards, every distant sound, sent shivers down his spine. The darkness

seemed to come alive with unseen horrors, his imagination conjuring grotesque images in the

shadows. The pain from his injuries merged with the relentless cold, blurring the lines between

physical and psychological agony.

Raymond: (Whimpering) I'll tell you everything... just make it stop... (His mind, once sharp and

defiant, now wavered on the precipice of madness. He could almost feel the walls closing in

around him, suffocating him in a nightmare from which there was no awakening.)

In the haunting silence, he could hear whispers—whispers that seemed to seep from the very

walls, taunting him with the horrors of his own mind. Every drop of water became a sinister

laugh, every gust of wind outside the room an ominous omen.

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Raymond: (Hysterical laughter mixed with tears) Why are you doing this to me? What do you

want? I'm just one person... (His voice trailed off into broken sobs, the hopelessness of his

situation overwhelming him. In the depths of the ice room, he was a mere shell, haunted by his

own tortured thoughts and the unseen terrors lurking in the darkness.)

In the depths of his despair, Raymond's mind became a battleground, a battlefield where sanity

clashed with madness. The relentless torture had stripped away his resilience, leaving behind a

raw, fragile version of himself. The icy chains that bound him seemed to taunt him, their cold,

unyielding links echoing the cruel whispers of his tormentors.

In that harrowing moment, a sinister idea took hold of his thoughts like a creeping shadow. The

chains, once instruments of his captivity, now beckoned to him as a means of escape. His

trembling hands reached for the unforgiving metal, fingers tracing the outlines of the links with a

dreadful fascination. The notion of tying those chains around his neck, seeking refuge in the

silence of death, slithered into his mind like a venomous serpent.

His heart pounded in his chest, the rhythm of despair echoing through his veins. Each breath he

took was tainted with the bitter taste of hopelessness. His eyes, clouded with tears of anguish,

fixated on the chains as if they held the key to his liberation.

The relentless torture pushed Raymond to the brink of his sanity. His mind, once sharp and

focused, now wavered between reality and delusion. Every tormenting moment etched deeper

scars on his psyche, embedding fear into his very core. The icy room seemed to echo with the

screams of his pain, a chilling reminder of his helplessness.

As he lay naked in the cold, his body trembling uncontrollably, he desperately sought solace in

the darkness. The chains that bound him served as a cruel reminder of his captivity, leaving him

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yearning for an escape that seemed impossible. In his moments of despair, he contemplated the

unthinkable, entertaining thoughts of ending his torment by any means necessary.

The passage of time became a torment of its own. Days blurred into nights, and each

excruciating moment felt like an eternity. He cursed fate, cursed the choices that led him to this

horrifying ordeal. The very essence of his existence seemed to wither away, replaced by an

overwhelming sense of dread.

In the depths of his suffering, Raymond's thoughts turned to his loved ones – Nance, his friends,

and most of all, his mother, Veronica. He wondered if they knew of his plight, if they were

searching for him, or if they had already given up hope. The mere thought of their anguish fueled

his determination to endure, even when he felt he had nothing left to give.

Yet, amid the darkness, a flicker of resilience ignited within him. Despite the unimaginable pain,

Raymond refused to break completely. His will to survive, to defy his captors, burned like a

small but defiant flame in the vast emptiness of despair. He clung to that glimmer of hope,

drawing strength from the depths of his despair.

In the midst of his suffering, Raymond's mind became a battleground – a battleground between

fear and resilience, between despair and hope. The unknown tormentors had pushed him to the

edge, testing the very limits of his endurance. And yet, within the recesses of his shattered

psyche, he found a fragment of himself that refused to surrender – a fragment that whispered, "I

will endure. I will survive."

In the darkest of moments, when hope seemed all but lost, a glimmer of plan for escape begun to

form in mind. He knew that if he were to regain his freedom, it had to be a meticulously crafted

endeavor. He started by gathering every bit of information he could about his surroundings, the

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schedules of his captures, and any potential vulnerabilities in their security. Piece by piece, he

meticulously planned every detail, taking into account the slightest nuances that might make the

difference between success and failure.

As the plan took shape, a sense of cautious optimism washed over him. He had identified a few

weak points in their operation, and he could almost see how it might work out. The prospect of

escaping this nightmarish ordeal fueled his determination and resolve. Though the risks were

immense, he knew this was his only chance of freedom, and he was willing to take that chance,

even if success hung by the thinnest of threads. He knew that he was responsible for his own life.

The relentless barrage of similar questions from his captors began to gnaw at his sanity. He

couldn’t discern whether it was a faction within BMO, their competitors, law enforcement, or

even intelligence agencies like the NIA behind his captivity. The uncertainty was maddening,

leaving him both confused and frustrated. He questioned who had orchestrated this nightmare

and what their ultimate objective might be.

(Exasperated, speaking to myself): “Who are these people? Are they from BMO? No, it can’t be.

But what if it is? No, that doesn’t make sense. Why would they do this to me?”

(Persistently): “Answer the question!”, 1st interrogator asked

(Growing increasingly distressed): “What do they want from me? Is it the BMO’s secrets they’re

after? But why not just ask the right questions? Or is it something else entirely? Who could

benefit from this madness?”

(Impatiently shouting): “We’re waiting for your response!”

(Desperately trying to maintain composure): “Am I going mad here? What if it’s someone from

within BMO who’s responsible? How sure will I be they will spare my life I give the details they

are after? Could they suspect me of betrayal? Or is it a rival faction within the organization?”

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His mind was a chaotic battleground, poisoned by the long sufferings, torn between questions

and doubts. He even started questioning his existence, it was the greatest lifetime tortures that he

ever faced, to both his body and soul and he feeling of regret over his decisions were haunting


(Crying impatiently): “I’ve been at the darkest point of my life, the hell that I led myself in. I’ve

seen death angles dancing for my sufferings, and they couldn’t afford taking my life. Did God

forget to put breaks between my life’s sufferings?”, asked himself.

The uncertainty of his captor’s identity and motives was pushing him to the brink, and he

struggled to maintain a semblance of sanity amidst the relentless interrogation.

(Regretfully): “Does our fate rewards us the same level of sufferings, or my creation was

personal?”, asked himself

(Screaming helplessly): “Why don’t you take my life?”

Ray was at the darkest point of his life and no one was coming to save him. He was tired of

being him, and he wished he would exchange his life with death.

(Praying): “I wish death angle would be my friend, I would bargain my life with any price that

you’d put on the table, I had no any other choice than dying." His poisoned mind said to his


In the dim glow of a single, flickering bulb, Uncle Sam stood hunched over a weathered

photograph. The image captured a time long gone, a moment of shared laughter and camaraderie

between Uncle Sam and Raymond. But now, the joy in their eyes had been replaced by an abyss

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of sorrow and uncertainty. A tear traced a path down Uncle Sam's weathered face, reflecting the

anguish he felt within his very soul.

The basement, once a sanctuary of plans and dreams, now felt hollow and desolate. The walls

seemed to close in on Uncle Sam, suffocating him with the weight of his helplessness. Every

corner echoed with the absence of Raymond, the mentee he had come to consider his own son.

The silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional sniffle as Uncle Sam wiped away his

tears. The photograph trembled in his hands, the paper thin and fragile, much like Uncle Sam's

hopes. He had searched tirelessly, exhaustively, scouring every lead and following every

whisper, but Raymond remained elusive, slipping through his fingers like sand. The ache of loss

and the gnawing fear for Raymond's safety settled heavily in Uncle Sam's chest, making it

difficult to breathe.

Uncle Sam's eyes, bloodshot and weary, were fixed on the photograph as if seeking solace in the

frozen smiles of the captured moment. The very essence of Raymond seemed to haunt the room,

his absence a tangible presence that hung in the air, a ghostly reminder of their shared dreams

and aspirations. The tears fell freely now, marking the photograph with the salt of Uncle Sam's

despair. The world outside continued its relentless march, oblivious to the anguish that consumed

Uncle Sam's heart. In this basement, amid the fragments of unfinished plans and abandoned

dreams, Uncle Sam grappled with the void left by Raymond's disappearance, his longing etched

into every tear-streaked line on his face.

The room fell into an eerie silence as Uncle Sam's phone chimed, disrupting the melancholic

atmosphere of the basement. His heart skipped a beat, a mix of trepidation and hope flooding his

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senses. With trembling hands, he picked up the device, his eyes fixated on the glowing screen.

The notification displayed a cryptic message, its sender masked behind an unknown number.

His eyes widened as he read the instructions. The words glowed ominously in the dim light of

the room. "Come alone, without your phone. St. Monica's Liberty Statue. 0700 PM sharp,

unarmed. Ensure no one follows you. Delete this message once read."

Uncle Sam's mind swirled with a whirlwind of emotions—curiosity, fear, and a glimmer of hope.

The message seemed like a lifeline, a chance to unravel the mystery surrounding Raymond's

disappearance. Yet, it also reeked of danger, its secrecy raising unsettling questions. With every

passing second, the weight of his decision hung heavily on his shoulders.

He hesitated briefly, his finger hovering over the delete button. What if this was a trap? What if

he stepped into the lion's den, risking not only his life but also the slim hope he clung to? But the

longing to find Raymond, to uncover the truth, overpowered his hesitation. With a determined

breath, he swiped the message away, erasing the digital trace of his potential rendezvous.

The room seemed to close in on him as he prepared to leave, a mixture of anticipation and fear

clouding his thoughts. The basement, once a sanctuary, now felt like a prison. The walls seemed

to whisper secrets, warning him of the dangers that lay ahead. With his phone left behind, Uncle

Sam stepped into the unknown, bracing himself for whatever awaited him at St. Monica's Liberty


Uncle Sam stood beneath the shadow of St. Monica's Liberty Statue, his eyes darting nervously

in all directions. The city around him buzzed with life, oblivious to the clandestine meeting about

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to unfold. A chill crawled up his spine, a premonition of something ominous lingering in the air.

Every rustle of the wind, every distant footstep, set his heart pounding.

Suddenly, an icy sensation pricked at the back of his neck, and he felt a presence behind him. He

turned slowly; his breath caught in his throat. There, shrouded in darkness, stood a figure—a

silhouette against the night.

The figure remained still, only its eyes glinting with a peculiar intensity. "H-hello Samwel

Julian," the voice, low and cold, sliced through the night, sending shivers down Uncle Sam's

spine. The use of his full name added an unsettling edge to the encounter.

In the dim glow of the streetlight, Uncle Sam's eyes widened as he recognized the familiar voice

that had uttered his full name. "Veronica Alfred," he breathed, a mixture of worry and surprise

etched across his face. "You can't be here-"

"I know," she interrupted, her voice laden with tears that glimmered in the soft light. "I am

looking for my son. It has been six months and a half since the last time I spotted him."

"You've been at Kito all this time?" he asked, incredulity coloring his tone.

"Yes. I am currently working with NIA as their informer. I came to realize BMO is just like any

other killer, a corrupted organization that should be torn into pieces."

"But you want me to join your movement. We both know that cannot happen-" Uncle Sam

began, his voice tinged with resignation.

"You don't understand anything, Samwel," Veronica interjected sharply, her eyes glinting with

determination. "I have a red tag on my back. BMO's chief executive, Omari Bin Salim, put a

clearance order of $150M for my execution."

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"I know about that," Uncle Sam said, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.

Veronica, who had been standing with a gun in her hand, moved closer, her breath warm on his

ear as she whispered, "They have put a sniper who watches every move you and Ray make. Her

name is Elizabeth Deathtrap. She hits from miles away, and she never misses her shot. You are

only alive because BMO doesn't know anything about our meeting, isn't that, right?" Her words

hung in the air; her tone deadly serious, reminiscent of a lioness protecting her cubs.

Uncle Sam felt disappointed as he realized that all the time he had been working loyally with the

BMO, they never trusted him, and they dared to put a sniper at his back, ready to shoot at any

time he made a wrong move.

"What happened to you, Veronica?" Uncle Sam asked her, his voice choked with emotion, tears

rolling down his cheeks. The intensity of his gaze revealed the depth of their past intimacy, a

connection that time and circumstances couldn't erase.

Veronica pulled her gun away from Sam's body and placed it back in her coat's inner pocket. She

looked at Uncle Sam, her eyes a mix of sorrow and determination. With a deep breath, she said,

"Now is not the right time for that."

Uncle Sam persisted, his voice demanding answers, "Just say it, what happened to you?" His

eyes, filled with pain and confusion, searched Veronica's face for any sign of truth.

Feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt, Veronica began to open up, her voice heavy with regret,

"I've made a lot of mistakes lately. The choices I made are the ones punishing me now." She

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locked eyes with Sam, her gaze pleading for understanding. "I never loved Philemon. I only

married him for the sake of our friend, Madeline Alfred-"

"Our friend," Uncle Sam interrupted, his voice a mix of sadness and anger, realizing the depth of

deception that had plagued their lives.

Veronica's confession hung heavy in the air, as the truth behind her actions began to unravel. The

cold wind rustled the leaves around them, amplifying the eerie silence of the night. The dim glow

of the streetlights cast eerie shadows on their faces, making the atmosphere even more unsettling.

Uncle Sam's mind was racing, trying to comprehend the web of lies that had entangled their

lives. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing the weight of their shared history. The

distant sound of sirens only added to the tension, as if the world itself was bearing witness to

their clandestine conversation.

Veronica, now on the verge of tears, continued her confession with a trembling voice, "I got

involved with the BMO for the sake of Madeline's revenge. But the more I delved into their

world, the deeper I sank. I became entangled in their dark secrets, and there was no way out."

Uncle Sam's hands clenched into fists, his emotions raw and unfiltered. He felt a mixture of

anger, betrayal, and desperation. The reality of their situation sank in, and he understood the

danger they were both facing. The sinister truth of the BMO's ruthlessness became painfully


"We need to expose them," Veronica whispered urgently. "We have to bring their darkness into

the light, for our sake and for Raymond's."

Uncle Sam nodded; his jaw clenched with determination. He knew that their fight against the

BMO was not just about survival; it was a battle for redemption and justice. The truth had been

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hidden for far too long, and now, in the midst of the chilling night, they were ready to confront

the shadows that had haunted their lives. Little did they know, the path they had chosen was

fraught with danger, pushing them deeper into the heart of darkness, where terrifying secrets


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It has been seven long Months since Nance Williams last saw Raymond. Frustrations, confusion,

anxiety, and worry had become constant companions in her life. Raymond was the foundation of

her heart, so his absence deteriorated her the same was Ray’s life at the dungeon kept

deteriorating. He always knew " everyone is experiencing pain in life; we just vary in the extent

of our sufferings." She couldn’t fathom his sudden disappearance, and the lack of

communication left her in a state of relentless torment.

Nance had left no stone unturned in her desperate quest to find him. She went to radio stations,

an even the local police, relentlessly searching for any information that might lead her to

Raymond. Each day without news deepened her despair, and the uncertainty of his fate haunted

her every moment. Her life had become an excruciating ordeal in his absence. Everyday felt like

a heavy burden to bear. The uncertainty and worry about his fate gnawed at her, casting a

perpetual shadow over her existence Her once-vibrant had dimmed, replaced by a persistent

sense of emptiness and longing. Tasks that were once routine now felt insurmountable, and even

the simplest joys had lost their luster. Her social life had dwindled, as her thoughts were

consumed by the mystery of his disappearance.

Sleep was illusive, as her nights were plagued by nightmares and the relentless repaying of

memories. She felt isolated, unable to share her anguish with anyone who could truly understand.

Her life had transformed into a daily struggle, a battle against despair, as she clung to the hope

that one day, somehow, she would be reunited with the love of her life.

In the midst of her anguish and despair, she clung to the memories of the beautiful moments she

had shared with Raymond. Those memories were like lifelines, offering solace in her darkest

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hours. She remembered the way his eyes would light when they met, the warmth of his mile, and

tenderness of his touch. The laughter that they shared, the adventures they had embarked upon,

and the quite moments of togetherness all played vividly in her mind. Every detail, from the way

he’d brush a strand of hair from her face to the sound of his laughter, remained etched in her

heart. She was haunted by the memories of the true love that they shared. Those memories were

a source of strength, a reminder of the love that we fired, and a beacon of hope that, someday,

they would create more beautiful moments together.

(Crying impatiently): “I miss everything from you, Raymond Philemon. You are the complete

form of me. I wish you’d be by my side, and hear how my heart beats for you”, said to herself.

(Noticing Nance’s sadness): “Sweetie, what’s been bothering you so much lately? You seem

really down.”, asked her mother

(Tears welling up): “Mom, I’ve been going through so much. I miss Raymond terribly, and I’ve

been feeling so lonely and stressed”

(Concerned): “I had no idea you were feeling this way You know you can always talk to me

about anything, right? I’m here for you”.

(Crying): “I know, Mom, but it’s not just that. I’ve also missed having a dad in my life.

I’ve never even seen him, and it hurts”

(Softly): “I understand, sweetheart. I’m sorry if I’ve never talked about him before. Your

dad…well, he wasn’t a part of our lives, but you have me, and I’ll always be here to

support and love you. We’ll get through this together”.

Madeline comforted her daughter, wrapping her in a warm embrace, determined to

provide the love and guidance that Nance needed during this difficult time. She has been

a pillar of support and understanding throughout Nance’s challenging journey. She had
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listened to her daughter’s fears, dried her tear and offered guidance when needed the

most. Medeline’s unwavering love and reassurance had provided Nance with a sense of

stability and comfort, helping her navigate the complexities of her life, from the mystery

of Raymond's disappearance to the longing for a father she had never known. In this

tumultuous time, Madeline’s presence had been a source of strength and solace for

Nance, reinforcing the unbreakable bond between mother and daughter.

Both Raymond and Nance had been unknowingly entangled in a web of deception, their

lives built upon half-truths and omissions that concealed a monumental and elusive

reality. As they navigated through separate worlds, neither had a linking that a significant

truth, one that could reshape their very identities, lay concealed just beyond their


His disappearance and his parents’ involvement with secretive organizations like BMO

had kept Raymond in the dark about the full extent of his own past, his true origin, and

the forces that propelled him into a life of intrigue. Meanwhile, Nance was obvious to the

enigmatic history of her own family, the mysteries surrounding her father, Madeline, had

meticulously guarded. Unbeknownst to both of them, their lives were intertwined by the

very truth they had never realized, a truth that held the potential to unravel their pasts,

reshape their futures, and uncover the profound connections they shared.

Nance Williams had always known her mother, Madeline as a passionate reproductive

Health activist, a woman who tirelessly travelled the globe, advocating for women’s
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reproductive Health awareness and empowerment. She has been working with the

company known by the name TRIPLE N, LWL (NEW LIGHT, NEW WORLD, NEW

LIFE). Madeline’s dedication to this cause had shaped Nance’s perception of her mother

as a strong, independent, and a compassionate woman.

The TRIPLE N, LWL [NEW LIGHT, NEW WORLD, NEW LIFE] organization was the

part of the TJO big enterprises.

Conversely, Nance’s father had remained an enigmatic figure in her life. Madeline had

never spoken about him, and any attempt by Nance to unearth details about her father had

been met with a sharp and uncharacteristic anger from her mother. These conversations

inevitably collapsed, leaving Nance with more questions than answers and a sense that

her father’s identity was a deeply guarded secret, shrouded in mystery and concealed for

reasons she couldn’t fathom.

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Deep within the recesses of Madeline’s heart lay a profound secret concerning Nance’s true

father, a truth she had guarded vigilantly. It was a secret that she believed, by all means, should

remain hidden from her daughter.

(Regrettably): “I didn’t want all the things I’ve built to fall to the ground. I’ll make sure she

won’t know the truth”, Madeline said to herself.

The weight of this undisclosed information had burdened Medeline for years, for it held the

potential to shatter the delicate balance of Nance’s world and introduced a chaos that Medeline

was resolute in her commitment to keeping it hidden, believing it to be in Nance’s best interest

that she never knew the truth.

(Confidently): “Some things are better hidden, for my safety and hers”, said to herself.

I wonder if in this bleeding world we are currently living there is no time for all the truths to

come out. Things must come into Revelation at some point, if not willingly, then at the expense

of falling down.

As Nance grappled with the agonizing absence of both James Jr. and Raymond, she couldn’t

help but feel a deep sense of unluckiness in love. The pain of losing two significant loves in her

life weighed heavily on her heart, leaving her with a profound sense of sorrow and

disappointment. With Jams Jr., she had once believed in the promise of lifelong love, only to see

it crumble. Now, with Ray’s absence for months, the notion of love had become a source of pain

and frustration. It seemed as though happiness in matters of heart had eluded, and this string of

heartaches left her questioning her own fate in love. These experiences left her emotionally

scarred and guarded, hesitant to open herself up to the possibility of love again. She couldn’t

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help but wonder if love was something that had simply passed her by, leaving her feeling as

though she were destined to be unlucky in matters of the heart.

Nance’s academic life took a sharp downturn following Ray's absence, as he had been her trusted

and dedicated studying partner. The absence of his support and collaboration had a profound

impact on her studies. They had complemented each other’s strength and weaknesses, working

together to tackle complex medical subjects, share insights, and motivate each other. With him

gone, she found herself struggling to maintain the same level of focus and enthusiasm for her

coursework. The void left by his absence made studying more challenging, and she often found

herself reminiscing about the times they had spent studying together. Her grades suffered, and

the academic achievements they had once pursued together now seemed like a distant goal to

reach. Her academic life became a constant reminder of her loss, as she struggled to navigate the

challenges of her studies without her dependable partner by her side.

Due to Raymond's extended absence, his academic journey at DREAM-MORE HEALTH

UNIVERSITY, DMHU took a grave turn. The university administration, after numerous

attempts to contact him, was left with no choice but to discontinue his enrollment. As the months

passed without any sign of him, his professors and academic advisors became increasingly

concerned. They had tried to reach out, sent multiple emails, and made phone calls, but all efforts

proved futile. His consecutive seven-month absence from the class left the university with no

alternative but to take the difficult decision. His name was removed from the class rosters, and

his academic records were marked with a discontinuation status. It was a somber and unfortunate

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outcome, as his once-promising academic career came to an abrupt halt due to the mysteries

surrounding his disappearance.

The news of his discontinuation from DMHU struck Nance like a devastating blow. It was as if

the ground had been ripped from beneath her feet, leaving her in a state of profound shock and

sorrow. The realization that her beloved had been removed from the university records due to his

inexplainable absence was a harsh and painful reality to accept. It deepened her sense of

helplessness, as she had hoped that his education would somehow remain a beacon of hope

amidst the uncertainty of his disappearance. She was left with a deep sense of longing for him

and a profound sadness about the abrupt halt to his academic pursuits.

(Sadly): “So he won’t be a doctor anymore?”, asked to herself

(Confidently): “But I won’t have peace till I realized what happened to you, Raymond

Philemon”, assuring to herself.

The incident only added to her growing list of unanswered questions, making her journey

through difficult period even more emotionally taxing.

Her loneliness became all-encompassing as she bore the weight of guilt for James Jr.’s descent

into addiction. The knowledge that her actions had played a part in Raymond's downward spiral

weighed heavily on her heart, leaving her isolated and burdened by remorse. The once-vibrant

social circles she had once been a part of now felt distant and unwelcoming. Friends and

acquaintances had either distanced themselves from her or simply couldn’t comprehend the

gravity of her emotional turmoil. She felt like an outcast among her peers, unable to confide in

anyone about the guilt and regret that haunted her. Her relationship with James Jr. had been

shattered by the destructive effects- of addiction, leaving her not only bereft but also haunted by

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the specter of his near-death experience. She couldn’t escape the haunting images of his

struggles and ultimate rehabilitation, and the guilt of her role to his sufferings was a constant

source of torment. Her loneliness was compounded by Ray’s absence, the love of her life, and

sense of alienation from her social circle. Her life had become a solitary journey marked by

remorse, longing, and the haunting memories of the past.

Nance found it increasingly difficult to accept the possibility that she might be the root of the

problems in other people’s lives. It was the truth that she vehemently denied, as it challenged her

self-image and the narrative, she had constructed about herself. Whenever someone hinted at her

involvement in the difficulties faced by those around her, she would become defensive and

deflect the blame onto external factors. She clung to the belief that she was a good person and

couldn’t possibly be the cause of harm to others. Her refusal to acknowledge her potential role in

the struggles of those she cared about became a defensive mechanism, allowing her to shield

herself from the painful reality that her actions may have unintentionally hurt others. It was a

coping strategy born out of self-preservation, but one that prevented her from engaging in

meaningful self-reflection and growth.

After months of anguish and inner turmoil, Nance finally mustered the courage to retrace Ray's

disappearances. The need for answers had grown too strong to ignore, and she was determined to

uncover the truth, no matter how painful it might be. Her journey of investigation led her back to

Raymond's family house, a place filled with cherished memories and the starting point of her

quest. With trepidation, she stood before the familiar front door, feeling mix of hope and dread

as she prepared to confront the past. She knew that delving into Ray’s life and surroundings was

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the only way to unravel the mystery behind his disappearance., and so, with a determined heart,

she took her first steps into the place that had once been our sanctuary, hoping to find the clues

that would lead her to the truth.

(Confidently whispering): “I will find the love of my life”, said to herself, she added” it doesn’t

matter what got you Raymond, but I’ am going to make it. I’ am going to get you baby. I know

you are out there waiting for me”.

Raymond left his house keys in his bag at her room, so she took the keys and went straight to his

parents’ house, where he was living. They used to stay at the house couple of times, meanwhile

out of her consciousness, BMO’s operations kept going at the house underground basement

undetected. As she stepped in, she had no idea what she might find, but her determination to

uncover the truth pushed her forward.

She knew that the house was installed with CCTV cameras, so she took all the precautions to

avoid being captured by the camera.

(Seemingly hesitating): “Someone might be watching me, so I have to be carefully”, said to

herself. Her curiosity had triggered her soul to dive into the investigation that would take

unexpected turn, plunging herself into the world of secrets, intrigued, and danger she had never

anticipated. She faced a choice-to delve deeper into this hidden world in pursuit of answers or to

retreat from the shadows and uncertainty that lay ahead.

For seven grueling months, Raymond had endured tortures and uncertainty within the confines of

the unknown black-site. But this day was markedly different. It was maybe the day that surprised

him the most in his life. He came to realize the people who were holding him a hostage were

working for Medeline, Nance Williams’s mother, a fact that almost surreal to him.

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His voice, weak and tinged with disbelief, quivered as he uttered, “Madeline? Is that really you

leading this crew holding me hostage for months?”

Madeline's response was cold, laced with a hint of sadness, “Raymond Philemon, it’s been a long


Fear and despair gripped Raymond, his voice trembling as he implored, “What is this all about,

Madeline? Why all of this? Is it because I’m in love with your daughter? Why have I been

subjected to this torment for months?”

Madeline's eyes flickered with something akin to amusement as she replied, “You and your

parents took something precious from me.”

out, “What thing is worth my torture?”

She laughed, a chilling sound that echoed in the confined space, “You really want to play like


Confused and desperate for answers, Raymond pleaded, “Please make me


Madeline's tone turned melancholic as she confessed, “Your mother took a certain briefcase, the

day she killed your father. Believe me or not, that briefcase is worth your life.”

Raymond, trembling with fear, stammered, “My mother went dark the night my father was

murdered. I neither know about the briefcase nor where she went.”

Madeline sighed, her patience wearing thin, “I knew you’d say that. I’ve been patient for so long,

waiting for you to speak the truth, but you have been more useless than expected.”

Desperation etched his voice, “Madeline, is Nance safe?”

Her response was cold and devoid of emotion, “You don’t need to concern yourself with her

right now, Raymond.”

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His desperation grew, “Does she have anything to do with this?”

In a fit of fury, Madeline commanded, “This is a loss. Electrify him, and make sure he gets

crucified early in the morning.” The order hung heavily in the air, sealing Raymond's fate in the

darkness that had consumed him for far too long.

In the suffocating darkness, Raymond, his life hanging by the fragile thread of his words, roared

with pain and desperation. He pulled against the chains that bound him, his voice reverberating

in the confines of his captivity. "If I tell you where the briefcase is, would you tell me

everything?" he screamed, his eyes wild with fear and uncertainty.

Madeline, her tone dripping with disdain, approached Raymond, getting close to his face, and

sneered at him. She whispered in his ear, "I'm afraid, even if you tell me everything, there are

people who want you dead more than I do."

Tears streamed down Raymond's cheeks as he realized the depths of his peril. He cried out, his

voice breaking, "What kind of a mother dares do such a thing to her child?"

Amidst her laughter, Madeline struck Raymond across the face, the sound echoing in the

darkness. She replied, her voice laced with cruel amusement, "Disrespect isn't my motivation.

Your greedy mother paid $100M to The Black cats for your father's execution. Something you

still don't understand. She turned her back on BMO, leaving you to work for the organization

without realizing it was a death sentence. That's why, on the night I was following Nance, when

she entered your house, I spotted a sniper positioned at the north corner of the city tower. I have

some friends at the NIA. When I ran her identity, guess what came up?"

Madeline continued, her voice filled with dark satisfaction, "Her name is Elizabeth Johnson,

baptized in the United States of Dane's Navy SEALs army as Elizabeth Deathtrap. She's an

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international sniper killer who never missed her target. So, who's worse, me or your mother?"

Her words hung heavily in the air, intensifying the suffocating atmosphere that surrounded

Raymond, pushing him further into the abyss of despair.

Raymond's weakened voice wavered in the dim light; his eyes fixed on Madeline as he

questioned her motives. "How does that make my mother a bad person?" he managed to say,

trying to grasp the fragments of his deteriorating mind.

Madeline scoffed, her expression cold and disdainful. "You still don't understand, boy," she

retorted with a hint of mockery. "I wonder why my daughter fell in love with your slowly

understanding brain."

As she turned to leave, Raymond, his strength fueled by defiance, lashed out with a cutting

remark. "Anyway," she said dismissively, her words echoing in the confines of the room. "She

failed to protect you. That's what the best parents do to their children."

Raymond's laughter, tinged with pain, filled the air, a bitter acknowledgment of the grim reality

he faced. Coughing blood, he gathered the strength to confront Madeline. "Do you think you can

hide your evil side from your daughter forever?" he wheezed; his words laced with defiance.

"One day she'll find the truth about you, and when she does, she will see the hellish side of you."

Madeline, her anger rising, approached Raymond, her eyes ablaze with fury. "I hope Nance

doesn't know about you, the BMO's trainings. She doesn't know anything, isn't that, right?" she

spat out, attempting to defend herself.

Raymond, shivering from the cold and the toll of his injuries, mustered the last of his strength to

speak his truth. "I am going to die sooner or later. Love conquers evil. The night of my father's

murder, Veronica remained at the crime scene with the briefcase. She took it to the NIA, and

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she's currently working for them." His revelation hung in the air, a fragile truth in the face of

overwhelming darkness. The room seemed to close in around them, as if the very walls were

suffocating them with the weight of their secrets.

Raymond's voice trembled with a mix of anguish and determination as he spoke, tears streaming

down his face. "I've always loved Nance, and she's loved me. Right now, she might be sitting in

her room, crying for me, missing my presence. I can't promise that I'll unveil all the truth

immediately, but I can assure you of one thing: 'Truth always finds its way to the surface.' When

she discovers the real you, your pain will far exceed the seven months of torment you subjected

me to in this dungeon."

Madeline, now visibly shaken, attempted to maintain her facade of control. "I will do everything

to protect my daughter," she declared, her voice laced with fear. Raymond noticed the

vulnerability in her eyes, a flicker of remorse buried deep within. "You should consider yourself

lucky I didn't kill you in these past seven months. If you were outside, you'd have met your end

much sooner," she said, her hands brushing away Raymond's tears. "I'm sorry for what I've done

to you. I'm just trying to survive."

With every step Madeline took, the dim light in the underground room flickered, casting eerie

shadows on the walls. Raymond, weak and frail, realized the depth of his confinement as he saw

her silhouette vanishing into the darkness. Despite her malevolence, a flicker of humanity

seemed to briefly cross her face as she wiped away the tears that stained her cheeks. Madeline

was undeniably evil, her soul seemingly consumed by darkness, yet even she couldn't ignore the

pitiful state of Raymond's health. He appeared as a dying man, his body ravaged by cold, fear,

and the madness that had settled in as his final moments approached.

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Exiting the room, Madeline approached the twin torturers, Suzan and Abood Voldemort, who

stood at the door, their menacing presence accentuated by the array of torturing tools they held.

Her voice, laced with cold determination, cut through the silence. "Execute him tomorrow

morning," she commanded, her words echoing through the underground chamber.

"Yes, Madam," both replied in unison, their voices devoid of any remorse or hesitation. In the

shadows of that grim space, the fate of Raymond Philemon was sealed, set to be decided by the

hands of those devoid of mercy or compassion.

Madeline swiftly walked out of the underground chamber, her steps echoing in the dimly lit

corridor. She covered some distance before reaching an elevator. Stepping inside, she retrieved

her phone from her pocket and dialed a set of numbers she knew by heart. The call connected,

and a voice on the other end confirmed her executioner agent ID number: "876589045MAUSD."

"Confirmed," the voice on the line responded, its tone heavy and authoritative. "Was the target

handled with care?" it inquired further.

Madeline, her breaths heavy with emotion, replied, "Not yet, sir. I was about to obtain intel about

the whereabouts of our target, Veronica Philemon," her voice cracking as she mentioned the


The voice on the other end demanded, "How long have you been in touch with your informer?"

His words carried a weight of seriousness.

"Seven months, sir, and—"

"And you believe the intel to be still accurate?" The voice interrupted, probing for certainty.

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"I'm afraid it's not a short-term intel," she defended herself.

"What do you mean, 'not a short-term intel'?" The voice pressed on.

"Veronica Philemon is currently working for the NIA as their informer. She's the reason all the

BMO missions have been blown up recently. I knew about this; I was just getting confirmation."

The voice continued, unrelenting, "Relationship status of your informer with the target, Veronica


"Her son, Raymond Philemon," Madeline confessed, her voice heavy with guilt.

"The one who used to date your daughter, Nance?" The voice clarified, its tone discerning.

Tears welled up in Madeline's eyes as she replied, "Yes, sir." The weight of her decisions hung

heavily upon her, casting a shadow over her conscience.

The voice on the other end of the line demanded, "How long do you intend to keep your informer


"I ordered for his execution by tomorrow," Madeline replied, her voice trembling with the weight

of her decision, tears glistening in her eyes.

"Good, because I don't intend keeping loose ties with our organization. You have one week to

accomplish the execution of our target. I'm afraid Nance Williams will have to die if you don't

accomplish our task on time. You have taken too much time for this. BMO is questioning our

efficiency, and I can't allow a single fly like you to tarnish my organization's reputation. The

Justice Organization has been successful for years, and I can't allow your little past chemistry

with your target to jeopardize our legacy. Understood?" The voice inquired, its tone stern and


"Yes, sir," Madeline responded, her voice resolute. The person on the other side of the line hung

up, indicating the seriousness and urgency of the task at hand.

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Madeline's heart pounded with guilt as she screamed silently within herself while making her

way out from the elevator. "How evil am I to execute the lover of my own daughter? My lifetime

friend, Veronica, who helped me for years?" she questioned herself, her inner turmoil reflected in

her eyes. Realizing that she had made her choices already, choices that she couldn't turn back,

she steeled herself and headed to her car waiting outside the mining area. With determination

etched on her face, she whispered to herself, "I am going to make it," trying to find some

semblance of reassurance in the midst of the darkness that had consumed her soul.

[ 🎵 Creep 🎵 by Radiohead]

Madeline entered her car, the leather seats cold against her skin, and switched on the radio. To

her surprise, her favorite song, "Creep" by Radiohead, began to play, its haunting melody filling

the car. With trembling hands, she pulled out a small bottle containing a potent mixture of

alcohol and drugs. As she took a long swig, the bitter liquid burned down her throat,

momentarily masking the pain and guilt that had consumed her.

The combination of alcohol and drugs began to take effect, her mind ascending to a hazy,

euphoric state. The weight of her actions seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of numbness. The

haunting lyrics of the song resonated with her turmoil, and for a brief moment, she felt detached

from reality. The music surrounded her, cocooning her in a distorted sense of comfort as she

drowned her conscience in the intoxicating blend.

In that fleeting moment, the world outside the car blurred, and Madeline found solace in the

numbing embrace of substances and music. Yet, deep down, beneath the temporary relief, her

inner demons continued to claw at her, reminding her of the irreversible choices she had made.

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The haunting lyrics of "Creep" served as a backdrop to her inner chaos, a stark contrast to the

facade of calm she tried to maintain.

Among the big mistake that Madeline made was to reveal herself. The moment Raymond learned

Madeline’s involvement; his fear turned into resolve. Knowing the truth about his enemy made

him feel like a concerned animal, and that’s when he knew he had to fight back. Raymond had

been gathering information about the black-site facility they have been holding him, its layout,

security measures, and the schedules of the guards.

Susan, a once-reluctant member of the kidnapping crew, had grown increasingly tormented by

the heinous acts committed against Raymond. As her conscience wrestled with guilt, she found

herself questioning the morality of their actions.

Regretting her involvement, she confessed, “I signed up for this thinking it was just a means to

an end, but what we’re doing to you…it’s gone too far,” her voice heavy with remorse.

Worrying about potential traps, she voiced her concerns, her eyes reflecting genuine worry.

“How will I know this is not some type of set up?”, Raymond asked.

Sadly, acknowledging the dire situation, she whispered, “Seems pretty much clear to me, you

have only two options. Stay here and get crucified tomorrow or follow me and have an

opportunity of seeing sunlight in your life again,” offering a glimmer of hope amidst the despair.

As the night before his scheduled crucifixion approached, Susan's empathy reached a breaking

point. Unable to bear witnessing the final act of brutality, she made a daring decision to help him

escape. In secret, she planned her move, aware of the risks involved in betraying Madeline.

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Abood, another member of the crew, sensed Susan's inner turmoil and confronted her about her


“Susan, we need to talk,” Abood said. “I’ve heard that you might be having second thoughts

about our actions.”

“Yes, it’s true,” Susan replied, her voice nervous and hesitant. “I can’t continue to be a part of

this, not after what we’ve done to Raymond. It’s gone too far.”

“Susan, are you sure about this?” Abood asked skeptically. “You know the risks involved in

betraying Madeline.”

“Yes, I know,” Susan replied, her voice filled with determination. “But I can’t live with the guilt

anymore. I need to do something to help Raymond escape before it’s too late.”

“We understand your dilemma,” Abood said, his concern evident. “But we need to be cautious.

If they suspect you, your life will be in danger.”

“That’s right, brother,” Susan said, her resolve unyielding. Despite her fear, Susan's

determination burned bright, her decision made. She was ready to defy the darkness that had

consumed them and make a stand for what was right.

Susan and her brother, Abood executed meticulously planned escape that ensured his success. He

had to trust them as if I wouldn’t trust them, he would be executed in the next morning anyway.

They unchained him, gave him cloth, and led him through an escape route that exited on the

opposite side of the mine, away from his captors. Waiting for him was a prepared car, along with

enough money to cover his immediate needs. They also provided him with a map that guided

him safely out of the mining forest, allowing him to finally break free from the black-site where

he had been tortured to death for so long.

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With newfound courage burning within him, he declared, I’ am going to make it”. After a

moment of clarity, he came to realize that he was held at the Leto Gold mines. His mind couldn’t

process anything at that time than finding Nance. He realized that, she was in danger, not from a

stranger but from her own mother.

Living a life built on lies has been a rollercoaster, to say the least. It made him question the very

foundation of trust and authenticity. When the truth started to reveal itself, it was like tearing

down the walls of a house he thought was solid. It was painful because it shattered the reality, he

has constructed for himself, leaving him feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"The thing about the truth is that it has a way of creeping up on you, even when you try to bury it

deep down," he mused. He wondered how he could have been so blind, how he had let those lies

define his life for so long. The anxiety that came with not knowing what else was hidden in the

shadows could be overwhelming. It was like being in a dark cave with only a flickering candle to

light his way, and he was not sure if there was a bottomless pit just inched away from where he

was standing. The fear of what else might come to light, the people he might had hurt

unknowingly, and the consequences he might had faced could keep him up at night. But despite

the pain and anxiety, there was a glimmer of hope in facing the truth. It was a chance to rebuild,

to rediscover who he once was, and to strive for a more honest and authentic existence. It was a

journey of self-discovery and growth, and even if it meant confronting some uncomfortable

truths along the way. He became the villain of himself, trying to defeat the past lies and resurrect

the truth that was buried in his life.

Nance’s successful entry into Raymond's house, driven by the hope of finding clues about his

disappearance, unexpectedly marked the start of her own profound journey towards unravelling

the truth of her own life. Little did she know that the secrets hidden within those walls would

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lead her down a path of self-discovery, unveiling layers of her own history and challenging her

perceptions in ways she never imagined. The quest for Ray's whereabouts would become

intertwined with her personal quest for answers, making it a journey of both mystery and self-


As she cautiously explored Raymond's house, her journey took an unexpected turn when she

reached the dining room and saw a family picture on the wall. She never saw the whole time she

had been visiting the house, possibly she didn't put much of her attention on it. Among the faces

in the photograph, she recognized someone she was intimately familiar with. It was a pivotal

moment, a spark that ignited her own quest for truth. In that instant, both of them [Nance and

Raymond] found themselves on parallel journeys, grappling with the shadows of their past and

the lies that had shrouded their lives for so long. The pursuit of the truth became a battle against

the version of themselves that had been molded by deception., as they sought to resurrect the

buried truths that held the keys to their identities. In that shared struggle, Raymond and Nance

were not only trying to uncover the mystery of Raymond's disappearance but also confronting

the complexities of their own existence, ultimately becoming heroes of their own stories.

“I’ am going to find you papa”, said herself while starring at the picture on the wall.

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Raymond's life story has been filled with tragic twists and the shattering of dreams. Once, he had

aspired to be a medical professional, dedicating his life to healing and saving others. It was a

dream nurtured by the admiration he held for his parents who has been known for their

dedication to their community. But withing a single night, all his life was transformed to

something else that he has failed to understand. That dream took a heart-wrenching turn on that

fateful day at the Lato Gold mining site. The brutal massacre of 57 people the Night of 20th

October 2003, including his own father, shattered his world. His mother, Mrs. Veronica

Philemon, vanished without a trace, leaving him with a void of unanswered questions and a

sense of abandonment. Nevertheless, Uncle Sam had been watching him close and kept training

him. He took a huge part to his life. Under his guardianship, his life took a sinister twist. Instead

of pursuing his medical aspirations, he was groomed to become a ruthless killing machine, a far

cry from the compassionate healer he once hoped to be. His dreams of tending to the sick and

injured were mercilessly crushed as his dreams were pushed away by his parents’ plans which

seemed to control his fate. He has lost control of his own fate. Over the time, innocence faded,

and he found himself leading a dark and dangerous path within the Black Mafia Organization

‘BMO’. He worked for them [BMO] for few months before ended up being kidnapped by

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unknown captors, who later he realized were Medeline’s crew members. His life took a sharp

upside down, as till this time he’s not sure if his dreams of becoming a doctor would come true

one day or had been washed away already. Raymond has lost a hope of living, as everything

seemed betraying him. He has lived on the foundation of lies, and he couldn’t stand steadfast

witnessing everything that he was believing turning into a false. He wished this would be a

nightmare, but it is a reality that had changed him to be a villain hunting his past, and he's not

sure if he is strong enough to face the hurting truth of his life.

On the fateful night of October 20th, 2003, his world crumbled when his father, Mr. Philemon

Sapuka, and other members of the BMO were brutally murdered. The darkness of that evening

descended upon as they found themselves engulfed in a nightmare. Little did he know that this

night would forever change the course of his life. In the midst of chaos and despair, his mother,

Mrs. Veronica Philemon, made the painful decision to entrust his safety to his uncle Sam. She

handed Raymond over him, knowing that he was willing to protect him at any cost [BMO Blood

and Death Oath Code]. With a heavy heart, Uncle Sam spirited him away from the crime scene,

leaving him behind the lifeless body of his father and a mysterious briefcase that he had claimed

held the key to everything. As they [Raymond and Uncle Sam] fled from the haunting scene of

the crime, he was left bewildered by the cryptic words spoken by Uncle Sam- “Progress with

Plan B”. At that moment, he couldn’t comprehend the significance of those words, but they

would haunt his thoughts for years to come. It was also the last time he laid eyes on his mother,

as she remained behind, alone with his father’s lifeless form and the enigmatic briefcase, forever

trapped in that nightmarish moment of October 20th, 2003.

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In a desperate bid to erase any trace of their presence that ominous night, Veronica, meticulously

cleared away the fingerprints they left behind, starting from the house and extending to the

nearby shack. Every surface they had touched was scrubbed clean, and every footstep was

carefully obliterated to ensure that no one would ever discern who had been there.

Yet, darkness of decisions still lay ahead. Mrs. Veronica, facing the unimaginable, retrieved a

gallon of diesel that had been stored in the car. In a chilling act, she doused Philemon’s lifeless

form and the vehicle itself, the very Land Cruiser they had arrived in. With a heavy heart, she

ignited the car, engulfing Philemon’s body in flames.

With a sinister smile playing on her lips, she whispered, "Burn in hell, Mr. Philemon Sapuka.

You deserved this a long while ago," the words slipping from her lips like venomous secrets.

Fingers dancing swiftly over the keys of her smartphone, she typed with purpose, "It's done," and

sent the message to an unknown contact, sealing the fate of her dark deed. Once satisfied that the

message had been delivered to its intended recipient, she crushed the phone in her hand, the

device shattering like her conscience, and then tossed it deep into the dense forest, burying the

evidence of her sinister actions.

Veronica sped through the forest, a sinister satisfaction gleaming in her eyes, having successfully

eliminated Philemon, a crucial figure in the criminal organization. Whispers of reassurance

escaped her lips, "You'll be okay, my son, Raymond."

The path she traveled seemed to lead her to someone special, someone waiting eagerly for her

arrival. A deep, affectionate voice greeted her, "Hello, my love," resonating through the air.

"Thanks, baby," Veronica replied, her smile mirroring the joy in both their hearts.

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However, as life often goes, just when everything seemed normal, fate had other plans. "In love,

we often doubt what we most believe," the haunting quote echoed in Veronica's mind.

Unbeknownst to many, Veronica had been entangled in a passionate romance with Colins, her

coworker at Latrex Hospital, where he worked as a psychotherapist.

Their relationship had a tumultuous beginning. Veronica first encountered Colins in 1981 at a

night club. At that time, her relationship with Philemon lacked commitment, and a night of

revelry led to a connection between her and Colins. He was immediately drawn to Veronica,

falling deeply in love with her at first sight.

Their initial encounter resulted in a one-night stand, but Veronica dismissed it as a mere drunken

mistake. Despite her initial reluctance, fate seemed to weave their lives together, creating a bond

that went beyond mere physical attraction. Little did she know, this newfound connection would

play a significant role in her life, shaping her choices and decisions in unforeseen ways.

In the early hours of the morning, a team of police officers, led by the diligent RCO Salum

Motoko, arrived at the gruesome crime scene. To their shock and horror, they discovered a

chilling tableau of tragedy, with a total of 57 lifeless bodies strew behind the scene, among them

Ray's father’s lifeless form. His father’s body was found amidst the wreckage of a torn Land

Cruiser, bearing the registration number D324 ADX, which was traced back to a businessman

named Philemon Sapuka [My father]. A DNA tracing confirmed the harrowing reality that the

charred remains were indeed those of Philemon, Raymond's father. Among the 57 deceased

individuals, 43 were men, and 14 were women, painting a grim picture of the scale of this

horrific event.

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RCO Salum Motoko, renowned for his professionalism, joined forces with the NATIONAL

INVESTIGATION AGENCY, NIA agents [Agent Raynolds, Anna and Michael] to unravel the

sinister truth. It became evident that someone else had been present at the crime scene, someone

who, for reasons yet unknown, had detonated the car and possibly orchestrated the murder of

these men, leaving a perplexing web of questions in their wake.

As they meticulously combed the area for evidence, their efforts led them to an abandoned

phone, the very device Mrs. Veronica had hastily discarded in her frantic escape from the crime


Agent Raynolds: (Excitedly) “Look what we’ve got here, Salum! This phone could be a crucial

piece of the Puzzle”.

Anna:(Examining the phone) “It seems to be in working condition. Let’s check for recent calls,

messages, anything that might lead us to who was here that night”

Michael: (Nods) “Agreed, let me contact our IT guy. But we must proceed carefully. Whoever

was behind this knew what they were doing. We need to tread lightly”

RCO Salum Motoko: (Serious and determined): “This phone could be the beginning of

something bigger. It might just be the ‘Promised days’ we have been waiting for start tearing

down the BMO. Let’s get to work fellas. Our pursuit of justice begins here”.


In the year 1980, Nance Williams’s mother, Madeline Alfred, and Veronica Mickey shared a

heartwarming friendship that blossomed as they walked out of school together. Their bond was

built on genuine affection and trust. They were kindred spirits, often seen with smiles on their

faces and a shared sense of adventure. Through the ups and downs of life, their lovely friendship

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stood as a testament to the enduring power of true companionship, a treasure they both cherished

throughout the years.

In their school days, a unique dynamic unfolded among Samwel Julian, Madeline Alfred, and

Veronica Mickey. They all attended the same class and formed a close- knit friendship. While

Samwel Julian harbored deep affection for Veronica Mickey, he struggled with the confidence to

express his feelings. Veronica, on the other hand, was aware of Samwel’s emotions but chose not

to initiate a confession of her own. Medeline Alfred, stood apart from matters of the heart. She

held steadfast to her belief that love was not a path she wished to tread. Instead, she embraced

the notion that being a strong, independent woman was far more significant than surrendering to

love, marriage, and what she perceived as subjugation to a man’s authority, referring to it as a

form of slavery. In their complex web of emotions and convictions, their friendship endured,

marked by unspoken sentiments and differing outlooks on love and friendship.

One evening Madeline Alfred was walking late out from school, her foot stapes echoing in the

empty corridor. The dimly lit hallway felt series as she hurried towards the exit, her backpack

slung over the shoulder. The clock on the wall had struck well past the usual dismissal time. As

she approached the school’s main entrance, she noticed a subtle unease in the air, a feeling that

something was amiss. The sun had already dipped below the horizon, casting along shadows

across the deserted schoolyard. She quickened her pace, her senses on high alert. Just a she

reached the exit; the silence was shattered by the sound of approaching footsteps. She turned to

see a group of 7 unknown strangers emerging from the darkness. Their faces were obscured by

hoods and masks, and they moved with a purpose that sent a chill down her spine. Panicking, she

fumbled for her phone, but before she could dial for help, one of the strangers stepped forward

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and grabbed her arm. Fear and adrenaline coursed through her veins as she struggled to break

free, but their grip was unrelenting. It was a terrifying moment of vulnerability as she realized

was at the mercy of these mysterious intruders. She was raped mercilessly. Those men didn’t

only compromise his future life, rather transformed her mind forever.

Her life was irreversibly upended after the traumatic incident she endured. The assault had left

her with deep emotional scars that manifested as relentless nightmares, hunting flashbacks, and

intrusive images of that horrifying night. These tormenting memories would flood her mind at

the most unexpected moments, leaving her in a constant state of distress, her life took a sharp

turn, she couldn’t continue with her studies. She distanced herself from her friends and went to a

distance town. She promised herself that, she won’t abort the child, but she won’t allow any of

those who raped her that Night live.

She was unable to escape the relentless grip of her trauma. Madeline’s once promising academic

journey came to a screening halt. She could no longer bear the thought of attending school, the

place that had once been a source of hope and opportunity. Her textbooks and assignments

gathered dust, as the weight of her ordeal made it impossible to focus on her studies. Instead, she

embarked on a personal journey, one defined by her unquenchable thirst of revenge. She felt that

her assailants had stolen her future, she was demanded to take control of her own destiny.

In the depths of her grief, a fierce determination burned in her eyes. "They have stolen my future,

but I won't allow anyone else to control my fate. I will kill them all," she declared, her voice

laced with a resolute conviction that sent shivers down anyone who heard her. In that moment,

her grief transformed into a steely resolve, propelling her towards a path of vengeance and

retribution. The weight of her loss fueled her determination, igniting a fire within her that would

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drive her to the edge of sanity and beyond, all in the pursuit of justice for the life that had been

cruelly stolen from her.

Those people who raped her, made her leave behind the life she had known. She began to

explore the darker side of herself, hoping to rise the spirit of revenge, and hopefully she was

succeeded. She started to explore the darker side of her society too, seeking out individuals who

could help her achieve her goal of retribution. The weight of her loss fueled her determination,

igniting a fire within her that would drive her to the edge of sanity and beyond, all in the pursuit

of justice for the life that had been cruelly stolen from her.

(Confidently): "If evils are made, then I was made into one," she declared, her tone unwavering

and her gaze piercing. In those words, she acknowledged the darkness within her, embracing the

stark reality of her transformation. The confidence in her voice hinted at a turbulent journey, one

that had shaped her into a force to be reckoned with. With unwavering determination, she

embraced the sinister side of her existence, acknowledging it as a means to an end, a tool to

combat the very evils that had shaped her. In her eyes, there was a glint of fierce determination, a

silent promise to navigate the shadows and confront the demons within, all while emerging

victorious on the other side.

Madeline Alfred’s path was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but her determination was

unwavering. The memories of that fateful night fueled her desire for justice, and she was

willingly to go any lengths to make those responsible pay for their actions. As she delved deeper

into her quest for revenge, the line between right and wrong blurred, and her life became a

relentless pursuit of closure and vengeance.

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One year after the relentless torment of recurring PTSD [Post-traumatic stress disorder], Her soul

had indeed sunk into the abyss of revenge-seeking. Her pain, anger, and frustration had reached a

boiling point, pushing her to the very edge of the revenge world. The haunting memories of that

traumatic night had transformed her from a once-innocent soul into a determined avenger. What

pained her the most, she had a child whom she didn’t know her real father. Driven by an

unquenchable thirst for justice, she continued her relentless search for the individuals who had

perpetrated that brutal, merciless act upon her body. Her pursuit became an all-consuming

obsession, consuming every thought and waking moment.

It was during the dark period that Madeline finally crossed paths with a shadowy group known as

TJO [THE JUSTICE ORGANIZATION]. This enigmatic collective promised her the means to

achieve the closure she so desperately sought. They trained her, offered her resources, and

network of like-minded individuals who shared her thirst for revenge.

TJO was a very clandestine and deeply dark secretive society, shrouded in the shadows since its

establishment in the early 1887. Its origins were a closely guarded secret, known only to a select

few within its ranks. The primary mission of TJO was to maintain a sinister balance between

good and evil in society by executing contracts on behalf of those who sought their services.

These contracts were often associated with eliminating individuals who posed a threat or had

committed heinous acts. The organization’s unique modus operandi was striking. They

specialized in making their executions appear as suicides, leaving no trace of their involvement.

This covert approach ensured that TJO remained hidden from the prying eyes of government

authorities, allowing them to operate with impunity. When Madeline crossed paths with TJO,

they saw in her a potential asset, a deadly weapon to further their dark objectives. They

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recognized her burning desire for revenge and her thirst for justice. Under their guidance,

Madeline was carefully and systematically trained to become their instrument of retribution.

Initially, TJO was established as a security guard company with the primary mission of

protecting people and their properties during a period in the 1800s marked by a high incidence of

murder, disappearances, and property losses. This arose from a dire need for enhanced security

due to the community. As time passed, TJO evolved from being a mere security company into

something more significant. It transformed into an organization with the primary objective of

shoring up the weaknesses in the law enforcement system, exposing corruption among police

officers, and ensuring justice prevailed. This transition led to the adoption of the name “Justice”

as a reflection of their commitment to righting wrongs.

Underneath the façade of a benevolent organization, TJO harbored a deeply concealed dark

secret. Beyond its public mission, it functioned as a covert organization that carried out

executions and targeted individuals who had broken the law, seeking revenge on behalf of

victims in exchange for financial compensation. This covert aspect of their operations remained

entirely unknown to the public, allowing them to maintain seemingly unblemished reputation as

a security company. The organization’s ability to effectively camouflage its true nature made it

virtually untraceable, allowing it to operate in secrecy for years, undetected by those who relied

on its service for safety and protection. Therefore, TJO operated as the security guard company

but deep within the organization it wasn’t just about the normal security guard company, rather a

deadly dark society that brought the so-called peace to the traumatized victims. It was the perfect

place for Madeline, and that’s where her fate revealed her true villain nature that hunt down

those who intruded and ruin her fate.

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The TJO dark secret execution organization that performed as the security guard company.

Her training was intense and grueling, covering a wide range of skills, from advanced combat

techniques to espionage and covert operations. She became proficient in the art of disguise and

deception, honing her ability to infiltrate the lives of her targets without arousing suspicion.

Every facet of her being was transformed, molding her into a remorseless killing machine, poised

to execute the organization’s contracts with deadly precision. Her transition was profound and

chilling. She went from being a traumatized victim of rape to a ruthless avenger, driven by a dark

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purpose that consumed her soul. Her life was now defined by a relentless quest for revenge,

carried out in the name of a shadowy organization that operated beyond the reach of the law. The

depths to which she had descended were beyond imagining, as she embraced a world of moral

ambiguity, where the line between good and evil had all but disappeared.

Madeline Alfred, operating under the guise of a Reproductive Health Activist, became a master

of covert transportation across the globe. She acted as a passionate reproductive Health

activist, a woman who tirelessly travelled the globe, advocating for women’s

reproductive Health awareness and empowerment. She has been working with the

company known by the name TRIPLE N, LWL (NEW LIGHT, NEW WORLD, NEW

LIFE). This company was just a tiny part of the big dark secret society [TJO]. This was

just their way of operation, they worked with a very high precision and that’s the reason

they were neither heard nor suspected.


Abood: (worried) "I can't stop thinking your reckless plan you did back there Susan.

People do stupid for love"

Susan: (furiously) "Hey! Watch your mouth nigga. Being my bother doesn’t make you

God of my feelings”

Abood:(Worried) “I get that, but we made a commitment to our superiors. You know the

consequences for your treason”

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Susan:(Smiling) “That wasn’t treason brother. Everything is going exactly as planned.

The car was planted with a GPS [Global positioning system] tracker, and we are tracking

where he is going. It’s all Madeline’s plans”

As Raymond made his daring escape from that ominous black-site, the weight of the

world seemed to press down on him. Susan and Abood’s unexpected assistance had given

him a glimmer of hope, but it was shrouded in doubt. He couldn’t help but wonder if their

help came with ulterior motives. The car they provided felt like a double edge sword. It

was his ticket to freedom, but he couldn’t shake the nagging suspicion that it might be

triggered with a GPS tracker, silently tracing his every move. Paranoia and uncertainty

clouded his mind as he navigated the dark and winding roads.

With each passing mile, he contemplated the possibility that Susan and Abood were

working against him. The risks of falling into a trap weighed heavily on his conscience.

Every turn, every decision, felt like a potential snare. In the midst of his escape, he was a

whirlwind of emotions, torn between gratitude for their hep and the haunting suspicion

that he was walking into a carefully laid trap. The shadows of doubt danced around him,

as he desperately tried to decipher their true intentions, all while racing toward a future

filled with uncertainty.

He made a decisive move. He brought the car to a halt and proceeded to search it

meticulously. His instincts had been right; his fears confirmed when he discovered the

GPS tracker cunningly hidden underneath the vehicle. With a steady hand, he removed

the device and pondered his next course of action. Drawing from the lessons Uncle Sam
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had imparted to him about the art of distraction, he decided to employ a cunning strategy.

He ventured into the dense forest that surrounded the Leto Gold mines, knowing that it

was teeming with wildlife. After a grueling and cautious pursuit, he found himself

grappling with a wild pig. His intention wasn’t to harm it; instead, he skillfully attached

the GPS tracker to its leg using a thread. Once the tracker was securely in place, he

released the bewildered creature back into the wild, hoping it would lead anyone tracking

him on a wild pig chase. With the tracker no longer on his tail, he meticulously ensured

that there were no other devices or means of tracing his movements. This elaborate plan

was his means of evading Madeline, the monster who had once posed a benevolent

figure, it was a game of survival, a battle of wits, and it was determined to stay one step


Madeline:(Frustrated) “Alright, Susan, we need to find him ASAP. Our tracker shows

he’s in the woods nearby”

Susan:(Confident) “Don’t worry, Madeline. We’ve got this. Let’s follow the signal”

Abood:(Nervous) “Yeah, but what if he’s tricking us? Raymond’s clever”.

Madeline:(Determined) “We’re getting closer, I can feel it”

[suddenly they heard rustling in the bushes]

Susan:(Whispering) “I think I see something. Let’s move quietly”

[A wild pig appears, snorting and grunting]

Abood:(Confused) “Wait, that’s not Raymond!”

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Madeline:(Realizing) “Oh no, we’ve been following the wrong signal! Raymond must

have outsmarted us”.

[They watch the pig wander off]

Madeline:(Angry) “This is humiliating. We need to regroup and come up with the better


Madeline’s frustration grew, as she couldn’t shake the self-doubt that had crept in. The

fear of Raymond revealing the truth about her haunted her every thought. In a state of

panic, she hastily left the black-site, her mind racing with worry.

(Panicked) “What if he meets Nance and reveal the truth to her? Will she ever forgive me

after all the lies? What have I done?”, asked herself.

Abood, unable to contain his confusion, questioned the necessity of the pointless trick

they had played on Raymond. Madeline, in her intoxicated state, shot him a venomous

glare, leaving no room for further inquiries. Her eyes spoke volumes, conveying a

chilling message: "Ask one more question, and you will meet your end swiftly." The

atmosphere hung heavy with tension, and Abood wisely chose to remain silent,

understanding the gravity of the situation.

Susan, grasping the depth of Madeline's guilt and remorse, devised the seemingly futile

ruse on Raymond. She comprehended that leaving him to perish alone in the unforgiving

cold of the forest was a more merciful fate than the alternative—either a direct execution

at gunpoint or a death sentence declared by Madeline's own lips. In her own way, Susan

sought a twisted form of redemption, attempting to spare Raymond from a more brutal

demise, even though her actions were still steeped in the cruelty of their criminal world.
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With a heavy heart, she chose a path that, in her mind, offered a semblance of mercy

amidst the darkness of their deeds.

Susan found herself deeply troubled by Raymond's months-long ordeal of torture. What

had once been just a job, a means to an end, had transformed into something far more

complex. The profound suffering, she witnessed had stirred emotions she hadn't

expected. As her brother's words echoed in her mind, she grappled with the realization

that her feelings for Raymond had taken a romantic turn. Haunted by empathy and an

unexpected affection, Susan's heart weighed heavy with guilt and regret. Her professional

detachment had eroded, replaced by a growing sense of responsibility for Raymond's

fate. The boundary between duty and compassion blurred, leaving her in a state of

internal turmoil, torn between the ruthless world she belonged to and the humanity she

was struggling to hold onto.

In the heart of the dense forest, Susan found herself at a breaking point, her conscience

burdened by the atrocities she had witnessed and, in part, inflicted upon Raymond. With

her footsteps barely audible on the forest floor, she moved a few meters away from the

others, seeking a moment of solitude amidst the darkness that surrounded them. There,

under the veil of shadows, she whispered her heartfelt apology to Raymond, her words a

desperate plea for forgiveness that hung in the chilly air.

"I'm sorry, Raymond, for what happened to you," Susan murmured, her voice barely

audible above the rustle of leaves. "If fate allows our paths to cross again, I will find a

way to make amends for the suffering I've caused you."

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With her silent vow lingering in the night, Susan rejoined her comrades, the weight of her

remorse trailing behind her. Together, they retraced their steps through the forest, back to

the base camp where their grim reality awaited. Madeline, now in a drugged slumber,

seemed oblivious to the darkness that clung to their souls, her mind lost in the haze of

substances that numbed her conscience, if only temporarily.

Meanwhile, Nance is in her mother’s room, desperately searching for any clues about

Raymond’s disappearance and the secrets that had been kept from her. Her curiosity

about the truth was insatiable. She was determined to uncover the secrets surrounding

Raymond's disappearance, her real identity, the identity of her father, and the hidden

faces of her mother’s life. It was as if a veil of deceit had been lifted, and she couldn’t

resist the allure of discovering the real story behind it all.

Madeline, on the other hand, felt increasingly sense of urgency to prevent Nance from

Uncovering the truth. She believed that revealing the secrets could shatter the carefully

constructed life they had both been living. She knew that the end of lies and the liberation

of truth had the potential to ruin not only her own life but also Nance’s and Raymond’s.

It was just a matter of time before Nance uncovers the truth about her life. Nance and

Raymond, had indeed been living in a web of lies for their entire lives, and the unraveling

of that web threatened to change everything they thought they knew about themselves

and each other, clearly there are promised days for everything to reveal themselves.
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During the day of 21th October, RCO Salum Motoko and the three skilled NIA officers

embarked on a tense mission to de-encrypt the phone that had been carelessly thrown into

the dense forest by Mrs. Veronica. With a combination of their expertise and professional

IT support, they managed to break through the layers of encryption that concealed its

contents. As the phone’s files began to unravel, the gravity of the situation became clear.

The information stored on this seemingly innocuous device had the potential to unravel

the foundation of BMO. Mrs. Veronica’s hasty mistake in dumping the phone could

indeed become the catalyst for a chain of events that would expose long-buried secrets

and jeopardize the very existence of BMO.

RCO Salum Motoko’s grave mistake unfolded as he eagerly contacted his superiors to

inform them of the critical intel that had the potential to bring down BMO. Obvious to

sinister web of connections within the organization, Motoko failed to realize that some of

his own superiors were and influential figures in Dane Country were deeply entangled

with BMO criminal activities. In his earnest attempt to uphold justice, Motoko

inadvertently jeopardized not only his own safety but also the delicate balance of power

that had allowed BMO to thrive unchecked.

In the dimly lit room, RCO Salum Motoko, a determined and resolute leader, stood

before his coworkers, his eyes alight with a fierce determination. His lips curled into a

confident smile, exuding an aura of unwavering conviction as he addressed his team.

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"This is the beginning of taking down BMO," RCO Salum Motoko declared, his voice

carrying the weight of their shared mission. His words reverberated through the room,

echoing with purpose.

His coworkers, inspired by his zeal, erupted into cheers, their voices blending into a

chorus of enthusiasm and camaraderie. Their belief in their cause was unwavering, and in

that moment, their spirits soared high with the promise of dismantling the corrupt

organization that had plagued their lives for far too long.

With the room buzzing with newfound energy, RCO Salum Motoko's gaze hardened, his

resolve unyielding. "Keep digging on the files to see what else we can find out," he

ordered them, his voice firm and commanding. Each member of the team nodded in

agreement, understanding the gravity of their task. They were united in their pursuit of

truth and justice, ready to unveil the hidden secrets that would pave the way for their

mission's success.

Little did he know that his act of whistleblowing would set in motion a perilous chain of

events, pitting him against not only the criminal organization but also some of his own

trusted colleagues and superiors, making his path to justice a treacherous one.

RCO Salum Motoko, the Regional Crime Officer, had sent a formal request to be

appointed as the OP [Operational Chief] regarding the case number CS#:

DLLGM572003, which involved the pursuit of individuals responsible for a heinous

murder of a total of 57 people at his Region. His request had been accepted, but under a

stringent condition- given the case’s implication on National security, he was obligated to
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report every piece of intel he acquired. Additionally, three NIA agents were assigned the

same mission with him to work on the same case [Agent Raynolds, Anna and Michael].

Unbeknownst to RCO Motoko, a sinister twist awaited him. Little did he suspect that

some of his superiors were deeply entrenched within the vast criminal network known as

the BLACK MAFIAN ORGANIZATION [BMO]. Unwittingly, he was being led into a

treacherous trap, completely unaware of the peril that lay ahead.

In the cozy living room of their home, Kennedy Martin, one of the IT experts, sat with his

pregnant wife, Everlin, their faces illuminated by a warm, golden glow. The room was

adorned with the soft hues of sunset filtering through the curtains, creating an atmosphere

of serenity and contentment. Everlin's eyes sparkled with joy, her hands gently cradling

her growing belly, a picture of maternal bliss. Kennedy, with an affectionate smile, rested

his hand on her bump, feeling the subtle kicks of their unborn child.

In a tender moment, Kennedy turned to Everlin, his voice filled with love and warmth.

"I'll be heading to the supermarket, sweetheart," he said, his eyes locking onto hers. "We

need some ingredients for dinner tonight. Is there anything specific you'd like?"

Everlin, her face glowing with happiness, replied, "Surprise me, my love. Just make sure

it's something delicious for our little family."

With a lingering kiss on her forehead, Kennedy gently pulled away and made his way

towards the door. As he stepped outside, the evening air was crisp, and the distant hum of

the neighborhood added to the peaceful ambiance. He approached his car, parked just

outside the house, and reached for the door handle

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Inside the car, Kennedy felt a cold shiver crawl down his spine as a menacing voice

echoed from behind him. "If you want to survive, and your wife too, don't scream. Just

listen for instructions," the voice commanded, its tone heavy with threat and danger.

Paralyzed with fear, Kennedy followed the ominous directive, his hands gripping the

steering wheel tightly.

His mind raced with a thousand thoughts, and he dared not glance back to see who had

invaded his sanctuary. Kennedy's wife, Everlin, echoed in his thoughts, and he prayed

silently for her safety as he prepared himself for whatever was to come. With his heart

pounding in his chest, Kennedy listened intently, waiting for further instructions from the

unknown assailant. The once-happy evening had transformed into a nightmare, leaving

Kennedy trapped in a web of uncertainty and fear.

Kennedy obeyed the chilling orders, driving his car to an unknown location as directed.

The tension inside the vehicle was palpable, the air thick with fear. When they arrived at

the specified spot, he was ordered to step out of the car. His legs felt like jelly as he

obeyed, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. As he stood there, he saw two

menacing figures approach him. Their faces were concealed behind masks, their bodies

exuding a threatening aura that sent shivers down Kennedy's spine. He felt a surge of

worry, his heart racing, and his body drenched in sweat despite the evening coldness.

One of the masked men handed him a phone, their voice cold and detached. Kennedy

understood the gravity of the situation. It was a deal of life and death. He was instructed
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to provide every piece of intel the police officers would be collecting against BMO. The

demand hung in the air like a looming storm, emphasizing the perilous stakes he now


The masked figures made it clear: any attempt to call for help or leak a word about what

had transpired would be met with swift and deadly consequences. The threat hung

heavily in the air, emphasizing the dire reality Kennedy found himself trapped within.

The weight of the phone in his hand felt like a burden, representing the choices he had to

make in the face of imminent danger.

The man's voice cut through the tension like a sharp blade, his words hanging heavily in

the air. "One last thing," he said, clearing his throat, his tone laden with threat and

finality. He continued, his voice low and menacing, "a man does anything for his family,

right?" It was a rhetorical question, one that needed no answer, for Kennedy understood

the implications all too well.

"Just enter into the car and drive your car to the supermarket," the man instructed, his

words carrying a weighty authority. "Don't act weird, and make sure your wife doesn't

know anything about this."

He approached Kennedy, closing the gap between them, his breath cold against

Kennedy's ear as he whispered, "I will be so disappointed in a man with his PhD like you

failing to complete such a little task." The threat hung in the air, suffocating Kennedy

with the weight of his expectations. As the captors laughed mockingly, they swiftly

entered their car and fled from the scene, leaving Kennedy trembling in fear. When he
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looked down at his trousers, he noticed a wet, cold substance seeping down his leg.

Unbeknownst to him, fear had caused him to lose control, and he had unwittingly passed

urine, a humiliating testament to the overwhelming terror that gripped him.

In the dimly lit motel room, Kennedy stood beneath the cascading water, letting the

shower wash away not only the grime from his body but also the lingering fear that clung

to his skin. The droplets splashed off his body, carrying with them the weight of the

choices he was forced to make. The steam curled around him, a temporary shield from

the harsh reality that awaited him outside.

Dressed in fresh clothes, he glanced at himself in the cracked mirror. His reflection

seemed unfamiliar; his eyes haunted by the events of the night. His mind raced, torn

between the loyalty he felt for his family and the duty he owed to his country. The room

felt suffocating, closing in on him like the walls of a prison cell.

As he stepped out of the motel, the world outside seemed surreal. The neon lights of the

motel flickered, casting eerie shadows on the pavement. Every passing car felt like a

potential threat, and every stranger seemed like an informant. His senses were

heightened, his every step heavy with the burden of the information he carried.

In the silence of the night, Kennedy wrestled with his conscience. He couldn't fathom

betraying his country, but he couldn't bear the thought of his family being swept away by

the sinister forces that now controlled his life. The choice weighed on him like a boulder,

threatening to crush his spirit.

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As he walked away from the motel, his path uncertain, he whispered to himself, "I won't

let fear dictate my choices. I'll find a way to protect my family without compromising my

principles." The determination in his voice cut through the darkness, a glimmer of hope

amidst the overwhelming uncertainty. With each step, he vowed to navigate the

treacherous waters ahead, searching for a solution that would save both his family and his

country from the impending storm.

Inside the brightly lit supermarket, Kennedy moved mechanically through the aisles,

picking up dinner ingredients as instructed by his captors. His hands, usually steady,

trembled slightly as he placed items into the shopping cart. Each item he picked up

seemed to weigh heavily in his hands, a stark contrast to the mundane task at hand.

Kennedy walked through the front door, his arms laden with bags filled with ingredients

for dinner. The savory aroma of spices and fresh produce filled the air as he entered the

warm cocoon of his home. Everlin, his wife, was already in the kitchen, her hands deftly

moving across the countertops as she prepared to cook their evening meal. The homey

atmosphere, so familiar and comforting, felt oddly surreal under the weight of the secrets

he carried.

He attempted to put on a facade of normalcy, forcing a smile as he greeted his wife.

However, Everlin, perceptive and attuned to her husband's every nuance, noticed the

strain etched on his face. Her concern deepened as she observed his trembling hands and

the distant look in his eyes.

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"What's wrong, baby?" Everlin's voice, laced with both love and apprehension, reached

out to him. She took a seat beside him, her eyes scanning his face for answers. "You've

been acting strangely. And these new clothes…" Her voice trailed off, suspicion lingering

in the air. "You better tell me what's going on."

Kennedy sighed, the weight of his secret threatening to crush him. He hesitated for a

moment, his eyes meeting Everlin's as he grappled with the decision to reveal the truth.

Finally, he spoke, his voice tinged with a mixture of fear and determination. "I wish I

could explain everything, Everlin. But it's not that simple. I'm in a situation I can't fully

control. All I can say is that I'm doing this to protect us, to keep you safe."

Everlin, though frustrated by his cryptic response, recognized the desperation in his eyes.

She reached out and placed a hand on his, her touch a reassurance in the midst of

uncertainty. "Kennedy, whatever it is, we face it together," she said softly, her

unwavering support a beacon of hope. "I love you, and I trust you. But please, promise

me we won't keep secrets from each other. We're in this marriage together, no matter

what challenges come our way."

Kennedy nodded, his heart heavy with the burden of his predicament. In that moment,

amidst the ordinary setting of their home, they clung to each other, bound by love and an

unspoken promise to weather the storm together, no matter how fierce it may be.

"The eyes cannot see what the mind doesn't know," Kennedy began, his voice breaking as

tears welled up in his eyes. "You'll not understand, baby," he continued, locking eyes

with Everlin, his voice quivering with fear. "Our marriage is due in the next two months,

but I'm afraid something might happen, baby."

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Everlin's eyes narrowed with a mix of confusion, fear, and anger. "What 'mind doesn't

know'? 'You will not understand'? 'I am afraid something might happen'?" she retorted,

her voice rising in frustration. "Please, make me understand. You are threatening me, our

family, our future!"

Kennedy swallowed hard, his throat dry with anxiety. "They told me not to tell you

anything," he defended himself, desperation creeping into his voice. "And if I do, it

means I've put you in danger."

"Who are 'they'?" Everlin demanded, her tone turning fierce. "By the way, you have

already put me in danger, and it's not just me, but our baby too!" Her hand instinctively

moved to her stomach, protectively cradling the life growing within her.

Kennedy's eyes pleaded for understanding, his own fear mirroring in Everlin's gaze. In

that moment, the weight of their shared uncertainty hung heavy in the air, a palpable

reminder of the dangers closing in on their lives. As they faced the unknown together,

their love became a beacon of strength, offering solace in the face of impending darkness.

"Okay," Kennedy said, his voice trembling as he interrupted Everlin. He clenched his

teeth, a visible sign of the immense difficulty he faced. "A few hours ago, right after I

told you I was heading to the supermarket," he continued, his voice shaky, "two unknown

men wearing masks kidnapped me at gunpoint. I didn't recognize them, but they knew

exactly who I am. They knew about my job as the IT expert at the police station. They

forced me to drive to a remote area in the forest where they had parked their car. Then,

they demanded that I leak intelligence about a very powerful criminal organization, the
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BMO. It has been a longstanding mystery, but we finally got a lead that we were chasing.

Somehow, they found out we had something valuable, and that's why they came for me."

Everlin stared at him, her eyes wide with disbelief and fear. "I can't see what this has to

do with our wedding," she inquired, her voice tinged with desperation, demanding

answers that could make sense of the incomprehensible situation they found themselves

in. The weight of the truth hung heavy in the air, casting a dark shadow over their once-

happy lives. Kennedy's explanation was a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked just

beyond the edge of their reality, threatening to shatter the life they had known.

In the midst of their dire situation, Kennedy's frustration boiled over as he yelled at

Everlin, his eyes filled with despair. "I can't turn my back on my country," he exclaimed,

his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions. He continued, tears streaming down

his face as he looked at his beloved wife, who was carrying their unborn child—a beacon

of hope in their otherwise grim reality. The uncertainty of their child's fate hung heavy in

the air, a reminder of the fragile future that awaited them.

[🎵 I Will Always Love You 🎵 by Whitney Houston]

Everlin, her own eyes brimming with tears, spoke with a wisdom that cut through the

despair. "You have to do the right thing, no matter the cost," she said, her voice steady

despite the turmoil within her. Tears fell from her eyes, mingling with her words as she

continued, "Collaborating with them might offer us temporary safety, but the

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consequences of choosing a bad path for the sake of survival are always unimaginable."

Everlin's words carried a weight of moral clarity, a reminder of the strength of their bond

and the values that had guided their lives.

Kennedy, struck by the depth of his wife's wisdom and love, found solace in her words.

They embraced, seeking comfort in each other's arms. In that moment, they made a

conscious choice to cherish the time they had together, finding solace in each other's

presence amid the looming threat. Their love shone brightly, a beacon of light in the

darkness that surrounded them.

They shared kisses, their laughter mingling with the echoes of uncertainty. As they sat

down to dinner, they found moments of joy amidst the fear, savoring the taste of their

favorite dishes as if it might be their last. In each other's company, they found strength

and resilience, refusing to let fear dictate their every moment.

As they enjoyed their meal, Everlin's words lingered in the air, a reminder of their shared

determination to face whatever fate had in store for them. "If fate allows us to live," she

said, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and acceptance, "let's face it the right way.

Let's cherish this moment together, leaving the worries for tomorrow. We don't need to

be consumed by the uncertainty of what lies ahead."

The woman, her face etched with a mix of anger and determination, briskly jogged

through the dimly lit streets, the LPSTF [Leto Police Special Task Force]. logo on her T-

shirt catching the faint glow of streetlights. There was an unsettling tension in the air, a
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palpable fear that seemed to shadow her every step. As she arrived home, she shut the

door behind her, shutting out the world and its troubles.

Inside, the apartment was shrouded in darkness, with only the eerie glow of the radio's

dial illuminating the room. The air was thick with anticipation, and the silence was

broken only by the distant sound of "Un-break My Heart" by Toni Braxton, playing

faintly in the background. The woman, still clad in her LPSTF attire, moved with purpose

as she entered the bathroom.

In the dim light, she undressed, her movements mechanical, as if controlled by an unseen

force. The water, icy cold, cascaded over her, causing her breath to catch in her throat.

The music's haunting melody echoed off the tiles, creating an atmosphere of chilling

solitude. As she stood under the relentless stream, she clutched the glass beside her, her

grip tight and unyielding.

The distant sound of laughter and chatter from the living room seemed surreal, a stark

contrast to the intensity within the bathroom walls. The woman tilted her head back, her

wet hair clinging to her face, and let out a raw, almost primal scream. The water washed

away not just the sweat but also a fragment of her anguish, leaving behind a haunting

emptiness. In the midst of her deep sorrow, a piercing ringtone shattered her thoughts,

pulling her back to reality. With a heavy heart, she glanced at her phone, whispering,

"God, not again." The familiar number on the screen filled her with a mix of frustration

and fear, for it represented the people she had dedicated years of her life to. Answering

reluctantly, she muttered, "What is it again?"

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The voice on the other end was cold and demanding, informing her that she had one final

task before retirement. Weariness weighed heavily in her voice as she confessed, "I'm

haunted by the faces of the people I've sent to their deaths, the nightmares are tearing me

apart day by day."

Assurances came swiftly, "You'll overcome this, we promise." Seeking answers, she

pressed, "What do you want from me?" The response was chillingly direct: "We have a

loose end to sever, a man named Kennedy Cosmas. He must be eliminated before he

exposes our next move."

Shock washed over her as she realized the target was none other than Kennedy Cosmas,

an IT expert she had worked closely with. Outrage laced her words, "Kennedy Cosmas?

Are you out of your mind?"

The caller persisted, offering a lifeline, "I have a contact in high places. Your transfer

will be guaranteed once this delicate matter is handled. Do we have a deal?" Reluctantly,

she agreed, her voice heavy with resignation, "Deal."

The room was engulfed in an eerie silence, broken only by her labored breaths. Anguish

and fury burned in her eyes as she picked up a crystal glass, her trembling hands

clenching it tightly. In a fit of rage, she hurled the glass against the wall, shattering it into

a thousand glittering shards. The sound of breaking glass echoed through the room,

mirroring the shattering of her trust and the betrayal she felt deep within her soul. The

very thought of being forced to kill her closest friend, the one who had shared laughter
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over coffee, taken her out on lonely nights, and welcomed her into his family with open

arms, sent waves of nausea crashing over her. How had she come to this horrifying

crossroad? The weight of her limited choices pressed down on her, suffocating her spirit.

With a primal scream, she let her anger loose, the sound reverberating off the walls like a

banshee's wail. Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the remnants of her shattered

composure. She sank to her knees, crying not only for her friend's imminent demise but

for the loss of her own humanity, the transformation she had undergone, turning her into

a monster driven by survival instincts.

After what seemed like an eternity of tortured contemplation, she rose with a newfound

resolve. In the dim light, she opened a drawer, revealing a sleek, cold metal object – a

gun. Her hands trembled as she prepared it with a chilling determination. She knew, deep

down, that it was either him or her. The harsh reality of her situation sank in, forcing her

to accept the gruesome path she was about to tread.

In the eerie stillness of that moment, her trainer's words echoed in her mind, a grim

reminder of the choices she was forced to make: "In the darkest times, we must embrace

the darkness within ourselves to survive, even if it means sacrificing the light we once

held dear."

With the weight of that truth heavy on her shoulders, she steeled herself for the

unthinkable, her heart pounding in her chest as she ventured into the abyss of her own


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The sun's golden rays spilled into the cozy kitchen on that tranquil Monday morning,

infusing the air with a sense of serenity. Everlin, with her warm smile, brewed two cups

of coffee – one for her husband, Kennedy, and another for their dear friend Margareth.

Unbeknownst to Kennedy, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the weight

of impending doom, casting a shadow over the otherwise idyllic scene.

As Kennedy kissed his wife goodbye, his gaze lingered on her face, a silent exchange

passing between them. It was as though he sensed the cold fingers of death creeping

closer, his heart heavy with an unspoken foreboding.

His trembling hands gripped the steering wheel as he drove towards the police office, the

familiar route now laden with an eerie tension. Upon arrival, he went through the

motions, signing the necessary documents, his mind clouded by a sense of impending


Back at the office, he handed Margareth her cup of coffee, his attempt at a smile faltering

under the weight of the situation. "Everlin made two cups; this is yours," he said, trying

to maintain a semblance of normalcy. Margareth, although aware of the dark secret that

shrouded their interactions, reciprocated the smile, masking her true emotions beneath a

facade of calm. The atmosphere grew heavy with silence as Margareth contemplated the

unthinkable. The person who had cared for her, who had shared laughter and warmth,

was now unknowingly sipping coffee that she had prepared – coffee laced with a bitter

truth. A whirlwind of conflicting emotions tore at her, the guilt of betrayal mingling with

the cold determination of someone who had been pushed to the edge. As she watched
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Kennedy, oblivious to the peril that awaited him, she steeled herself for the unimaginable

task ahead. The weight of her actions bore down on her soul, a burden she would carry

long after the deed was done. In that moment, the fragility of trust and the cruelty of fate

collided, leaving Margareth to grapple with the devastating reality of having to destroy

the person who had cared for her the most.

You look weird, are you okay Kennedy? Margareth asked him, after he saw him rushing to the

bathroom a few minutes ago, now coming from the bathroom, his blood pressure seemingly high

as he exhaled heavily, and every part of his body sweating despite the low temperature AC set.

It's just my stomach thing has started again, he defended. His eyes showing fear that was very


Kennedy asked Margareth, will you help me if I tell you something as a friend?

Margareth said, no doubt Kennedy, you can ask me anything you want.

Kennedy asked Margareth to follow him, they walked upstairs up to the corridor which seemed

to be off spot.

Kennedy, looking so terrified told Margareth that, he is expecting to get Married to the coming

two months, and his wife is pregnant. For the past two days", he continued, two unknown guys

got into his car unknowingly and asked him to do exactly as they commanded, they wanted him

to report to them every move the police officers make in exchange for the life of him and his

pregnant wife. A man does anything for his family's safety, right? He asked

Margareth, replied yes, that's right. While trying to calm him down, he asked him, who else

know about this?

Kennedy replied, he told no one else other than her

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Margareth, after Kennedy told her that he had told no one else, glanced around to ensure no one

was watching. Kennedy's eyes widened in surprise as he noticed her cautious behavior. He asked

her with a puzzled expression, "What are you doing, Margareth?"

Kennedy's eyes widened in shock and fear as Margareth's actions unfolded before him. He

couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Margareth, why?" he stammered, his voice trembling with

disbelief and desperation.

Margareth's expression remained cold and determined. "I'm sorry, Kennedy," she said, her voice

steady despite the gravity of the situation. "But they have my family too. I have no choice." She

tightened her grip on the pistol, her finger hovering over the trigger.

Kennedy felt a wave of despair wash over him as he realized the depth of the deception. He had

trusted Margareth with his life, and now she was the one holding the gun aimed at his head. His

mind raced, trying to find a way out of this nightmare, but he knew he was trapped, caught in a

web of betrayal and intrigue.

As Margareth pulled the trigger, the pistol emitted a soft, muffled click, almost like the sound of

snapping fingers. Kennedy's eyes widened in disbelief. There was no deafening bang, just an

eerie silence that hung in the air. Coldness washed over him, and he gasped for air, realizing he

had only few seconds till his death took him.

The sensation of coldness spread from all over his body. He felt an overwhelming heaviness, as

if an invisible weight pressed down upon him. His heartbeat, once strong and steady, now

faltered like a dying drumbeat.

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Images of his family flickered in his mind – Everlin's radiant smile, the laughter of his unborn

child that he would never hear, the warmth of their home that he would never return to. Regret

and sorrow washed over him, mingling with the fear that gripped his fading consciousness.

In those fleeting moments, he found himself desperately yearning for more time – time to hold

his wife once more, time to witness the birth of his child, time to say the words left unsaid. But

fate had other plans, and as the world grew darker, Kennedy succumbed to the finality of his

destiny, leaving behind a life tragically cut short.

In a calculated frenzy, Margareth swiftly dismantled the gun, removing the silencer with

practiced ease. With meticulous precision, she cleaned the weapon and, without a trace of

hesitation, placed it in Kennedy's lifeless hand. She then retreated to the bathroom, where a vial

of potent acid awaited her.

Carefully, she poured the acid over the silencer tube, watching as it dissolved into nothingness,

leaving behind no evidence of its existence. The sink bore no marks of the deadly encounter that

had just taken place within the room.

Returning to the mirror, Margareth met her own gaze, a chilling smile curling her lips. Satisfied

that she had erased any remnants of the crime, she meticulously wiped away the bloodstains

from her clothes, leaving no hint of her involvement.

With cold determination, she composed a cryptic message on her phone: "Loose ties have been

handled. They have everything to tear down BMO." The words were sent into the digital abyss, a

harbinger of chaos and destruction.

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Masking her emotions behind a facade of normalcy, Margareth calmly returned to her computer

desk. As she resumed her work, no one would suspect the darkness that lurked beneath her

composed demeanor. The threads of deception were expertly woven, leaving behind an illusion

of innocence in the wake of her lethal actions.

Margareth glanced at the vacant seat that once belonged to Kennedy. With a disdainful tone, she

muttered, "You should have done it, you wouldn't be dead". Her words hung in the air, a chilling

reminder of the ruthlessness that had just unfolded within the police station. Unbeknownst to

everyone around her, Margareth continued her charade, concealing her dark secrets behind a

mask of normalcy.

That was how Kennedy was killed, just like how the promised days his fate had on the store, he

met his demise from a person whom he had been cherishing as their friend.

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BMO received an intel from their inside sources that there were concerns regarding RCO Salum

Motoko potentially possessing sensitive information that could pose a threat to the security of

their organization, BMO. Faced with this potential risk, they recognized the urgent need to take

action and prevent any compromise of their organization’s integrity.

The operation to obtain information from RCO Salum Motoko’s office was made considerably

easier due to the knowledge that the installed cameras in the office were not functioning. This

fortune circumstances allowed for a relatively smooth process. During the scheduled

interrogation, Raymond discretely plugged in an undetectable USB [Universal Serial Bus] drive

into one of the office’s available ports. With the camera offline, he had the advantage of being

able to copy all of their data without arousing suspicion or being detected by any security

measures. It was a delicate operation, but the absence of functional cameras played a crucial role

in ensuring the success of their mission. After exiting the police station discretely, Raymond had

a team sent by Uncle Sam to ensure he wasn’t being followed. They provided a crucial layer of

security as he left the premises. Soon, he entered a waiting car, and we headed to the

underground basement located beneath our house, a place where secrecy was paramount. Once

in a secure basement, he knew that the files he had obtained were highly encrypted, and de-

encrypting them required the expertise of the best IT professionals. That’s when Uncle Sam

called upon Abood Steven and Alen Maseko, two exceptionally skilled individuals who both

held PhD from Desmon University. Their reputation for handling complex encryption was

unmatched, and BMO trusted them implicitly to unravel the secrets contained within the USB

drive. After IT experts Abood steven and Alen Maseko arrived at KIA [KITO

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INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT], Uncle Sam went to pick them, ensuring they weren’t being

followed. They proceeded to an underground tunnel that led to the basement where their work


At the main entrance, a scanner checked them for any potential dangers before granting access.

Inside the room filled with computers, they began working on a USB drive, spending roughly

half an hour de-encrypting its encryptions. As they delved into the files, they discovered

numerous documents marked “CLASSIFIED”. Many of these files had no connection to our

organization (BMO). Nevertheless, they persisted, de-encrypting each file one by one. Their

efforts eventually led them to files related to BMO, the most notorious criminal organization.

Abood Steven: (Exasperated) “Alen, this doesn’t make any sense. We’ve de-encrypted all these

files, and it’s clear someone within the BMO leaked this intel to the police officers”

Alen Maseko: (Nodding) “Yeah, Abood. It’s evident. These files contain highly sensitive

information. There’s no way the police could have known about this operation unless someone

on the inside spilled the beans”

Uncle Sam: (Incredulous) “What are you two talking about? Loyalty within the BMO is

supposed to be Blood and Death Bonded [Blood and Death oath Code]. There’s no way anyone

would betray the organization like this.

Abood Steven: (Frustrated) “I now, Uncle Sam, but the evidence is right here. We’ve decoded

files that link directly to BMO’s operations, and it couldn’t have come from anywhere else”

[As they debate, a sudden beep from the computer interrupts them)

Alen Maseko: (Startled) “Wait, what’s that? Look at the screen”

[They gather around the computer and see a message indicating that a device is actively

transferring details from the BMO to the Police]

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Uncle Sam: (Shocked) “This can’t be happening. We’ve a mole within the BMO, and they’re

still actively sending information to the police”

Uncle Sam’s frustration deepens as the realization sinks in that their organization’s security has

been compromised.

On the night of October 20th, Veronica, sensing imminent danger, made a daring move. She

threw her phone deep into the forest, hoping to sever any connection that could lead to her

involvement. Little did she know that her discarded device would be found by the skilled

investigation crew. Upon retrieval, the data from Veronica’s phone provided critical information

that brought the investigation dangerously close to dismantling the entire BMO organization.

Uncle Sam, grappling with frustration and the alarming progress of the investigation made a

drastic decision. He initiated what he called EECPS [Emergence Execution Coding Protocol

System]. Under this protocol, he ordered the IT experts to send an urgent alert message to every

member of the BMO, including Headquarters

“I want everything projected on the screen”, Uncle Sam ordered

“Yes sir”, Abood steven & Alen Maseko replied

“I want every BMO member receive a Notification alert. We are under investigation; therefore,

everything has to stay low for a while”, Uncle Sam ordered

The computer experts within the BMO were very skilled in crafting covert communication

systems. Uncle Sam told them to send the message to the BMO headquarters. To send the alert

message “LE MO N IS BITTER, GO FOR VACATION” in a way that only BMO members

could understand, they used a sophisticated coding system based on a set of rules and

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substitutions. Only those familiar with the system and the specific situation within BMO could

decipher the true urgency and instructions embedded in the seemingly innocuous phrase.

The message meant

LE MO N; “Leto is under investigation, Execution |of| Motoko, Operation |is| on.

IS; 1 phase of A.S.R.A.A mission

BITTER; Before the day ends, IT, through email will deliver the next plan. Raymond will be at

this mission.

; the first part of the message concerns 5 agents [Abood steven, Samwel Julian, Raymond

Philemon, Alen Maseko, Prof. Adams Salmon.]

LEMON IS BITTER; Things are bad

GO; plan G, phase 0 is next

FOR; No Further, operation |is| Referred

VACATION; Request for a meeting when the mission is completed

GO FOR VACATION; Initiate a pre-planned evacuation at the Leto Region.

The message sent shockwaves through the organization, instructing an immediate halt to all

ongoing BMO missions. It also delivered the sobering news that there might be a mole within

their ranks, threatening the very foundations of their tightly-knit criminal network.

Uncle Sam: (Determined) “Abood, Alen, I need you to trace whose device has been leaking our

BMO intel to the police. We can’t have a traitor within our ranks”

Abood Steven: (Nodding) “Understood, Uncle Sam. We’ll get to work on it right away”

[They started working on tracing the device. These IT guys were the best at their work,

meticulously going through the data)

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Alen Maseko: (Excited) “Abood, I think we’ve found something. These emails, messages, and

call records point to one person, Veronica Philemon.

Raymo: (Surprised) “What! Hell no… That cannot happen. My mother cannot be a traitor.

Something must be wrong”

Uncle Sam: (Disbelief) “Mrs. Veronica? Raymond’s Mother?”

Abood Steven and Alen Maseko: (Confidently) “Yes sir!”

Uncle Sam: (Disbelief) “it’s true what they say, everyone can change. She’s one of the top BMO

continental leaders. So, if she betrayed us, the Whole BMO can go into the dust”.

Words quickly spread to the Headquarters and throughout the BMO network about the shocking

revelation that one of their highest-ranking leaders, Veronica Philemon, has been collaborating

with the law enforcement officers. The news sent shockwaves through the organization as they

grappled with the unthinkable betrayal from Mrs. Veronica Philemon.

Upon hearing the shocking revelation about his mother, he could not believe what he was

hearing. It was as if his entire world has crumbled in an instant. They had always looked up to

his mother as strong and loyal leader within the BMO, and the idea that she had been a snitch all

along was simply inconceivable to them. Raymond didn’t know much about his mother being a

leader within the BMO but the idea that she was a snitch tortured his heart. His initial reaction

was one of disbelief, followed by anger that surged through him like a tidal a tidal wave. His

emotions were in a state of turmoil, and he struggled to come terms with this devastating truth.

The anger within Raymond intensified, leading to an emotional distortion that left him feeling

betrayed, lost, and torn between the loyalty to his mother and to the BMO. His world seemed

turned upside down, and he found himself grappling with a profound sense of confusion, anger,

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and heartbreak, as he tried to reconcile the image of his mother he had known with the

unthinkable reality of her betrayal.

Uncle Sam: (Noticing Raymond’s emotional turmoil) “Raymond, I can see that this revelation

has shaken you to your core. I know it’s hard to accept, but sometimes even the most trusted

people can turn into monsters, regardless of the trusted you’ve invested in them”

Raymond: (Frustrated, still in disbelief) “Revelation of promised days, huh. Uncle Sam, I just

can’t wrap my head around it. I thought I knew her. I thought I knew everyone in our


Uncle Sam: (Placing a reassuring hand on Raymond’s shoulder) “I understand, Raymond. It’s a

tough pill to swallow, but you have to be strong and emotionally mature in times like these. We

have a crucial mission ahead of us at the evening, and we need your focus and determination in

the team. Do nothing stupid”

Me: (Looking up at Uncle Sam) “I’ll do my best, Uncle Sam. But it’s going to be hard”

Uncle Sam: (Nodding) “I know it will be, but remember, strength comes from adversity. We’ll

get through this together, and we’ll make sure justice is served. Trust in yourself, Raymond, and

trust in the team. We’re here for you”.

Raymond went for a short training with Uncle Sam while IT experts were still working on the

encrypted files.

Uncle Sam: (Firmly) “Raymond, put yourself together. Today, we’re paying a visit to RCO

Salum’s house to figure out what else they know about us. We can’t afford another mistake, son”

Uncle Sam addressed the team that everyone has to be prepared, “I’ve just communicated with

our crew members outside the city. They’re ready for the mission ahead”, he said.

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They gathered around blue prints of RCO Salum’s house, meticulously examining every detail.

Uncle Sam: (Focused) “This mission should be straightforward. We’ll move in under the cover

of darkness and find out what RCO Salum and other NIA agents know about the BMO. We can’t

afford any slip-ups this time. Understood?”

All: Yes Sir.

The Execution Team, ET20, stood ready for the mission. Raymond couldn’t help but feel the

weight of responsibility as Uncle Sam appointed him, for the first time, as the leader of the team.

His palms were sweaty, and his heart raced, but he had to focus on the task at hand. They arrived

at RCO Salum’s House at precisely planned time, 0205AM, under the shroud of darkness that

camouflaged their presence. The power source had been taken care, plunging the area into deep

shadow. The coordinating IT experts made sure the CCTV camera weren’t functioning the time

of their intrusion. As Raymond entered the darkened room, leading his team, he felt a mix of

worry, fear, and the overwhelming gravity of the mission weighing on his mind. The silence was

oppressive, broken only by the faint sounds of their footsteps on the cold floor. He knew he had

no intention of taking anyone’s life, but for the rest of the crew, leaving no trace behind was their

unwavering objective. Each step he took felt like an eternity, his senses heightened to detect any

sign of occupants. The adrenaline surged through him as he grappled with the uncertainty of

what lay ahead. He couldn’t afford to make a mistake, not with the lives of his team members

depending on my leadership.

The tension was palpable as he navigated through a dark, forbidding environment, armed and

determined. He raised his hand to signal the team to stop, and they huddled in a brief, whispered

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discussion. It was that moment he saw RCO Salum Motoko’s girl going to the restroom. He

redirected the rest of his crew into the wrong direction. He just wanted to protect the girl without

them noticing anything. With the other members of the group scattered throughout the house,

searching for the family, he quietly approached the girl, trying to remain inconspicuous. As he

reached her, he gently whispered to her, “Listen carefully, I’m here to protect you. Stay quiet and

follow my lead. Your life depends on it”. Raymond could see the fear in her eyes, but she

seemed to understand the gravity of the situation. His priority was to keep her hidden from the

rest of the group, who were determined to carry out their mission. He guided her to a concealed

spot in the house, ensuring she remained out of sight. At the same time, he needed to be vigilant,

keeping an eye on the other members to avoid suspicion.

“Stay here out of sight till the moment I come back. Even if police officers arrive first, don’t

move from here. Some of them are working for us so I’ am the only one safe for you,

understand?”, he whispered to her

(Hesitating): “I understand”, she replied

With a heavy heart, Raymond witnessed the tragic and unfortunate demise of the girl’s parents at

the hands of the ruthless BMO group. They were heartless in their missions, carrying out the

terrible act in cold blood.

Uncle Sam and three other members of BMO’s ET20 crew finally reached RCO Salum’s room.

In the dimly lit room, they found him deeply asleep, unaware of the impending intrusion. Uncle

Sam, with his fingers, signaled to one of the ET20 members to approach RCO Salum silently.

With gun in hand, he leaned in close and whispered a chilling threat, “You scream, she dies”,

while pointing the gun filled with a silencer at RCO Salum’s wife, who lay beside him in


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RCO Salum’s heart raced as fear coursed through him. He was jolted awake by the presence of

the intruders and the cold metal of a gun pressed against his temple. His mind raced, trying to

make sense of the terrifying situation unfolding before him. His wife, suddenly awaken by the

commotion, slowly opened her eyes to find herself staring down the barrel of a silenced pistol,

her own life hanging in balance. Fear gripped her, and the room seemed to close in as the gravity

of their predicament sank in.

But Raymond’s focus remained on protecting the innocent girl. As the chaos unfolded, he

managed to keep her hidden, ensuring that she was not discovered by the group members who

were responsible for the brutal act. He stepped into the room and found Uncle Sam and other

ET20 has handled the situation already.

Raymond: (Confidently) “I checked all over the house she is not here”

RCO Salum Motoko: (Worrying as his family’s life hang in balance) “Who are you? And what

do you want?”

Uncle Sam: (Laughing) “We are the type of people that you were not supposed to take a look at”

Raymond: (Whispering, gun pointed at RCO Salum’s head) “Salum Motoko, we’re not here to

harm you or your family. We need to know what the police officers and the NIA team know

about the BMO. It’s a matter of utmost importance”

RCO Salum: (Voice trembling but resolutely) “I won’t betray my oath, no matter the cost”

Uncle Salum: (Sighs) “Really? I doubt that”

Raymond: (Trying to reason) “Salum, this isn’t about you. It’s about the bigger picture. We can

protect your family, but we need information”

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RCO Salum: (Firmly) “I can’t. My ethical code, my patriotism, they mean something. I won’t

jeopardize, even for my family”

RCO Salum’s wife: (Crying) “Please my husband. This isn’t just about you and the country. It’s

also about us. Give them what they need, and they will spare our lives. Won’t they?”

Raymond: (Frustrated) “Salum, you don’t understand. This isn’t just about you anymore. It’s

about the lives of countless people, the ones you swore to protect. You can still help us, in


RCO Salum: (Pausing, torn between duty and family) “I won’t say a word”

Raymond tried to play his part and he thought it was enough, he was never going to say

anything. Ray pointed his gun to Salum’s wife head and pulled the trigger, the blood sprinkled

all over their faces, her brain spread all over the floor.

Raymond: (Furious, while pointing a gun to his face) “will you talk or what?”

RCO Salum: (Regrettably, crying mercilessly) “You have taken away the reason that keep me

alive and expect me to say any…”

Before he finished his sentence Uncle Sam spread his brain to the floor, blood was sprinkling

like a cut water pressure pipe. Josephine was looking through a hole what happened to her

parents. It was a very painful day of her life that she’ll never forget.

Josephine was overwhelmed by a complex mix of emotions as she thought about Raymond, the

man who had saved her life but was also involved in the tragic killing of her beloved mother. On

one hand, she couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude towards him. He had taken great

risks to protect her and had ensured her safety when her life was in grave danger. She knew that

without his intervention, she might not have survived the ordeal. However, the other side of the

coin weighed heavily on her heart. The image of her parents’ lives being brutally taken away in a

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necessary but brutal act haunted her. She felt a profound sorrow and danger towards those

responsible including Raymond. She grappled with the conflicting emotions of owing her life to

him while also resenting him for the loss of her parents’ lives. She found herself caught in a

painful dilemma, torn between gratitude and grief, unable to reconcile the two opposing feelings

she had towards Raymond, the man who had both saved and ruined her life.

Once the terrible ordeal was over, Raymond returned to the house and found her still at the same

spot he left her. She did exactly what Ray told her to do, she was a smart girl.

Raymond: (Breathing heavily) “What’s your name?”

Her: (Frightened) “Josephine”

Raymond: (Empathic) “How old are you?”

Josephine: (Crying impatiently) “17”

Raymond: “Hey, Josephine. Listen to me very carefully”

Josephine: (Clearing tears) “Okay”

Raymond: “If you want to be alive, seems pretty clear to me, you’ve only one option”

Josephine: (hesitating) “And!... what does that supposed to mean?”

She confided in him about her uncle, Abdallah living far from the city. This presented a glimmer

of hope. Raymond knew they had to act swiftly. He provided her with some money and carefully

planned her escape route, avoiding known checkpoints and areas frequented by BMO members.

The group’s relentless search for her continued, but their efforts bore no fruits as he expertly

maneuvered the situation, leaving them in the dark about her whereabouts.

As she made her way out of the city to safety, she saw Raymond as the savior, a beacon of light

in a dark and treacherous situation. She recognized that, despite his association with the group

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that had taken her parents’ lives, Ray had risked his own safety to ensure hers. In her eyes, he

became a symbol of hope and a half good person, someone who had tried to make amends in a

world filled with darkness and anger.

A lot of questions were oscillating in Raymond’s mind, as he was staring at the city that slowly

starts to transform his life.

“Am I a good person?”

“Is there a line that distinguish bad and good?”

“Can a single good thing defeat 99 bad things?”

“Would I dare take a downfall protecting someone’s life?”

“Does fate rewards us peace? “

“What will happen if Nance finally know about my dark side?”

“Am I any better than James Jr.?”

He didn’t know answers to any of his questions

“I have to live longer to see where will this fate lead me” he said to himself.


Nance Williams, having returned home with a head full of questions, proceeds directly to her

mother's room. With a determined purpose, she begins her search, methodically scouring the

room for any clues. Her investigation leads her to an unexpected discovery - a hidden closet

concealed behind a massive bookshelf. The sight that greets her upon opening it leaves her

utterly astounded. Within this concealed chamber, an arsenal of weaponry awaits her. An array

of firearms, varying in size, military-grade gear, unusual clothing, cryptic maps denoting

unfamiliar locations, and an intriguing bag all beckon her attention. It's an irresistible urge that

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compels her to unzip the bag and uncover its contents. To her profound shock, she finds clothing

identical to what Raymond had been wearing on that fateful day of his abduction.

An entanglement of emotions swirls within her - disbelief, suspicion, and profound confusion.

Could her own mother, Madeline, a renowned Reproductive Health Activist, be entangled in the

abduction of Raymond?

As She continued to search the room, she found more items that didn’t align with her image of

her mother. The pieces of this mysterious puzzle were falling into place, but they painted a

troubling picture, leaving Nance torn between loyalty to her mother and the mounting evidence

pointing to a darker truth.

Her heart raced as she dialed Raymond’s phone’s old number, her anxiety mounting with each

passing second. Then, unexpectedly, a faint vibrating sound emanated from the drawer of the

table beside her. She hastily pulled it open, and there it was, unmistakably Raymond’s phone.

The moment of surprise was alike a lightning bolt, jolting her to her core. Her mind raced, trying

to make sense of this shocking discovery. It was as if the image of her mother, Madeline, as a

motivational figure, was rapidly transforming into something far more sinister. Tears welled up

in her eyes as a whirlwind of emotions overtook her. Her mind wandered back to the days when

Ray had gone missing, and she had initially been to blame him, suspecting that maybe he had left

her for another woman. She remembered the countless sleepless nights filled with anger,

frustration, and tears as she questioned his loyalty and commitment. Now, faced with the painful

truth that her ow beloved mother had conspired in his kidnapping and had taken him to unknown

location, regret washed over like a tidal wave. She felt deep sense of remorse for ever doubting

Raymond, for allowing her emotions to cloud her judgement, and for not seeing the signs that

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pointed to a far more sinister plot. The weight of her misplaced blame and the realization that

Raymond had been an innocent victim in all of this weighed heavily on her conscience. It was a

bier pill to swallow, knowing that the person she had loved and trusted the most had suffered

unjustly because she had wrongly accused him. The guilty and regret were almost unbearable,

adding another layer of pain to an already devastating situation. She felt betrayed, confused, and

utterly alone in that moment. Her world had been upended, and she had no idea where to turn or

whom to trust. The weight of the situation bore on her, leaving her feeing utterly helpless and

overwhelmed by the implications of what she had uncovered.

After Raymond’s escape from the black-site, Madeline found herself facing a desperate situation.

She knew that he would eventually seek out her daughter, Nance Williams, and reveal the dark

truth about her mother’s involvement in his kidnapping. Determined to prevent this revelation,

she hurriedly got into her Beamer BMW [BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE] car and started

the engine. With adrenaline pumping, she accelerated to an alarming speed, racing from Leto

Gold Mines towards the Kito Region, where they’ve been living. As she sped down the road, a

multitude of questions and fears swirled in her mind. She realized that the fate of her mother-

daughter relationship hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of a life- altering revelation that

could shatter the world she had carefully constructed around Nance. Desperation and anxiety

fueled her journey, as she contemplated the difficult decisions, she would need to make to

protect her secrets and maintain the facade she had built for so long. She had no inkling that her

worst fears had already come to pass. Unbeknownst to her, Nance had discovered the unsettling

truth about her mother’s involvement in her most beloved lover kidnapping. Teras streamed

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down Nance’s face, fueled not only by hunger but also by a profound sense of betrayal from her

own flesh and blood.

Meanwhile, Madeline’s thoughts were a turbulent storm of worry, frustration, and confusion.

She couldn’t help but imagine the potential consequences of Nance uncovering the dark secrets

she had desperately tried to conceal. The mere thought of her daughter’s reaction, the anger,

disappointment, and hurt, weighed heavily on Madeline’s heart. Her mind raced with scenarios

of a shattered mother-daughter bond, the consequences of her own actions haunting her every

step of the way as she raced against time, unaware of the reality that had already unfolded.

(Teary-eyed face) “What if I tell her the truth”? asked herself.

(Crying in regret) “And what kind of a mother would that make?... the one who dared to kidnap

and take away the only thing her daughter wanted”.

She arrived home at precisely 0713PM., an eerie feeling settled in her gut. The darkening

evening was disrupted by unsettling screams and the sound of shattering glass as she approached

her front door. Her heart pounded with dread, and a chilling thought raced through her mind: had

something terrible happened to her daughter, or had an intruder breached their sanctuary?

With worry intensifying, her instincts kicked in. She swiftly retrieved her gun, her grip

tightening as she carefully advanced toward the source of the anguished cries. Each step taken in

her soldier-like manner brought her sense closer to the room from which the screams emanated.

As Madeline, gun in hand, pushed the door open, it burst inwards with a sudden and intimidating

sound. Inside, Nance, tear-streaked and terrified, had been crying inconsolably all day, grappling

with the crushing realization that her own mother was the monster she had feared all along. Her

wide-eyed astonishment at her mother’s armed intrusion and calculated movements only

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solidified her perception of Madeline as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a disguise for a hidden life as

a soldier or mercenary. In that chilling moment, the truth became painfully clear to Nance. Her

mother was not the protector and confidant she had believe, but rather a formidable and

enigmatic figure, a revelation that left her with no doubt that her mother was, indeed a monster in

her own right.

Nance: (Quivering, feeling panicked, crying, worried, confused) “Mom, I can’t believe what I

just found out. It’s all been a lie?

Madeline: (Teary-eyed) “Nance, I…I didn’t want you to know. I thought it was best for you”

Nance: (Crying) Best for me? Mom, my whole life has been a lie because of you. All this time,

you have been the monster that you… you had been lecturing me to stay away from. I can’t even

believe you are my mother”

Madeline: (Regretting) “But, I…”

Nance: (Furious, screaming) “Don’t…Don’t tell me you did all of that for me...What…what kind

of a mother are you?”

Madeline: (While approaching Nance) “I know you are angry because of me. I didn’t tell

anything about the truth. I did that to protect you, Nance…my daughter…”

Nance: (Crying furiously while pushing Madeline into the wall then punching her into the face)

“Liar! Liar! Liar! Killer! Kidnapper! Murderer! Why …why…”

Madeline: (Coldly) “I know you are upset because of what I did…but ever… everything is going

to be okay”

Nance; (Screaming helplessly) “I can’t be a daughter of a killer. I will never be your daughter.

You killed my dad…who I…I…never actually saw…Ray…Raymond…my lover”

Madeline: (Crying) “You will be okay darling. You have to accept the reality of truth”

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Nance: (struggling to breath) “I wish…I…knew you…you… were…the…the monster”

Madeline: (Rushing and hold Nance as she was falling to the ground) “Ooh

God…what…what…have I done?”

Nance: (snoring) “I…I…”

Madeline’s heart ached with regrets as she watched her daughter slump to the ground,

unconscious. She wished she had found her a better way to reveal the truth about Nance’s life,

fearing the overwhelming confusion and worry that had now overtaken her child. Madeline’s

frantic call to 717 for an ambulance was a desperate attempt to right the situation and provide

Nance with the care she needed, but the weight of her choices and their consequences bore

heavily on her mind.

Madeline’s relationship with her daughter was teetering on the edge, a result of years spent

feeding a web of lies. The fragile trust between them had crumbled, and the revelation of these

long-hidden truths had pushed them further apart. Lies have an insidious way of hunting

someone down till the truth inevitably surfaces. Like shadows lurking in the background, they

cast doubt and uncertainty over every interaction, slowly eroding the foundation of trust.

Madeline gad hoped to protect her daughter from pain, by not telling the truth, but instead, those

very lies became the source of their deepest wounds. In the depths of her guilty and regret,

Madeline saw herself as the villain in her daughter’s life story. She had played a role in

constructing a false reality, a narrative that was unrevealing before her eyes. The weight of her

deception hung heavy on her conscience, knowing that it had cost her the most precious

relationship of all-the one with her own child.

Madeine: (Teary-eyed, regretting) “I wish I knew all of the things would finally fall apart”, said

to herself.

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Madeline: (Anxious) “Please, doctor, you have to help her. My daughter, Nance, she collapsed

after we were making arguments about something”

Doctor: (Calm and reassuring) “I understand your concern, Madeline. We’ll do our best to take

care of Nance. Can you tell me more about what happened”

Madeline: (Nervously) “Well, I’ve been keeping secrets from her for so long, and when I…I

finally told her the truth, she just…she lost consciousness. I’ am not a bad mother, I know that,

and I never meant for any of this to happen”

Doctor: (Compassionate) “I can see that you’re deeply worried. Let us take care of Nance first.

Our team will do everything we can to stabilize her. We’ll keep you updated on her condition”

Madeline: (Reflective) “Thank you, doctor. This situation has made me realize how much

damage my lies have caused. I need to find a way to make things right, to rebuild the trust I’ve


Doctor: (Supportive) “it’s never too late to make amends, Madeline. Start by being honest with

yourself. It may take time for her to regain your trust but over time you can work towards more

trustful and better life between you two. Our hospitals also offer counseling services that could


Madeline: (Determined) “Yes, I’ll do whatever it takes to earn back her trust and give her the

love and honest she deserves”

Doctor: (Encouraging) “That’s a step in the right direction. Let’s focus on Nance’s health for

now, and we can discuss a plan for the future she’s stable”.

Nance was diagnosed with SIC [Stress-Induced Collapse]. This is a medical condition where

extreme stress or emotional overload can lead to a sudden and temporary loss of consciousness.

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It’s often triggered by overwhelming emotions or traumatic experiences, and the body essentially

shuts down as a response to the stress. The doctor’s reassured Madeline that her daughter would

be okay. With the time and proper care, individuals with SIC typically recover. However, it can

be a frightening experience for both the person going through it and their loved ones.

Madeline filled with worry and guilty, had been waiting anxiously in the resting room while her

daughter received medical attention. She breathed a sigh of relief when Nance finally regained

consciousness, relieved to see her daughter starting to recover from the distressing episode. As

she slowly regained her consciousness, her eyes welled up with tears once again. She desperately

wished that this was all just a terrible dream, but the harsh reality was undeniable. Everyone she

had trusted and loved had been lying to her, and the weight of that truth bore down on her like a

heavy burden. In that vulnerable moment, Nance realized that she faced a difficult choice: to

either accept the painful truth and control the shattered trust in her world or to continue pushing

herself to unravel the layers of deception that had been woven around her.

Madeline watched her daughter with tears glistering in her own eyes, a reflection of the profound

sadness that engulfed them both. It was a moment of heart-wrenching sorrow, as a once-close

mother-daughter relationship stood on the precipice of irreparable damage, the pain of betrayal

and truth cutting deep into their souls.

As Madeline set out her mission to rebuild the fractured both with her daughter, her heart was

filled with the hope of reconciliation and healing. She brainstormed ways to mend the trust that

had been shattered by the revelations of her hidden life, determined to make amends and bridge

the emotional chasm that had formed between them. However, Unbeknownst to Madeline,

Nance’s thoughts were fixated on a different path. Amidst the chaos of her emotions, she held

onto one singular belief: that finding Raymond was the key to unlocking the truth she so

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desperately sought. In her heart, she trusted Raymond as the only person who could provide the

unvarnished truth about her mother’s actions. This conviction fueled her determination, and

while Madeline was planning to rebuild, Nance was plotting a journey to discover the ultimate

truth, even if it meant venturing into the unknown.

Realizing the gravity of the situation and the emotional turmoil that had enveloped her daughter,

Madeline made the difficult decision to leave her home once more, this time with a renewed

sense of purpose. She knew that she had to take action to help Nance navigate this tumultuous

chapter in their lives. With determination in her eyes, Madeline left the confines of her home,

heading out to prepare something meaningful for her daughter. It was a step she felt compelled to

take in order to mend the fractured bond between them and offer Nance some semblance of

comfort in these trying times. As she continued to drive her BMW homeward, tears streamed

down her face, reflecting the profound regret she felt for the consequences of her hidden secrets

and the pain it had caused her daughter. Each tear seemed to was away a layer of the facade she

had carefully built, leaving behind a raw and emotional truth she could no longer ignore.

In the solitude of her car, her thoughts drifted back to that fateful night, the 25th of February in

1980. It was a night etched into memories., a night that had forever altered the course of her life.

The vivid, haunting memories resurfaced, reminding her of the seven strangers, men who had

cruelly and brutally raped her, and shattered her sense of security and innocence. It was an ordeal

she would never forget, a trauma that had shaped her actions and choices in ways she had hidden

from her daughter for far too long. On that fateful day, Madeline had planned to spend with her

best friend, Veronica Mickey. They were inseparable, living in the same neighborhood, and had

never once broken their tradition of going out together during vacations. However, as the clock

ticked past 0930PM, Veronica grew increasingly concerned. Madeline should have returned

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from school by now, and this deviation from their routine was highly unusual. Worry gnawed at

Veronica’s heart, and she decided to take action. She grabbed a torch for illumination and a Golf

iron club for defense, knowing that something might be seriously amiss with her best friend.

With resolute determination, she set out on the path to the school, determined to find out what

happened to Madeline. As she crossed a certain bush on her way to the school, her torchlight

revealed a disturbing scene. Madeline’s belongings were strewn about haphazardly- her shoes,

school bag, and even her skirt lay torn into pieces. Panic and gear gripped Veronica’s heart as

she realized the gravity of the situation. Her Heart skipped a beat as her torchlight revealed the

unconscious body lying on the ground. Fear and dread washed over her as she rushed closer,

hoping against hope that it wasn’t her best friend, Madeline, her hands trembled as she knelt

down, carefully examining the figure, praying that it was not as dire as it seemed. The eerie

silence of the night was punctuated only by her rapid breaths and the faint rustling of leaves,

creating an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty that hung heavy in the air.

[Sad music playing…]

Her heart pounded with urgency as she rolled Madeline’s unconscious body and confirmed her

worst fear-it was indeed her best friend, Madeline, lying there, teering on the precipice of life

and death. Determined to save her, Veronica knew that time was of essence.

As she desperately worked to revive her unconscious friend, her inner dialogue was filled with a

mix of fear, determination and heartfelt please:

(Whispering with tears in her eyes): “Come on, Madeline, don’t leave me alone, please! I can’t

imagine life without you, darling. I’m right here, with you.”

With steady hands, she loosened the tie that had been strangulating Madeline, allowing her to

breath more freely. She wasted no time and began administering first aid, performing mouth-to-

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mouth resuscitation and applying chest compressions. With each breath she gave and every

compression, she could sense Madeline’s body responding. The minutes felt like hours as

Veronica continued her life-saving efforts, refusing to give up. Gradually, Madeline’s breathing

began to stabilize, and her heartbeats returned to a normal rhythm. In that critical moment,

Veronica’s swift and decisive actions had made all the difference. Without her intervention,

Madeline’s life would have been lost, a testament to the unwavering bond of friendship and the

power of determination in the face of adversity.

Madeline held the memory of Veronica’s sacrifice close to her heart. It was a selfless act that she

could never forget. Veronica, her dear friend, had made a life-altering decision by dropping out

of school to support Madeline. She left her education behind and ventured into the unfamiliar

territory of the mining industry, working diligently as a secretary. Madeline was deeply moved

by Veronica’s dedication and the lengths she went to for her sake. It wasn’t just about leaving

school; Veronica had inserted herself into the Sapuka billionaire family, ultimately marrying into

their prestigious lineage. Through this newfound connection, Veronica had success to immense

financial resources that she used to support Madeline during challenging times. But Veronica’s

commitment didn’t end there. Madeline knew her friend was on a mission of her own. With the

influential Sapuka family at her side, Veronica was quietly but determinedly pursuing justice for

a past injustice. 7 men had committed a terrible and unexplained act against her friend, and

Veronica was unwavering in her quest to track down those responsible. Madeline admired

Veronica’s resilience, strength, and unwavering loyalty. She saw in her friend a true embodiment

of sacrifice and friendship. The memory of what Veronica had done for her was a constant

reminder of deep bond they shared and the incredible lengths people would go to for those they

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cared about. Madeline felt eternally grateful for Veronica’s sacrifice and remained supportive of

her friend’s mission to seek justice and closure.

The burden of secrets weighed heavy on Madeline’s heart, and one of the most difficult truths

she had kept from her daughter was the fact that she didn’t even know the identity of her real

father. She was raped by 7men and among of them could be Nance’s father.

(Crying helplessly): “Should I tell her, I was raped by 7 men, and among the men could be her

father? What does that make me?”, asked herself.

The thought of revealing this painful piece of information was like a deep, unhealed wound that

she had hidden for years. Each time contemplated sharing this truth with her daughter, a wave of

guilty, shame, regret, and anxiety washed over her. She knew that it was a revelation that could

shatter Nance’s world even further, adding another layer of complexity to their already strained

relationship. The weight of the unspoken truth had left Madeline in a perpetual state of anguish,

torn between her desire to protect her daughter and her longing to be honest with her. It was a

daunting and heart-wrenching task she knew she couldn’t avoid forever, but finding the right

time and way to broach the subject remained an agonizing challenge.

Madeline, after a tumultuous day of revelations and emotional turmoil, finally arrived back

home. The weight of the past and the urgent need for reconciliation with her daughter, compelled

her to take a moment to regroup. She decided to start by freshening up. With the warm water

from the shower washing away the residue of her teras and the day’s stress, Madeline began to

feel a renewed sense of purpose. She was determined to make amends and rebuild the trust that

had been shattered between them. Her first step in this journey of reconciliation was to prepare

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Nance’s favorite meal. Madeline carefully cooked a dish that she knew would bring comfort and

warmth to her daughter’s heart. It was a homemade lasagna, savory cheese, and all the

ingredients that Nance loved. Each step in the preparation was infused with a mother’s love, a

symbol of her desire for a fresh start. After preparing the meal, she packed it with care, ensuring

it warm and inviting. She decided to make Nance’s hospital; stay a little brighter by stopping at

the flower shop. There, she selected Nance’s favorite flowers, vibrant and full of life, to

accompany the meal. With the aroma of the lasagna filling her car and the flowers adding a touch

of color and beauty, she embarked on the journey to the hospital where she had left Nance

earlier. She hoped that this gesture would be the first step towards rebuilding their relationship, a

small offering of love and reconciliation after the storm od secrets and revelations that had

broken their lives.

As she arrived to the hospital with heart filled with hope for reconciliation, her world came

crashing down in an instant. She rushed to the room where she had left Nance earlier, only to

find it empty. Panic coursed through her veins as she desperately searched the room, hoping that

her daughter had simply stepped out briefly. Frantic and increasingly worried, Madeline

approached the hospital staff and security, but their puzzled expressions only deepened her

distress. None of them had any knowledge of Nance’s whereabouts or any record of her leaving

the premises. The realization hit her like a freight train-hit her daughter was missing, and no one

at the hospital had a clue.

[Sad music playing at the background]

A storm of sharp worry and gut-wrenching pain surged through her heart, pinning her in a

moment of anguish she had never felt before. She was torn between fear, guilty, and a desperate

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need to find Nance. The uncertainty of her daughter’s whereabouts and the questions that loomed

in her mind were overwhelming, and in that agonizing moment, Madeline’s world crumbled

around her.

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[ Hurt by Johnny Cash playing]

In the midst of all that has transpired, Raymond stands at a crossroads, confronted with the

arduous choice to distance from the chaos and embark on a journey of self-reconstruction.

Within him simmers a persistent uncertainty, a notion that he maybe entangled with the

enigmatic criminal organization, a notion deeply buried in his psyche.

It has been three enduring months since his cherished Nance Williams mysteriously vanished

from the GK Hospital. During this time, he has lived in seclusion, evading the relentlessly comb

every nook and cranny of Dane Country in relentless search of him. The ceaseless broadcast on

radio and television brand him as Nance’s abductor, magnifying the relentless manhunt. His only

recourse is to remain ever vigilant, concealed, until he can vindicate his besmirched reputation

and unravel the labyrinthine conspiracy that ensnares him.


Madeline and Veronica shared unbreakable bond that transcended ordinary friendships. They

were willing to go any lengths for each other, even if it meant risking their lives for each other,

or facing death itself. In their shared history, they had already proven their unwavering

commitment to each other by making significant sacrifices, such as abandoning their studies and

taking drastic actions. This deep connection was built on trust, loyalty, and a shared sense of

purpose, binding them together in a way that made them formidable allies. The events of their

past had forged a bond that was unbreakable, a testament to their willingness to do anything for

each other, even in the face of moral danger.

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Veronica’s father, Mickey: (With a stern expression) “Veronica, we’ve always emphasized the

importance of education in this family. It’s the key to a brighter future. Why on earth have you

decided to quit school?”

Veronica: (Nervously) “Dad, Mom, I just can’t do it anymore. School doesn’t feel right for me. I

have other plans and dreams that don’t involve textbooks and classrooms.”

Veronica’s Mother (Lauren): (Exasperated) “You are throwing away the golden opportunity,

Veronica. Do you know how many kids would love to be in your position?”.

Veronica: (Teary-eyed)” I know, but I need to follow my own path. I promise I’ll make

something of myself, just not through traditional schooling.”

The tension in the room hung heavy as Veronica’s parents struggled to comprehend her decision,

feeling deeply disappointed by what they saw as an irrational choice.”

After Veronica, without disclosing her reasons, informed her parents about her decision to drop

out of school, it left her family concerned and puzzled. Her father, Mickey Mills, was determined

to support his daughter during his uncertain phase in her life. Mickey had a friend, Mr. Sapuka

Johnson, whose family was known for their immerse wealth, often described as a billionaire

family. Sapuka ad their fingers in various lucrative business ventures, including a mining


Veronica, despite her decision to leave school, was an exceptionally intelligent and beautiful

young woman. Her potential was evident to those who knew her. This included Philemon

Sapuka, Sapuka Johnson’s only son, the hair to the Sapuka family fortune, who happened to

meet Veronica when he visited one of their mining companies.

Philemon Sapuka was struck by Veronica’s intelligence, beauty, and, most importantly, her

strong sense of independence. As they go to know each other, their connection deepened, and it

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became clear to Philemon that he had found someone truly special. He admired her courage in

pursuing her own path, even if it meant leaving behind the traditional educational route. Their

bond grew stronger, and eventually, Philemon decided to take a life-altering step: he proposed to

Veronica Alfred. He saw in her not just a life partner but a kindred spirit, someone who shared

his values and ambitions. Veronica, touched by his sincerity and captivated by their shared

connection, accepted his proposal. Their love story became a testament to how life’s unexpected

turns can lead to remarkable opportunities and relationships. Despite the initial uncertainty

surrounding her decision to leave school, she found herself on a new path, one that included a

loving partner and a promising future within the influential and affluent Sapuka family.

On February 26, 1981, Veronica and Philemon Sapuka celebrated their wedding day. It was the

biggest wedding ever happened at the Kito city. It was a special occasion, but what made it even

more significant was the fact that Veronica was already six months pregnant at the time. Three

months later their joy was complete when Veronica gave birth to a son named Raymond

Philemon. The arrival of their son filled their family happiness and sealed her trust in their

family’s bond. Shortly after my birth, Veronica was introduced to the operations of BMO

[BLACK MAFIAN ORGANIZATIO], a very secretive entity secretly controlled by the SMCs [

Sapuka Mining Companies]. These companies were involved in clandestine activities, including

money laundering. Veronica became privy to this hidden world, which added a layer of

complexity to their family’s life.

Veronica: (Excitedly) “Madeline, I met someone today during my BMO travels. His name is

Abuu Musabi, and he’s the country Coordinator for TJO [THE JUSTICE ORGANIZATION].

They’re doing incredible work, and I thought about you”

Madeline: (Curiously) “Really, Veronica? What’s TJO all about?”

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Veronica: (Passionate) “TJO is mercenary group for executioners, killers and people fighting for

their vengeance. TJO is focused on Justice and making the world a better peace place. They fight

corruption, promote human rights and aim to bring about positive change, they work under the

shadow purpose as the security guard company.”.

Madeline: (Interested) “That sounds like a noble cause. But how can I be a part of it?”.

Veronica: (Grinning) “Madeline, you’ve always been my best friend, and I know you’re capable

of making a real impact. With your skills and dedication, you could contribute a lot. Plus, our

long-term relationship with BMO gives us a unique opportunity”.

Madeline: (Curious) “What do you mean?”

Veronica: (Explaining) “Well, through my BMO connections, I believe I can help you join TJO.

We have the resources and connections to support your involvement, and it would be an

incredible way for us to honor our friendship by working together for a greater good.”

Madeline: (Touched) “Veronica, that means the world to me. I’ve always admired your

dedication to making difference. Let’s do it this together and make a positive impact on the

world through TJO.”

Veronica: (Smiling) “That’s what I wanted to hear, Madeline. Together, we can make a

difference that will last a lifetime.”

[ Country music playing at the background]

As Madeline prepared for her pivotal interview with Abuu Musabi, TJO Dane Country

Coordinator, a series of doubts and questions were swirling in her mind like a tempestuous

storm. The weight of her past experiences and the uncertain path she was embarking upon

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weighed heavily on her. She wondered if seeking justice for the seven men who brutally raped

her was the right path, or if the vengeance would consume her.

“What if the pursuit of justice leads me into a perilous labyrinth from which there will be no

escape? Would I ever find those responsible? Does seeking a revenge make me a lesser evil than

them, if yes, would that bring me peace? Do I have to be a killer to have my peace? How would I

explain these decisions to my beloved daughter? Am I a good person fair enough to deserve

peace?”, asked herself

These doubts and questions were the tempestuous waters she had to navigate as she ventured into

this life-altering interview, ready to confront her past and her future.

“Let’s see how far my vengeance would take me”, she said while rushing to the car heading to

the TJO office for interview.

Abuu Musabi: (Sincerely) “Madeline, your determination and intelligence are impressive.

Before we proceed with your involvement in TJO, I need to ask you something. What will you

do if, in your pursuit of justice, you don’t find those seven men who assaulted you? And, have

you considered the emotional toll of seeking vengeance?”

Madeline: (Thoughtful) “Abuu Musabi, those are valid concerns. I’ve thought long and hard

about this. While finding those men is my initial motivation, my ultimately goal is not just

vengeance. It’s about ensuring that justice prevails, and others are protected from such horrors.”

Abuu Musabi: (Intrigued) “That’s a noble goal, Madeline. But what if the pursuit of justice

becomes too overwhelming, and it compromises your life or safety?”.

Madeline: (Resolute) “I’m aware of the risks, but I believe that the pursuit of justice is worth it.

It’s about making the world a safer place for my daughter and future generations. I’m willing to

face whatever challenges come my way.”

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Abuu Musabi: (Making eye contact) “Assuming one day you realize what you’ve been

searching for, was your friend’s doing. Will you give up on yourself for the sake of your friend’s

life or accomplish the act for the sake of your peace and TJO’s agenda?”.

[With a serious gesture, Madeline is approaching Abuu’s face]

Madeline: (whispering to his ear) “In case you didn’t know, I hate the word ‘assumption’.

Secondly, I believe on the fate-balance, we all do. My decisions would creep along the balance,

and whatever the side would weigh, I will take the chances. For every outcome, I’d hold myself

accountable for it as I know I wasn’t forced to do any of it”.

Abuu Musabi: (Understanding) “I appreciate your determination, Madeline. If things go as

planned, you’ll be the killer of your daughter’s father. Have you thought about how you’ll

explain your decisions to your daughter?”

Madeline: (Softly) “That’s a conversation I hope I won’t have to have, but if it comes to that, I’ll

be honest with her. I’ll tell her that I did everything I could to make the world better for her and

others. I’ll teach her the importance of standing up for what’s right, even in the face of


Abuu Musabi: (Impressed) “Madeline, one last question. Do you believe you are a good


Madeline: (Smiling) “I’ am still working on that. Are you??”

Abuu Musabi: (Laughing, impressed) “I’ am still working on that too., your commitment to

justice and your willingness to face the challenges head-on are remarkable. Welcome to TJO;

together, we will work towards a more just world.”

Madeline: (Nodding) “This is it. Thanks very much”.

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Under TJO, Madeline found a new sense of belonging and family that provided her with the

comfort she had long yearned for. The organization offered her not only specialized training but

also the emotional support that gradually healed her from her past traumas. Within this

supportive environment, Madeline achieved her dream of becoming a R.H.A

[REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ACTIVIST], Having a master degree on it. She was using her

skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on the world. She was highly qualified to be a

member of the TJO sub-section TRIPLE N, LWL [NEW LIGHT, NEW WORLD, NEW



SECN (I.D): TRT/MA/D-723-678-987.

Madeline’s Alfred identity card

She underwent rigorous training similar to that provided to intelligence agencies, equipping her

with a diverse skill set. Madeline conducted numerous military operations both within and

outside the borders of Dane Country, showcasing her exceptional capabilities and dedication to

her role within the organization.

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However, Madeline’s journey was a complex one, as she struggled to line between good and

evil. She struggled to define her identity, constantly examining her actions to discern whether her

actions were driven by genuine purpose or clouded by the desire for revenge. This inner conflict

caused her to question her true motivations and left her hanging in a precarious balance the

forces of good and evil. Her attempts to mirror herself and uncover her true self were often

overshadowed by her unwavering commitment to seeking revenge. The decisions she made were

colored by her thirst for retribution, making it difficult for her to fully understand who she had

become. Despite her inner turmoil, her path was one of complexity, as she grappled with

harbinger of vengeance.


Madeline, her mind clouded with fear and desperation, realized that Raymond's potential escape

posed an imminent threat to her carefully constructed world. The thought of losing her daughter,

Nance, consumed her, driving her to the brink of madness. In the dimly lit room, shadows

danced around her, mirroring the darkness that had settled within her soul. She knew that if

Raymond were to slip through her fingers, a chasm would open between her and Nance, a divide

too vast to bridge. With trembling hands, Madeline meticulously devised a sinister plan, a web of

deceit and manipulation that would ensnare Raymond, rendering him powerless against her

cunning tactics. Her eyes, once warm and loving, now glinted with a chilling resolve as she

delved deeper into the depths of her own depravity. The silence of the room was shattered by the

sound of her erratic breathing, each inhale laced with the scent of impending doom.

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Veronica stood on the deserted Nevertheless beach, the roar of the waves serving as a backdrop

to her desperation. In her trembling hands, she clutched a hard drive containing damning

evidence against the nefarious plans of the BMO. The moonlight cast an eerie glow on her face,

emphasizing the lines of worry etched deeply into her features. Facing the enigmatic NIA Chief

Operator, Nick Calman, Veronica's voice quivered with a mix of fear and determination. "I want

your help," she implored, her eyes pleading for understanding in the darkness. The weight of her

words hung heavily in the air, the urgency palpable.

Nick's reassuring smile softened the harsh reality of the situation, but his eyes glinted with

unwavering resolve. "Yes, of course," he responded, his tone calm yet resolute. "You know you

can trust me, right?" he added, his voice a steady anchor in the tumultuous sea of emotions.

Veronica's gaze never wavered, her eyes mirroring the depths of her anguish. "My son,

Raymond, has been missing for a while now," she revealed, her voice catching in her throat. "I

believe Madeline has him captive. I can't prove it, but I can feel something is not right." Tears

welled up in her eyes, reflecting the pain of a mother's heart torn between hope and despair.

Under the dim moonlight, Nick Calman, the NIA Chief Operator, extended his hand, sealing a

promise with Veronica. "Rest assured, whenever we pick up any intel regarding his whereabouts,

we will inform you ASAP," he vowed, his words cutting through the night like a beacon of hope.

They parted ways, Nick walking toward his car, the weight of their conversation heavy on his

shoulders. Meanwhile, Veronica took a few hesitant steps before meeting Colins, her confidant

and ally, waiting patiently for her. As they locked eyes, Colins could sense the turmoil within


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With a sense of urgency, Veronica joined Colins in the car. The engine roared to life, and they

swiftly vanished into the darkness, leaving behind the desolate beach and the secrets buried

within its sands. Together, they retreated to the sanctuary of their home, where they would

continue their fight against the shadows, their determination unwavering despite the challenges

that lay ahead.

In the confines of his car, Nick Calman's fingers danced across his phone screen, swiftly finding

the number he sought. With practiced ease, he initiated the call, his voice low and guarded as he

spoke to the woman on the other end. "She doesn't know about her son," he stated, his tone laden

with a sense of urgency and secrecy.

The woman on the line, Madeline, responded, her voice carrying a weight of authority. "Okay, I

understand. You have to make sure that Veronica remains in the dark, and her son doesn't get a

chance to meet Nance."

"Understood, boss," Nick Calman affirmed, his loyalty evident in his response.

As the saying goes, "Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see." In the

intricate web of deceit and manipulation, Nick Calman and Madeline were secret collaborators,

their alliance born out of cunning and hidden agendas. Their partnership had begun weeks ago, a

result of Madeline's calculated seduction. Initially, Nick Calman had underestimated Madeline,

seeing her as just another woman he had encountered in his line of work. Little did he know, she

was the puppet master, pulling the strings behind the scenes, orchestrating a dangerous game that

would forever change the lives of those entangled in her web of deception.

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The atmosphere inside the car grew tense, suffocated by the weight of unspoken emotions.

Veronica's voice trembled with a mix of sorrow and frustration as she confessed, "I spend my

days lost in the arms of another man, forgetting the son who might be out there, waiting for me

to rescue him. How did I become this person, neglecting my own flesh and blood?"

Colins, feeling the sting of Veronica's words, abruptly stopped the car and pulled over to the side

of the road. His eyes bore into hers as he retorted with a mixture of anger and hurt, "I am not just

some random guy, Veronica. I am tired of your erratic behavior. Meeting strangers on late nights

at the beach, crying for your son hypocritically while you continue this charade with other

men—it has to stop."

His frustration reached a breaking point, and in a moment of raw emotion, Colins slapped

Veronica. Her hand instinctively flew to her cheek, her eyes ablaze with anger. "Did you just

slap me?" she seethed, her voice sharp with indignation. "You know what? I don't fight with

losers," she spat out, her regret turning into bitterness. "I should have realized what a mistake it

was to carry your child. I should have aborted it the minute I found out." The words hung heavy

in the air, a painful testament to the shattered relationship between them.

As Colins stared at Veronica, his confusion painted clearly in his eyes, he uttered, "What child?"

But Veronica, overwhelmed by her own emotions, didn't respond. Instead, she reached for her

phone and a coat from the back seat, her hands trembling. In that moment, she made a decision –

to leave the car and continue on foot.

Walking away from the car, tears streamed down her cheeks, each drop a testament to the regret

weighing heavily on her heart. Memories flooded her mind – her father's wise words, McKey’s

disappointment, and her mother Lauren's unshed tears. If only she had pursued her education,

maybe life would have taken a different turn. Regret clawed at her soul as she thought about the

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man she had hoped to build a future with, now seeming more hopeless than she had ever

imagined. The weight of her choices bore down on her, especially the decision to reveal that he

was Raymond's father. She wished she hadn't, knowing now that it was a mistake.

Continuing her journey on foot, Veronica cried, her tears mixing with the rain as she walked

along the desolate road. The man she once loved was now a distant memory, overshadowed by

the remorse that consumed her. She thought about her involvement with BMO, the criminal

organization that had stained her hands with Philemon's blood. If only she had stayed away,

maybe his death wouldn't haunt her conscience. Gazing up at the sky, she wept openly, her

sorrow a silent plea for forgiveness. Even the mosquitoes biting at her skin couldn't distract her

from the storm within. In the depths of her regret, she couldn't help but resent Madeline, the

woman she had once helped but who had ultimately betrayed her. The road ahead seemed

endless, mirroring the path of remorse that stretched out before her.

Amidst the relentless downpour, Veronica sought refuge in the sanctuary of an open church. The

raindrops pelted against her, mirroring the turmoil within her heart. Inside the quiet church, she

found solace in the familiar scent of incense and the soft glow of candlelight. She made her way

to the back seat, her steps heavy with the burden of regret and sorrow. Sitting in the hushed

stillness, Veronica closed her eyes, clasping her hands together in a gesture of desperate

supplication. Her voice, barely audible, quivered as she began her prayer:

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"Oh, Lord, I come before you, drenched not just by the rain outside, but by the storms raging

within me. I confess my sins, my mistakes that have led me astray. I've walked paths I shouldn't

have, and now I'm lost in the darkness of my own choices. I wish, Lord, that things were

different. I wish I had made different decisions, chosen better paths."

Tears mingled with the rain on her cheeks as she continued, her voice carrying the weight of her


"I seek refuge in Your ways, for my ways have failed me. I've faltered, and I've strayed far from

the path of righteousness. Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned. Show me a sign, a beacon of light

to guide me back to the right way. Strengthen my spirit, cleanse my soul, and help me find

redemption in Your divine mercy."

Veronica remained in the church, her gaze fixed on the Tabernacle, the symbol of her faith. She

recalled the times she had taken Eucharist every Sunday, the ritual that once brought her comfort

and solace. Yet, even within these sacred walls, she had fed the darkness within her, allowing her

vices to overshadow the goodness she once possessed.

In the quiet sanctuary, she prayed fervently for a sign, a glimmer of hope that would lead her out

of the abyss she found herself in. The sound of rain tapping gently on the church windows

mingled with her heartfelt plea, creating a haunting melody of repentance and longing for


I am Brother Joseph "a kind, elderly voice completed Sister Cleopatra's sentence, "We're here to

serve the church."

Veronica, still taken aback by their unexpected presence, managed a weak smile. "Thank you for

letting me stay. I was caught in the rain, and I needed a moment of peace."

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Sister Cleopatra nodded understandingly. "The Lord's house is always open to those seeking

solace. Is there anything troubling you, my child?"

Veronica hesitated for a moment before pouring out her heart. "I've made mistakes, Sister.

Choices that have hurt others and myself. I came here hoping for a sign, a way to make things

right again."

Brother Samuel placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, his eyes filled with compassion. "God

hears the prayers of the repentant. Sometimes, we find our answers in the most unexpected


With a deep breath, Veronica wiped away her tears. "I pray for guidance, for a way to redeem

myself and those I've wronged."

Sister Cleopatra smiled warmly. "Faith and repentance can lead to transformation, my child.

Keep your heart open, and God will show you the way."

Amidst the hallowed sanctuary, a child emerged from the shadows, her voice a mere whisper

against the echoing silence. "I'm feeling cold," she said, her vulnerability slicing through the air.

Veronica's eyes widened, her concern etched on her face as she inquired about the child's well-

being. "What happened to her?" she asked, her voice gentle yet filled with genuine worry.

Sister Cleopatra, her eyes clouded with sorrow, began the haunting tale. "It has passed three

months and a few days since the time I found this girl," she said, her voice carrying the weight of

an inexplicable tragedy. "She was in a hospital attire, in her last moments of consciousness. She

seemed to be struck by a truck while she was running, seemingly from a hospital. Before she lost

consciousness, she refused to be taken to the government hospital. Before she lost consciousness,

she refused to be taken to the government hospital. So, I took her and drove her to our hospital,

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while pointing her fingers in the opposite direction of the church. We looked at her, and God's

great. Glory be to Him. We saved her life, but unfortunately, after a few weeks on bed, she

seemed to remember nothing. Not even her own name. Frequently, she used to speak, 'Raymond!

Raymond!' And when we asked who he was, if he was her father, she seemed to remember


The words hung heavily in the air, the church's silence amplifying the weight of their shared

mysteries. Veronica's heart ached with empathy and despair as she absorbed the tragic narrative.

The child's plea for warmth resonated profoundly, emphasizing the fragility of innocence amidst

the enigma that surrounded them. In that sacred space, a profound silence settled, leaving them

enveloped in a heavy, poignant stillness. The air seemed charged with unspoken prayers, and

Veronica's eyes, reflecting a mix of empathy and desperation, searched for answers in the depths

of Sister Cleopatra's gaze, hoping to unveil the truth behind these inexplicable twists of fate.

In the dim glow of the church's flickering candles, Veronica's eyes met Nance's, recognition

flickering in the depths of her teary gaze. A sense of connection, a shared history, hung heavy in

the air. Despite her attempts to hold back her emotions, tears fell freely from Veronica's eyes,

tracing a path down her cheeks as she grappled with the overwhelming truth before her. As

Brother Joseph's curious gaze fell upon her, his eyes searching for answers, Veronica's voice

quivered with the weight of her revelation. Each word emerged amidst sniffles and cries, the pain

of her confession echoing through the sacred silence of the church. "Raymond is my son," she

confessed, her voice raw with emotion, "who was deeply in love with her." The words hung

heavily, pregnant with the agony of loss and the desperate hope that this newfound connection

might unveil the mysteries that shrouded Raymond's disappearance.

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Amidst the hallowed tranquility of the monastery, Veronica found herself enveloped in a solitude

that mirrored the storm raging within her. As night descended, casting long shadows across the

ancient walls, she wrestled with the weight of the truths unveiled in the church. The events of the

evening had stirred a tempest of emotions, leaving her heart heavy with grief and her mind a

tumultuous sea of thoughts.

Lying on the austere bed within the monastery, Veronica's mind was consumed by the young

girl, Nance, who had unwittingly become a pawn in the intricate game of fate. Her heart ached

for this innocent soul, burdened by traumas she could scarcely comprehend. The tears that welled

in Veronica's eyes mirrored the anguish of a mother who felt the absence of her son like a

phantom limb—a constant, haunting presence, aching with the weight of unspoken words and

unfinished moments.

Thoughts of Raymond, her beloved son, consumed her. She imagined him out there, in the cold,

seeking help he could not afford, his cries for assistance echoing into the void. The sheer

helplessness of the situation overwhelmed her, rendering her faith in anything, even in the

benevolence of a higher power, into a fragile, shattered relic. As tears rolled over the contours of

her face, mingling with the shadows that danced upon the ceiling, Veronica found herself

suspended between despair and hope. In the quietude of the monastery, her grief found solace,

and yet, it was a solace laced with the bitter taste of unanswered questions and the haunting

uncertainty of what lay ahead. The night, once serene, had become a canvas upon which her

fears and sorrows painted a haunting masterpiece, leaving her adrift in a sea of overwhelming


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The atmosphere in the dining room was a blend of tranquility and anticipation, as Nance gently

interrupted Veronica's tears with a tender announcement, "Dinner is ready." Her voice, though

soft, carried a soothing reassurance, guiding Veronica toward the communal space where a

gathering of Sisters awaited. As they entered the dining room, Veronica was met with a warm

chorus of greetings. The room was filled with the comforting aroma of freshly prepared food,

and the sisters, clad in their humble habits, exuded an air of serene devotion. It was a custom

within the monastery to share meals together, a practice that bound them not just in sustenance

but in a shared sense of community and faith. After the dinner, Brother Joseph would retreat to

his own abode, leaving the sisters to their prayers and companionship. Seated around the table,

they bowed their heads in unison, offering prayers of gratitude before partaking in the meal that

lay before them. Sister Cleopatra, a figure of wisdom and discernment, recognized Veronica's

presence and introduced her to the rest of the sisters. There was a quiet acknowledgment of the

divine intervention that had brought Veronica to their doorstep, a sentiment shared through

knowing glances and subtle nods.

When Sister Cleopatra revealed the truth about Nance's past, an air of surprise washed over the

room. Eyes widened in understanding, and murmurs of empathy and concern rippled through the

sisters. The tale of Nance's escape from her mother's web of lies struck a chord, resonating

deeply within the hearts of those gathered. In that moment, the bond between them grew

stronger, woven not just by shared prayers and meals but by the threads of compassion and

understanding that connected their souls. They embraced Veronica, not just as a guest, but as a

kindred spirit—a fellow traveler on a path marked by trials, seeking solace and sanctuary within

the embrace of faith.

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In the dim light of the isolated building, the feeble coughs of a person, weakened by illness,

echoed through the empty space. The room bore the marks of desolation, a silent witness to the

prolonged struggle endured by the occupant. Hunger gnawed at him relentlessly, a persistent

reminder of his dire circumstances. Summoning the last reserves of his strength, Raymond

attempted to stand, his frail body trembling with the effort. He was driven by the primal instinct

for survival, a desperate need to find sustenance in a world that had turned its back on him. His

pockets were empty, and the prospect of stealing food from a nearby supermarket began to take

shape in his mind. Raymond, once a young man with dreams and aspirations, had been

transformed into a shadow of his former self, forced into a life of desperation and cunning.

With practiced precision, he grabbed a worn cap and pulled it low over his forehead, concealing

his features in the shadows. The world outside was fraught with dangers he had never imagined,

a labyrinth of surveillance where every move was monitored by vigilant eyes. Police officers,

spies, and agents from the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) were hot on his trail, their pursuit

relentless and unforgiving. The very mention of his name sent shivers down the spines of those

who heard it, for he had been labeled a dangerous criminal, accused of heinous acts he never

committed. Madeline, the puppet master behind the web of lies, had woven a narrative that

portrayed Raymond as a kidnapper, a man armed and dangerous. The city buzzed with whispers

of his alleged crimes, painting him as a threat to society. His true story had been distorted

beyond recognition, lost in the cacophony of fear and misinformation.

Alone and vulnerable, Raymond retreated into the shadows, seeking refuge in the anonymity of

the night. His body ached, his wounds still fresh, but his spirit remained unbroken. In the solitude

of his hideout, he grappled with his loneliness, the silence broken only by the echoes of his own

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thoughts. Yet, amid the darkness that surrounded him, he clung to a glimmer of hope—a belief

that his actions, no matter how desperate, were paving the way for a seismic change that lay on

the horizon. The days ahead held the promise of redemption, a chance to rewrite his fate and

emerge from the shadows that had consumed him.

In his heart pounds with anxiety. The weight of his fugitive status presses down on him, and he

knew he has to remain hidden from the all-seeing eyes of the CCTV cameras that now broadcast

his face across the entire country. His desperate search for food and supplies has brought him to

this place, but he has to be cautious. Suddenly, the overhead speakers crackle to life, and a

reporter’s voice echoes through the store, reaching every corner, including the TVs on display.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” the reporter announces, “We have a special message. Anyone with

information leading to the whereabouts of this individual [Raymond’s Photo on a display] dead

or alive will be rewarded with a staggering $20 Million. He is a terrorist, a kidnapper and the

most potential international threat.”

His heart sinks as He realizes the magnitude of the reward being offered for his capture. The fear

and worry intensify, knowing that the bounty on his head has reached such an astronomical

amount. He has to be more careful than ever before. In his state of surprise and anxiety, He

fumbles with his cap, accidentally dropping it to the floor. Unbeknownst to him, one of the

supermarket’s CCTV cameras captures a clear image of his face, freezing that moment in time.

His heart races as He hurriedly picks up the cap, fully aware that his fleeting attempt to conceal

his identity has just been exposed.

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[New Identified target! New Identified target! New Identified target...]

Nick Calman: (Picking up a phone and contacts his agents) “Attention to all NIA agents. We’ve

got a critical situation on our hands. Our NIA screen computers just picked up an intel indicating

a grave national security threat. Raymond Philemon, the most wanted individual across all

international agencies, has been spotted on a supermarket CCTV camera at St. Whatson Street.

Agent Raynolds: (Concerned) “Raymond Philemon? He’s been eluding capture for years.

What’s the latest intel on him?”

Nick Calman: (Determined) “As for now, we’ve a limited information, but we know he’s a

master at staying off the greed. This sighting is a big deal, and if we don’t play our cards right,

his presence could turn all our lives upside down. We need to act swiftly and cautiously”.

Agent Anna: (Curious) “What’s our plan, Chief?”.

Nick Calman, the Chief Operator of the NIA, gives instructions and the green light to his team of

agents, as they prepare to head towards St. Whatson Street. The NIA has seamlessly coordinated

with the local police force, ensuring swift communication that results in them converging on the

location where Ray is still present, the supermarket. The entire area is now enveloped in a tight

security net, with police officers and NIA agents strategically positioned at every corner. As

tension escalates, snipers take their positions, casting a watchful eye over every inch of their

vicinity. Ray finds himself trapped with no apparent escape plan in sight, and the pressure

mounts with every passing moment.

Town Sheriff Rashad Jamal takes a microphone, his voice resonating with authority as he

delivers a stark ultimatum. He presents Raymond with two options, emphasizing the gravity of

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the situation-surrender peacefully or face the dire consequences of attempting something

reckless. There is no middle ground, and the Sheriff grants him a mere three minutes to

contemplate his decision before the team moves in to apprehend him. As those precious minutes

tick away, a torrent of thoughts floods Raymond’s mind, a whirlwind of emotions within the

narrow confines of his choices. Overwhelmed, he finds himself crying, the weight of his

shattered dreams and the stark reality of life and death bearing down upon him. In an instant, his

once-promising future as a doctor has evaporated, leaving him with the agonizing decision of

whether to surrender and hope for a future or face the dire outcome of resisting arrest.

With a swift, coordinated effort. NIA agents burst into the Supermarket, apprehending Raymond

amid the chaos. The room filled with flashing lights and the sound of scuffling feet as he was

swiftly subdued.

[The atmosphere is tense, with NIA agents surrounding Raymond Philemon, who appears

cornered and desperate. Sheriff Rashad Jamal steps forward, his vice echoing through the


Sheriff Rashad Jamal: (Steely gaze) “Raymond Philemon, you’re under arrest for the murders

of RCO Salum Motoko and his wife, the disappearance of Josephine Salum, kidnapping of

Nance Williams, murders of 57 people at the Leto mines, and leading criminal enterprises,


Raymond, cornered and defeated, looks around the Supermarket, the once-familiar aisles now

feeling like a trap.

Agent Raynolds (Shouting): “Drop the weapon. It’s over Raymond!”

Raymond hesitates, his grip on a weapon tightening. Outside, the flashing lights of news vans

illuminated the scene, capturing every tense of moment.

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Sheriff Rashad Jamal: (Firmly) “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and

will be used against you in a court of law. You have no right to an attorney. Your fate will be

decided in a court of law”.

Raymond’s face contorts with realization. He’s alone in this fight. The agents move in,

handcuffing him. The Supermarket, once a haven for shoppers, now witnessed the fall of a

criminal empire, justice prevailing in the face of darkness.

[🎵I Was Here🎵 by Beyoncé.]

In a pivotal moment broadcasted live on MTV, the world watched in rapt attention as Raymond

Philemon, a man once feared and hunted, stepped into the spotlight. His weary frame bore the

scars of his tumultuous journey, and his eyes held a flicker of determination amid the exhaustion.

Surrounded by the hushed anticipation of the nation, he mustered the strength to address the

world through a crackling electric megaphone speaker

"I am Raymond Philemon," he began, his voice frail yet resolute, each word heavy with the

weight of his ordeal. Coughing up blood, he continued, his deteriorating health emphasizing the

urgency of his message. The live broadcast transcended borders, captivating audiences not only

within the country but also across international shores. In the face of his own vulnerability,

Raymond seized the opportunity to expose the truth. Sheriff Rashid Jamal, a figure of authority,

had ordered the police to exercise restraint, refraining from breaching the sanctuary of the

supermarket or resorting to violence. The nation held its breath as Raymond's voice cut through

the airwaves, challenging the fabricated narrative that had ensnared him.

"Madeline, through her wealth, has corrupted the very essence of justice. The NIA, tainted by her

influence, labeled me as the prime suspect in the disappearance of Nance Williams, the woman I

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love. It's tragically ironic, isn't it?" His words hung heavy in the air, penetrating the hearts of

those who bore witness to his anguished revelation.

Tears welled in the eyes of the viewers, their empathy stirred by the profound injustice unfolding

before them. Even Nance Williams, whose memory had been shrouded in darkness, found solace

in Raymond's words. Through his unwavering declaration, fragments of forgotten memories

flickered to life, illuminating the depths of her past and igniting a glimmer of recognition in her


Raymond's words cut through the air like a chilling wind, leaving an eerie silence in their wake.

The room seemed to shrink, suffocating under the weight of his revelations. His eyes, haunted by

the horrors he had witnessed, darted around the space, searching for understanding, for empathy.

"I want the world to know the truth," he declared, his voice gaining strength. "I want justice for

all the innocent lives lost, for the manipulation and deceit that has plagued our society. The

BMO, the Black Cats, and those corrupt officials who dance with them in the darkness must be

exposed. My love for Nance, my fight for her safety, led me to this moment. I refuse to be

silenced any longer."

"The depths of their cruelty know no bounds," he continued, his voice echoing with a mixture of

anguish and determination. "In that hellish black site, I saw the faces of innocence boy twisted in

pain. I heard his cries for mercy, for release from the torment inflicted upon him. I felt his fear

seeping into my bones, becoming a part of me."

His trembling hands clenched into fists, as if trying to grasp the ghosts of his past. "Madeline

Alfred, a name that should strike fear into the hearts of all who hear it. Behind her polished

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façade lies a monster, orchestrating the suffering of countless souls. She revels in the agony of

others, using her influence to crush anyone who dares oppose her."

The room seemed to darken, shadows creeping along the walls, mirroring the darkness that had

consumed Raymond's life. "But I refuse to be just another victim," he declared, his voice gaining

a steely resolve. "I have survived their horrors, and now I will expose them. The truth will be a

beacon of light, piercing through the darkness they have created."

A shiver ran down the spines of those listening, the air heavy with the intensity of Raymond's

words. The room felt charged with an otherworldly energy, as if the spirits of the fallen were

present, urging him on. In that moment, Raymond stood as a symbol of defiance, a force of

nature determined to bring down the monsters that lurked in the shadows.

Madeline's hands trembled as she clutched her phone, her lifeline to the world of darkness she

inhabited. The voice of United States of Dane Country General, John Landa, the ominous leader

of the Black Cats organization, cut through the air like a sharp blade. His inquiries were laced

with a menacing tone, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

"Does the boy have anything to prove on court?" he demanded, his words hanging in the air like

a death sentence.

"As far as I understand, no, he has no evidence," Madeline replied, her voice strained with the

weight of her failures.

"Blow the black site at the Leto mines, clear everything that you have that links with us," he

ordered, his voice a thunderous growl. "NIA will be at your doorstep any minute." The threat

hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. "And since you failed to kill Veronica and prevent this

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tragedy from happening, I'm afraid I have to open a contract for Nance's head. I think that will

remind you who the Black Cats are and what you had to do."

Madeline's heart sank, her eyes welling up with tears. The reality of her situation crashed over

her like a tidal wave, drowning her in despair. "So, this is it," she murmured, her voice cracking

under the weight of her impending doom.

"Yeah, this is it," came the chilling response from the other end, and with that, he hung up,

leaving Madeline in the depths of her despair, the silence that followed echoing with the finality

of her fate.

The message on Madeline's phone flashed ominously, revealing a picture of Nance, innocent yet

marked for death. The words beneath the image were a death sentence in plain sight: "$50M for

her head."

In the shadows of Leto and Kito Regions, mercenaries from all walks of life received the same

chilling notification. Each beep was a call to arms, a signal for a manhunt that would echo

through the night. The promise of riches drove them, their faces shrouded in darkness as they

prepared for the hunt of a lifetime. Nance's life hung in the balance, her fate now in the hands of

these ruthless hunters. Madeline, once a puppet master, was now powerless to stop the wheels

she had set in motion. The world had become a hunting ground, and Nance, the prey, was thrust

into a deadly game she had not asked to play. The countdown to her demise had begun, and the

mercenaries, driven by greed and bloodlust, would stop at nothing to claim the prize. The night

was alive with the whispers of impending doom, and Nance's every step was haunted by the

echoing footsteps of her pursuers.

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In the hushed confines of the monastery, a sense of foreboding hung heavily in the air. Veronica,

her voice filled with urgency, approached Nance Williams, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the

situation. "You are in danger," she stated, her tone edged with concern.

Nance, her expression a mix of confusion and disbelief, questioned, "Why?"

"You are the one she's in danger with. You killed your own husband and abandoned your own

son to rot in the ruthless world," one of the sisters exploded, her voice sharp with accusation.

Mistrust and hunger for truth colored her eyes, casting a shadow over the once serene

atmosphere of the monastery. The revelation had shattered the fragile peace, leaving a palpable

sense of unease among the inhabitants of the sacred sanctuary. Veronica stood resolute before

the sisters, Nance, and Brother Joseph, her eyes carrying the weight of her confession.

"It's true, I have made countless mistakes in my life," she began, her voice steady but burdened.

"I have betrayed a lot of people, including my parents. I refused to go to school for the sake of

Madeline." She paused, her gaze shifting to Nance, who hung on her every word.

"What happened to my mother?" Nance interrupted, her voice laced with urgency, a mix of fear

and anticipation etched across her face.

Veronica's revelation hung heavily in the air, a truth so weighty it seemed to press down on

everyone in the room. Her voice, filled with remorse and regret, resonated with the pain of past


"She never told you," Veronica's voice quivered slightly, her eyes reflecting the depth of her

guilt. "Your mother was assaulted by seven men one evening, a traumatic incident that left her

pregnant. Devastated and seeking vengeance, she abandoned her education. I, as her closest

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friend, made the choice to quit school as well. I fabricated reasons to my parents, claiming that

education held no value for me anymore. My father, McKey, found me a job at the Sapuka

family, where Philemon fell in love with me. We eventually got married." She continued, "My

father, McKey, took matters into his own hands and secured a job for me within the Sapuka

family. It was there that I captured the heart of Philemon, and we eventually married," Veronica

continued, her voice carrying the weight of her past choices. "As our marriage progressed,

Philemon began to trust me implicitly, drawing me deeper into the intricate web of his family's

illegal dealings with the BMO. I proved to be adept at navigating the clandestine world we

inhabited. During my time working with the BMO, I had the opportunity to interact with a

diverse array of individuals. Among them was Abuu Musabi, a significant figure in the criminal

landscape, holding the influential position of TJO country coordinator."

Veronica, her eyes brimming with tears, pressed on, her voice laden with the weight of the past.

"I confided in Aboo Musabi about Madeline Alfred, unknowingly setting the stage for your

mother's involvement with the Black Cats," she explained, her voice quivering with emotion.

Nance listened, her curiosity piqued, prompting her to ask, "So, you're the reason my mother got

involved in all of this? And who is Williams?"

Veronica let out a shaky breath, attempting to compose herself as she continued her narrative.

"Well," she began, her voice still trembling, "Your mother never revealed to her parents how she

got pregnant. Only she and I knew about the incident. When her parents kicked her out, believing

she was entangled in an adulterous affair, Madeline sought refuge with an elderly man named

Williams. She stayed there, while I discreetly provided her with essentials and money. We were

true friends back then, bonded by our shared secrets and the burdens we carried."

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Tears streamed down Veronica's face as she confessed, "No, we are not still friends." Nance,

sensing the depth of her pain, gently probed, "What happened between you two?"

Veronica, her voice quivering with regret, continued her tale. "I don't know," she sobbed.

"Madeline underwent extensive training with the Black Cats, just as I did with the BMO. I

delved deep into the world of the BMO, driven by greed for wealth. We were involved in money

laundering, arms dealing, drug trafficking, and mineral exploitation, often colluding with corrupt

government officials."

She paused, her voice breaking as she continued, "But everything changed when I witnessed the

true nature of the BMO's operations. They were responsible for countless deaths, supporting

terrorist groups in other countries, leading them into battles while exploiting their resources. I

grew weary of the organization and its heinous activities." The weight of her past sins hung

heavily upon her, etched in the lines of sorrow on her face.

With a heavy heart, Veronica revealed the dark truths of her past. "I witnessed the BMO's

involvement in heinous activities like human trafficking, using people as pawns to transport

drugs across borders and exploiting Dane country's economy. The situation turned dire when

conflicts of interest arose. The TJO, notorious executioners, were at my disposal for the right

price. I paid them $100M to execute Philemon. I was exhausted from the chains of the BMO's

slavery. When the BMO discovered my betrayal, they put a bounty of $150M on my head,

contracting the Black Cats for my execution. I had nowhere to turn, so I struck a deal with the

NIA. I provided them with intel on the BMO in exchange for my safety."

She continued, her voice heavy with the weight of her actions. "Things were relatively stable

until Madeline was assigned the contract to kill me. However, she remembered the times we

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stood by each other in adversity. Instead of following through, she informed me that someone

higher up in the chain had issued my death warrant. Faced with imminent danger, I sought refuge

with Colins, my old lover, all while feeding crucial information to the NIA." The shadows of

betrayal and danger loomed large in her story, casting a haunting pall over her past.

Veronica's voice trembled as she continued her tale of despair and desperation. "Madeline's

failure to locate me put immense pressure on her. Her superiors, knowing the ruthless rules of the

Black Cats, threatened to execute her daughter, Nance," she said, her gaze falling upon the young

woman. "It was a cruel reminder of the unforgiving nature of their execution codes. In a

desperate attempt, she kidnapped my son, Raymond, believing he held information about my

whereabouts. But he was innocent; he had no answers. I reached out to his trainer, Samwel

Julian, but our search yielded no results. Raymond was lost for months, and no one heard a

whisper of his whereabouts."

Pausing, Veronica's eyes welled up with tears. "I had suspected Madeline's involvement, but I

couldn't prove it until today, when I saw him alive on television. This is the lost city, drown in

corruption and crime, and I fear I cannot protect it from the darkness that threatens to consume

us all." Her words hung heavy in the air, painting a picture of a city on the brink of chaos,

teetering on the edge of an abyss.

Nance's shock was palpable as the weight of Veronica's words settled in her mind. Her eyes were

clouded with confusion and pain, trying to process the unraveling truth. "I... I don't understand,"

she stammered, tears welling up in her eyes. "Sister Cleopatra found out I was studying medicine

at DREAM MORE UNIVERSITY. I was supposed to be smart, observant. How could I have

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missed all this? How could I not have known about Raymond's involvement in something so

dangerous? Does that mean he was a bad person too?"

Veronica placed a gentle hand on Nance's shoulder, her voice soft but steady. "Nance, everyone

has their flaws, their secrets. It doesn't automatically make us bad people. Sometimes,

circumstances force us into situations beyond our control." She offered a reassuring smile amidst

her own tears. "I promise, I'll take you to meet someone next week. Someone I knew once.

Maybe that meeting will shed more light on this darkness that surrounds us." Her words were a

glimmer of hope in the midst of the overwhelming truth that had been revealed.


Elizabeth Deathtrap, the notorious BMO sniper assassin, was in the midst of a friendly basketball

game at her favorite spot when her phone abruptly shattered the momentary peace. The call

seemed to carry an urgency that made her abandon the game instantly. Swiftly, she left the court,

her tall figure moving gracefully, yet purposefully, and made her way to her car. Inside her

secure room, she meticulously prepared her weapon of choice, a sniper rifle renowned as the

"Shadow Serpent." This highest version sniper rifle was deadly accurate, silent as a whisper, and

deadly from incredible distances. She carefully placed it in her bag, her hands moving with the

precision of a seasoned professional. With her gear in tow, she swiftly returned to her car, the

engine roaring to life as she sped away.

Meanwhile, in Nick Calman's office, a sinister conversation was unfolding. His voice, cold and

calculated, murmured into the phone, "Yes, Madeline. He will be executed the moment he

arrives here. Nothing will reach the court." His commitment to Madeline's orders was evident,

and a sense of impending danger hung heavily in the air. Unbeknownst to Raymond, he was

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being transported in a convoy of seven heavily armored military cars. What he didn't realize was

that BMO had dispatched Elizabeth Deathtrap, their deadliest asset, to intercept the convoy. Her

mission: to eliminate him before he could utter another word. And if, by some miracle, she failed

in her task, Nick Calman, under Madeline's command, was equally determined to ensure

Raymond's demise. The stage was set for a deadly confrontation, with Raymond caught in the

crosshairs of ruthless forces.

Perched atop one of the city's tallest buildings, Elizabeth Deathtrap became one with the

shadows, her eyes scanning the horizon through the lenses of her binoculars. Below, a convoy of

seven heavily armored military cars rumbled through the city streets, an unwitting participant in

a deadly game.

With calculated precision, Elizabeth adjusted her binoculars until she spotted her target,

Raymond, nestled within the confines of one of the cars. Every movement was deliberate, every

breath measured, as she prepared to execute her mission.

"Target visible, asking permission to engage," she uttered into her phone, her voice cold and


A heavy voice crackled from the other end, granting the authorization she sought. The green

light illuminated her path, giving her the signal to proceed. With unparalleled focus, Elizabeth

settled her rifle into position, the cold metal meeting her palm like an extension of her own body.

Her trained eye followed the crosshairs, aligning them precisely with the mark on her scope.

Her finger, steady and unyielding, approached the trigger. In that moment, time seemed to stand

still, the weight of her mission resting upon her shoulders. The world outside of her scope

blurred into insignificance, leaving only her and her target.

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In the deafening silence of that height, Elizabeth Deathtrap took a breath, her pulse the only

sound in her ears. With unwavering resolve, she prepared to squeeze the trigger, unleashing the

deadly force that lay within her grasp. The city below continued its oblivious dance, unaware of

the impending violence that hung in the balance, poised to shatter the tranquility of the moment.

In the eerie silence of the rooftop, Elizabeth Deathtrap felt the cold touch of dread creep up her

spine as an unexpected voice shattered the stillness.

"Hello, Elizabeth."

She whirled around to find Uncle Sam standing there, his presence casting a shadow over her

deadly mission.

"I've always wondered who is truly the villain between Raymond and the BMO. Turns out,

you're the darkest presence I've ever known," he said, his voice laced with disappointment.

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed with a mix of frustration and fear. "How did you find me here?" she

exploded, her composure slipping.

"Drop the gun," Uncle Sam ordered calmly.

With a reluctant sigh, Elizabeth released her grip, letting the weapon clatter to the ground. There

was a bitter realization in her eyes – she had been outmaneuvered.

Uncle Sam approached her, a pair of handcuffs in his hand. Elizabeth knew there was no escape

now; she had met her match.

Meanwhile, down on the streets, the convoy came to an abrupt halt, blocked by a massive truck.

Inside one of the cars, Raymond's lips curled into a satisfied smile. He had outsmarted the very

forces that sought his demise, and in that moment, the fear etched on the faces of the convoy

crew was a testament to his resilience. The game had changed, and the balance of power had

shifted in his favor.

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Gunshots echoed through the air, and after a few intense moments, only Raymond and seven

men remained standing. A triumphant smile played on Raymond's lips as he turned to one of the

remaining crew members, a challenge in his eyes.

"Will you step outside and see what happened, or will you just stay here?" Raymond taunted, his

laughter filling the air as he realized he had been unexpectedly rescued.

Just as he reached for a phone to report the incident, a bullet pierced through his back, and the

same fate befell the rest of the crew. Doors swung open, and to Raymond's surprise, he found

himself face-to-face with Uncle Sam. Amazement painted his features as he spoke in disbelief,

"Don't tell me you're the one who orchestrated all of this. I owe you my life."

Uncle Sam responded, a glint of pride in his eyes, "Not just myself," he said, gesturing to the

figures emerging from the shadows, each one revealing their face to Raymond.

Raymond's gaze widened as he met the familiar gaze of Suzan, the woman he was torturing him

for months with her co-worker, a twin brother, Abood Voldemort.

Raymond's eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and anger, the intensity of his emotions clearly

visible. He roared, "These people tortured me for months!"

Uncle Sam, the voice of reason amidst the chaos, calmly replied, "Son, they were working under

pressure. It was all Madeline's doing. Besides, they helped you escape."

Raymond, still incredulous, retorted, "No, not really. These people put a GPS tracker on the car

they gave me."

"From my teachings, was that hard to find out?" Uncle Sam questioned, a hint of amusement in

his voice.

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"Easy peasy," Raymond responded, a smirk playing on his lips. Turning to Suzan, he added,

"Thanks to you, Madam, I was just angry."

"Worry not, Boss Raymond. I always have your back," Suzan replied with unwavering loyalty,

her eyes reflecting her dedication. Meanwhile, Abood observed the deep connection between his

sister and Raymond, unable to comprehend the unspoken emotions.

"Let's get out of here. Soon, NIA troops will flood this place," Uncle Sam wisely suggested,

urging them to leave the scene. With Elizabeth Deathtrap now their captive, they swiftly made

their exit, aware that they had narrowly escaped the clutches of danger once again.


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is MTV News reporting live from the scene of a devastating incident

that unfolded just hours ago. In a shocking turn of events, a heavily armed group ambushed a

military convoy transporting the infamous Raymond Philemon, a key figure in recent national

events, towards Gravelin Prison.

This brazen attack occurred on a remote highway, where a convoy of 42 soldiers was ruthlessly

targeted. Eyewitnesses report a well-coordinated assault, leaving a grim aftermath of destruction

in its wake. The assailants, whose identities remain unknown, displayed a high level of tactical

expertise, overpowering the heavily armed military personnel with surprising efficiency. Details

are still emerging, but it appears that the attackers managed to neutralize the entire convoy,

leaving no survivors. Raymond Philemon, the accused, was successfully rescued amidst this

chaos, adding a layer of mystery to an already baffling situation. Authorities are scrambling to

investigate this shocking incident, grappling with the complexity of the attack and the identities

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of those responsible. The motive behind this audacious rescue remains unclear, raising questions

about the depths of the conspiracy surrounding Raymond Philemon. We will continue to bring

you live updates as this story unfolds, shedding light on the events that have plunged our nation

into a state of shock and disbelief. Stay tuned to MTV News for the latest developments on this

shocking massacre and the enigmatic figures behind it."

A high-ranking government official, her demeanor exuding authority, was seen visiting Everlin's

house. Her presence hinted at a significant position in the government, evident from her

confident demeanor and the respect accorded to her by those around her.

Inside Everlin's home, the official inquired about the tragic death of Kennedy, her tone a mix of

sympathy and curiosity. Everlin, still grieving the loss of her husband, recounted the harrowing

events leading to Kennedy's demise, her voice laced with pain and sorrow. In a moment of

assurance, the official promised Everlin that she need not worry about anything. With a sense of

purpose in her eyes, she pledged to take care of Everlin and fulfill any needs she might have. She

cryptically mentioned that when the time was right, she would offer Everlin a specific job, a task

that seemed laden with significance and secrecy. Everlin, although perplexed, felt a glimmer of

hope amid her grief, wondering what this enigmatic promise might entail.

"Who are you?" Everlin asked, her voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. The

woman, an enigmatic smile playing on her lips, remained silent, her eyes fixed on Everlin.

In the wake of the unexpected visit, Everlin found herself both startled and intrigued. The

presence of this mysterious high-ranking official, the cryptic promises, and the unspoken

implications left her with a sense of foreboding. Questions swirled in her mind, and as she stared

into the stranger's eyes, she couldn't help but wonder about the hidden truths behind her

husband's involvement and the enigmatic future that lay ahead.

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The woman, her presence exuding an aura of authority,

entered the Rehub center with purposeful steps. Her eyes

scanned the surroundings until they landed on James Jr.,

who was in the midst of a group therapy session. She

approached him, her gaze unwavering, and James Jr. felt a

shiver crawl up his spine as if he were being assessed for

something much more significant.

She spoke to him in a tone that brooked no argument,

handing him a phone identical to the one she had given

his mother. Confusion etched across his face, James Jr.

stammered, "I don't understand."

The woman, her smile enigmatic, replied, "You don't need

to understand, James. You only need to follow

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instructions. Keep this phone on you at all times and do

exactly as you're told."

With those cryptic words, she left him standing in the

garden, a whirlwind of frustration and uncertainty

clouding his mind. He clutched the phone tightly,

realizing that he had been drawn into a web of secrecy

and manipulation, with no clear way out.

The mysterious woman continued her enigmatic visits,

weaving her way through various individuals' lives like a

shadowy puppeteer pulling unseen strings. One by one,

she approached people from different walks of life,

leaving behind a trail of confusion and whispered

instructions. Each encounter seemed calculated, as if she

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were carefully selecting pieces for a puzzle yet to be


People who crossed her path found themselves with

unexplained phones, cryptic directives, and a profound

sense of foreboding. It was as though they were caught in

the orbit of a grand design, the scope of which remained

hidden from their understanding.

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Seven months back, James jr. was sitting alone in his dimly lit apartment, the weight of his past

mistakes heavy on his shoulders. He couldn’t stop thinking about Nance Williams, the girl he

had carelessly hurt. He knew he needed to make amends, but the fear of rejection gnawed at him.

He had spent countless sleepless nights, haunted by the memories of his past actions. He

regretted how he had treated Nance Williams, a girl who had loved him with all her heart. He

realized that his playboy lifestyle had been a shallow façade, and it had cost him something truly

precious. One evening, as he looked at old photos of him and Nance Williams together, the

regret washed over him like a tidal wave. He couldn’t ignore the guilty any longer.

(Pacing nervously): “I know I need to apologize, but how do I even begin to make things right?

What can I say to convey how truly sorry I am?”, asked himself. He spent hours rehearsing in

front if the mirror, trying to find the right words. But every attempt felt inadequate. He realized

that he was stepping into uncharted territory, not knowing if Nance would accept his apology or

if she would reject him.

(Frustrated): “This is harder than I thought. I just want to make things right, but I have no clue

where to start” said to himself

(Whispering to himself): “What have I become? I had something beautiful with Nance, and I

threw it away for meaningless flings. She deserved so much better than that”

The regret gnawed at him day by day, and he knew he had to make amends, not just for Nance

Williams’s sake but to find some closure for himself. This deep sense of remorse became the

driving force behind his decision to reach out to her and try to mend the broken pieces of their


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As the Day he planned to face Nance Williams reached, James Jr. couldn’t shake his

determination to apologize to Nance. He had tried to reach out to her, but then a realization

struck him like a lightning bolt- she was now with Raymond Philemon.

(Typing a message but hesitating): “Hey, Nance, can we talk? There’s something important I

want to say…”. But just before hitting the send button, he remembered that Nance was now in a

relationship with Raymond Philemon, and he paused, his finger hovering over the screen.

(Frustrated, muttering to himself): “What am I doing? She’s moved on with Someone else. I

can’t just barge into her life like this and disrupt her happiness” said to himself

He deleted the message and leaned back in his chair, conflicted by his desire to apologize and the

reality that Nance had found someone else better than him. It was a painful reminder of the

consequences of his past actions and he had missed his chance to make amends earlier.

James Jr.’s jealousy and regret continued to eat him away, and on one fateful day, he couldn’t

contain his emotions any longer. He had heard that Nance and Raymond were spending a sunny

day at the NTLB- Nevertheless Beach, and he couldn’t resist going there to see them for himself.

When he arrived at the Beach and saw Nance and Raymond laughing together, it was as if a

wave of anger and jealousy washed over him. He couldn’t stand seeing her so happy with

someone else, knowing that he had been the one to cause her pain.

(Approaching them, his voice trembling with anger): “Nance! Raymond!

(Started): “James jr.? What are you doing here?”, she asked him

(Protectively stepping in front of Nance): “Hey, Buddy, I think you should leave”

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But James Jr. couldn’t control his emotions. He lashed out in a fit of jealousy, and a brief scuffle

ensued. However, Raymond was quick to defend Nance, and in the midst of the chaos, he landed

a punch that knocked James Jr. to the ground.

[firmly}: “Stay away from us, man. Nance doesn’t need this”, Raymond defended

As James Jr. picked himself up from the sand, bruised and defeated, he realized his jealousy had

driven him to a low point. His actions had not only hurt him physically but also severed any

remaining chance of reconciling with Nance Williams.

James Jr. stood nervously in front of Nance, who had agreed to meet him at the park. The air was

tense with a mix of emotions- his regret, her anger, and both of their lingering feeling from the


Nance, arms crossed and with a stern expression, cut right to the chase: “James Jr., you wanted

to talk, so talk.”

James Jr., his voice trembling with nervousness, began, “Nance, I... I don’t even know where to

begin. I’m sorry for everything I put you through. I was immature and foolish. I never should

have dumped you like I did.”

Nance, her anger raw and palpable, couldn’t hold back her tears: “Immature? Foolish? That’s an

understatement. You broke my heart, James Jr. I loved you, and you used me for that. Do you

have any idea how much that hurt?”

Tears welled up in James Jr.'s eyes as he cried impatiently, “I’ve spent countless nights crying,

regretting what I’ve done. I’m a dying man. Spare my pain, come to me.”

Her anger now laced with fury, Nance retorted, “I regret what I’ve done to you and to my life.

You were the best thing that ever happened to me, and I was too blind to see it back then. You’re

an incredible person, Nance, and I never should have let you go.”

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But Nance’s anger began to give way to deep sadness. “It’s too late for apologies, James Jr. You

had your chance, and you threw it away.”

Desperate to salvage something, James Jr. pleaded, “Raymond Philemon! Is that what you

wanted in life? The child of murderers? He will break your heart more than I did”

Nance's voice turned cold, her resolve firm: “Doesn’t matter. Are you the one I wanted in life?

Don’t ever spit your nonsense words in my face. Are we clear?”

James Jr., feeling a sense of defeat, mumbled, “That’s right.”

James Jr. had been silently battling his addiction to Cocaine for an extended period, using it as a

copying mechanism to numb his emotional pain. He had kept his secret hidden from everyone in

his life, struggling not only with addiction but also with the isolation it brought. His addiction

wasn’t limited to alcohol; he was deeply entangled in the grip of cocaine’s destructive allure. At

the park, he felt an immediate connection with her, a rare sense of trust that made him want to

share his dark secret with her. He longed to confide in Nance, believing she might be the one

person who could help him break free from his addiction and the pain it caused. However, when

James Jr. attempted to open up to Nance, things didn’t unfold as planned. Perhaps he was

overwhelmed by fear or uncertainty, or maybe the moment wasn’t right. The opportunity to

reveal his secret slipped through his fingers, leaving him more frustrated and desperate than ever.

From that day on, James Jr.’s life began to spiral out of control. He couldn’t let go of his regrets,

and his reckless behavior pushed away the few friends he had left.

The video of James Jr. getting into a fight with Raymond Philemon at the NTLB spread like

wildfire throughout the university and even beyond. It was shared on social media platforms and

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quickly went viral, attracting the attention of local news outlets. DREAM-MORE DIGITAL

MAGAZINE SOCIEY, DMS made the story viral through their daily posts about the incidence.

The incident tarnished James Jr.’s reputation, and he begun to lose the respect of his peers and

acquaintances. As the video continued to circulate, James Jr.’s life began to unravel further. The

incident became a defining moment, and people started distancing themselves from him.

Alone in the dimly lit bathroom, tears streamed down his face as he voiced his thoughts aloud,

"Being alone at the toilet when shits go down reminds yourself, no one will be at your side when

things get twisted," he said to himself. His words hung heavy in the air, reflecting the weight of

his solitude and the harsh reality he faced.

Friends he had known for years no longer wanted to be associated with him, and he became an

outcast in his own social circles. The consequences of his actions also had a detrimental impact

on his academic pursuits. James Jr. subjects started diminishing as he struggled to focus on his

studies. The weight of his past mistakes and the isolation he felt took a toll on his mental well-

being, making it increasingly difficult for him to concentrated on his coursework. James Jr.

found himself falling subjects he had once excelled in. His grades plummeted, and he was placed

on academic probation. The promising future he had once envisioned for himself now seemed

like a distant dream as he watched his life spiral out of control. It was a harsh reminder of how

his own actions had led him down this self-destructive path.

Mr. Millenium and Madam Rose had built a vast business empire, which demanded much of

their time and attention. Their numerous responsibilities and global business interests often kept

them occupied, leaving them with their only son, James Jr. Their busy schedules had caused

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them to overlook the early signs of their son’s struggles. They had assumed that their financial

success would provide him with all the support he needed, but they failed to see the emotional

turmoil brewing beneath the surface. As they jet-settled around the world, attending meetings

and managing their investments, they had inadvertently grown distant from James Jr. All the

moments, James Jr had been crying for help, disguised as reckless behavior and poor decision-

making, went largely unnoticed in the shadow of their business empire. It was when the situation

reached a critical point that they realized the extent of their son’s suffering and the gravity of the


One fateful night, the worst fears of Mr. Millenium and Madam Rose came true. They received a

call from the local police officers who had found their son in a dire state. James Jr. had been

involved in a bar fight that he himself had initiated, and he had been badly beaten by the

strangers. The police informed them that James Jr.’s fate hung in the balance, and he was in need

of immediate medical attention

Mr. Millennium and Madam Rose rushed to the scene, their hearts heavy with worry and despair.

They found James Jr. lying unconscious in a dimly lit alley beside the bar, battered and bruised.

His face was swollen, and blood stained his clothes. It was a heartbreaking sight for parents who

had once seen their son as the heir to their fortune, now reduced to this pitiable state.

With tear-filled eyes, Madam Rose stared at her son, James Jr., lying unconscious in the hospital

bed. Beside her, her husband, Mr. Millenium, trembled with fear and concern.

"James, our dear boy, what have you done to yourself?" Madam Rose whispered, her voice laden

with anguish.

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"We need to get him to a hospital immediately," replied Mr. Millenium, his voice trembling with


With the help of the police officers, they managed to call for an ambulance. Swiftly, James Jr.

was rushed to the emergency department at GK Hospital.

Anxiously approaching Mr. Millenium and Madam Rose, Dr. Salim, the attending physician,

introduced himself, "Mr. Millenium, Madam Rose, I am Dr. Salim, and I'll be taking care of

James Jr. We received a statement from the local police officers regarding his condition. He's

been diagnosed with a cocaine overdose."

"Oh, my goodness! How could this have happened? Is he going to be alright?" Mr. Millenium's

voice carried a frantic tone, mirroring the worry etched on his face.

"Worry not, Mr. Millenium. Dr. Salim, please tell us he's going to be okay. We had no idea he

was using drugs," Madam Rose pleaded, her voice tinged with deep concern.

Assuring them, Dr. Salim said, "We're doing everything we can to stabilize him. Right now, he's

unconscious, but we have a team working on getting him the medical attention he needs."

Desperation etched Mr. Millenium's face, "Doctor, we'll do anything, pay any cost to make sure

he gets the best care. Money is not an issue."

Compassionately, Dr. Salim replied, "We understand your concern, but the most important thing

right now is his well-being. We'll keep you updated on his progress, and our priority is to help

him recover."

"Please, Doctor, just save our son. We love him more than anything in the world," Madam Rose

pleaded tearfully.

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"We'll do our best, Madam Rose. Your son is in good hands, and we'll keep you informed about

his condition. Right now, please try to stay calm, and we'll keep you updated as we learn more

about his recovery," Dr. Salim said with sympathy, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of

their despair.

Mr. Millenium and his wife, Madam Rose, sat on a bench in the hospital waiting room, their

expressions weighed down by regret and sorrow, as if the weight of the world rested upon their


Mr. Millenium sighed heavily, the burden of realization heavy on his heart, "I can't believe we

didn't see this coming, my husband. Our only child, struggling like this, and we were completely


Madam Rose nodded, her eyes filled with guilt, "You're right, Rose. We were so caught up with

our own world, our businesses, and our social circles that we failed to notice the signs. We

should have been more present in his life."

Tears welled up in Madam Rose's eyes as she spoke, her voice breaking with emotion, "He must

have felt so alone, dealing with this on his own. We should have been there for him, supported

him, but we were too blind to see his pain."

Regret etched Mr. Millenium's face, "I remember when he used to confide in us, share his

dreams and fears. But somewhere along the way, we lost touch with him, and now he's paying

the price for our neglect."

Madam Rose's voice quivered as she spoke, "I just hope he can forgive us when he wakes up.

We need to make amends and be the parents he deserves."

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Determined, Mr. Millenium placed a hand on his wife's, his eyes reflecting newfound resolve,

"You're right, my wife. We'll do whatever it takes to support him through this and ensure he gets

the help he needs. Our ignorance ends here, and we'll be there for him every step of the way."

Their shared determination hung in the air, a promise to their son and to themselves, a

commitment to mend what had been broken and be the parents James Jr. truly deserved.

Mr. Millenium, deeply shaken by his son James Jr.’s overdose and determined to make amends

for their past neglect, saw the solution in taking him to rehab. He recognized that rehab offers a

structured environment with professional guidance, where James could safely detox and receive

the necessary therapy to address his addiction and the underlaying issues that led to it. By

adapting for rehab, Mr. Millenium hoped to provide his son with the focused care and support he

needed to break free from the destructive cycle of substance abuse, fostering a path to recovery

and healing that, ultimately, could mend their strained relationship and offered James a chance at

a healthier, brighter future.

The evening day ET20 Team under Raymond's leadership murdered RCO. Hon Salum Motoko

and his wife. Their only Child, Josephine embarked on a perilous journey to reach her Uncle

Abdallah’s home safety. His uncle was the retired National soldier. With the money and

guidance, Raymond provided, she managed to evade the clutches of the BMO group and found

her way to her Uncle Abdalah, tears streamed down her face as she embraced him tightly,

grateful for her safe arrival. Uncle Abdallah, deeply concerned for his niece, asked her what had

happened. In response, Josephine moved to the TV and switched it ON to the MTV news

channel. It was broadcasting a somber report, detailing the murder of two married couples;

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Regional crime officer, RCO Hon. Salum Motoko and his wife from a head gunshot, with no

whereabouts of their 17-year-old daughter, Josephine Salum Motoko. The police were actively

searching for her.

As Josephine’s uncle began to reach for the phone, intending to call the police and report her safe

turn, she stopped him urgently. Both of them were filled with fear, realizing the danger that

surrounded them. They understood that exposing her presence might not only endanger

Josephine but also put her uncle’s life at risk. In their shared anxiety, they knew that staying

hidden and silent was the only way to remain safe from the relentless pursuit of the BMO group

and the law enforcement authorities.

Uncle Abdallah was a resilient and forgotten ex-military veteran who embarked on a harrowing

mission in the early 1990s to confront the BMO insurgency in the Lex country [Dane country

Neighbor]. As the squad trainer, he held a pivotal role within the team, instilling discipline and

expertise in his fellow soldiers. However, fate took a cruel twist when their very own General

betrayed them.

The treacherous incident that still haunted him to that day unfolded when the BMO forces

conspired with their unscrupulous General to plant a landmine beneath their path. Unbeknownst

to Abdallah, tragedy struck as the car carrying 24 brave soldiers, including himself, roared to


In a twist of fortune, Abdallah had forgotten his binoculars in their tent. In the very moment he

ventured outside to retrieve them, the car carrying his comrades left him behind. It was a matter

of seconds that saved his life, for as he watched in disbelief, the vehicle met a tragic end,

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exploding in a devastating blast near their settlement. Uncle Abdallah was the sole survivor of

that treacherous betrayal, left to carry the heavy burden of memories from that fateful day.

The incident had left Uncle Abdallah utterly terrified. He couldn’t shake the haunting memories

of that day when the 24 soldiers, including his comrades, were brutally executed under the guise

of tragic accidents. It was a chilling revelation that their own General, Major, Sergeants, and

others privy to the classified “BMO CLEARANCE MISSION 09, BSM09”, had been silenced.

Fear for his life gnawed at him constantly, realizing that everyone with information about that ill-

fated mission met a grim end. With a heavy heart, he made the painful decision to flee the

country, leaving his past life. Desperate to evade those who sought to eliminate any traces of the

mission, he underwent a complete identity change, adopting new aliases to camouflage himself.

He became the fugitive in his own country. Tragically, his attempts to escape the horrors of his

past were in vain. Upon returning to his home country, he was met with an unspeakable and

heart-wrenching sight. His family, too, had fallen victim to the merciless tactics of the BMO, as a

bomb planted in his car had cruelly torn them away from him, leaving him not only scarred by

the past but also bereft of his loved ones. Uncle Abdallah’s life after that traumatic incident was

marked by a constant struggle to remain hidden from the ever-watchful gaze of the BMO. He

adopted to a life of extreme caution, mastering the art of laying low. He moved frequently, and

keeping a low profile to evade detection. He never allowed himself to form close connections

again, guarding his heart against the potential pain of loss.

Love and prospect of having children became distant memories, buried beneath the weight of his

past. The scars of betrayal ran deep, and Abdalah had resigned himself to a solitary existence,

haunted by the shadows of his history.

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Then, Josephine entered his life like an unexpected storm. Her arrival was about to unzip the

tightly sealed vault of his painful memories. Abdallah was going to re-experience the living hell

of that mission and the subsequent tragedy as he grappled with the resurgence of emotions and

the dark secrets he had buried so long. Josephine’s presence was about to unravel the carefully

constructed façade he had maintained for years, forcing him to confront the demons he had tried

so hard to outrun.

Josephine stood before her uncle, her eyes burning with a thirst for revenge against those who

had brutally taken her parents away from her. The intensity of her desire was palpable, her

determination radiating like a fierce flame in her gaze.

With a steely voice, she implored her uncle, "Uncle, I need you to train me. I can't let them get

away with what they did to my parents. I want justice, and I want to make them pay for their


Her uncle, a seasoned warrior with wisdom etched into the lines of his face, looked at her with a

mix of concern and understanding. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke, his voice

carrying the weight of experience, "Vengeance, my dear, is a double-edged sword. It can

consume you, blur the lines between right and wrong.

Remember, revenge often exacts a higher price than we anticipate. Proceed with caution, for the

path of retribution is fraught with peril."

Heeding his uncle's words, Josephine's fiery determination met a tempered resolve. She

understood the gravity of her quest for revenge, realizing that the journey she was about to

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embark upon would test not only her strength but also her character. With her uncle's guidance,

she prepared herself for the challenges that lay ahead, determined to seek justice without losing

her own humanity in the process.

Day and night, Josephine's training was grueling, pushing her to the very limits of her endurance.

Her uncle, a stern and relentless mentor, never spared her, subjecting her to exercises that

bordered on the brink of life and death. He constantly reminded her, "You have yet to see the

depths of your enemies' strength. To defeat them, you must be stronger, faster, and more

determined than you ever thought possible."

Through the harshest of hardships, Josephine persevered. Bruised and battered, she refused to

yield to the pain, her eyes always fixed on the ultimate goal: revenge. Every obstacle, every

setback only fueled her determination further. She endured excruciating physical challenges,

mental trials that tested her sanity, and emotional turmoil that threatened to break her spirit.

Her uncle's words echoed in her mind like a mantra, driving her forward: "Your enemies will

show no mercy. You must be unyielding, unrelenting. Your strength lies not just in your

muscles, but in your willpower, your ability to endure when others would falter."

Amidst the trials, Josephine honed her skills, sharpened her instincts, and steeled her resolve. She

learned to harness her anger, transforming it into a focused determination. Each day, she pushed

herself beyond her limits, knowing that her enemies wouldn't show her any mercy when the time


With unwavering focus, she trained, mastering the art of combat, strategy, and stealth. She

became a force to be reckoned with, a relentless storm on a path to vengeance. Despite the pain,

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the exhaustion, and the overwhelming challenges, Josephine remained resolute, her eyes burning

with a fierce determination to accomplish her revenge, no matter the cost.

Every day, Uncle Abdalah drove Josephine to the edge of her endurance and then pushed her

further. There was no mercy in his training, no room for weakness. He believed that only through

extreme brutality could she be prepared for the darkness that awaited her. The once kind-hearted

girl was transformed into a relentless, unyielding force, her innate goodness gradually

overshadowed by the ruthless determination to avenge her parents.

Uncle Abdallah’s methods were merciless, his training sessions bordering on sadistic. He pushed

her to physical and mental extremes, forcing her to confront pain, fear, and exhaustion in ways

she could never have imagined. The training ground became a battleground where she fought not

only her physical limitations but also the inner demons that threatened to consume her.

Each day, he drilled her in combat techniques that were as brutal as they were effective. He

taught her to strike without hesitation, to maim and incapacitate with precision. He pushed her to

endure injuries, teaching her to fight through the pain until she could no longer feel it. Every

blow she struck and every defensive move she made was honed through blood, sweat, and tears.

Despite the brutality, Uncle Abdalah's words served as a constant reminder: "In the world we

face, kindness is a luxury we cannot afford. Your enemies won't hesitate, and neither can you.

Your choices will be harsh, but they must be made with unwavering determination. Let your

focus be your shield, and let nothing shake your resolve."

Day after day, the goodness within Josephine was eroded, replaced by a steely resolve and a cold

determination. She learned to suppress her emotions, to detach herself from the humanity that

once defined her. The warmth in her heart was replaced by a chilling determination, her empathy

overshadowed by a thirst for vengeance.

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Abdallah’s training was not just physical; it was a transformation of her very being. He molded

her into a weapon, a force of nature that would stop at nothing to achieve her goal. Along the

way, she embraced her darker side, embracing the ruthlessness that was necessary for survival.

Through it all, Uncle Abdalah's guiding principle remained: "Stay focused, remain unshakable.

Your choices may be harsh, but they are the path to victory. Let your enemies underestimate you,

for in your cold determination lies your greatest strength." And so, Josephine forged ahead, her

heart hardened, her spirit unbreakable, her purpose clear – to exact a merciless revenge on those

who had taken everything from her.

In the icy silence of the mountain peaks, where the air was thin and each breath felt like a

victory, Josephine and Uncle Abdalah continued their grueling training regimen. The frosty wind

stung their faces, but their determination burned brighter than ever.

"Human being," Uncle Abdalah said, his voice cutting through the biting cold.

"Merciless, brutal, the same," she replied, her words hanging in the frigid air.

"And if someone stands in your way?" he questioned, his eyes sharp with scrutiny.

"Kill or be killed," she responded without hesitation, her voice unwavering.

"What about giving up?" he probed further, testing her resolve.

"The only exception to my rule," she declared, her breath visible in the freezing air.

"And your worst enemy?" Uncle Abdalah asked, his gaze piercing into her soul.

"Kindness, forgiveness, mistakes," she answered, her words laced with bitterness.

"What makes you proud?" he inquired, seeking to understand the depths of her convictions.

"Seeing all responsible for my family's deaths held accountable," she said, her tone filled with a

vengeful determination.

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"And your mission?" he questioned one final time, his voice echoing against the icy cliffs.

"Revenge," she stated, her voice carrying the weight of a thousand sorrows and a burning desire

for justice. In that desolate, frozen wilderness, Josephine's commitment to her mission was as

unyielding as the mountains themselves.

In the heart of her intensive six-month training, Josephine had been meticulously crafted into a

relentless force under the guidance of Uncle Abdalah. Her hesitation had evaporated, replaced by

a cold, calculating determination. Her hands were now as deadly as any weapon, and her eyes

reflected the shadows of her dark purpose.

On a frosty evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the world was cloaked in twilight,

Uncle Abdalah approached her, his presence commanding respect.

"Today's mission?" he inquired; his voice as sharp as a blade.

"Kill Yeko Tichi County mayor, Ramadhan Saleh," she replied, her words devoid of emotion.

"Reason?" he pressed, expecting a justification for her deadly intent.

"BMO money laundering, a bad person," she responded, her tone unwavering.

"What's important?" he questioned further, seeking to test the depth of her commitment.

"Mission accomplishment," she stated firmly, her focus resolute.

"If that's impossible?" he challenged, forcing her to confront the harsh realities of her chosen


"Remain untraceable," she replied, acknowledging the need for discretion even in failure.

"And if you get killed?" Uncle Abdalah asked, his eyes searching hers for any hint of doubt.

"Fate decided," she said, her acceptance of the ultimate consequence echoing in the stillness of

the night. With those words, she embarked on her mission, her steps echoing the path of shadows

she had willingly chosen to tread.

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Amidst the bustling activity of the harbor, Mayor Ramadhan Saleh stood at the epicenter of a

clandestine business exchange. He engaged in secretive dealings with foreign partners, fellow

members of the nefarious BMO organization. Cash exchanged hands swiftly, the unspoken

language of illicit transactions.

Exiting the scene of his unlawful gains, Mayor Saleh was enveloped by an entourage of

bodyguards, their watchful eyes scanning the surroundings for potential threats. Little did they

know that danger had already infiltrated their midst.

As they embarked on the journey toward his residence, Mayor Saleh’s demeanor seemed

nonchalant. Unbeknownst to him, Josephina, disguised as a waiter, had covertly tainted his drink

with an untraceable poison. The lethal substance, carefully chosen for its ability to leave no

discernible trace, had begun its sinister work. By the time they reached his house, Mayor Saleh

was already succumbing to the effects of the poison. His once calculated steps faltered, and the

color drained from his face. The bodyguards, initially vigilant, now realized something was

amiss. Panic gripped them as they attempted to save their employer, but it was too late. The

mayor's life ebbed away, the victim of a meticulously planned and executed assassination,

leaving behind a city shrouded in secrecy and shadows.

As they sat down for dinner, Josephine couldn't help but voice the question that had been

lingering in her mind. "Why didn't we take the money?" she inquired, her eyes reflecting

curiosity and a hint of greed.

Uncle Abdalah, his expression unchanged, calmly replied, "It wasn't part of the mission. Our

focus is on the bigger picture."

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"How do you live without money?" she pressed further, her curiosity piqued by his

unconventional lifestyle.

"Money is useless unless you know how to use it wisely," he explained. "It's only important

when you need it."

"And when will you need it?" she asked, her curiosity turning into intrigue.

"That," he said with a mysterious smile, "is the next mission."

The next day, under the cover of darkness, they embarked on one of the most audacious heists

ever planned. Their target: a convoy transporting BMO's ill-gotten gains from its laundering

operations to the bank. With precision and stealth, they kidnapped the car carrying the dirty

money, leaving behind a scene of chaos and confusion.

The news of this daring heist spread like wildfire within the criminal underworld. It was a blow

that the BMO had never anticipated, leaving them reeling from the magnitude of the loss.

Josephine and Uncle Abdalah had orchestrated a heist so grand that it would be remembered as

one of the greatest defeats the BMO ever faced, signaling a new era of challenges and setbacks

for the notorious organization.

A wave of fear washed over the city as news of a new serial killer spread like wildfire. This

mysterious murderer operated with unparalleled cunning, employing different tactics for each

kill and managing to evade surveillance cameras every time. The victims were a peculiar

selection: politicians, drug dealers, and money launderers, all somehow linked to the notorious

BMO operations.

Inside the imposing walls of the BMO headquarters, an emergency meeting was called. Board

members, usually composed and confident, now wore expressions of concern. The discussion

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centered around the rising threat of the serial killer, who seemed to have a vendetta against their


One board member, his voice laced with frustration and confusion, suggested a drastic measure.

"BMO has been operating peacefully across the globe," he argued, "but why should a single

country like Danes bother us so much? We've already lost a significant amount of our

investments. Perhaps it's time to cut our losses and shut down our operations in that country. It's

not worth risking our entire organization over this relentless killer."

His suggestion hung heavily in the air, a testament to the seriousness of the situation. The board

members exchanged glances, contemplating the difficult decision that lay before them. The

stakes were higher than ever, and the shadow of the serial killer loomed ominously over their

once-untouchable empire.

In the hushed atmosphere of the BMO boardroom, the discussion about shutting down operations

in Dane country intensified. Omari bin Salim, the BMO Chief Executive, stood firm, his voice

rising with passion and frustration. "Shut up!" he exploded, silencing the room momentarily.

Omari, a man obsessed with the financial gains of the organization, raised his voice once more,

his words sharp and cutting. "For the last 20 years, our earnings contribution rate from Dane

country has been over 40%," he stated, his eyes ablaze with conviction. "That's more than any

other country has ever achieved for us. Shutting down our entire operations just because we fear

a single person? That's not our goal. I won't let us lose trillions over such a reckless decision."

His words hung heavily in the air, challenging the very core of the discussion. The board

members exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the weight of the financial implications involved.

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The fate of BMO's operations in Dane country now rested on a delicate balance between fear and

financial gain. The room fell silent, the tension palpable, as they contemplated the consequences

of their next move.

Amidst the murmurs that rippled through the conference hall, Omari bin Salim stood resolute,

proposing the activation of the EXCODICUS protocol. The atmosphere grew tense as people

conflicted with his decision. The EXCODICUS protocol, a closely guarded secret, comprised

highly trained mercenaries strategically placed in every country. They were an elite force,

activated only in times of severe crisis, operating in the shadows, untraceable, devoid of

emotions, and incapable of forming attachments. A single push of a button would set in motion a

network of skilled assassins, deployed to eliminate threats worldwide

The board members, aware of the gravity of the situation, decided to put the matter to a final

vote, adhering to the principles laid out in the BMO constitution. The room was divided,

reflecting the organization's internal conflict. Many members voted against the activation of

EXCODICUS, signaling their dissent. It was a pivotal moment where the organization teetered

on the edge, torn between the leader's bold decision and the growing dissatisfaction within its

ranks. The fate of BMO now hung in the balance, dependent on the outcome of this critical vote.

Madeline, cloaked in the shadows like a vengeful spirit, approached Nick Calman's house with a

silent determination. Her gloved hands concealed any trace of her identity as she moved swiftly

through the darkness. Inside, Nick Calman, the NIA chief operator, was seated on his couch,

unaware of the impending danger.

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Feeling a chilling presence behind him, he turned slowly, his eyes widening in fear. "H- hello,

Nick Calman. I just want you to know this isn't personal," Madeline's voice was cold, devoid of

any emotion.

Desperation gripped Nick as he tried to bargain for his life. He pleaded with Madeline,

promising to reveal Veronica's location if she spared him. Madeline, after a moment's

consideration, agreed to his terms. With a heavy heart, Nick divulged the information Madeline

sought. However, as he uttered the last piece of crucial intel, death swiftly followed. Madeline

fulfilled her end of the bargain in her own twisted way, leaving Nick Calman's lifeless body as a

testament to her ruthless determination.

Madeline swiftly exited the crime scene, her steps purposeful as she headed towards the location

Nick Calman had disclosed. The information led her to a nondescript safe house where she had

been living with her lover, Colins. Unbeknownst to her, her sanctuary was about to be invaded

by the storm she had unleashed.

Meanwhile, in the solitude of the church, Veronica remained deep in thought, wrestling with the

demons of her past. Her mind was clouded with regret and guilt, the weight of her choices

bearing down on her. In this moment of introspection, a notification message on her phone

shattered the silence. It read, "We rescued him safely," and it was from Uncle Sam.

The message served as a stark reminder that despite her attempts to cleanse her conscience and

make amends, Veronica was still haunted by the consequences of the wrong choices she had

made in her life. The past continued to cast its long, dark shadow over her, a constant reminder

of the tangled web of secrets and sins that had entwined her fate.

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As Josephine advanced towards her target, a sense of determination gripped her. Her mission

was clear: to exact revenge for the brutal murder of her parents. However, amidst her steely

resolve, doubt crept into her mind like a whispering shadow.

Raymond, the man she was now tracking down, had once shielded her from the darkness of that

dreadful night when her parents had been slain. He had hidden her away from his fellow

execution team members, attempting to protect her innocence. Yet, despite his efforts, the

consequences of that pivotal choice now reverberated through the corridors of fate.

Josephine found herself torn between the gratitude she felt for Raymond's past protection and the

ruthless pursuit of vengeance that now consumed her. A conflict raged within her, a battle

between loyalty and retribution. As she pressed on, her footsteps heavy with purpose, she

grappled with the complexity of her emotions, uncertain of the path she would ultimately choose.

Raymond felt the icy grip of fear clutching his heart as Josephine's voice, laced with anger,

pierced the tranquility of the garden. He turned slowly, his eyes widening in shock as he found

himself face-to-face with the determined young woman who sought answers, her gaze like steel.

"Josephine?" Raymond stammered, his voice betraying his surprise.

With a gun pressed against his back, he knew he had no choice but to answer her questions

truthfully. Each word he uttered carried the weight of his survival, and he began to explain the

events that had led to the tragic night that had shattered her life.

His words spilled out, revealing the cruel decisions he had been forced to make, the orders from

his superiors, and the reluctant role he had played in saving her life. Tears welled in his eyes, a

mixture of remorse and fear, as he pleaded for understanding. He begged for mercy, his

vulnerability laid bare before the woman who held his fate in her hands.

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"I'm sorry... I don't do tears," Josephine's voice remained steady, her resolve unyielding. Her

finger tightened on the trigger, and a gunshot echoed through the garden, missing Raymond by a

hair's breadth. The message was clear – she demanded the truth about Uncle Sam's whereabouts,

and she was prepared to do whatever it took to obtain it. Raymond, caught in the grip of her

relentless determination, had no choice but to comply, hoping that his honesty might earn him a

chance at redemption.

The smoke began to clear, revealing the carnage that had unfolded in mere moments. Bodies lay

scattered across the floor, victims of Josephine's swift and deadly assault. Amidst the chaos,

Uncle Sam found himself on the ground, desperately searching for a weapon to defend himself.

His hands trembled as he groped in the darkness, but before he could find a means of protection,

a cold metal barrel pressed against his forehead. The voice that accompanied it was familiar yet

laced with vengeance. "Who gave the order?" Josephine's demand cut through the air like a


Uncle Sam, his face etched with fear, stammered, "I've carried out countless orders for the BMO.

Who are you?"

In a swift motion, Josephine removed her cloth, revealing her face – a mask of determination and

vengeance. "Josephine?" Uncle Sam's disbelief was evident. "I thought you were dead."

Her eyes, cold and unyielding, bore into his. "Orders always come from my superiors, but I have

no clearance to contact them. Veronica, Raymond's mother, was the one with direct access to

them. But be warned, she betrayed the BMO, and she won't be able to help you now." He


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Desperation flickered in Uncle Sam's eyes. "Where can I find her?" She asked, his voice barely a


Josephine's smile was chilling, a contrast to her once-innocent demeanor. She vanished into the

darkness, her final words hanging in the air, "Your soul owes me a bullet. You won't see it

coming. Do nothing stupid." With that, she disappeared, leaving Uncle Sam in a state of dread,

knowing that his fate hung in the balance, and his past sins had come back to haunt him.

Raymond's eyes crackled in surprise as he stepped into the safe house, only to find out several

bodies lying on the floor. His voice cracked with remorse as he confronted Uncle Sam. "I'm

sorry, Sam," he stammered, tears streaming down his face. "I let her escape the night we broke

into RCO Salum's house."

Uncle Sam placed a reassuring hand on Raymond's shoulder. "Hey... hey, there's nothing wrong,

okay?" he said, trying to calm him. "You did the right thing back then. But now, we need to face

the truth. We're going to meet your mother, Veronica. She's the one who can end all of this."

Raymond's tears flowed freely as the weight of betrayal settled heavily upon him. His fists

clenched, striking Uncle Sam's face in a moment of raw anger and disbelief. "You knew all this

time about my mother's whereabouts, yet you didn't tell me anything?" His voice cracked with a

mixture of sorrow and rage.

The sense of betrayal seemed to close in from every side of Raymond's life. He cried for the trust

shattered, for the secrets that had festered, and for the pain that seemed never-ending.

After the waves of grief had washed over him, Raymond locked eyes with Uncle Sam, his

expression determined. "No more secrets between us," he declared, his voice resolute.

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Uncle Sam nodded solemnly, his face mirroring the gravity of the situation. "That's right," he

agreed, his tone firm, acknowledging the need for honesty and unity in the face of their

adversaries. Meanwhile, deep underground, in a dim and dank room, Elizabeth Deathtrap

endured unimaginable torture. Despite the pain, she remained silent, refusing to divulge any

information. Her captors, frustrated by her resilience, decided to relocate her to a new, more

secure location. Little did they know, their actions had set off a chain of events that would soon

lead to their downfall.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Halen Steven from MTV News, bringing you the latest

developments on a series of shocking incidents that have left the citizens of United States of

Danes in a state of fear and disbelief.

Firstly, the NIA chief operator, Nick Calman, has been found shot dead at his office after being

missing for several days. His mysterious death follows a string of brutal killings that have left the

authorities puzzled. Sources suggest a possible connection between these killings and the recent

military attack on a convoy, which resulted in the escape of Raymond Philemon, leaving 42

bodies in its wake. In addition to these events, the mayor of Yeko Tichi county, Ramadhan

Saleh, was found dead at his residence. The circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear,

but authorities are investigating any possible links to the other incidents.

Furthermore, a live scene report reveals the discovery of 23 highly trained individuals at an

abandoned house on Diamond Street. These individuals appear to possess military training,

raising concerns about their involvement in the recent spate of violence. Authorities are offering

no official details at this time, but there are growing suspicions that these massacres are

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interconnected, possibly indicating a coordinated effort to eliminate individuals involved in

criminal activities within the country.

Another reporter from DSK news reported, "We regret to inform you that the United States of

Danes is currently reeling from an unprecedented wave of violence, resulting in more than 127

murders and disappearances that have shocked the nation. The escalating crisis has led to

widespread panic and fear among the citizens, prompting urgent questions about the safety and

security of the country. The reported atrocities include a horrifying incident at the Leto Gold

Mines on October 20th, where 57 individuals were brutally murdered, including prominent

figures like Philemon Sapuka and Joshua Shoko. In addition to this, Kennedy Martin, a respected

IT expert within the Police force, was found murdered under mysterious circumstances.

Tragically, the violence has also claimed the lives of RCO Salum Motoko and his wife, leaving

their daughter, Josephine Salum, missing. The whereabouts of Nance Williams, Veronica

Philemon, other individuals caught up in these horrifying events, remain unknown. The situation

escalated further with the shocking kidnapping of Raymond, who later managed to escape,

leading to the tragic deaths of 42 highly trained military soldiers during his escape attempt.

Furthermore, a fresh massacre involving 23 individuals, all seemingly trained, occurred at

Diamond's Street, intensifying the sense of dread and confusion among the public. The

increasing number of murders and disappearances has left the citizens in a state of unrest.

Frustration and anger have boiled over, leading to public demonstrations and gatherings, with

people demanding answers from the government. Some citizens have resorted to protest, taking

to the streets to voice their concerns and urge the authorities to provide clarity regarding these

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heinous crimes. The United States of Danes is now facing an unprecedented crisis, with citizens

growing increasingly desperate for information and reassurance. We will continue to monitor

this harrowing situation and provide updates as more details emerge. Stay tuned to DSK News

for the latest developments on this deeply troubling series of events.

In the dimly lit park, shadows danced eerily under the flickering streetlights, setting the stage for

a confrontation long overdue. The air was heavy with tension, and an ominous silence hung in

the atmosphere. The leaves rustled nervously as if nature itself sensed the impending storm.

Veronica stood by the park bench, her face etched with anxiety, unaware of the storm that was

about to hit her life. Uncle Sam, standing nearby, appeared conflicted, torn between allegiance

and the need for truth. Little did they know, Raymond, fueled by years of unanswered questions

and betrayal, was silently approaching, his footsteps echoing the building storm inside him.

"I can explain, Raymond," Veronica began, her voice trembling with a mix of guilt and

desperation. "Your father... he was involved in things, dangerous things. I had to protect you. I

had to make sure you stayed safe."

Raymond's grip on the gun tightened. "Protect me? Is that what you call it? You tore our family

apart! You made me an orphan, and for what? Your twisted sense of justice? I deserved to know

the truth, not live a lie."

Raymond: (sniffling, his voice shaky) I trusted you, Mother. I thought you were the one person I

could always rely on.

Veronica: (nervously, avoiding eye contact) Raymond, you don't understand the complexities of

the situation.

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Raymond: (raising his voice, anger and betrayal in his eyes) Complexity? You call killing my

father and turning my life into a nightmare "complexity"? I deserve to know the truth!

Uncle Sam: (trying to mediate, his voice calm yet uneasy) Raymond, please, your mother has her

reasons. We all have our roles to play.

Raymond: (pressing the gun against his forehead, tears streaming down his face) Roles? What

role did I play, Uncle Sam? The pawn in her twisted game? I won't be a part of this anymore.

Veronica: (desperate, her voice trembling) Raymond, I did it all to protect you, to give you a

better future.

Raymond: (sarcastic laugh, his finger on the trigger) Protect me? By tearing apart our family,

ruining lives? I trusted you, and you betrayed me. Now, it's time for the truth, Mother, no more


"Before you ask for the truth, make sure you have a chest to receive it, son," Veronica's words

trembled as she spoke, a frail attempt to defend herself against the storm of anger brewing in her

son's eyes.

Raymond's face contorted with a mixture of pain and rage. "Skip the politics part and start telling

me everything," he bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls, a chilling reminder of the danger

that lurked beneath his calm facade.

"Philemon wasn't your biological father," Veronica confessed, her voice barely audible, drowned

out by the weight of her guilt. "His death was inevitable, a part of the criminal organization,

BMO. I played a role in these serial killings. I made a grave mistake, and I understand that now.

But please, spare my life. Give me a chance to correct my mistakes," she begged, her pleas

hanging in the air like a desperate whisper in the dark.

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Suddenly, Uncle Sam's urgent voice shattered the heavy silence. "She's here," he warned, his

tone laced with urgency and fear, amplifying the sense of impending doom that loomed over


"Who's here?" Veronica's voice cracked, her confusion mirrored in her wide, terrified eyes.

"Josephine Salum, RCO's daughter," Raymond's words were like ice, sending shivers down

Veronica's spine. "We owe you an explanation for the sake of our lives."

Veronica's breath hitched, realizing the gravity of her actions as she handed Raymond the hard

drive. He took it with a steely resolve, his eyes cold and unforgiving, casting a shadow on the

woman who had once been his mother.

Backing away, Raymond's face was a mask of betrayal and bitterness. "For the record, you are

not the mother I used to be proud of," he hissed, his words dripping with venom. "Tell the man

who claims to be my father he better have enough reasons to let him live. Consider this a

warning from your grown-up son. Madeline is on her way towards you. Watch your back."

With that bone-chilling ultimatum, Raymond turned on his heel, leaving Veronica broken and

vulnerable on the cold floor, her world collapsing around her. The room seemed to close in,

echoing with the weight of secrets and the ghostly cries of the past, leaving everyone within it

drowning in a sea of dread and despair.

In the eerie aftermath of the chilling confrontation, Josephine stood there, her emotions in

turmoil. She couldn't help but empathize with Raymond, feeling the raw pain he carried, making

her heart ache in response.

"What's next?" Uncle Sam's voice cut through the heavy silence, his tone laced with a strange

mix of determination and apprehension.

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"We are going to a party, to all," Raymond said, his voice void of any emotion. Josephine

watched him closely, sensing the storm of emotions he was suppressing beneath his steely


Josephine stepped forward, her eyes meeting Raymond's with a newfound intensity. "We need a

plan, weapons, and zero chance of leaving anything to chance after the incident we're about to

face," she said, her voice unwavering, her determination matching Raymond's own.

They moved together, heading toward the basement of Raymond's house, where an arsenal of

weapons lay in wait. The air was thick with tension as they gathered what they needed, preparing

for the battle that loomed ahead. As they geared up, Josephine turned to Raymond, her eyes

locking onto his. "Wanna escort me to the bathroom?" she asked, her voice soft, yet there was an

undeniable depth of connection in her gaze. Uncle Sam, with his keen understanding, simply

smiled, recognizing the unspoken understanding between the two.

In that moment, amid the impending chaos, an unspoken bond formed between Josephine and

Raymond, their shared burden and the gravity of their mission drawing them closer, forging a

connection neither of them had anticipated. The weight of their destinies pressed upon them, yet

in each other, they found an unexpected source of strength. Little did they know, their paths were

irrevocably intertwined, destined to navigate the storm together.

In the dim light of the park, where Veronica's life had been spared by her own son, the air hung

heavy with tension. She was acutely aware that Raymond, her once beloved child, wouldn't

hesitate to take her life if their paths crossed again. Guilt gnawed at her, a constant reminder of

the mistakes she had committed. Thus why she stayed Inside the church seeking solace, her heart

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heavy with remorse. She fervently prayed, repenting for her sins, hoping for redemption. She

knew deep down that she had failed not only as a mother but as a human being. The weight of

her actions bore down on her, each mistake a haunting echo in her conscience. In the midst of her

prayers, Veronica's thoughts drifted to Nance Williams, a pawn in the dangerous game she had

played. Regret clawed at her heart as she realized she had kept Nance's fate hidden, a secret

buried deep within her. A pang of conscience whispered that if she had revealed the truth,

perhaps Raymond's course would have been altered. But fear, mixed with a twisted sense of

loyalty, had kept her silent.

Meanwhile, in a different corner of the world, at the basement, Uncle Sam stood motionless, his

eyes fixed on the image of Jesus Christ adorning the wall. The flickering candlelight cast eerie

shadows across his face, reflecting the turmoil within his soul. Doubt and self-reflection clouded

his mind. He questioned his own morality, grappling with the duality of his actions.

"Am I a good person or a bad one?" he murmured, his voice barely audible amid the solemn

ambiance of the room. He wrestled with the contradictions of his existence, torn between the

lives he had taken and the mercy shown to him by Josephina. In the midst of his internal

struggle, one truth remained undeniable: Josephina had spared his life, an act of mercy he hadn't

anticipated. The weight of this unexpected kindness pressed upon him, planting a seed of doubt

in his mind. Was there a chance for redemption, or was he doomed to forever be haunted by the

choices he had made? The flicker of hope clashed with the darkness within him, leaving him in a

state of profound uncertainty.

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Amidst the shroud of darkness, Madeline approached the hidden safe house, her eyes fixed on a

piece of paper clutched tightly in her hand. The moonlight glinted off her determined eyes,

reflecting the resolve within her. With every step, she grew more certain that she had finally

found the elusive location she had been searching for. Silently, she slipped through the shadows,

moving with practiced grace and precision. The walls of the safe house loomed before her,

concealing the mysteries within. Her breaths were measured, her senses heightened, as she

prepared for what lay ahead.

Entering the safe house, Madeline's sharp eyes scanned the room, seeking any sign of the woman

she had sworn to find – Veronica. To her surprise, she found a man she didn't recognize, his form

crumpled on the floor in an abyss of regret. His tears stained the ground, marking the depths of

his despair. Madeline's gaze lingered on him, piecing together the puzzle in her mind. If Nick

Calman had provided this location, this man must hold a significant connection to Veronica.

In that moment, the urge for revenge clawed at her, demanding justice for the lives lost and the

blood spilled. Her hand tightened around the grip of her gun, the weight of her past actions heavy

on her conscience. The memories of countless deaths flooded her mind, reminding her of the

darkness she had embraced.

Yet, something within her hesitated. The gun wavered in her hand, uncertainty flickering in her

eyes. She remembered the path of destruction she had carved and the countless souls she had

silenced. A haunting realization gripped her – she couldn't continue this cycle of violence.

With a profound sense of restraint, Madeline chose to spare the man before her. The gun

lowered, her finger released its grip on the trigger. In that moment, she denied the darkness

within her, opting for a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

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Little did she know, the man she spared was Colins – Raymond's biological father, a figure from

the past whose significance had eluded her until now. The complexities of their intertwined fates

remained veiled, waiting to unravel in the face of the choices they would make.

In the intimate confines of the bathroom, Raymond and Josephine found solace in each other's

arms. Time seemed to stand still as they shared a moment of tenderness amidst the chaos

surrounding them. Their hearts beat in harmony, entwined in a love that defied the darkness

closing in. Little did they know, this fleeting moment of happiness might be their last.

Meanwhile, in a house shrouded in shadows, NIA agents Raynolds, Anna, and Michael

meticulously combed through Nick Calman's belongings, seeking clues to his mysterious demise.

With precision, they entered his private space, their determined eyes scanning the room for any

semblance of truth.

Their attention was drawn to a peculiar discovery – Calman's phone, a key to unraveling the

enigma that had plagued them. Swiftly, they breached his locker, their hands sifting through its

contents with a sense of urgency. Their eyes widened in astonishment as they stumbled upon an

unexpected treasure trove – bundles of money neatly stacked, checks bearing the name

"Madeline Alfred."

"Possibly he was the dirty officer," Raynolds murmured, his voice laced with suspicion. The

room seemed to tighten with tension as they continued their search, the truth hanging in the

balance, waiting to be unearthed.

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In the dimly lit headquarters, the three determined NIA agents - Raynolds, Anna, and Michael -

gathered around a cluttered desk, their faces reflecting the weight of the mysteries they sought to

solve. With a whiteboard covered in scribbles before them, they delved into their latest theory.

"It looks like RCO Salum, Kennedy Martin, and Nick Calman were good people earlier,"

Raynolds began, his voice echoing with a mix of frustration and determination. "But then, along

their investigations, they came too close to the truth. Some were forced to take money, like Nick

Calman, perhaps in favor of breaching the intel. But the question still remains: why was he killed

then? Some maybe refused to collaborate with them, like Kennedy and Salum Motoko, and were

killed on the spot. But why did they spare Kennedy's wife, Everlin, while killing the entire

family of RCO Salum?"

Anna, ever insightful, made a suggestion that hung in the air like a lifeline of hope. "Maybe if we

talk to Margareth Cosmas, it could help us complete our puzzle."

Determined and resolute, the trio made their way to the underground section, G-wing, where

Margareth Cosmas was held captive for interrogation. With every step, they prayed that she

would provide them with the crucial information needed to unravel the truth and bring justice to

those whose lives had been shattered. The truth seemed elusive, yet they remained undeterred,

ready to confront whatever darkness lay ahead.

In the cold, dimly-lit cell, the atmosphere was tense as Margareth Cosmas faced the three NIA

agents, her smirk betraying a mix of defiance and frustration.

"Trouble in paradise, huh!?" she mocked, her words dripping with sarcasm.

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Raynolds, Anna, and Michael exchanged glances, the gravity of their situation weighing heavily

on their shoulders. After a lengthy conversation detailing the weight of the circumstances,

Margareth leaned forward, a glimmer of calculation in her eyes.

A big cake on this actually," she said, a sly smile playing on her lips.

"What do you want?" Raynolds asked, his frustration and anger palpable.

Margareth laughed, a bitter sound that echoed off the prison walls. "Don't stress yourself, young

man. Here's the deal." She clapped her palms on the table, her eyes glinting with cunning. "I

want full immunity on this. I want my name cleared of charges, complete security – people who

will watch my back. Because if I sign up for this, I'll be hanging myself on a very strong rope,

one I won't survive. Lastly, I want my name enrolled in your systems as your criminal informer.

If anything happens, it's just part of the job. You want, I want. Sign the papers. You don't want?

Get out of here," she finished, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.

The agents exchanged glances once more, realizing the gravity of the deal they were about to

strike. The stakes were high, and the path ahead was murky. They knew they had to make a

decision that could potentially shape the course of their investigation and uncover the truth

hidden within the shadows.

Margareth's voice trembled as she began to divulge the dark secrets buried within the intricate

web of power and corruption. The agents leaned in, their faces reflecting a mixture of

anticipation and grim determination.

"NIA, the special agency organization established to sweep terrorism brought by criminal

organizations in the Dane Country, especially BMO," Margareth began, her voice low but

steady. "It was founded in 1886, under President Jesca Mullein's administration." She continued,

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"Simultaneously, President Mullein established THE JUSTICE ORGANIZATION, initially

conceived as a security guard company. However, under the influence of General Friedrick

Blacksmith, a sinister transformation occurred. He orchestrated an assassination that led to the

first coup d'état in the United States of Dane Country's history. TJO ceased to be a mere security

company and evolved into an international mercenary force, available for hire to execute anyone

deemed a threat."

Margareth's eyes narrowed as she delved deeper into the tangled conspiracy. "Meanwhile, BMO,

the criminal organization, held a substantial stake in the USD economy. They controlled harbors,

industries, institutions, pharmacies, construction companies, and mining operations. They were

omnipresent. President Friedrick Blacksmith saw an opportunity and struck a secret pact with

BMO. The treaty they signed contained a clause preventing either party from interfering with the

other—a conflict of interest code, if you will."

The agents exchanged glances, the pieces of the puzzle finally falling into place. The intricate

dance between power, greed, and manipulation had shaped the fate of an entire nation.

Margareth's revelation was a chilling testament to the depth of corruption that had infiltrated the

highest echelons of their society. They knew that this information could shatter the foundations

of the existing order, but it also posed immense danger. They were now burdened with the

responsibility of deciding how to wield this newfound knowledge, all while navigating the

treacherous waters of deceit and treachery.

Margareth's revelation unfolded like a nightmarish tale, each word carrying the weight of

decades of deception and treachery. The agents listened intently, their minds grappling with the

enormity of the information they were receiving.

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"TJO, once a symbol of security, had been transformed into an instrument of terror under

President Friedrick's command," Margareth continued, her voice etched with bitterness. "Public

leaders who dared to oppose him met a gruesome fate, and corruption infiltrated every sector of

the country. The leadership of TJO changed hands multiple times, each new leader becoming a

pawn in this grand, malevolent scheme. Meanwhile, BMO's influence extended far beyond the

borders of Dane country; their branches spread across the globe like a malignant cancer."

She paused, the gravity of the next revelation weighing heavily upon her. "The turning point

occurred in 1980 when a young girl named Madeline was assaulted, forcing her to drop out of

school. Her friend, Veronica, shared the same fate. Veronica eventually married into the wealthy

Sapuka family, becoming entangled in her husband Philemon Sapuka's ambitions. Both husband

and wife became members of BMO, a decision that would seal their fate."

Margareth's voice dropped to a chilling whisper. "Veronica made a fatal error when she hired

TJO to execute her own husband, Philemon, a prominent member of BMO. This act violated the

conflict-of-interest code that prohibited either party from interfering with the other. To carry out

the hit, TJO assigned the job to Veronica's childhood friend, Madeline Alfred, who had

unknowingly become the instrument of her husband's demise."

A heavy silence hung in the air as the agents processed this shocking revelation. The intricate

web of betrayal, revenge, and manipulation had ensnared even the closest of relationships,

leaving behind a trail of destruction that spanned decades. With this newfound knowledge, the

agents faced the daunting task of untangling the truth and confronting the malevolent forces that

had cast their shadow over the nation. The battle for justice had just begun, and the stakes had

never been higher.

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Margareth's words hung in the air like a shroud of darkness, enveloping the agents in a chilling

silence. Her revelation was a damning indictment of the corruption that had seeped into the very

foundations of their government and law enforcement agencies.

"I was deployed by a powerful figure within the government, a name I won't utter," Margareth

continued, her tone laced with bitterness. "My role was to handle any collateral damage that

might occur during the course of the investigation. I assumed the guise of Kennedy's friend, a

man loyal to his country. But loyalty, as you can see, comes at a grave cost. Kennedy, Everlin,

and even their innocent pet were supposed to fell victim to this sinister game. I was supposed to

silence them because Kennedy failed to deliver the information BMO desired. I only killed

Kennedy before ending up before these bars. Thanks to God, Everlin and her pet are still alive.

That's good, right?" She mocked the agents.

A bitter laugh escaped her lips as she recounted the horrors she had witnessed. "When Salum

Motoko, a man of integrity, resisted BMO's demands, they sent Samwel Julian and Raymond to

enforce their will. Salum and his wife paid the ultimate price, their lives snuffed out mercilessly.

As for their daughter, a mere 17-year-old, her fate remains shrouded in mystery, though I highly

doubt she escaped unscathed.

The agents exchanged somber glances, the weight of Margareth's revelations settling upon them

like a crushing burden. The depth of the conspiracy they were unraveling seemed unfathomable,

and the enemies they faced were not only powerful but ruthless beyond measure. The journey

toward justice had become a treacherous odyssey, where every step could lead them deeper into

the abyss of darkness. Their resolve was tested, but they knew there was no turning back. The

truth had to be exposed, no matter the cost.

"How does that relate to Nick Calman's case?", he inquired, his anger vivid on his eyes.

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Margareth's voice dripped with bitterness as she continued her tale, relaying the intricate web of

betrayal and vengeance that had entangled their lives.

"After Veronica lost control of the situation, she abandoned her family, leaving Raymond in the

hands of Uncle Sam, another childhood friend," Margareth sneered, her words laced with

sarcasm. "BMO headquarters, in response to the loss of their esteemed Continental BMO leader,

Philemon, put a price on Veronica's head—a staggering $150 million."

She paused, her eyes glinting with a mixture of malice and amusement. "TJO received the

contract, and once again, they blundered. They entrusted the task to Madeline, Veronica's

childhood friend. But Madeline failed to execute the job as required. In response, BMO issued an

ultimatum: deliver Veronica's head, or Madeline's own daughter, Nance Williams, would pay the


A bitter chuckle escaped Margareth's lips, her eyes narrowing with a chilling intensity. "You

know what's ironic?" she asked, her voice dripping with scorn. "Madeline, driven to desperation,

chose to kidnap Raymond and subjected him to months of torture."

The room fell into a heavy silence as Margareth's words hung in the air, leaving the NIA agents

stunned by the horrifying revelations that unfolded before them. The sinister forces at play

seemed unstoppable, weaving a tapestry of deception, revenge, and despair that threatened to

consume them all. The gravity of their mission weighed on their shoulders as they realized the

enormity of the battle they faced. The lines between right and wrong blurred in the face of such

darkness, and the agents knew they had to tread carefully if they were to navigate this

treacherous path toward justice.

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Agent Raynolds questioned Margareth, "where will we find this Samwel Julian or Raymond?",

curiosity vivid in his eyes.

"You see, Agent Raynolds," she sneered, "finding Samwel Julian or Raymond won't be a simple

task. BMO's intricate network spans the globe, and they have contingencies in place for

situations like this. Their safehouses are designed with secrecy in mind, equipped with escape

routes and hidden exits known only to the organization."

Her expression darkened as she continued, a flicker of concern crossing her face. "But recently,

there have been whispers of a drastic measure within BMO—something they rarely resort to,

unless they believe their control is slipping."

"What do you mean?" Anna asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

Margareth hesitated for a moment before answering, "It's called the EXCODICUS—a call to

activate mercenary operatives globally. These mercenaries are trained to operate in the face of

utter chaos, a last resort for BMO when they fear losing their grip on a situation."

"The board must approve it, right?" Michael interjected.

Margareth nodded, her eyes clouded with uncertainty. "Yes, the decision to initiate

EXCODICUS rests with the board, and it's not taken lightly. The fact that they are even

considering it suggests the gravity of the situation. BMO might still have a semblance of control,

but they're teetering on the edge."

Anna, meanwhile, delved into the details on her pad. "RCO Salum's daughter, Josephine Salum,

is a 17-year-old studying electrical engineering. Her parents and guardian, Uncle Abdallah, are

the only family she has."

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"Uncle Abdallah," Anna continued, her eyes narrowing as she read from the database, "is a

military veteran. He was sent on a harrowing mission in the 1990s to confront BMO insurgency

in Lex country. He was betrayed by his own General, lost his entire unit of 24 soldiers in a car

bomb explosion, and was presumed dead. But if he's alive and involved, he might be the key to

understanding Josephine's motivations."

The room fell into a heavy silence as the agents processed the newfound information, realizing

that they were dealing with a situation far more complex and deeply rooted than they had

initially thought. The shadows of the past, woven into the present, made them mission all the

more perilous. They had entered a labyrinth of secrets, and finding their way out would require

navigating treacherous terrain and uncovering truths that had long been buried.

Agent Raynolds, his mind racing to piece together the puzzle, barked urgently, "We need to get

to Raymond's apartment ASAP!"

In a matter of minutes, a convoy of military cars raced toward Raymond's apartment complex.

Upon arrival, their hearts sank as they found the place empty. Frustration and suspicion loomed

in the air, and for a moment, they contemplated accusing Margareth of deception.

Margareth stepped forward, her eyes sharp with determination. She motioned for the agents to

stand back and, with practiced precision, revealed a concealed trapdoor beneath the dining room

floor. A glass keyboard caught their attention as Margareth swiftly entered a series of passwords,

causing the secret door to open. The agents followed her into an elevator that descended deep


"Holy shit," Agent Raynolds muttered, his eyes wide with shock as they entered the expansive

basement. It resembled more of a high-tech fortress than a simple hiding place. They

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meticulously searched every section—gym, control room, training grounds, resting rooms,

bathrooms, toilets, and an arsenal room—but found no sign of their targets.

"Where are they?" Michael demanded, his frustration palpable.

Margareth, her eyes scanning the room carefully, spotted a woman's clothing lying on a table.

There was a necklace, a military relic from the 1990s—it belonged to Uncle Abdallah, a lucky

charm he had given to Josephine.

Their search intensified, but all they discovered were traces of their elusive targets. Josephine,

Raymond, and Uncle Sam had vanished, leaving behind a chilling sense of foreboding.

"They've headed to Lisome City," Margareth stated, her voice edged with disbelief.

"Lisome City? What's there?" Raynolds asked, his expression a mix of confusion and surprise.

"A BMO Continental Relay Station, BCRS," Margareth replied gravely. "This move is

incredibly dangerous. It's a direct confrontation with BMO on their own turf. This, my friends, is

a suicide mission."

[🎵Wait for Me🎵 by Johnny Drille]

Veronica, her heart heavy with mixed emotions, prepared to take Nance to the place she had

promised her—a sanctuary away from the chaos unfolding around them. Just then, a beeping

notification pierced the air, capturing her attention. She glanced at her phone to find a message

from Raymond.

Curiosity and trepidation mingled as she opened the message, revealing a video. With trembling

hands, she played it loud, connecting her phone to a Bluetooth speaker to amplify the sound.

"Mother, it's me, Raymond Philemon," his voice echoed in the room. "I'm sorry for the harsh

words I said to you earlier. I love you deeply, Mother, even though I could never fully

understand the complexities of your love for me. I always aspired to make you proud, to achieve

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more than just my dreams, to fulfill the vision you had for me. Medicine was my dream, but you

shaped me into something greater—an agent against BMO."

He shifted the camera, revealing Josephine standing beside him. "I've found someone, Mother.

Someone willing to die for me, and someone I am willing to die for. This is Josephine, and

together, we are heading to Lisome City. BMO will no longer be a threat."

Raymond's gaze grew intense. "I am sorry, Mama," he continued, his voice cracking with

emotion. "I will be gone for a little while. I hope Nance will be proud of me, wherever she is. If

she's no longer with us, I believe we'll meet in the place where we used to dream together."

Veronica, her eyes brimming with tears, clung to every word, feeling a mix of pride and fear for

her son, understanding the gravity of the path he had chosen.

Veronica's heart shattered into a million pieces as Raymond's words echoed in her mind. Tears

streamed down her face as she whispered, "No, no, son, don't go there," her voice choked with

anguish. She tried to type a message in response, but her trembling hands caused the phone to

slip from her grasp.

In the midst of her despair, Nance, who had been preparing in the next room, heard Raymond's

heartfelt message. Sensing Veronica's pain, she rushed to Veronica and enveloped her in a warm,

comforting hug. Though her memories remained elusive, the profound love in Raymond's words

had touched her deeply.

Inside the helicopter, tension hung in the air as Raymond, Josephine, and Uncle Sam's crew

prepared for what lay ahead. In a moment of intimate vulnerability, Raymond gently kissed

Josephine, his eyes searching hers for assurance. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice

laced with concern.

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With unwavering determination, Josephine met his gaze and replied, "Yes, darling. I'm ready."

Uncle Sam, the seasoned leader, glanced at Elizabeth Deathtrap, the enigmatic member of their

crew who had been silent throughout the journey. He posed the same question to her, giving her

the choice to back out before the battle ensued.

"It's your choice to make. You can decide to join us or turn back with the pilot," Uncle Sam said,

his eyes searching hers for resolve.

Elizabeth's eyes bore the weight of her past, the lives she had taken, the darkness she had

embraced. In that moment, a glimmer of redemption flickered within her. "I have taken a lot of

people's lives. At least let me do something good this time," she whispered to herself, her voice

barely audible over the helicopter's roar.

As they descended from the helicopter using ropes, their weapons at the ready, determination

etched on their faces, Elizabeth positioned herself strategically, ready to cover their backs. With

a swift motion, she raised her gun, the cold metal reassuring in her grip. The first shots were

fired, echoing the beginning of a battle that would determine the fate of Lisome City.

Shoulder to shoulder, they fought with unwavering determination, forming an unbreakable

human chain, each member of the team covering the other's back. Their movements were

synchronized, a ballet of combat expertise, as they rescued one another from the clutches of


In the heart of Lisome City, the air was thick with the acrid scent of blood and the pungent aroma

of gunpowder. The once-vibrant streets were now painted with chaos, the cityscape marred by

the echoes of gunfire and the crimson stains of battle. Buildings that once stood tall and proud

now bore the scars of the conflict, their windows shattered, and walls riddled with bullet holes.

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Amidst the deafening cacophony of gunshots, people fell, their lives snuffed out in an instant.

Innocent bystanders, caught in the crossfire, became unintended casualties of the raging battle.

Each life lost was a poignant reminder of the cost of their fight against the darkness that had

gripped Lisome City.

The streets, once bustling with life, were now littered with fallen bodies. The cries of anguish

mixed with the shouts of defiance as survivors scrambled for cover, seeking refuge from the

relentless onslaught. Every corner turned revealed a new threat, and every alleyway hid a

potential adversary.

Yet, amidst the chaos, Raymond, Josephine, Uncle Sam, and Elizabeth stood firm, their resolve

unshaken. With every shot fired and every enemy vanquished, they carved a path of liberation

through the city, refusing to yield to the overwhelming odds stacked against them. United by a

shared purpose, they pressed forward, their courage shining brighter than the city's lights that

flickered above, determined to bring an end to the tyranny that had befallen Lisome.

Amidst the chaos of battle in Lisome City, back at Raymond's basement, the NIA agents were

meticulously examining the newly uploaded data, their eyes widening in disbelief at the depth of

corruption revealed before them. The room was filled with the hum of computers, the glow of

screens illuminating their determined faces.

"This... this is beyond anything we could have imagined," Agent Raynolds muttered, his voice

barely audible over the whirring of the machines. The uploaded files exposed not only the

sinister workings of BMO but also unveiled the web of complicity that had ensnared powerful

figures within the government.

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As they sifted through the information, the agents realized the magnitude of the task ahead. The

evidence was staggering, encompassing years of clandestine operations, covert deals, and

unspeakable crimes committed in the shadows. It was a damning exposé that could shake the

very foundations of the nation.

News of the uploaded data quickly spread across the intelligence community and reached the

public. Raymond Philemon and his allies had not only attacked the BMO Relay Station in

Lisome City but had also unleashed a torrent of truth that could cleanse the nation from the

inside out.

Outside the basement, the world was changing. The revelation of the uploaded data hit the

airwaves, and news anchors struggled to convey the sheer gravity of the situation. Ordinary

citizens watched in disbelief as their screens displayed the names of corrupt politicians,

businessmen, and high-ranking officials linked to TJO & BMO's sinister operations.

The scenes of Raymond, Josephine, and Uncle Sam fighting in Lisome City were juxtaposed

with images of protests erupting on the streets. People, armed with newfound knowledge,

demanded justice, transparency, and an end to the era of corruption. It was a revolution sparked

not by violence alone but by the power of truth.

The fight against BMO had become more than just a physical battle—it had transformed into a

war for the soul of the nation. In the midst of the chaos, hope flickered like a beacon,

illuminating the path toward a better future. The citizens, armed with the truth, stood united,

ready to rebuild their country from the ruins of deception.

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In the midst of the mounting pressure, President Angel Nicole stood tall, her expression resolute.

"I understand the concerns and questions that have arisen due to recent events. The truth is, our

country has been plagued by corruption and shadowy organizations for far too long. It was a

systematic infiltration that went deeper than we could have ever imagined. Rest assured, I am

committed to cleaning up this mess, exposing every wrongdoer, and ensuring justice prevails."

As the revelations spread like wildfire, the nation was gripped by a mixture of shock, outrage,

and a newfound sense of hope. The public's eyes were opened to the depths of the deception that

had entangled their lives, and they rallied behind the courageous fighters who had dared to stand

against the darkness.

In living rooms, cafes, and workplaces, people tuned in to news channels, their eyes glued to

screens displaying the unfolding events. The story of Raymond Philemon, Josephine, Uncle Sam,

and their allies became a symbol of resistance against tyranny. Social media platforms buzzed

with discussions, hashtags, and shared articles, fueling a collective determination to demand

accountability from their leaders.

Amidst the chaos, a sense of unity emerged among the citizens. They began to realize that the

fight against BMO was not just a battle waged by a few individuals but a collective struggle for

the soul of their nation. The truth had set them free, not just from the grip of corrupt

organizations, but also from the shackles of ignorance and apathy.

In the heart of victory, tragedy struck with a vengeance. As Raymond's team celebrated their

hard-earned triumph in the BCRS building, a shadow moved silently in their midst. Unseen,

unheard, a BMO soldier slithered across the ground, his intentions as dark as the night

surrounding him. In a split second, he raised his weapon and fired a fatal shot at Uncle Sam's

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back. The room was filled with the deafening sound of the gunshot, shattering the euphoria that

had filled the air just moments before.

Uncle Sam, the stalwart leader who had guided them through the storm, fell without a sound, his

life extinguished in an instant. The room, once alive with jubilation, was now heavy with a grief

so profound it felt like a physical weight on their chests.

Raymond's rage erupted like a volcano, his hands trembling as he gripped his weapon and

unleashed a storm of bullets upon the assassin. Each shot was a scream of fury and pain, a

desperate attempt to avenge the fallen hero. But even as he fired, the reality of Uncle Sam's death

settled in, crushing their spirits beneath its weight.

Josephine, usually fierce and unyielding, now stood frozen, her eyes wide with shock and

disbelief she was paralyzed by the suddenness of the loss. Their mentor, their protector, the man

who had given them hope and purpose, now lay lifeless before them.

Silence descended, broken only by the echoing gunfire that had ended the assailant's life. Tears

blurred their vision as they gathered around Uncle Sam's body, their grief unspoken but palpable.

The room, once a sanctuary of victory, had transformed into a sepulcher of their hopes and


In the midst of their sorrow, a resolve hardened within them. Uncle Sam's sacrifice would not be

in vain. His legacy would live on through their determination to eradicate the darkness that had

claimed him. With heavy hearts and tear-streaked faces, they pledged to carry his courage

forward, fighting on in his memory. The sadness that gripped them fueled their determination,

strengthening their resolve to see their mission through to the end.

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In the aftermath of the tragic loss of Uncle Sam, a solemn moment settled over the remaining

members of the team. Elizabeth Deathtrap, the enigmatic and lethal warrior, stepped forward, her

gaze steady and resolute. With a calm yet determined voice, she spoke to Josephine and

Raymond, her words carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken promises.

"I need some time alone to ease my mind," Elizabeth said, her tone soft yet firm. "But know this:

I'll always be watching your backs, even if you can't see me. My presence will be felt in the

shadows, a silent guardian guiding your steps."

She looked at them both, her eyes revealing a mixture of sympathy and determination. "I was

never here, but my loyalty will forever be with you," she added, her words hanging in the air like

a solemn oath.

With a last lingering glance, Elizabeth turned away, her silhouette disappearing into the dense

forest, swallowed by the unknown depths. She melded seamlessly with the shadows, her absence

felt more profoundly than her presence ever was. As Josephine and Raymond stood there, they

knew they weren't truly alone. Elizabeth's silent promise echoed in their hearts, a beacon of

strength and reassurance amid the darkness that surrounded them.

In the quiet solitude of his dimly lit room, Uncle Abdalah sat with a triumphant grin etched on

his face. His eyes were fixed on the news broadcast, his beer sweating in his hand, and a

substantial amount of money spread out in front of him. With each sip, he watched the screen

with a sense of vindication. "Ooh yeah, she did it. They did it," he muttered, raising his beer in a

silent toast to the screen. His mind, however, was already racing ahead, planning his next move.

Meanwhile, in Madeline's house, an eerie stillness settled after she returned from watching the

news. Unbeknownst to her, the dark forces of TJO's executioners were lurking in the shadows,

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patiently biding their time. They knew it was too soon to make a move, patience being their

deadliest weapon.

As the NIA agents approached the area where Raymond and Josephine were, their movements

were methodical, guns drawn and expressions unyielding. They followed the standard protocols

of the United States of Dane, shouting stern commands at the duo.

"Drop your weapons! Get down on the ground, hands behind your heads!" Agent Raynolds

barked, his voice echoing with authority.

Raymond and Josephine, despite their exhaustion from the battle, complied without hesitation.

They dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground, hands placed firmly behind their heads.

The tension in the air was palpable as the agents cautiously approached, ensuring there were no

hidden surprises.

"You are under arrest for your involvement in the activities of the criminal organization BMO.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court

of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for

you," Agent Anna recited the Miranda rights with precision, her gaze unwavering.

Raymond and Josephine remained silent, their eyes reflecting a mix of resignation and defiance.

The agents handcuffed them, securing their hands tightly behind their backs, ensuring they posed

no threat. The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air as the agents prepared to escort them

away from the scene, marking the end of their tumultuous journey and the beginning of a new

chapter in the fight against crime and corruption.

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Good evening, I'm Helen Steven from MTV News. Today, a shocking revelation has shaken the

nation as Raymond Philemon and Josephine Salum stand accused of the murder of a staggering

total of 287 people. The couple, once hailed as heroes for their daring efforts against the criminal

organization BMO, now find themselves at the center of an international wide attention. The

authorities have been tirelessly investigating the recent events in Kito Region, Leto Region, and

Lisome City, where a series of violent incidents occurred, leaving countless dead in their wake.

Sources close to the investigation reveal that the victims include alleged BMO operatives,

corrupt politicians, and innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

Raymond Philemon, a name previously associated with bravery and resilience, now faces serious

charges of multiple counts of murder, as does his partner, Josephine Salum. The couple, once

celebrated for their courage in confronting the criminal underworld, is now being pursued for

their alleged involvement in these heinous crimes.

As the investigation unfolds, the public is left questioning the true nature of the events that

transpired and the motivations behind these alleged actions. Stay tuned to MTV News for further

updates on this developing story."


[camera focuses on news reporter standing outside the courthouse, with crowds of people and

media personnel in the background]

The courtroom buzzed with tension as the trial of Raymond Philemon Sapuka and Josephine

Salum Motoko unfolded at the ICC [ International. Helen Steven from MTV NEWS stood

outside the imposing ICC building, her voice laced with urgency, reporting live to the world.

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"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Helen Steven from MTV NEWS,

broadcasting live. We are here live outside the ICC in Dane Country, where the trial of Raymond

Philemon Sapuka and Josephine Salum Motoko continues to captivate the world's attention. This

is undoubtedly the most significant legal showdown of the new millennium."

Cutting to footage of the courthouse's imposing facade, Helen's voice continued, "The accused

Raymond Philemon Sapuka and Josephine Salum Motoko stand accused of leading an

International Criminal Organization, orchestrating mass murders, drug dealing, human

trafficking, and being involved in a range of serious criminal activities."

Clips of supporters holding banners and signs filled the screen. Helen's enthusiasm was palpable

as she described the atmosphere, "The atmosphere here is electric, with supporters of the

defendants showing unwavering solidarity. They believe that Raymond and Josephine are heroes

in a battle against a system they see as corrupt."

Security personnel surrounded the courthouse, their vigilant presence evident. Helen's voice took

a serious tone, "Security remains tight, with authorities taking no chances. The stakes are

incredibly high in this trial, and emotions are running even higher."

Images of the legal teams entering the courthouse were shown, and Helen's tone turned

determined, "Inside that courthouse, legal heavyweights are clashing as the prosecution presents

its case against the accused. The world is watching as the innocence of their clients."

The camera focused on Helen holding up a microphone, her gaze unwavering, "We'll continue to

bring you live updates on this historic trial as it unfolds. Stay tuned for more coverage on this

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truly unprecedented legal drama. Reporting live from Dane Country, I’m Helen Steven, from

MTV NEWS, and this is a moment in history."

Cutting to the inside of the courtroom, Judge's voice boomed, "All rise. We are gathered here

today to address the grave charges brought against Raymond Philemon and Josephine Salum.

Mr. Philemon, you have been accused by the United States of Dane for leading an International

criminal organization known as BMO and the murder of 287 people. Ms. Salum, you are also

charged with the same offenses. How do you both plead?"

Raymond Philemon, his voice heavy with emotion, stated, "Your Honor, I plead not guilty to all


Josephine Salum, her voice nervous yet resolute, echoed, "Your Honor, I also plead not guilty to

all charges."

The judge continued, "Very well. Let the record show that both defendants have entered not

guilty pleas. Mr. Philemon and Ms. Salum, you each have the right to legal representation. Do

you have attorneys present?"

Raymond's Lawyer stood, announcing, "Yes, your Honor, I am representing Mr. Philemon. My

name is David Abas."

Josephine’s lawyer, equally poised, stated, "Your Honor, I am representing Ms. Salum. My name

is Vivian Turner.

"The courtroom drama unfolded as the prosecution presented its case, with Agent Raynolds from

NIA taking the stand, detailing the extensive evidence against the defendants. The defense

attorneys cross-examined, questioning the validity of the evidence and attempting to challenge

the charges levied against their clients.

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The tension in the courtroom was palpable as the trial continued, and the fate of Raymond

Philemon Sapuka and Josephine Salum Motoko hung in the balance, awaiting justice in this

unprecedented legal battle.

Raymond's Lawyer, his voice firm and assertive, pressed on, "Agent Raynolds, are you certain

that all the evidence you’ve collected directly implicates my client Mr. Philemon in these


Agent Raynolds, his confidence unwavering, replied, "Yes, Mr. Abas. We have substantial

evidence linking Mr. Philemon to the organization's leadership and the planning of these crimes."

Josephine’s lawyer, keen on defending his client, challenged, "Detective Raynolds, can you

provide concrete evidence that my client, Ms. Salum, was directly involved in these murders?"

Agent Raynolds calmly explained, "Ms. Turner, while the evidence against Ms. Salum is

circumstantial, it points to her significant involvement in BMO’s operations, which includes the

crimes in question."

The judge, addressing the court, added solemnly, "In addition to the charges previously

mentioned, the prosecution has also levied additional charges against Raymond Philemon and

Josephine Salum. These charges include gun possession, engagement in terroristic activities,

conspiracy towards Nance Williams' disappearance, involvement in drug dealing, mineral theft,

economic sabotage, and human trafficking."

Raymond’s lawyer promptly raised an objection, stating, "Your Honor, these additional charges

seem excessive and unrelated to the original accusations."

Josephine's Lawyer agreed, saying, "I concur with Mr. Abas, Your Honor. These new charges

appear to be an attempt to unfairly prejudice the jury."

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The judge considered the objection carefully, addressing the counselors, "Understanding your

concerns, Counselors. The court will review these additional charges for relevance and validity.

We’ll proceed with the trial on the original charges, and a decision regarding the additional

charges will be made in due course."

He continued, his voice firm and decisive, "Before we adjourn for the day, it is important to note

that due to the gravity of the charges and the nature of the accusations against the defendants,

Raymond Philemon and Josephine Salum, they will remain in the custody of government

authorities until further notice. This decision is made to ensure the safety of all parties involved

and to prevent any interference with the ongoing legal proceedings. The court proceedings will

resume next week Tuesday, 14th April 2009, and both defendants will be held in government

custody during this time. Court is adjourned for today.

The trial of Raymond Philemon and Josephine Salum is nothing short of a global sensation,

marking it as one of the most significant cases of the new millennium. The accusations of the

leading an international criminal organization, orchestrating mass murders, and engaging in a

wide range of criminal activities has captured the attention of people all over the world. Media

outlets from every corner of the globe followed the case closely and live case follow up were

broadcasted, with headlines splashed across newspapers and constant updates on Television and

the internet.

In Dane country, where the trial is taking place, the population flocks to the ICC like never

before. The courthouse becomes a hub of anticipation and intrigue, with supporters of Raymond

and Josephine fervently hoping for their release. To them, the defendants are heroes, symbols of

defiance against the establishment. They believe that the accusations were part of a conspiracy,

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and their unwavering support painted a stark contrast to the vehement opposition from the other

side of the coin.

Raymond Philemon’s life had taken an unexpected turn. He had started his journey as a medical

student, dreaming of a career dedicated to saving lives and healing the sick. However, as

circumstances would have it, he found himself drawn into a world far removed from his initial

aspirations. The unraveling of the trial and its intricate web of criminal activities had transformed

him from a medical student into a witness to one of the most complex and high-profile legal

battles in recent memory. His life had taken a path he could never have foreseen, and it was now

intricately intertwined with the unfolding drama of the courtroom.

Raymond's voice trembled with worry as he spoke, "Our fate seems to have betrayed us,


Josephine, her tone laced with equal concern, responded, "And it is leading us to the scary, ever

wished destiny. But we'll win this." Her determination cut through the uncertainty, a flicker of

hope in the face of impending darkness.

In a chilling turn of events, the mysterious woman infiltrated the heart of power at the Ministry

of Defense. With calculated precision, she bypassed security measures and entered the Minister's

office, her footsteps echoing ominously in the corridor. Her eyes were cold, her movements

deliberate as she eliminated anyone in her path.

With a silent, deadly efficiency, she silenced the Minister's secretary, ensuring no witnesses were

left behind. Her focus then shifted to the computer, where she initiated a covert program, a

digital thread connecting her to a network of individuals scattered across the Dane country.

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With a single press, a ripple effect was set into motion. Phones buzzed and chimed in various

locations, echoing the call of the woman. Those who received the call, their faces etched with

recognition, heard only two words that sent shivers down their spines: "It's time."


Frank Mashina © 2023

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