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Creating a business plan may help a firm have a clear strategy and plan for achieving
its goals and objectives. The business plan will serve as a manual on how to run the company
effectively and keep it on the correct track. Even if this business plan strategy might point us
in the right way for achieving our goals, we must also take other things into account that
could help us grow our company. This business also may provide us a guide to construct a
productive and conductive business by working an efficient strategy to strive our goals.

Nowadays students are facing a busy environmental especially university student in

managing their time to spend for their duties in university life as a student. This will be
affected to them in lack spending they are in daily activities and one of it in washing their
clothes. It is because they need to spend more time and to focus in completing their task or
assignment or doing some revision or involved in any programs. They lack of manageable in
time management to spend their more properly in doing their daily activities. So, we Uni
Clean Sdn. Bhd. are here to give a laundering service to make easiest their time management
and more effective. Our service will provide to them a quality washing and laundering and
lend a hand to manage their time more proper while they can keep completing their task or
assignment, doing some revision, study and doing any relevant things.

We believe that in dobbies service will serve them with our sophisticated washing
machine to give a quality service that we provide a fast service to prevent them from wasting
their time in washing and laundering. This will may a simply way for them not only for
university student but it can be for other people to prevent them from wasting their time in
washing clothes. Our professional service also can be more productive especially in heavy
weather as we live in Malaysia that specialized as a country with unpredictable weather, so
all people can use our service to get a quality laundry service. We are prepared to assist and
fulfil our duties to all people especially university students so we to live in simply way and
more productive in time management.

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