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A Reflection Paper

Mhar Vei Jean C. Luaña

Accountancy, Business and Management- Group 3

As we perform the processes of making survey questionnaires thru google forms to

conduct survey and gather data with regards to students who own and does not own a p.e uniform on
sections honesty and perseverance by asking close-ended-question and gathering different variable
from the students including their sex and sections, we also asked for different reason that causes them
to not own a p.e uniform. In order to identify if the majority of these variables own and do not own a p.e
uniform we have experienced different problems, and learned lessons that we could apply or help us
thru our future research paper in terms of data collection.

Knowing that we have made the survey questionnaires through google forms, we expected that
this would help us to save some money than printing some hard copies of survey questionnaires for the
respondents. Yet, we didn’t expect that there are technical problems on answering the forms. Some
students misunderstood our survey forms that made our data confusing and now irrelevant to our
needed data. The reason behind that is that whenever the student leaves the question unanswered,
their response would not be submitted and will force them to answer the question. It was the latter
when we realized that the survey forms were causing technical issues which really made a huge problem
for us, some of us were frustrated and I, was just laughing it off because we already made the mistake
and we cannot change anything about yet I was aware that this means that we need to give another
survey forms for the students and tally the gathered data for the second time around. So, we made
another google form that is already fixed, but then we didn’t review our survey forms, and it was a again
too late when we realized when the data was already done and the 100% of the respondents from both
sections have already answered the survey questionnaires when we observed that there are questions
that do not have difference or in short they are redundant one of our example was the: out of stock and
no sizes available. While tallying the results we laughed and taught of making another survey
questionnaire again but considering the given time period of our teacher, we just decided to keep it as it
is because aside from the given time period we might also cause another disturbance for the students.
As we perform the processes of creating survey questionnaires through Google Forms to conduct
surveys and gather data on students who own and do not own a P.E uniform on sections honesty and
perseverance by asking close-ended questions and gathering different variables from the students
including their sex and sections, we also asked for different reasons that cause them not to own a P.E
uniform. In order to determine whether the majority of these variables own or do not own a P.E
uniform, we encountered various problems gathering these data and acquired lessons that we may
utilize or help us within our future research paper in terms of data gathering.

Knowing that we created the survey questionnaires using Google Forms, we planned to save money
rather than printing hard copies of the survey questionnaires for the respondents. However, we weren't
expecting any technological issues with taking out the forms. Some students misunderstood our survey
forms, making our some of the data gathered confusing and ineffective to our objectives. The reason for
this is that if a student leaves a question unanswered, their response will not be submitted on the link
that we have provided, forcing them to answer the question that made us understand the problem of
taking the survey forms. It was the latter when we realized that the survey forms were causing technical
issues, which caused a huge problem for us. Some of us were frustrated, and I was just laughing it off
because we had already made the mistake and there was nothing we could do about it. However, I was
aware that this meant that we needed to give the students new survey forms and tally the gathered
data for the second time. So, we created another Google form that was already fixed but we didn't
review our survey forms and it was again, too late when we realized when the data was already done
and 100% of the respondents from both sections had already answered the survey questionnaires when
we noticed that there are questions that do not have a difference or in short, they are redundant. While
tallying the findings, we laughed and discussed creating another survey questionnaire but given our
teacher's deadlines, we chose to leave it as it is and decided to fix it in our recommendations part. We
choose to keep the data and refrained from manipulating it, and if we conduct another survey we might
cause another disruption for the students and teachers.

In conclusion, I realized that reviewing and testing your own survey questionnaires are crucial in order to
avoid miscollection of data, and redundant questions that might confuse readers and affect the data
that we gathered. Additionally, I have learned that we shouldn’t just consider our own understanding
for the survey questionnaires that we will be giving to others, but we should also consider the
respondents point of view if these questions might confuse them or not. After all, it was a fun and really
helpful experience for me that really gave me the possible problems and outcomes that we will be
expecting for our future research.

In conclusion, reviewing and testing your own survey questionares are crucial in order to avoid
miscollection of data, and redundant questions that might confuse readers and affect the data that we
gathered. Additionally, I have learned that we shouldn’t just consider our own understanding for the
survey questionares that we will be giving to others, but we should also consider the respondents point
of view if these questions might confuse them or not. After all, it was a fun and really helpful experience
for me that really gave me the possible problems and outcomes that we will be expecting for our future

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