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Project Details (DAA)

Hardware /Soft
Sr. No Title of Project DOMAIN Description Technology Objective Targeted Outcome
Efficiency in Order:
A Comparative
Create a program that visualizes various sorting Web development Help users understand
Visualization of Algorithms, Web development Help users understand how
algorithms like Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, frameworks (e.g., how various sorting
1 Sorting Algorithms Data tools (e.g., text various sorting algorithms work
etc. This project will help you understand and compare React, Vue), algorithms work and
for Enhanced Visualization editor), web browser and their differences
the efficiency of different sorting algorithms. visualization libraries their differences.
Implement popular pathfinding algorithms like
Maze Solver: Dijkstra's algorithm, A* algorithm, or Breadth-First Programming Pathfinding
Algorithms, Provide a solution for maze Efficient maze-solving
Navigating Paths Search (BFS) to find the shortest path in a maze. You environment (e.g., algorithms (e.g., A*,
2 Robotics, Game navigation and pathfinding algorithms for games or
with Dijkstra's, A*, can also visualize the algorithms' performance. Python, C++), Dijkstra's), robotics
Development problems real-world applications
and BFS Algorithms robotics libraries libraries

Classic Challenges
Solved: Dynamic
Programming Optimized solutions for
Programming for Implement dynamic programming solutions for classic Programming Solve optimization problems
Algorithms, languages, dynamic problems that exhibit
3 Fibonacci, Coin problems like the Fibonacci sequence, coin change, environment (e.g., efficiently by breaking them into
Optimization programming overlapping
Change, Knapsack, knapsack problem, and matrix chain multiplication. Python, Java) smaller subproblems
techniques substructure.
and Matrix
Shortest Path
Implement Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path
Visualizing Dijkstra's Programming Graph theory Find the shortest path between Efficient pathfinding in
Graph Theory, between nodes in a weighted graph. Visualize the
4 Algorithm and environment (e.g., algorithms, network nodes in a graph with non- networks like maps or
Networking process and compare it with other shortest path
Comparing Shortest Python, C++) simulation libraries negative weights transportation systems.
Path Techniques in
Weighted Graphs
Graph Journeyman:
Exploring Traversal, Implement algorithms for graph traversal (DFS and
Sorting, Graph Theory, BFS), topological sorting, and connected components. Programming Graph theory Solve various graph-related Effective solutions for
5 Connectivity, Network You can also explore graph coloring and minimum environment (e.g., algorithms, graph problems and analyze graph problems involving
Coloring, and Analysis spanning tree algorithms like Kruskal's and Prim's Python, Java) analysis libraries structures graphs and networks
Spanning Trees algorithms.
Approximate solutions
Explore approximation algorithms for NP-hard Programming Approximation to problems where
Approximation Algorithms, Provide practical solutions for
6 problems like the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), environment (e.g., algorithms, finding exact solutions
Algorithms for NP- Optimization complex optimization problems
the Vertex Cover Problem, or the Set Cover Problem. Python, Java) optimization libraries is computationally
Hard Problems like
TSP, Vertex Cover,
and Set Cover
Pathfinding Prowess:
Solving Mazes with Programming
Create an algorithm to solve mazes by finding the Pathfinding
Shortest Paths Using Robotics, Game environment (e.g., Develop a solution for Ability to navigate and
7 shortest path from the start to the exit, using either algorithms, robotics
Depth-First Search Development Python, C++), automated maze solving solve mazes accurately
Depth-First Search or Breadth-First Search. libraries
and Breadth-First robotics libraries
Pattern Pursuit
Library: Efficient
Develop a library that provides efficient algorithms for
Pattern Matching Text Programming String searching Enable users to search for Faster pattern matching
pattern matching, including KMP, Boyer-Moore, and
8 Algorithms including Processing, environment (e.g., algorithms, text specific patterns within large in text processing and
Rabin-Karp, with options to choose the best algorithm
KMP, Boyer-Moore, Data Analysis Python, Java) processing libraries datasets. data analysis.
based on the input.
and Rabin-Karp with
Dynamic Selection
Geometric Enigmas
Solutions for tasks in
Algorithms for Geometry, Work on algorithms for solving geometric problems Programming Geometric Solve problems involving
computer graphics,
9 Closest Pair, Convex Computer such as finding the closest pair of points, convex hull, environment (e.g., algorithms, graphics geometric shapes and their
mapping, and spatial
Hull, and Line Graphics and line intersection. Python, C++) libraries properties
Optimization, Create a genetic algorithm to solve optimization Programming Genetic algorithm Optimize solutions through Improved solutions in
Unleashed: Genetic
10 Artificial problems, such as the knapsack problem or job environment (e.g., frameworks (e.g., iterative selection, mutation, and various optimization
Algorithms for
Intelligence scheduling. Python, Java) DEAP, PyGAD) crossover domains
Knapsack Problem
and Job Scheduling
Structure Showdown:
Performance Analyze and compare the performance of various data Data structures
Programming Understand trade-offs between Informed decisions on
Analysis and Algorithms, structures like arrays, linked lists, trees, hash tables, and analysis tools,
11 environment (e.g., data structures for different choosing appropriate
Comparison of Data Data Structures graphs for different operations (insertion, deletion, programming
Python, Java) scenarios data structures
Structures for search, etc.) languages
Diverse Operations
Exploring Game Explore algorithms used in game theory applications, Programming Understand and model various Insight into strategies
Game Theory, Game theory models,
12 Theory Algorithms such as matching algorithms or algorithms for fair environment (e.g., game scenarios to make strategic and outcomes in
AI AI libraries
for Matching and division Python, Java) decisions competitive situations
Fair Division in
String Sleuth:
Implement classic string matching algorithms like
Implementation of Text Programming String searching Improved performance
Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP), Rabin-Karp, or Boyer- Enable fast and accurate pattern
13 Classic String Processing, environment (e.g., algorithms, text in text processing
Moore to efficiently search for occurrences of a pattern searching in strings.
Matching Algorithms Data Analysis Python, Java) processing libraries applications
in a text.
for Pattern Search in
Divide and Conquer
Divide and conquer
Unleashed: Closest Algorithms, Develop algorithms based on the divide and conquer Programming Solve complex problems by Efficient solutions to
14 Pair, Matrix Problem paradigm, such as the closest pair of points, matrix environment (e.g., breaking them down and problems with recursive
Multiplication, and Solving multiplication, or finding the k-th element in an array. Python, Java) combining subproblem solutions structures.
k-th Element
Online Efficiency
Create algorithms for online scheduling problems, such
Solutions for Algorithms, Programming Online scheduling Efficiently allocate resources Effective task
as the online job scheduling or the online task
15 Scheduling Resource environment (e.g., algorithms, while handling new tasks as they scheduling in dynamic
assignment problem, and analyze their performance
Challenges and Management Python, Java) optimization libraries appear. environments.
against different workloads
Analysis under
Varied Workloads
Sudoku Solver:
Backtracking Programming Backtracking Provide a solution to solve
Logic Puzzles, Create a program that uses backtracking algorithms to Ability to solve Sudoku
16 Algorithms for environment (e.g., algorithms, constraint Sudoku puzzles of varying
AI solve Sudoku puzzles of varying difficulty levels puzzles algorithmically
Puzzles of Every Python, Java) satisfaction libraries difficulties
Parallel Sorting
Power: Exploring
Multi-Processor Algorithms, Explore parallel sorting algorithms like parallel merge Parallel Sort large datasets faster by Improved sorting
environment (e.g.,
17 Performance with Parallel sort or parallel quicksort to leverage multiple processors programming, sorting distributing sorting tasks across performance for big
Python with
Parallel Merge Sort Computing for improved performance algorithms multiple processors data scenarios
and Quicksort
Adaptive Spanning
Trees: Online
Minimum Spanning
Algorithms for Graph Theory, Develop online algorithms for maintaining a minimum Programming Continuously update the MST of Efficiently maintaining
Tree algorithms,
18 Dynamic Edge Network spanning tree as edges are dynamically added or environment (e.g., a graph as edges are inserted or a relevant MST in
network simulation
Maintenance in Management removed from the graph Python, Java) removed dynamic graphs
Minimum Spanning
Chromatic Harmony:
Develop an algorithm that uses graph coloring Solutions for tasks
Algorithmic Graph Programming Graph coloring Color graph nodes such that
Graph Theory, techniques to determine the minimum number of colors involving graph
19 Coloring for environment (e.g., algorithms, adjacent nodes have distinct
Optimization needed to color a graph without adjacent vertices having coloring like register
Minimum Color Python, Java) optimization libraries colors
the same color allocation in compilers
Usage in Vertices
Algorithmic Design
Design algorithms to find optimal travel routes or Programming algorithms, Provide efficient solutions for Improved travel
for Personalized Algorithms,
20 itineraries, considering factors like time, cost, and environment (e.g., geographical finding the shortest or fastest planning and navigation
Travel Routes and Navigation
preferences Python, Java) information systems routes systems
(GIS) libraries
Considering Time,
Cost, and Preferences
Strategic Game
Mastery: Algorithmic
Create algorithms to play classic games like Tic-Tac- AI techniques (e.g.,
Approaches to Play Game Programming Create intelligent agents capable AI opponents with
Toe, Connect Four, or Chess. You can implement Minimax, Alpha-Beta
21 Classic Games with Development, environment (e.g., of making strategic decisions in varying levels of
minimax, alpha-beta pruning, and other game-playing Pruning), game dev
Minimax, Alpha- AI Python, Java) games difficulty in games
techniques frameworks
Beta Pruning, and
Graph Harmony
Determining whether
Algorithmic Graph Theory, Develop an algorithm that determines whether two Programming Graph isomorphism Provide a solution for graph
two graphs have the
22 Isomorphism Network given graphs are isomorphic by analyzing their environment (e.g., algorithms, graph comparison and similarity
same underlying
Analysis for Analysis structures Python, C++) analysis libraries analysis
Bin Packing
Brilliance: Online
Algorithms, Implement online algorithms for the bin packing Programming Bin packing Optimize the allocation of items Efficient packing of
Algorithms for
23 Resource problem, where items need to be packed into bins of environment (e.g., algorithms, resource into containers while handling items in real-time
Efficiently Packing
Allocation fixed capacity Python, Java) allocation libraries new arrivals scenarios
Items into Fixed
Capacity Bins
Data Elegance in
Bits: Exploring and
Implementing Explore and implement data compression algorithms Programming Data compression Develop methods to save storage Smaller file sizes for
24 Huffman Coding and like Huffman coding or Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) environment (e.g., algorithms, space and transmit data more storage and faster data
Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression. Python, C++) compression libraries efficiently transmission
(LZW) Compression
Efficiency: Exploring
and Implementing Algorithms, Study and implement randomized algorithms like Programming Provide solutions that are fast on Efficient solutions for
25 Randomized Probabilistic random selection, random quicksort, or the Monte Carlo environment (e.g., average and probabilistic in certain problems where
Algorithms for Methods method for solving computational problems Python, Java) nature randomness can help
Problem Solving
Optimal Time
Algorithmic Design an algorithm that solves interval scheduling Programming Optimize the allocation of
Algorithms, Interval scheduling Effective scheduling of
26 Solutions for Interval problems to maximize the number of tasks scheduled environment (e.g., resources subject to interval
Scheduling algorithms time-bound tasks
Scheduling to without overlapping Python, Java) constraints
Maximize Task
Hashing Horizons:
Exploring Open
Create a program that demonstrates various hashing
Addressing and Programming Hashing algorithms, Fast data retrieval and
Data Storage, techniques like open addressing and chaining, and Efficiently map data to fixed-
27 Chaining Techniques environment (e.g., data retrieval storage using hash
Data Retrieval compare their performance in terms of collisions and size hash values for quick access
with Performance Python, Java) methods functions
load factor.
Analysis for
Collision Handling
Graph Partition
Improved organization
Algorithmic Design Create a solution to efficiently
Design an algorithm that partitions a graph into two or and analysis of graph
for Optimized Programming partition graphs into subsets that
Algorithms, more disjoint subgraphs while optimizing certain Graph partitioning data, enhanced network
28 Disjoint Subgraph environment (e.g., adhere to specific criteria, such
Graph Theory criteria, such as minimizing the cut size or maximizing algorithms performance, and more
Division with Cut Python, Java) as minimizing edge cuts or
the balance. efficient data
Size Minimization balancing node weights
and Balance
Effective solutions for
Subarray Summit:
identifying the most
Develop efficient algorithms to profitable or significant
Solutions for Create algorithms to solve the maximum subarray Programming
Algorithms, Subarray problem- identify the subarray that contiguous segments
29 Maximum Subarray problem, finding the contiguous subarray with the environment (e.g.,
Optimization solving algorithms provides the largest sum of its within datasets, leading
Problem to Find the largest sum within a given array. Python, Java)
elements. to better decision-
Optimal Contiguous
making in various
Vertex Vistas: Discovery of groups of
Exploring nodes that can be
Algorithms for Design solutions to identify treated as separate
Implement algorithms to find the maximal independent Computer,
Maximal Graph Theory, Maximal independent subsets of nodes that are entities, aiding in tasks
30 set of vertices in a graph, exploring both brute force and programming
Independent Sets in Optimization set algorithms mutually disconnected, forming like social community
approximation methods. environment
Graphs through Brute a larger independent set. detection or optimizing
Force and resource allocation in
Approximation networks

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