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UIA20502J – Strategic Business Reporting

Unit 1 Session 7 SLO 1 CLO1

Effect of changes in Foreign Exchange Rates - IAS 21 (Overseas consolidation

and overseas transactions)

 Definition
 Functional and Presentation Currencies
 Cash Settlement
 Exchange differences on settlement
 Treatment of year-end balances
 Exchange differences on retranslation of monetary items
 Criticisms of IAS 21
– Ref SBR Study Test Chapter 7 (Foreign currency in individual financial statements)

Group Accounts:
If the group has a subsidiary co. that is located overseas, the functional currency
(primary economic environment) of the company is different. For consolidation, the
results are translated into presentational currency.
Group SPF
● Translate all the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary @closing rate (CR)
● GW working in overseas currency and translating @closing rate
● calculator the exchange differences
Group P & L and OCI
● Translate all the income and expenses of the subsidiary @average rate (AR)

Video - Foreign Currency

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