Placemat-7-Eng-07eng-C-Wlc-01-Nov-2023 1

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# Students In Class: 29 Average Student Result In Subject: B-

Year 7, English (C - WLC) - Semester 2, 2022

Average Student Result In Class: B

Class Results and Differentiation

Placemat Period: Semester 2, 2022. Comparison Period: Semester 1 Report A Level: ( • Restricting Factors / • Improvement Strategies)
Identified students:
A B C No Result Pass Rate James Dale
Current 7 (24.1%) 13 (44.8%) 7 (24.1%) 1 (3.4%) 1 (3.4%) 93.1% Edward Hennessy
Target 0 0 0 0 Archie Ceccato
Aidan Downey
Liam Goves
James Dale Edward Hennessy Connor Mitchell
A Archie Ceccato Aidan Downey Noah Smit
Liam Goves Connor Mitchell
Noah Smit Restricting Factors:
Jack Hillard Liam Whitelaw - Ego gets in the way, student belief they can "cruise" on an A
Jacob Barclay Joel Lywood
- Anxiety of having high expectations of results and managing the transition into the secondary learning space
Seturo Nanai Papu-Tema Finn Pickwell - Transitioning to secondary assessments and criteria sheets - understanding how to show the cognitions required for success
B Luke Thirgood
Alexander Addison Isaac Delporte Improvement strategies:
Seth Goodman Darcy Harman - Use REALM as an interactive learning platform.
Nicolas Ollenburg Lucca Sanson - Autonomy - choose your own adventure
Hudson Connelly Thomas Dawson - Encourage leadership within the classroom and particular activities
Luke Jones Aiden McNaught - Engage in "supported" risk activities to extend
C Cayden Read - Collaborative activities to share knowledge and perspective with others
Max Speedy - Must do/should do/could do activities - extended response, pre-empt future lessons, make it interesting and not just additional reading. Use
Camden Lawson autonomy to demonstrate understanding of other concepts and themes, allow for exploration.
Samir Gurung B Level: ( • Restricting Factors / • Improvement Strategies)

Identified students:
Jack Hillard
Liam Whitelaw
Jacob Barclay
Joel Lywood
No Result Jack Mathers Seturo Nanai
PLP Finn Pickwell
Luke Thirgood
Zander Addison
Isaac Delporte
Seth Goodman
Darcy Harman
Nic Ollenburg
Lucca Sanson

Restricting factors:
- Distractions in class time especially with peers
- Deficit mindset - particularly Darcy and Aiden
- "Cruising"
- "Small" things impacting results - grammar, punctuation, structure

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Improvement strategies:
- Review "basics" and do it well
- Informed and realistic goal setting that is reviewed at key points of the term/year
- Encourage challenge/could do activities
- Model higher level responses
- Utilise graphic organisers to assist in structuring thinking
- Reflection activities to evaluate "next step" learning
C Level: ( • Restricting Factors / • Improvement Strategies)

Identified students:
Hudson Connelly
Thomas Dawson
Luke Jones
Aiden McNaught
Cayden Read
Max Speedy
Camden Lawson

Restricting factors:
- Self perception of ability in lessons.
- "Mental block" of not being able to start a response
- 4 of these students being currently or recently assessed for PLPs (Hudson, Isaac, Luke, Tom)

Improvement strategies:
- Explicitly unpack criteria and assessment requirements
- Explicitly teach cognitive verbs
- Direct instructional approaches for support
- DeBono's thinking hats to structure collaborative work
- Ownership of space
- Recognise effort, positive reinforcement
- Challenge self-perception
- Student constructed scaffolds
- Growth mindset for language use
- Agenda in PPT and on board
- Develop realistic goals
- Get students involved - interests, develop rapport, incorporate interests where possible
Below Standard Level: ( • Restricting Factors / • Improvement Strategies)

Samir Gurung

Improvement strategies:
- Utilise vocabulary and glossary
- Visuals on PPT
- Written and spoken instructions
- Chunking of information/large tasks
- Interactive learning platforms (Kahoot etc)
- Chunking homework
- Sentence starters
- Audiobooks
- Joint construction
- Speech to text (Cayden)

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Focus Students

Focus Students Sex House Subject GPA - Semester 1 Report 2022 Overall GPA - Semester 1 Report 2022 1.Absent from School 2.Late for School 3.Absent from School (ALL) 4.Absent from Class 5.Absent Part Day 6.Early Departure

Samir Gurung M C D+ 9.00 (C+) 1 0 4 0 0 0

Max Speedy M C C 8.90 (C+) 9 3 14 12 1 0
Thomas Dawson M R C+ 9.80 (B-) 15 2 18 10 0 3
Luke Jones M E C+ 10.70 (B) 12 2 15 11 0 1
Isaac Delporte M X B- 9.50 (B-) 13 2 16 3 0 2
Seth Goodman M K B- 10.20 (B-) 8 0 11 4 0 0
Joel Lywood M R B 10.10 (B-) 7 5 10 8 0 3
Luke Thirgood M Q B 11.40 (B) 6 5 10 6 0 6
Jack Hillard M M B+ 11.70 (B+) 14 1 17 3 0 0
Aidan Downey M E A- 10.90 (B) 11 2 14 4 0 1
Liam Goves M O A- 12.90 (A-) 7 0 11 3 0 1
Connor Mitchell M R A- 12.00 (B+) 15 1 18 6 0 5
James Dale M K A 13.10 (A-) 10 0 13 3 0 0
Edward Hennessy M K A 13.90 (A) 7 0 10 5 0 0
Subject GPA less than 7. GPA less than 7. Absence Instances in the selected Term/Semester: 1.Absent from School: >= 7. 2.Late for School: >= 5.

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External Heatmap

External Heatmap PAT-Maths 4th Edition, Year: 6 PAT-Reading, Year: 6

Name PAT-Maths Scaled Score Stanine PAT-R Scale Score Stanine

Liam Whitelaw 136 Stanine 6 138.2 Stanine 7
Luke Thirgood 133.6 Stanine 6 134.5 Stanine 6
Max Speedy 124.3 Stanine 5 - -
Noah Smit 138.6 Stanine 7 134.5 Stanine 6
Lucca Sanson 125.5 Stanine 5 131 Stanine 5
Cayden Read 126.7 Stanine 5 127.8 Stanine 5
Finn Pickwell 130.1 Stanine 5 126.2 Stanine 5
Nicolas Ollenburg 115 Stanine 3 118.3 Stanine 3
Papu-Seturo (Seturo) Nanai Papu-Tema 123.1 Stanine 4 140.3 Stanine 7
Connor Mitchell 140 Stanine 7 142.6 Stanine 7
Aiden McNaught 127.8 Stanine 5 126.2 Stanine 5
Jack Mathers - - - -
Joel Lywood 142.9 Stanine 7 145.1 Stanine 8
Camden Lawson 111.6 Stanine 2 126.2 Stanine 5
Luke Jones 132.4 Stanine 6 131 Stanine 5
Jack Hillard 129 Stanine 5 127.8 Stanine 5
Edward Hennessy 161 Stanine 9 145.1 Stanine 8
Darcy Harman 130.1 Stanine 5 124.6 Stanine 4
Samir Gurung 124.3 Stanine 5 134.5 Stanine 6
Liam Goves 150.6 Stanine 8 132.7 Stanine 6
Seth Goodman 133.6 Stanine 6 142.6 Stanine 7
Aidan Downey 144.6 Stanine 8 174.8 Stanine 9
Isaac Delporte 129 Stanine 5 124.6 Stanine 4
Thomas Dawson 124.3 Stanine 5 124.6 Stanine 4
James Dale 138.6 Stanine 7 151.4 Stanine 8
Hudson Connelly 126.7 Stanine 5 107.8 Stanine 1
Archie Ceccato 138.6 Stanine 7 138.2 Stanine 7
Jacob Barclay 132.4 Stanine 6 138.2 Stanine 7
Alexander Addison 138.6 Stanine 7 138.2 Stanine 7


Academic Notes: Pastoral Notes: Other Notes:

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Student Differentiation
Alexander Addison

- Works well with Connor

- Working on ensuring he sticks close to the task requirements and does not go off on a tangent. Regular check ins around assessment to ensure he is on track.
- Curious and inquisitive - will often incorporate context and background research into tasks

Jacob Barclay

- Master Reader 2022

- Quiet, focused student
- Works well in pairs and small groups of no more than 4

Archie Ceccato

- High achiever
- Works well independently and with others
- Applies feedback
074241 - Regular check ins are important
- Stretch Archie - extension tasks, challenge prompts

Hudson Connelly

- Dyslexia/Dysgraphia
- Speech to text for assessments
- Typing in class notes - emails them through to me at the end of the lesson for accountability
083702 - Higher stress at assessment time - regular one on one check ins are helpful
- "Talk ideas out" first before typing them down. This has helped with his confidence and getting started on tasks
- Printed success criteria and learning intentions each week
- Scaffolds for assessment tasks
- Has access to sentence starters but does not often use them

James Dale

- Feels good about English
- Feels like writing comes more naturally to him than math
074911 - Feeling fine about exams now that he has experienced a few of them - this was a concern in T1
- Has relaxed in personality in class - this is not a negative thing

T1: A
T2: A
Overall: A

General notes:
- Exhibits high anxiety at assessment time, can become "snappy" with peers. This is a telltale sign
- Thoroughly enjoys sailing
- Avid reader
- Well liked by peers
- Was quite rigid in T1, has relaxed as the year has progressed
- Consistent high achiever
- Works hard and encourages peers

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Thomas Dawson

- Mum appreciated time Walters has put in with Tom
- Struggled with workload initially
073401 - Breaking down tasks works well
- Effort has been recognised through Academic Award
- Tom has struggled the last few years
- Reinforcing that we are there as support is important
- Had convinced himself he wasn't academic, now is beginning conversations with older sister about ATAR/university pathway
- Mum would support no matter what pathway
- Tom aiming for a B
- Has some anxiety regarding exams being "a lot all at once"
- Avoided feedback as he perceives it as negative. Now sees feedback as stepping stones to improvement

T1: C
T2: C+
Overall: C+

General notes:
- Behaviour has improved since Term 1
- Maturing quickly
- Responds well to verbal feedback
- Great contributions to class discussions
- Impulse control has improved
- Confidence has grown

Isaac Delporte

Grandmaster Reader 2022

- Has struggled T4 with missing friend who has moved overseas - friend returning 2023
065692 - Works well with Aidan D
- Need to organise equipment before beginning task - settling routines important
- When anxious can shut down and become very quiet - subtle check ins are useful. Offer Isaac to have a chat when others are on task or after class - this works well in settling him
- Encouraging him to use laptop but he often prefers to use academic notebook instead
- Uses sentence starters when accessible
- Chunk notes from board - do not get him to write down everything - prioritise the most important

- Will continue getting extra time on exams
- Feels confident and comfortable in the classroom
- Was slightly nervous for T1 exam as he restarted his ideas in the exam rather than sticking with what he prepared for
- No concerns with English

T1: C+
T2: B-
Overall: B-

General notes:
- Fidgets a lot but takes on information
- Works well at the front of the room with Aidan D
- Working on unpacking evidence to support arguments

General notes:
- Mum in contact re. educational assessment

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Aidan Downey

Master Reader 2022


Seth Goodman

- Generally reserved, even at home
- Feels like he is doing better in English than he was in primary school
085812 - Thrives when he understands what needs to be done and this is made explicit in class - Walters to keep doing this

T1: B-
T2: B-
Overall: B-

General notes:
- Positive growth regarding criteria
- Working on using concrete evidence directly from the text to boost analysis
- Consistent and diligent worker
- Reserved in class
- Well liked by peers

Liam Goves

- Hasn't done much poetry in the past
- Not nervous for exams, happy that they are "over and done with"
063382 - Prefers exams over assignments
- Feels like he is "not good at persuasive"
- Feeling good abut English

T1: A-
T2: B+
Overall: A-

General notes:
- Quiet student
- Diligent in class
- Likes to sit in the back row with a few close friends, this works well

Samir Gurung

General notes:
-Has moments of being loud and impulsive.
- Non-verbals work well in redirecting his behaviour.
074623 - Provide room to move and fidget if needed

Darcy Harman

General notes:
- Positive reinforcement and growth mindset is an important strategy to use with Darcy as he can doubt his abilities.


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Edward Hennessy

Grandmaster Reader 2022

General notes:
069081 - Encourage Ed to slow down to improve legibility of writing.
- Is diligent and attempts all work.

Jack Hillard

- Highly motivated
- Acts on feedback almost immediately
- Wants to do well
093482 - One on one check ins work well with Jack when he is editing his work
- Enjoys a challenge prompt

Luke Jones

Master Reader 2022

084421 - Fantastic growth this term
- Feels that assignments are easier than exams
- Will continue with separate exam supervision
- Mum wants to focus on paragraph structure, punctuation, and adding detail. Skips over this when he is typing.
- Aim for a B-/C+ on the T3 exam

T1: C-
T2: B
Overall: C+

General notes:
- Positive student
- Wants to please
- Goes quiet when he is worried
- Good relationships with other students
- Laptop for extended writing
- Very receptive to positive feedback
- Regular check ins are important for relationship and ensuring that Luke is managing
- Works well independently and with others

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Camden Lawson

- Lack of responses is also evident at home
- Working on communicating and participating
056822 - Mum stated he can be "manipulative" and enforced that he is to do the research himself
- "Racing mind" and moves on quickly
- Gets bored quite easily
- Walters to chop and change activities, use physical activity, whiteboard tables to support Camden

T1: C
T2: C-
Overall: C

General notes:
- Focus on breaking down task sheet
- Focus on using evidence to help support arguments
- Confidence? Does not communicate much in class. Does not respond to check ins more than a yes/no answer or a shrug.
- Wants to be on his laptop (gaming) and prefers to sit alone at the back. Compromise - sit alone, second row, at the side. No laptop.
- Uses sentence starters well
- Copies notes from board and does refer back to them
- Responds well to positive reinforcement and encouragement
- Highly relational
- Clear, 1-2 step instructions both verbal and written

Joel Lywood


Jack Mathers

- New T3


Aiden McNaught


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Connor Mitchell

General Notes:
- Connor has high absenteeism, however always emails for work to be sent and does complete this diligently whilst away.
- Strong stanine score. Will need to channel support into ensuring foundational skills are consolidated and they are kept engaged by challenges.
076701 - ASD - so far, support is only needed for transitions in English. - The Phases of Learning are numbered for each section so Connor is aware of what is coming up.
- Clear directions on PPT or on whiteboard.
- Permanent spot in middle of front row, next to Zander A
- Visual scaffolds
- Connor has a fantastic sense of humour
- Printed learning intentions and success criteria
- Classroom environment and structure of lesson kept very consistent

Seturo Nanai Papu-Tema

- Positive leader when he wants to be
- Working on unpacking evidence further to support arguments
091581 - Focus on organisation - bringing book, responding appropriately to reasonable requests (put water bottle down, hold thoughts and not calling out)

T1: B
T2: B
Overall: B

General Notes:
- Can work hard but is chatty
- Working on not calling out
- Working on respectful tone of voice when responding to requests and asking questions
- Responds well to praise

Nicolas Ollenburg

- Feels "alright" about English
- Wants to continue achieving a B or higher
088231 - Is feeling more confident with practice
- Felt well prepared for T1 exam, hopes to continue this for T3

T1: B-
T2: B-
Overall: B-

General notes:
- Began year very quiet and reserved, is growing in confidence
- Keen to ask for feedback
- Working on using evidence to support analysis

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Finn Pickwell

- Aim for T3 to get B+
- Big goal to get straight As, building towards that goal
088351 - Focus on the little things - proofreading for errors and omissions

T1: B
T2: B
Overall: B

Cayden Read

- Confidence has grown in English

- Uses speech to text outside to complete tasks
- Types down notes and emails them through
084451 - Is beginning to use sentence starters less in his work but still writes them down
- Printed learning intention and success criteria
- Scaffold for assessment tasks
- Scaffold for paragraph structure
- Dot point thinking to get it down on paper and then convert into full sentences
- Works well independently and with others
- Thrives off positive feedback
- Responds well to check ins

Lucca Sanson

- Fantastic growth this term
- Was disheartened with result
091771 - Mum said that this year was a huge learning curve for Lucca
- Would like some assistance with study skills and how to support him at home - Walters to compile strategies and practice questions for the class and send home
- Very active extra curricular life, Basketball is time consuming
- Sees psych re. stress levels
- Has experienced panic in the class - needs to feel well prepared for assessment time
- Walters to keep an eye on this throughout the term and keep in contact with mum

T1: C
T2: B
Overall: B-

General notes:
- Reserved in class
- Well liked by peers
- Utilise further language techniques
- Focus on what evidence to pull out for the exam

Noah Smit


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Max Speedy


Luke Thirgood


Liam Whitelaw

- Fantastic growth from T1
- Doesn't have experience with poetry
068752 - Feels "fine, sometimes nervous" about exams
- Has a goal of an A- moving towards an A in the future
- Mum very proud of learning gains achievement, hopes this recognition will give him more confidence

T1: B-
T2: A-
Overall: B+

General notes:
- Wants to do well
- Very receptive to feedback
- Positive attitude towards learning
- Working on consistently linking back to argument to strengthen points

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