Comparative Essay Mom Luby... Georgia...

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In both short stories, "Georgia and them there United States", where the narrator creates a

sense of herself as committed to the pleasures of her island home, this commitment is then
affirmed when she visits the U.S.A and her fears are confirmed but the challenges and
adversities described by her cousin Georgia and how it has changed her was not to the liking of
the narrator, "Mom Luby and The Social Worker", where the social commentary on the Welfare
system in the US but also describes how resilient "Mom Luby" was at getting things though the
challenges and adversities she faced and which then changed Miss Rushmore's views. Both
short stories present a key theme of change and how the main characters deal with the
challenges and adversities and how resilient they were in their experiences.
Change is always eminent. In "Mom Luby and the Social Worker '' Mom Luby applies for
financial aid at the welfare office but she is met with a lady, Miss Rushmore after a while after.
She proceeds not to take off her shoes and sits on the edge of the chair criticizing the things
that take place in Mom Luby's house and begins to tell her the steps on how to get the financial
aid but Mom Luby interrupts and take with her on her daily activities. When they got back Miss
Rushmore's hair came out of her pins, her shoes untied and drank corn liquor, the same thing
she once criticized. After the experience Miss Rushmore was a changed person, she left house
defeated and amazed by Mom Luby as Miss Rushmore said, " How you get more done in 2
hours than I ever did yet alone in 2 years." In "Georgia them..." the theme of change is
expressed through American Culture. When June visited the US, she was not only met by the
indifference of "over there" compared to her island home but how the US changed her family.
when she went to Leticia's office, she saw something she has never seen before as the story
states, "Aunt Teach powered bright pink, black eyebrows drawn in to make her face look
anything but what God intended.", this employs the change/affect the American culture had.
Another instance where Georgia adopted the American culture, such as when she was wearing
a wig which could be said signifies her hiding her natural identity and how her wig was long and
not short and curly as her mom. Georgia was not the same person June once knew as June
said, "That there was no Georgia for me to see."
Furthermore in the short stories "Mom Luby..." and "Georgia..." the main characters respond
to challenges and adversities. in "Mom Luby..." the main character Mom Luby responds to
challenges and adversities with a strong sense of resilience. She is portrayed as a mother figure
who takes care of her neighbors, even in the face of financial hardship. Her response to
challenges is characterized by her compassion and her determination to support those around
her. There are a few situations where she showed such characteristics one of which was how
she isn't financially stable so she pushes through and works about four jobs to provide for the
children she takes care of and through all that she still needs financial aid so she applies for aid
at the Welfare Office. On the other hand in "Georgia..." Georgia, Georgia is met with the societal
norms of the US while in Jamaica she looked and acted different but coming to America she had
to adopt, one way of which was to wear a wig. As the story states, "in America the wig is the
black woman's good morning white America..." but through all that Georgia's response to all this
is marked by her courage and willingness to change. Both characters "Mom Luby '' and
"Georgia", exhibit distinct but equal responses to the adversities and challenges they encounter.
In both short stories "Mom Luby..." and "Georgia..." readers can learn valuable insights into
resilience and nature. In "Mom Luby..." the character, Mom Luby, showcases resilience by her
unwavering strength to push through, where she's taking care of children and working multiple
jobs to make a living while still running the speakeasy at night. On the other hand "Georgia..."
Present is a character like June, though she went to the US and souch to see and see how her
family has changed and adapted the American culture, June stays true to her Jamaican culture
and remains resilient and stands strong. The stories present the theme that despite the different
human experiences resilience remains a fundamental aspect of human nature.
In conclusion the short stories, "Mom Luby
..." and 'Georgia...", explores insights into the themes of change, resilience and human
experience. Through the description of instances in each story, it becomes evident that change
is an inevitable and transformative force. Both stories respond to these challenges with
steadfast resilience which teaches us resilience is an essential trait in the face of change and
challenges which we gain a deeper understanding of the human experience.

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