Modern Compressible Flow With Historical Perspective 3rd Edition Anderson Solutions Manual

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Modern Compressible Flow With

Historical Perspective 3rd Edition

Anderson Solutions Manual
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11.1 The solution is given in the following table and graph of the contour. The point numbers

in the table correspond to the numbered points on the graph.

Point K- = K+ = = = M =
# + - ½(K-+K+) ½(K-+K+) (deg)
(deg) (deg) (deg) (deg)

1 0.38 0 0.19 0.19 1.026 77.14

2 2.38 0 1.19 1.19 1.092 66.29
3 8.38 0 4.19 4.19 1.225 54.88
4 14.38 0 7.19 7.19 1.337 48.42
5 20.38 0 10.19 10.19 1.442 43.92
6 26.38 0 13.19 13.19 1.544 40.40
7 26.38 0 13.19 13.19 1.544 40.40
8 2.38 -2.38 0 2.38 1.150 60.41
9 8.38 -2.38 3 5.38 1.271 51.90
10 14.38 -2.38 6 8.38 1.379 46.69
11 20.38 -2.38 9 11.38 1.482 42.44
12 26.38 -2.38 12 14.38 1.584 39.16
13 26.38 -2.38 12 14.38 1.584 39.17
14 8.38 -8.38 0 8.38 1.379 46.49
15 14.38 -8.38 3 11.38 1.482 42.44
16 20.38 -8.38 6 14.38 1.584 39.16
17 26.38 -8.38 9 17.38 1.685 36.40
18 26.38 -8.38 9 17.38 1.685 36.40
19 14.38 -14.38 0 14.38 1.584 39.16
20 20.38 -14.38 3 17.38 1.684 36.40
21 26.38 -14.38 6 20.38 1.788 34.00
22 26.38 -14.38 6 20.38 1.788 34.00
23 20.38 -20.38 0 20.38 1.788 34.00
24 26.38 -20.38 3 23.38 1.893 31.89
25 26.38 -20.38 3 23.38 1.893 31.89
26 26.38 -26.38 0 26.38 2.000 30.00
27 26.38 -26.38 0 26.38 2.000 30.00
11.2 The solution is given in the same format as Problem 11.1.

Point K- = K+ = = = M =
# + - ½(K-+K+) ½(K-+K+) (deg)
(deg) (deg) (deg) (deg)

1 .975 0 0.4874 0.4874 1.05 72.25

2 6.14 0 3.07 3.07 1.18 57.94
3 12.34 0 6.17 6.17 1.30 50.28
4 17.974 0 8.987 8.987 1.40 45.58
5 24.40 0 12.20 12.20 1.51 41.47
6 26.172 0 13.086 13.086 1.54 40.49
7 26.172 0 13.086 13.086 1.54 40.49
8 6.14 -6.14 0 6.14 1.30 50.28
9 12.34 -6.14 3.10 9.24 1.41 45.17
10 17.974 -6.14 5.917 12.06 1.505 41.64
11 24.40 -6.14 9.13 15.27 1.614 38.57
12 26.172 -6.14 10.016 16.156 1.645 37.44
13 26.172 -6.14 10.016 16.156 1.645 37.44
14 12.34 -12.34 0 12.34 1.515 41.30
15 17.974 -12.34 2.817 15.16 1.61 38.40
16 24.40 -12.34 6.030 18.37 1.72 35.55
17 26.172 -12.34 6.916 19.256 1.75 34.85
18 26.172 -12.34 6.916 19.256 1.75 34.85
19 17.974 -17.974 0 17.974 1.705 35.91
20 24.40 -17.974 3.213 21.187 1.815 33.43
21 26.172 -17.974 4.099 22.073 1.857 32.78
22 26.172 -17.974 4.099 22.073 1.857 32.78
23 24.40 -24.40 0 24.40 1.93 31.21
24 26.172 -24.40 .886 25.29 1.96 30.68
25 26.178 -24.40 .886 25.29 1.96 30.68
26 26.172 -26.172 0 26.172 2.00 30.00
27 26.172 -26.172 0 26.172 2.00 30.00

11.3 Because of the curved shock wave attached to the tip of the body, the flowfield between

the body and the shock is rotational. However, to illustrate the application of the method of

characteristics to an external flow problem in the most simple manner possible, we will assume

here that the shock curvature in the vicinity of the body is not large, and consequently assume the

flow to be essentially irrotational. Hence, the compatibility equations from Section 11.4 will be

used. After this approach is understood, the extension to the accurate rotational solution (Section

11.9) can be made. Also for simplicity, we will consider a two-dimensional body.

The solution is carried out in the following steps:

1. Assume the top of the pointed body is a wedge with angle w equal to the tip angle.

This provides a known, uniform flow region to begin the solution. In the above sketch, the

wedge surface is 0-1, the known straight oblique shock is 0-5, and line 1-5 is a left-running

characteristic from point 1. Line 1-5 is the initial data line, along which the flow is known at all

points from the oblique shock solution. Choose some arbitrary points along 1-5, say points 2, 3,

and 4.

2. Draw a C- characteristic through 2, intersecting the body at 6. Calculate the flow at 6

using the solid boundary unit process (see Section 11.5).

3. Draw a C+ characteristic through pt. 6 and a C- characteristic through pt. 3,

intersecting at pt. 7. Calculate the flow at 7 using the internal unit process. Repeat the same for

pts. 8 and 9.

4. Draw a C+ characteristic through pt. 9, and determine the location of the shock wave

and flow at pt. 10 using the shock wave unit process.

5. At this stage, all properties have been found along the left-running characteristic 6-10.

Repeat the above process for the next downstream left-running characteristic, 11-14. You will

note that the characteristic mesh is beginning to widen, and the points are becoming farther apart.

To prevent a loss of accuracy, additional mesh points must be introduced as we go downstream.

For example, add pt. A, and draw a C- characteristic from pt. a. This will introduce another

mesh point b between points 13 and 14.

6. Repeat the above process until the base of the body is encountered.


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