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I will travel with my family next time, my family has been talking about what

kind of vacation. My mother suggested going to the beach but my home is in

Vung Tau and the beach is nothing new to us so we didn't agree to it. My
younger brother wanted to go on a camping trip to the mountains and forests of
the Central Highlands of Vietnam, but it wasn't safe so we didn't agree. I think
cruise holiday is the best, people say traveling is to change your sleeping place
and make you more relaxed so Europe will be where my family goes.
. The flight will depart in early December. There are many things to arrange.
My English is quite good and with the help of a translation dictionary I think the
language is enough for the trip. The luggage is very simple to prepare, just a
few winter clothes because it's winter in Europe, some electronics and passports
for the whole family.The most important thing is the budget for the trip. The
cost of the trip will be high, so preparing enough or too much will make me
more confident during the trip, I can experience many things and visit more
countries in Europe, then my trip will be more successful. become more
complete and meaningful.So for me budget is the most important thing for the

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