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Position Salary Monthly salary


President 33 ₱411,382 -

Vice-President 32 ₱353,470 -

Senate President 32 ₱353,470 -


Senators 31 ₱273,278 -

Members of the House of Representatives 31 ₱273,278 -


Provincial Governor 30 ₱185,695 -


Provincial Vice-Governor 28 ₱145,427 -


City Mayor 30 ₱185,695 -


Vice Mayor (Manila, QC, and highly 28 ₱145,427 -

urbanized cities) ₱162,877

Vice Mayor (component cities) 26 ₱113,891 -


The figures aren’t exactly what you’d expect government officials to get, considering the
positions hold extreme national importance. Despite the less than stellar salaries that
these politicians earn every month, many of them managed to earn a net worth of more
than their entire salary in their term combined.
While the source of wealth of some politicians remains unknown, others have well-
documented legitimate sources of income that raked them hundreds of millions or even
billions in wealth, take for example Manny Pacquiao (the world-renowned boxer) and
Cynthia Villar (a real estate tycoon).

Salaries of the highest public officials from

2020 to 2023
The salaries weren’t as generous as we thought they were, not until the passage of the
Salary Standardization Law IV. Take for example the President’s Salary, in 2016 it was
only ₱165,752 a month! Even with the implemented salary increase, the salaries of our
politicians don’t really compensate well for the responsibilities that they hold. It’s quite
negligible considering they’re running an entire country!

Based on the Salary Standardization Law V, here are the (supposed) monthly salaries
of the highest officials of the Philippines by the end of 2021:

President (Salary Grade 33)

2020 Salary (First tranche) ₱395,858

2021 Salary (Second tranche) ₱403,620

2022 Salary (Third tranche) ₱411,382

2023 Salary (Fourth tranche) ₱419,144

Vice-President (Salary Grade 32)

2020 Salary (First tranche) ₱313,512

2021 Salary (Second tranche) ₱319,660

2022 Salary (Third tranche) ₱325,807

2023 Salary (Fourth tranche) ₱331,954

Senator(Salary Grade 31)

2020 Salary (First tranche) ₱262,965

2021 Salary (Second tranche) ₱268,121

2022 Salary (Third tranche) ₱273,278

2023 Salary (Fourth tranche) ₱278,434

Bonuses and other incentives

The highest officials of the land aren’t entitled to receive additional compensations like

They are however entitled by the constitution to charge their basic living expenses to
the government. On top of that, they are entitled to a mid-year bonus which is
equivalent to one (1) month basic salary as of May 15.

It will be granted to those who have rendered at least four (4) months of satisfactory
service and are still in the service as of the same date, to be given not earlier than May
15 of every year.

The existing Year-End Bonus equivalent to one (1) month basic salary and Cash Gift at
prescribed rates shall be given in November of every year.

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