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Shane May Marie D.

Ms. Joy
FITT 111
14 September 2023

What I felt about the activity

I wrote this essay in order to express how I felt that day. Exercise is not something I enjoy doing. Though I

had several ideas to do so, my lethargy prevented me from doing it. We engaged in a lot of physical activity,

which really improved my mood. Let me share with you how it goes.

First and foremost, the thought of performing physical education activities again with new people and a new

environment was a source of excitement for me. It awakens my inner self and makes me feel alive. All the

activities we did have their own benefits on our bodies, and I believe it was a good practice to do. I was very

enthusiastic about what we were doing during that day. Moreover, After finishing the assigned task, I feel

relieved and physically refreshed as if all of my nerves and muscles have been refreshed. As a result, I am

able to finish my day with a bucket of energy left in my body.

I've come to the conclusion that all we did was worthwhile. We learn a new lesson that will act as a reminder

to us to maintain our physical health as exercise has many positive effects on our bodies. But keep in mind

that doing it excessively have unfavorable effects, so we must also adhere to specific restrictions when

performing those activities. I'm glad I was able to take part in our activity that day because it allowed me to

learn and gain knowledge in a way that would be beneficial to someone like me who isn't particularly

physically active.

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