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Version 7.3.

PVsyst - Simulation report

Grid-Connected System

Project: Test Project

Variant: New simulation variant
Sheds, single array
System power: 2562 kWp
NayPyiDaw - Myanmar

Project: Test Project
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.3.1
VC0, Simulation date:
10/25/23 12:11
with v7.3.1

Project summary
Geographical Site Situation Project settings
NayPyiDaw Latitude 19.73 °N Albedo 0.20
Myanmar Longitude 96.10 °E
Altitude 120 m
Time zone UTC+6.5

Meteo data

System summary
Grid-Connected System Sheds, single array
Simulation for year no 1

PV Field Orientation Near Shadings User's needs

Fixed plane Linear shadings Unlimited load (grid)
Tilt/Azimuth 25 / 0 °

System information
PV Array Inverters
Nb. of modules 4200 units Nb. of units 7 units
Pnom total 2562 kWp Pnom total 2100 kWac
Pnom ratio 1.220

Results summary
Produced Energy 4434428 kWh/year Specific production 1731 kWh/kWp/year Perf. Ratio PR 79.97 %

Table of contents
Project and results summary 2
General parameters, PV Array Characteristics, System losses 3
Near shading definition - Iso-shadings diagram 6
Main results 7
Loss diagram 8
Predef. graphs 9
Single-line diagram 10

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Project: Test Project
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.3.1
VC0, Simulation date:
10/25/23 12:11
with v7.3.1

General parameters
Grid-Connected System Sheds, single array

PV Field Orientation
Orientation Sheds configuration Models used
Fixed plane Nb. of sheds 40 units Transposition Perez
Tilt/Azimuth 25 / 0 ° Single array Diffuse Imported
Sizes Circumsolar separate
Sheds spacing 7.86 m
Collector width 4.95 m
Ground Cov. Ratio (GCR) 63.0 %
Top inactive band 0.02 m
Bottom inactive band 0.02 m
Shading limit angle
Limit profile angle 32.0 °

Horizon Near Shadings User's needs

Free Horizon Linear shadings Unlimited load (grid)

PV Array Characteristics
PV module Inverter
Manufacturer Jinkosolar Manufacturer Huawei Technologies
Model JKM-610N-78HL4-BDV Model SUN2000-330KTL-H1
(Custom parameters definition) (Custom parameters definition)
Unit Nom. Power 610 Wp Unit Nom. Power 300 kWac
Number of PV modules 4200 units Number of inverters 7 units
Nominal (STC) 2562 kWp Total power 2100 kWac

Array #1 - Array 1
Number of PV modules 3000 units Number of inverters 5 units
Nominal (STC) 1830 kWp Total power 1500 kWac
Modules 120 Strings x 25 In series
At operating cond. (50°C) Operating voltage 500-1500 V
Pmpp 1663 kWp Max. power (=>25°C) 330 kWac
U mpp 1060 V Pnom ratio (DC:AC) 1.22
I mpp 1568 A Power sharing within this inverter

Array #2 - Array 2
Number of PV modules 1200 units Number of inverters 2 units
Nominal (STC) 732 kWp Total power 600 kWac
Modules 48 Strings x 25 In series
At operating cond. (50°C) Operating voltage 500-1500 V
Pmpp 665 kWp Max. power (=>25°C) 330 kWac
U mpp 1060 V Pnom ratio (DC:AC) 1.22
I mpp 627 A Power sharing within this inverter

Total PV power Total inverter power

Nominal (STC) 2562 kWp Total power 2100 kWac
Total 4200 modules Number of inverters 7 units
Module area 11740 m² Pnom ratio 1.22

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Project: Test Project
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.3.1
VC0, Simulation date:
10/25/23 12:11
with v7.3.1

Array losses
Array Soiling Losses Thermal Loss factor LID - Light Induced Degradation
Loss Fraction 0.5 % Module temperature according to irradiance Loss Fraction 0.5 %
Uc (const) 20.0 W/m²K
Uv (wind) 0.0 W/m²K/m/s

Module Quality Loss Module mismatch losses Strings Mismatch loss

Loss Fraction -0.5 % Loss Fraction 1.0 % at MPP Loss Fraction 0.1 %

Module average degradation

Year no 1
Loss factor 0.4 %/year
Mismatch due to degradation
Imp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year
Vmp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year

IAM loss factor

Incidence effect (IAM): Fresnel, AR coating, n(glass)=1.526, n(AR)=1.290

0° 30° 50° 60° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90°

1.000 0.999 0.987 0.962 0.892 0.816 0.681 0.440 0.000

Spectral correction
FirstSolar model
Precipitable water estimated from relative humidity

Coefficient Set C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Monocrystalline Si 0.85914 -0.02088 -0.0058853 0.12029 0.026814 -0.001781

DC wiring losses
Global wiring resistance 3.4 mΩ
Loss Fraction 0.7 % at STC

Array #1 - Array 1 Array #2 - Array 2

Global array res. 3.9 mΩ Global array res. 27 mΩ
Loss Fraction 0.5 % at STC Loss Fraction 1.5 % at STC

System losses
Unavailability of the system
Time fraction 0.5 %
1.8 days,
4 periods

AC wiring losses
Inv. output line up to MV transfo
Inverter voltage 800 Vac tri
Loss Fraction 0.82 % at STC
Inverter: SUN2000-330KTL-H1 Inverter: SUN2000-330KTL-H1
Wire section (5 Inv.) Copper 5 x 3 x 185 mm² Wire section (2 Inv.) Copper 2 x 3 x 120 mm²
Average wires length 200 m Average wires length 0m

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Project: Test Project
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.3.1
VC0, Simulation date:
10/25/23 12:11
with v7.3.1

AC wiring losses
MV line up to Injection
MV Voltage 11 kV
Wires Copper 3 x 50 mm²
Length 300 m
Loss Fraction 0.24 % at STC

AC losses in transformers
MV transfo
Medium voltage 11 kV
Transformer from Datasheets
Nominal power 2000 kVA
Iron Loss (24/24 Connexion) 7.00 kVA
Iron loss fraction 0.35 % of PNom
Copper loss 7.00 kVA
Copper loss fraction 0.35 % at PNom
Coils equivalent resistance 3 x 1.12 mΩ

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Project: Test Project
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.3.1
VC0, Simulation date:
10/25/23 12:11
with v7.3.1

Near shadings parameter

Perspective of the PV-field and surrounding shading scene

Iso-shadings diagram
Orientation #1

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Project: Test Project
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.3.1
VC0, Simulation date:
10/25/23 12:11
with v7.3.1

Main results
System Production
Produced Energy 4434428 kWh/year Specific production 1731 kWh/kWp/year
Performance Ratio PR 79.97 %

Normalized productions (per installed kWp) Performance Ratio PR

Balances and main results

GlobHor DiffHor T_Amb GlobInc GlobEff EArray E_Grid PR

kWh/m² kWh/m² °C kWh/m² kWh/m² kWh kWh ratio
January 170.4 34.49 20.51 226.6 217.4 488842 473455 0.816
February 176.6 37.87 24.04 215.1 207.7 457883 443671 0.805
March 207.1 57.81 28.11 225.4 217.5 474369 459347 0.796
April 207.4 68.94 31.15 202.5 194.3 423198 409686 0.790
May 169.9 83.02 27.04 155.7 147.9 331798 307168 0.770
June 156.0 82.92 26.03 139.6 132.1 298697 287877 0.805
July 139.4 89.97 24.94 127.5 120.0 273242 256086 0.784
August 147.0 85.60 25.15 140.5 133.0 301414 290272 0.806
September 154.9 75.84 25.63 159.0 151.8 342100 330321 0.811
October 152.4 61.64 25.61 173.2 166.4 373529 340630 0.768
November 152.8 43.13 25.11 194.3 186.9 420394 406746 0.817
December 152.1 40.05 23.65 204.7 196.2 443415 429168 0.818
Year 1985.9 761.27 25.58 2164.2 2071.0 4628881 4434428 0.800

GlobHor Global horizontal irradiation EArray Effective energy at the output of the array
DiffHor Horizontal diffuse irradiation E_Grid Energy injected into grid
T_Amb Ambient Temperature PR Performance Ratio
GlobInc Global incident in coll. plane
GlobEff Effective Global, corr. for IAM and shadings

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Project: Test Project
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.3.1
VC0, Simulation date:
10/25/23 12:11
with v7.3.1

Loss diagram
1986 kWh/m² Global horizontal irradiation
+9.0% Global incident in coll. plane

-2.25% Near Shadings: irradiance loss

-1.61% IAM factor on global

-0.50% Soiling loss factor

2071 kWh/m² * 11740 m² coll. Effective irradiation on collectors

efficiency at STC = 21.15% PV conversion

5142131 kWh Array nominal energy (at STC effic.)

-0.21% Module Degradation Loss ( for year #1)
-0.46% PV loss due to irradiance level

-7.79% PV loss due to temperature

+0.01% Spectral correction

+0.50% Module quality loss

-0.50% LID - Light induced degradation

-1.06% Mismatch loss, modules and strings
-0.64% Ohmic wiring loss
4630388 kWh Array virtual energy at MPP
-1.10% Inverter Loss during operation (efficiency)
-0.03% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. power
0.00% Inverter Loss due to max. input current
0.00% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. voltage
0.00% Inverter Loss due to power threshold
0.00% Inverter Loss due to voltage threshold
0.00% Night consumption
4577650 kWh Available Energy at Inverter Output

-0.50% AC ohmic loss

-1.61% Medium voltage transfo loss
-0.15% MV line ohmic loss
-0.90% System unavailability
4434428 kWh Energy injected into grid

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Project: Test Project
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.3.1
VC0, Simulation date:
10/25/23 12:11
with v7.3.1

Predef. graphs
Daily Input/Output diagram

System Output Power Distribution

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PVsyst V7.3.1
VC0, Simulation date:
10/25/23 12:11
with v7.3.1

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