DP1 BioHL - Topic 7 - Revision Worksheet

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DP1 BioHL - Topic 7 - Revision

Worksheet [122 marks]

1. In transcription, which enzyme has a role similar to that of helicase in [1 mark]
A. DNA polymerase III
B. Gyrase
C. RNA polymerase
D. DNA polymerase I

2. The diagram illustrates some of the processes involved in DNA [1 mark]


[Source: Rohrmann, G., 2019. AcMNPV DNA replication. [diagram online] Available
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK543453/figure/ch05.F1/ [Accessed 26
October 2021].]

What is shown in the diagram?

A. DNA polymerase bonding nucleotides in a 3’ to 5’ direction
B. Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins on the old strands
C. Gyrase reforming the double helix
D. DNA ligase joining Okazaki fragments in the leading strand
3. The diagram shows a ribosome and associated mRNA [1 mark]

Which of these events occurs first in translation?

A. Small ribosomal subunit binds to mRNA.
B. Large ribosomal subunit binds to mRNA.
C. Initiator tRNA enters E site.
D. Initiator tRNA enters A site.

4. The image shows a replication fork. [1 mark]

Which row identifies X, Y and Z in the diagram?

5. During modification in eukaryotes, mRNA is spliced. What is splicing of [1 mark]
A. Separation of mRNA from DNA during transcription
B. The removal of non-coding RNA sections in prokaryotic cells
C. Linking together exons
D. Replacement of primers with RNA bases

6. This DNA sequence was used to synthesize a polypeptide. [1 mark]

DNA (sense strand): 3′ T A C T G A 5′
DNA (template strand): 5′ A T G A C T 3′
Which are the bases of the tRNA (anticodons)?
A. T A C T G A
B. U A C U G A
C. A U G A C U
D. A T G A C T

7. The diagram shows the structure of a nucleosome. [1 mark]

[Source: Zephyris. Nucleosome 1KX5 colour coded. Available at

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Unported license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en).]

What is the structure labelled T?

A. 5' end of RNA
B. 5' end of uncoiled DNA
C. N-terminal tail of one DNA strand
D. N-terminal tail of one histone
8. Promoters are non-coding regions in DNA. What is the role of a promoter? [1 mark]
A. It starts translation.
B. It starts mRNA splicing.
C. It is a binding site for DNA polymerase during DNA replication.
D. It is a binding site for RNA polymerase during transcription.

9. The diagram shows the structure of E. coli ribonuclease HI, a bacterial [1 mark]
protein consisting of one polypeptide chain.

[Source: RCSB PDB. 1JL1 D10A E. coli ribonuclease HI. PDB DOI:
10.2210/pdb1JL1/pdb Mol* (Goedken, E.R., Marqusee, S. Native-state energetics of
a thermostabilized variant of ribonuclease HI. (2001) J Mol Biol 314:
863–871 DOI:10.1006/jmbi.2001.5184) [image online] Available at:
[Accessed 25 November 2019]. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons
CC0 1.0 Universal (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/).]

Which level(s) of protein structure is/are shown?

A. Alpha helix only
B. Quaternary only
C. Primary and secondary
D. Secondary and tertiary
10. Rosalind Franklin produced X-ray diffraction images of DNA. [1 mark]

[Source: © King’s College, London. KCL Department of Biophysics KDBP/1/1.]

Which previously unknown aspect of DNA was deduced from these images?
A. Chromosomes are made of DNA.
B. Deoxyribose sugar is attached to a phosphate group.
C. The base A pairs with T and C with G.
D. The DNA molecule is a double helix.

11. What is the difference between the DNA of adult identical (monozygotic) [1 mark]
A. Order of genes
B. Sequence of nucleotides
C. Methylation pattern
D. Ratio of complementary base pairs
12. What is the primary function of the free ribosomes shown in the electron [1 mark]

[Source: J Gordon Betts, et al. Anatomy and Physiology. Houston Texas: OpenStax,
2013. https://openstax.org/books/
anatomy-and-physiology/pages/3-2-the-cytoplasm-and-cellular-organelles. Image
file available at https://commons.
png. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
license. https://creativecommons.org/

A. Synthesize proteins to be used within the cell

B. Synthesize proteins for use in lysosomes
C. Carry amino acids to mRNA for protein synthesis
D. Synthesize proteins for secretion

13. Which regions of DNA code for the production of specific proteins? [1 mark]
A. Telomeres
B. Genes for ribosomal RNA
C. Exons
D. Regulators of gene expression

14. Which statement applies to tRNA? [1 mark]

A. There is at least one type of tRNA that combines with each known amino acid.
B. One type of tRNA can combine with all of the known amino acids.
C. tRNA carries out its main role within the nucleus.
D. tRNA is produced by the process of translation.
15. The graph shows results of an experiment by Hershey and Chase in 1952 [1 mark]
in which bacteria were infected with a mixture of virus particles labelled
with either 32P or 35S. A suspension of the infected bacteria was agitated with a
blender, and samples collected from the suspension were centrifuged to record
the percentage of isotope remaining on the outside of the cells.

[Source: Republished with permission of ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY PRESS, from

Independent functions of protein and nucleic acid in growth of bacteriophage.
Hershey, A.D. and Chase, M., 1952. (Journal of General Physiology, 36(1), p.47).
Society of General Physiologists, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research,
Rockefeller Institute; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center,
What do curves X and Y represent?
16. What is a feature of transcription in the single-celled organism shown in [1 mark]
the electron micrograph?

[Source: George E. Palade Electron Microscopy Slide Collection Harvey

Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library Yale University Library.]
A. mRNA splicing
B. Removal of introns
C. Codon-anticodon binding
D. Synthesis of RNA in a 5′ to 3′ direction
17. The mRNA codon UAC codes for the amino acid tyrosine. Which tRNA [1 mark]
carries tyrosine?

18. The number of protein-coding genes in the human genome is estimated [1 mark]
to be about 20 000, which is much less than the size of the proteome.
What is one reason for this?
A. Exons are removed from RNA before translation.
B. There are more types of amino acids than nucleotides.
C. mRNA can be spliced after transcription.
D. Base substitutions occur during transcription.
19. Which are two proteins that assist in the unwinding and separation of [1 mark]
DNA strands during replication?
A. Helicase and DNA polymerase III
B. DNA gyrase and DNA polymerase I
C. Helicase and DNA primase
D. Single-strand binding protein and DNA gyrase

20. The diagram shows the three-dimensional structure of tRNA. [1 mark]

[Source: Structure reproduced with the kind permission of N.R. Voss.]

What can attach to the region marked X?

B. An amino acid
C. An anticodon
D. The P site of the ribosome

21. What is a function of DNA polymerase I? [1 mark]

A. Adds nucleotides in a 5’ to 3’ direction to elongate the chain
B. Uncoils the DNA double helix and splits it into two template strands
C. Removes RNA primer and replaces it with DNA
D. Produces sugar-phosphate bonds to link Okazaki fragments
22. In the diagram of a ribosome, which letter indicates the P site? [1 mark]

[Source: iStock.com/ttsz]

23. How do R group interactions contribute to protein structure? [1 mark]

I. Determining the sequence of amino acids in the primary structure
II. Stabilizing beta pleated sheets in the secondary structure
III. Stabilizing further foldings of a polypeptide into a tertiary structure
A. I only
B. II and III only
C. III only
D. I, II and III

24. What contribution did the X-ray diffraction conducted by Rosalind Franklin [1 mark]
make to our understanding of DNA?
A. It identified DNA as the genetic material.
B. It indicated the helical shape of the molecule.
C. It showed that the DNA of eukaryotes was associated with histone proteins.
D. It showed that replication was a semi-conservative process.
25. The diagram shows the arrangement of introns and exons in a segment of [1 mark]
pre-mRNA. Pre-mRNA is immature mRNA containing introns and exons.

Which is a mature mRNA molecule derived from the pre-mRNA by splicing?

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

26. The image shows a polysome in a bacterial cell. [1 mark]

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

How many genes have been transcribed?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
27. Hershey and Chase used a bacteriophage (a virus that infects bacteria) to [1 mark]
investigate the chemical nature of genes. The diagram shows a

[Source: Graham Knott and Christel Genoud, ‘Commentary: is EM dead?’, Journal

of Cell Science (2013),
126: 4545–4552, reproduced with permission.
doi: 10.1242/jcs.124123 http://www.biologists.com/journal-of-cell-science]

The sulphur in the protein and the phosphorus in the DNA of the bacteriophage
were radioactively labelled. The data obtained after bacterial infection and
centrifugation are shown in the table.

What did Hershey and Chase conclude from their experiment?

A. DNA was mainly outside the bacterial cells.
B. Viruses infect bacterial cells with proteins.
C. Viral DNA was found within the bacterial cells.
D. Neither protein nor DNA were chemicals making up genes in viruses.

28. What are the functions of DNA primase and DNA polymerase I in DNA [1 mark]
29. A nucleotide containing dideoxyribose is shown. [1 mark]

What is the reason for the use of dideoxyribonucleotides to terminate sequences

in base sequencing?
A. Nucleotides cannot form 5′ to 3′ linkages with dideoxyribonucleotides.
B. Nucleotides cannot form base pairs with dideoxyribonucleotides.
C. Dideoxyribonucleotides cannot form hydrogen bonds with deoxyribose.
D. Dideoxyribonucleotides do not have all four nitrogenous bases.

30. What applies to DNA base sequences? [1 mark]

I. Some genes do not code for proteins.
II. Promoters are transcribed along with the gene.
III. Introns are only found within genes coding for proteins.
A. I only
B. II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

31. Current understanding of DNA is an example of the accumulated [1 mark]

discoveries of many scientists. Which scientists are credited with
establishing that DNA is the genetic material?
A. Franklin and Wilkins
B. Watson and Crick
C. Meselson and Stahl
D. Hershey and Chase
32. What does eukaryotic DNA have that is missing from prokaryotic DNA? [1 mark]
A. Uracil
B. Promoter DNA
C. Introns
D. Coding sequences

33. What are polysomes? [1 mark]

A. Strings of amino acids
B. Packages of eight histones with DNA
C. Many ribosomes joined to one mRNA
D. Complexes of tRNA with amino acids

34. Gene expression in cells is regulated at various stages. During which [1 mark]
stage does splicing of RNA occur?
A. During replication
B. During transcription
C. Post transcription
D. Translation

35. How can environmental factors affect the expression of genes? [1 mark]
A. By promoting the replication of nucleosomes
B. By inactivating epinephrine
C. By making specific changes to the base sequence of genes
D. By causing the pattern of DNA methylation to be changed
36. In which image are polysomes visible? (The images do not have the same [1 mark]

37. Some regions of DNA do not code for the production of proteins. What are [1 mark]
these regions of DNA used as?
A. They have no known function and are recycled to provide nucleotides
B. Gene regulation and coding for production of enzymes used in translation
C. Telomeres and coding for production of tRNA
D. Introns and coding for production of structural proteins
38. Which letter (A–D) indicates where a new nucleotide would attach? [1 mark]

39. Which cell component synthesizes actin and myosin? [1 mark]

A. Free ribosomes
B. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
C. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
D. Nuclear membrane
40. The diagram shows how pre-mRNA is processed into mature mRNA. [1 mark]
Which structures are indicated by the letters W and X?

41. Which types of interactions are found in a part of a protein with secondary[1 mark]
but not tertiary structure?
I. Hydrogen bonds
II. Disulphide bridges
III. Ionic bonds
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
42. This image is taken from a visualization of a eukaryotic ribosome. The [1 mark]
arrows show the direction of movement of mRNA. Which letter represents
a tRNA exiting from the E site?

43. In which process(es) do nucleosomes play a role in eukaryotes? [1 mark]

I. tRNA activation
II. Transcription regulation
III. DNA supercoiling
A. I only
B. II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
44. Scientists have heated a solution containing the protein albumin and [1 mark]
measured its relative alpha helix content, shown on the graph.

What does the zone labelled X indicate?

A. Rapid increase in beta pleated sheets
B. Rapid formation of hydrogen bonds
C. Rapid increase in denatured protein molecules
D. Rapid decrease in peptide bonds

45. Where does a tRNA-activating enzyme attach the appropriate amino acid [1 mark]
to the tRNA molecule?
46. What does post-transcriptional modification of eukaryotic mRNA include? [1 mark]
I. Introns are removed from mRNA.
II. Exons are joined together to form mature mRNA.
III. A 5' cap and 3' poly-A tail are added to mRNA.
A. I only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

47. Variations in the types of antibodies are produced by mRNA splicing. [1 mark]
What is an advantage of this process?
A. Reduces the size of mRNA required for the translation of antibodies
B. Increases the number of different antibodies that can be synthesized
C. Ensures that one gene codes for one antibody
D. Speeds up transcription of antibodies

The diagram shows a nucleosome from the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell.

[Source: Weissman Lab at UCSF. UCSF Team Views Genome as it Turns On and Off
Inside Cells. [diagram online]
Available at https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2011/01/98118/ucsf-team-views-genome-
[Accessed 1 December 2022].]

48a. Identify the protein labelled in the diagram. [1 mark]

48b. Outline how nucleosomes affect the transcription of DNA. [1 mark]

The image shows the regulation of the gene responsible for producing lactase.

[Source: Lac Operon, n.d. [diagram online] T A RAJU. Available at:

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lac_Operon.svg [Accessed 29 October

48c. Identify X, the enzyme which copies a DNA sequence. [1 mark]

48d. Identify Y, non-coding DNA at the start of a gene. [1 mark]

48e. Explain the role of lactose in the expression of the gene for lactase [3 marks]

48f. State one reason that identical twins may show different methylation [1 mark]
patterns as they grow older.
DNA forms chromosomes, but much of eukaryote DNA is non-coding.

[Source: Pixabay.]

49a. Describe the structure of nucleosomes. [1 mark]

49b. Explain how the two strands of the DNA double helix are held together. [2 marks]

49c. There are multiple tandem repeats of nucleotide segments of DNA [3 marks]
found in the non-coding DNA between genes. Outline how tandem
repeats are used for DNA profiling.

People can be analysed genetically for risks of specific diseases before they
actually develop. One of these is type I diabetes.

49d. Explain what happens in a person when they develop type I diabetes. [2 marks]

49e. State how type I diabetes should be treated to avoid harmful health [1 mark]
consequences of the condition.
50a. The figure shows a tripeptide. [1 mark]

Label one peptide bond in this molecule.

50b. Describe the secondary structure of proteins. [2 marks]

50c. Outline the action taken by the diaphragm during inhalation. [1 mark]

51a. Identify the stage of mitosis labelled X in the image, giving a reason. [1 mark]

[Source: Copyright 2002, The Trustees of Indiana University]

51b. Outline what is indicated by the mitotic index of tissue taken from a [2 marks]

51c. DNA has regions that do not code for proteins. State two functions of [2 marks]
these regions.
DNA methylation has a critical role in gene regulation by affecting transcription.
Samples were taken from two colon cancer tumours (T1 and T2) and two normal
colon samples (N1 and N2). A particular gene was implicated as a possible cause
of cancer. The promoter of this gene was cloned (A–J). The data show the DNA
methylation patterns from these samples. The numbers (32–269) represent
different markers in the promoter.

[Source: Philipp Schatz, Dimo Dietrich & Matthias Schuster. Rapid analysis of CpG
methylation patterns using RNase T1
cleavage and MALDI-TOF. Nucleic Acids Research (2004) 32 (21): e167,
Reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press]

51d. Outline the difference in methylation pattern between tumorous and [2 marks]
normal tissue samples.
51e. Suggest a way methylation may affect tumour cell genes. [1 mark]

52a. Label a peptide bond in the diagram of a polypeptide. [1 mark]

52b. Outline the primary structure of proteins. [1 mark]

52c. Identify two hydrolysis reactions that occur in the small intestine. [2 marks]

53a. State one similarity and one difference between the structure of genes [2 marks]
and short tandem repeats.

53b. Outline the role of short tandem repeats in DNA profiling. [2 marks]
54a. Sickle cell anemia is due to a single base substitution in DNA. Using the [2 marks]
diagram, outline how this translates into the production of an abnormal
hemoglobin molecule by completing the spaces labelled I, II and III.

54b. DNA codes for the amino acid sequence of polypeptides. List two other [2 marks]
functions of DNA.

54c. Distinguish between the purpose of free and bound ribosomes. [1 mark]

55a. State one role of nucleosomes in eukaryotic cells. [1 mark]

55b. Outline how Hershey and Chase’s experiment provided evidence for [3 marks]
DNA as the genetic material.

55c. State one function for a region of DNA that does not code for proteins. [1 mark]

55d. Outline the role of the A-site of ribosomes in translation. [1 mark]

55e. Outline the role of tRNA activating enzymes in translation. [2 marks]

56a. The diagram shows alpha amylase. [3 marks]

Explain the secondary structure of this protein molecule.

56b. Amylase is used in human digestion. [1 mark]

State two sites of production of amylase.

56c. Amylase is used in human digestion. [1 mark]

State the function of amylase.

56d. Explain how enzymes catalyse chemical reactions. [3 marks]

57a. Nitrogen is part of many important substances in living organisms. [3 marks]

Draw labelled diagrams to show a condensation reaction between two amino

57b. Nitrogen is part of many important substances in living organisms. [4 marks]

Distinguish between transcription and translation.

57c. Nitrogen is part of many important substances in living organisms. [8 marks]

Explain how insects excrete nitrogenous wastes.
58a. Nucleosomes help to regulate transcription in eukaryotes. [1 mark]
State the components of a nucleosome.

58b. Nucleosomes help to regulate transcription in eukaryotes. [1 mark]

State a chemical modification of a nucleosome that could impact gene expression.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2023

International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®


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