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Science is a systematic and methodical process of inquiry and exploration that aims to understand the

natural world and its underlying principles. It is a way of acquiring knowledge through observation,
experimentation, and logical reasoning. Science can be broadly categorized into various branches,
including physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, and many others, each focusing on a specific
aspect of the natural world.

Key characteristics of science include:

1. Empirical Observation: Science relies on objective and empirical evidence gathered through
observations and measurements. It emphasizes the use of the five senses and instruments to collect

2. Hypothesis Testing: Scientists formulate hypotheses or educated guesses about how something works
or why a phenomenon occurs. These hypotheses are then tested through controlled experiments or
observations to determine their validity.

3. Reproducibility: Scientific findings must be repeatable and consistent. Experiments and observations
should yield similar results when conducted by different researchers in different settings.

4. Falsifiability: Scientific hypotheses must be falsifiable, meaning they can be proven wrong through
experimentation or observation. This encourages critical scrutiny and the rejection of ideas that cannot
be tested.

5. Systematic Method: Science follows a structured approach, typically involving a series of steps,
including observation, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, data collection, analysis, and drawing

6. Peer Review: Scientific findings are subject to peer review, where experts in the field evaluate and
validate the research methods and conclusions before they are published. This process helps ensure the
quality and reliability of scientific research.
7. Accumulative Knowledge: Science builds upon previous discoveries and accumulates a body of
knowledge over time. New research expands our understanding of the natural world and often leads to
further questions and investigations.

8. Objectivity: Scientists aim to minimize bias and subjectivity in their research. The scientific method
encourages objectivity and the pursuit of knowledge without preconceived notions.

9. Theoretical Framework: Scientific theories and models provide a framework for understanding
complex phenomena and making predictions. Theories are continually refined and updated as

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