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Midterm requirement:

Students must follow these guidelines for Midterm examination. Failure in doing so will
result in marks deduction.

Total Marks: 25

Submission of neckline, border and panel design with 2 color tryouts and 2 compositions
of each of them.

Note: both tryouts should have different compositions and colors

Both tryouts should be different in style as well.
● Submission of complete Research report (covering all the areas as discussed in class.
Only soft copy is required)
● Submission of Research board, material board and fabric board. (Made with Adobe
photoshop, size A3 and to be printed and submitted on the day of Midterm).
● Every student should be clear about embroidery details according to the fashion industry
and current market trends.
● Students have to take any fashion designer as an inspiration to work on theme and motif
● Medium is watercolor and colored pencils. (Students may add poster color if required )
● Students must do market research for this assignment through web sources.
● Size for tryouts is 16 by 16 cm.
● Final size is 32 by 32 cm
● Students must see fabric as background, according to their color palate and embroidery
● Submission of mounted tryouts and final scale on the day of mid with color swatches and
● Students will present their work as a designer and they should know the whole process
from the start as of how it begins.

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