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I Gokhale Road, Kolkata-700 020

"fl Century of Service ta tfre Tt{ation

N4 l:\lll S( \e ltrrilrrslrrp l()rl-r-.1 2(r Seltte-.tlrcr. l()21

I lte I'r'irtei1.r1l \tlr is,.t'

AII Ensinccrins ('ollu-!.rc StLrclcnts' Cltaplcrs,,
All Pol_r tcchnic Sturicnts' C'haptcrs

Dear Sir/Maclant.

Arvard ol'Scholarship firr- the Financial year 2023-21

lhis is to irllirIrll Iort tllat tltc tncnrbcrs tll'tlrc Illl StLrclcnls' Cihapters (both enuineeri6u college .'cl
pol-rtechrric)liccligibletolrppl-r lirrscholarshil'lsin:;titLrtecl b-r. lhelr.rstitr-rtionolEn!ineer-s(lnr:lia).
lrr.c awltrclccl onlV ttt nrcr.nbcrs ol the IEI StLrclents'Chaptcrs. tLrllilling rhe fbllori,ins

(i ) l)osscsscs Stiorl g1r11qj11g1'

1ir.t l{cgLrlar stucicnt ol'an urgirrcering collcrc,a polvteclrpie;
(iii) HaVc passeci illl sLrb.jccts ol'thc qLralil-r'ins erarnination lvith an ag-rtresate ol mininrr,rnt 60,% rnarks
thror-rgllor-rt (tllat is irl ( lass X,'C lass Xll,eqLrivllent/'all sentcster ol'enginc-ering college,polr,tech,ic)
(ir')Not availirtg scholarship or anv other financial assistance liom anv other sources;

A copr of'the []lartk Applicatton Fonr alor.rg u,ith rhe lbrmat o1-lncorre Certiflcate i s enclosed lbr vour
pc|usa l. 1'hc llaltic:iltlrtirrg stuclcnls can r-rsc lthotocopies ol'the Applicatiop Forl'r -l'hc' application fbrnt
al orlqri itll tlle ette losLtt'cs can also he clori,rrloaclecl liotl orlr ri,etrsitc follori,ins the link
httos:/ u'.icirrclia.ors, iiIEI - N e1ri'olk.lrspr iisIr.rden ts-c ha ptcrs

[)leltsc ill'l'lllr!]c to ctt'crtlatc tlte altove inlonration tltroirgh thc Prirrcipll to all eligible stLldent,te,tbers.
'I'he (
halltcl'tltrtst liit'rrltrcl lrltpliclttions (dLrl-r lillcil iir arrcl sispcd br,stucle6t/s. iifter c,rd.,r-sipg lhe sapte
br the I)l'irlcil)ill) llltcst b-r I I october 2()21. APplicutiorrs reccivecl at the Sccretariat altcr the last clate
shall rrot bc cotrsirlu'erl.

We silrcerelY hollc tltat this scherlc ol'thc InstitLrticln riould be of gr',.-et ener)rrrugcprept to,\,oLlr stLldclts.
We seck voLrr kiltcl ctt-operaliot'r ancl actir,'e srrpport in popr-rlarizing the schcnte.

hanking voLr,

ith lirl lr,.

Depufy Director (Membership)

I:ncIo: Illen1.,,\fpliculion Irornlrt

Telephone:4010 6299, +91 33-2233 8t1fl 114, 15/'i6 ***!/lfs[: httpJ/

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