L&S Week 1 - Day 2

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Listening and Speaking

Session 2 - Monday Sept 12

- Reach consensus with the class on 3 “rules” for our classroom
- Ask questions about specific parts of the syllabus and explain their obligations as Ss
Materials: markers, eraser, name cards, group cards, conversation starters, big white paper, syllabus

Time Teacher Does Ss Do Materials

10 min Warm Up - Take a strip Conversation

9-9:10 - Give each Ss a conversation starter strip - Discuss in eternal starters
11-11:10 - Tell: “This is how we will start each class. mingle pairs
1-1:10 Come, take a strip, find a partner, discuss for
1 min, trade strips, find a new partner.”
- Model with two Ss.
- Ask: Why would I start class like this? How
does it help your English?

15 min Review Class Expectations - TPS Board

9:10-9:25 - Ask: Why do we arrange the desks like this?
11:10-11:25 How does it help us learn?
1:10-1:25 - Ask: What should you bring every day? -TPS
- Ask: What are our two rules about
participation? (Try even if you’re afraid. Be -TPS
- Ask: Every place has its own culture-
America, Kurdistan, groups within those two - Pairs Compare
places, even our classroom. How do these
two rules about participation help create a
classroom “culture”?

20 min Ss Suggested Classroom Rules (cont’d after break) - groups of 4, then Number
9:25-9:45 - Review how to get into groups (3 min) snowballing groups cards
11:25-11:45 - Tell: You are also part of creating the “culture”
1:25-1:45 in our classroom, so you also get to help Board
decide on the expecations. In your groups, Markers
think of 3 “rules” you think are important for
our class to follow all year. What will help us Big piece of
learn best? paper
- Give examples with 1st two: Try even if you’re
afraid and Be respectful (5 min)
- Give groups 8 min to write 3 rules.
- Tell: Now, groups 1 and 2 (3+4, etc), you are
together. Look at the 6 rules you created.
Work together to choose only the 3 most
important. Everyone must agree. 7 min
- Facilitators check that everyone agrees by
asking for a show of hands. If not unanimous,
they need to suggest new ideas or
adaptations to the originals until everyone

10 min Break Break

Time Teacher Does Ss Do Materials

20 min Ss Suggested Classroom Rules Cont’d - groups of 4, then Number

9:55-10:15 - Tell: Now, groups 1-4 are together (groups snowballing groups cards
11:55-12:15 5-8,etc). Look at the 6 rules you created and
1:55-2:15 work together to choose only the 3 most Board
important. Everyone must agree. 8 min. Markers
- Tell: As a class, we’re going to look at the 6
we’ve created and vote on the 3 most
important. 10 min. Big Piece of
- Write on big white paper and place on wall. Paper

20 min Syallbus Syllabus

10:15-10:35 - Ask:Look at Ss Learning Outcomes. Do 3 Step Interview
12:15-12:35 these match your goals? What surprises
2:15-2:35 you? Write 1 question that you have?
- Ask: Look at Ss obligations. How would you Pairs Compare
explain these to a friend who missed our
class today? What questions do you have?
- Ask: Look at Assessment and Marks. How Think, Pair, Share; then
do you get points for participation? Write 2 popcorn pass their
questions you have. Tell them they can find questions
assignments on Moodle.
- Make sure everyone has a Moodle account
with the school and is in the class.

10 min Close
10:35-10:45 - Let them ask you questions about yourself
12:35-12:45 (backpocket).
2:35-2:45 - Remind them to bring their Interactions
books, sth to write with, and a notebook

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