Geometry 5 Marker

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A circle  through the incentre I of a triangle ABC and tangent to AB at A, intersects the segment
BC at D and the extension of BC at E. Prove that the line IC intersects  at a point M such that MD
= ME.
2. Let ABC be a triangle with BC = 2007, CA = 2008, AB = 2009. Let  be an excircle of ABC that
touches the line segment BC at D, and touches extensions of lines AC and AB at E and F,
respectively (so that C lies on segment AE and B lies on segment AF). Let O he the center of . Let
ℓ be the line through O perpendicular to AD. Let ℓ meet line EF at G. If the length DG = x, find sum
of digits of x.
3. Let ABCD be n trapezoid with bases AB = 50 and CD = 125, and legs AD = 45 mid BC = 60.
Find the area of the intersection between the circle centered at B with radius BD and the circle
centered at D with radius BD. Express your answer as a common fraction in simplest radical
form and in terms of .
4. Three cities that are located on the vertices of an equilateral triangle with side length 100 units.
A missile flies in a straight line in the same plane as the equilateral triangle formed by the three
cities. The radar from City A reported that the closest approach of the missile was 20 units.
The radar from City B reported that the closest approach of the missile was 60 units. However,
the radar for city C malfunctioned and did not report a distance. Find the minimum possible
distance for the closest approach of the missile to city C.
5. Let ABC be a triangle with unequal sides. The medians of △ABC, when exteded, intersect its
circumcircle in points L, M, N. If L lies on the median through A and LM = LN, prove that
2BC2 = CA2 + AB2
1. A circle  through the incentre I of a triangle ABC and tangent to AD at A, intersects the segment
BC at D and the extension of BC at E. Prove that the line IC intersects  at a point M such that MD
= ME.

2. Let ABC be a triangle with BC = 2007, CA = 2008, AB = 2009. Let  be an excircle of ABC that
touches the line segment BC at D, and touches extensions of lines AC and AB at E and F,
respectively (so that C lies on segment AE and B lies on segment AF). Let O he the center of . Let
ℓ be the line through O perpendicular to AD. Let ℓ meet line EF at G. If the length DG = x, find sum
of digits of x.
Ans: 13.00
Sol: Let line AD meet  again at H. Since AF and AE are tangents to  and ADH is a secant, we see that
DEHF is a harmonic quadrilateral. This implies that the pole of AD with respect to  lies on EF.
Since ℓ ⊥ 1 AD, the pole of AD lies on ℓ. It follows that the pole of AD is G.
Thus G must lie on the tangent to  at D, so C, D, B, G are collinear. Furthermore, since the pencil
of lines (AF, AF; AD, AG) is harmonic, by intersecting it with the line BC, we see that (C, B; D, G)
is harmonic as well. This means that
. = −1.
(where the length are directed.) The semi perimeter of ABC is s = (2007 + 2008 + 2009) = 3012.
So BD = s – 2009 = 1003 and CD = s – 2008 = 1004. Let x = DG, then the above equations gives
1003 x + 1004
. = 1.
1004 x − 1003
Solving gives x = 2014024.
3. Let ABCD be n trapezoid with bases AB = 50 and CD = 125, and legs AD = 45 mid BC = 60.
Find the area of the intersection between the circle centered at B with radius BD and the circle
centered at D with radius BD. Express your answer as a common fraction in simplest radical
form and in terms of .

14, 450 7, 225 3

Ans: −
3 2
4. Three cities that are located on the vertices of an equilateral triangle with side length 100 units.
A missile flies in a straight line in the same plane as the equilateral triangle formed by the three
cities. The radar from City A reported that the closest approach of the missile was 20 units.
The radar from City B reported that the closest approach of the missile was 60 units. However,
the radar for city C malfunctioned and did not report a distance. Find the minimum possible
distance for the closest approach of the missile to city C.
Ans: 30 3 − 20
5. Let ABC be a triangle with unequal sides. The medians of △ABC, when exteded, intersect its
circumcircle in points L, M, N. If L lies on the median through A and LM = LN, prove that
2BC2 = CA2 + AB2
Sol: We note that the triangles AGB and MGL are similar because GAB = GML (same segment) and
AGB = MGL. Hence

= i.e. AG = MG. . …..(1)
Similarly, AGC ~NGL and so
= i.e. AG = NG. . …(2)
Also, by data LM = LN, Hence by (1), (2) we get
MG b
= …(3)
GN c
Since the chord BM and CN intersect at G, we have
So by (3), BG.b = CG.c and so
2 2
BB'.b = CC '.c or 2BB'2 . b 2 = 2CC' . c 2 .
3 3
So, applying Apollonius’ theorem twice we get
b2(c2 + a2 – 2AB’2) = c2 (a2 + b2 – 2AC’2),
1 1
b2(c2 + a2 - ) = c2(a2 + b2 - c2),
2 2
1 4 4
a2(b2 – c2) = (b – c ),
2a2 = b2 + c2, as b  c.

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