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The number of 6-digit numbers of the form “ABCABC”, which are divisible by 13, where A, B, and
C are distinct digits, A and C being even digits is:
2. In how many ways can 8 people be arranged in a line if Alice and Bob must be next to each other,
and Carol must be somewhere behind Dan?
3. For how many integers n between 1 and 2005, inclusive, is 2 • 6 • 10 • • • (4n - 2) divisible by n!?
4. An ant starts at the point (1, 1). It can travel along the integer lattice, only moving in the positive x
and y directions. What is the number of ways it can reach (5, 5) without passing through (3, 3)?
5. How many ways are there to color every square of an eight by eight grid black or white such that for
every pair of rows r and s, we have that either ri = si, for all 1  i  8, or ri  si for all 1  i  8?
1. The number of 6-digit numbers of the form “ABCABC”, which are divisible by 13, where A, B, and
C are distinct digits, A and C being even digits is
(a) 200 (b) 250 (c) 160 (d) 128
Ans: (d)
Sol: 1001  ABC = ABCABC
where 1001 =13  7 11
Now A and C are even digits and A, B, C are different digits
Case-I: When C is zero Case-II: When C is not zero

Total number of 6 digits Number of possible = 32 + 96 = 128.

2. In how many ways can 8 people be arranged in a line if Alice and Bob must be next to each other,
and Carol must be somewhere behind Dan?
Ans: 5040
Sol: Let us place Alice and Bob as a single person; there are then 7! = 5010 different arrangements. Alice
can be in front of Bob or vice versa, multiplying the number of possibilities by 2, but Carol is behind
Dan in exactly half of those, so that the answer is just 5040.
3. For how many integers n between 1 and 2005, inclusive, is 2 • 6 • 10 • • • (4n - 2) divisible by n!?
Ans: 2005
Sol: 2 . 6 . 10 ….. (4n - 2) = 2n . 1 . 3 . 5 …. (2n – 1)
= 2n .
= ,
 2n 
that is, it is just (2n)!/n!. therefore, since (2n)!/(n!)2 =   is always an integer, the answer is 2005.
4. An ant starts at the point (1, 1). It can travel along the integer lattice, only moving in the positive x
and y directions. What is the number of ways it can reach (5, 5) without passing through (3, 3)?
Ans: 34

5. How many ways are there to color every square of an eight by eight grid black or white such that for
every pair of rows r and s, we have that either ri = si, for all 1  i  8, or ri  si for all 1  i  8?
Ans: 32768

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