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Institute of Technical Education

Internship Report

Name of intern Muhd amin bin awang

Course Mechanical technology

Class AM2101F

IA Company Systmz

Period of attachment 10 jan-27may

Name of Company Trainer Mr sebastian

Name of IA Supervisor Mr jonathan

Institute of Technical Education


Institute of Technical Education

Table of Contents

Acknowledgment ii

1. Chapter 1

Background information of company, vision and mission, organisation

structure, size, nature of business, strength and areas to improve.



2. Chapter 2

Description of learning experiences, work activities, observations, learning

points, suggestions on improvement on the internship.



3. Chapter 3

Reflection on learning experiences. What you enjoyed, what you could

have done differently, suggestion on improvements on the IA



4. Chapter 4

4.1. Conclusion / Recommendations

References References/Systmz

Annexes SYSTMZ PTE LTD (200915204D) -Singapore Company

Appendices About Us:Laboratory and Healthcare Furniture/Hospital


Institute of Technical Education

Institute of Technical Education

Chapter 1

Company back ground

At Systmz , they At Systmz , they create, develop and build holistic solutions that augment
workflow efficiency and enhance the value of your investment: Augmenting workflow
efficiency with seamless functionality and intuitive operation, and enhancing the value of
your investment with sound design, cutting-edge materials and future-proofed products.

Vision and mission : To help their clients meet the ever-changing needs of the growing
healthcare, laboratory and residential industries, their team of award-winning industrial
designers, mechanical engineers and product specialists continuously employ modularity in
all their products and design, working together with their clients and matching needs with
fully-integrated customisable solutions.

With their line of exclusive partner and in-house products and high quality modular design
DNA, they research and develop highly modular and flexible range of healthcare and lab
grade mobile workstations and storage solutions; user-centric products that improve
workflow efficiency and focus on supporting your healthcare staff, allowing them to work with
ease and flexibility.

Organisation structure

Institute of Technical Education

Chapter 2

2.1 so far I have learn many things like assembling different type of equipment and installing
equipment at the hospital its sometimes its hard for me to understand and remember all the
steps but as time goes by I am familiar with the things that I do

2.2 What I observe here is the workers here are fast worker I see them assemble the parts
together rather quickly so I have to speed up to keep up with them and not only they are fast
but what I see is they are very determine ok there task

A few learning points are before I do something I will always ask the workers to double
check my work and if it’s correct I will continue the task. I also learn that sometimes we have
to try it before saying that u cannot do it I always have a mindset that I am not capable for
this task but when I try it out turns out it was manageable

Institute of Technical Education

Chapter 3

3.1 what I enjoy working here is working with the workers here working together with them
always makes me happy and motivated to assemble equipment there will be time where I
am to tired but I always try to push myself during work

3.2 I learn that working as a intern you must have a lot of patient and must be focus on the
task that we are sign on

Somethings that I could have done differently is being more focus on my task sometimes
doing the same thing for a few hours will get me sleepy and I have a habit of using my phone
often in the future I will try not to use my phone as often like last time

Some suggestions that I have in mind is having a better transport to the facility I find that
walking from the bus stop to the facility is far and once I reach the place I will be sweating

Institute of Technical Education

Chapter 4

4.1. Conclusion: I think this is a nice environment to work at I feel comfortable with the
people here and the environment even though there will be up and downs but I always enjoy
working here as a intern. There will be days that wont be as bad but there will be days that
will be very busy overall it’s manageable for me

4.2 Recommend: A few things that I will change about working here is the way we
communicate sometimes we argue to each other due to misunderstanding each other

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