Lady Macbeth Monologue

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Macbeth, oh Macbeth … why, why, why did God gift you with such strength, such passion,

such ambition, and waste it all. If only you realised how I do, that what we are doing is
hardly bad. When I, or rather we rule this country, no one will even remember Duncan. I’d
kill him myself if it wasn’t for being a pathetic woman. I’d rather be a man, than live my life
how it is now. I beg, if any spirits are with me now please give me the strength to kill him
myself. I want to with my whole heart, but the act of physically killing him is too much. I
know it’s because of my feminine side, so please rid me of any trace of being a woman.
Make me the purest evil, the most perfect killer. Then I’ll have the power, the aggression,
everything I need to kill bothersome Duncan. The sisters, those kind sisters, offered you with
power and a kingdom to rule over, promised it to you, and you nearly said no. What would
he do without me, for all that strength goes to waste in him? I sometimes feel as if I am
manipulating, coercing him into something he doesn’t want, but I know my husband. He
wants to be King as much as I want to be Queen, he just can’t see that the sacrifice is worth
it. At points I wonder if killing Macbeth after wouldn’t be a good idea, after all then I would
finally get the true power I deserve. But alas, that would bring attention to me, and not the
right kind. I have never felt this fulfilled in my entire life, I was craving something, and I feel
like after Duncan is dead I will feel complete. If only I could see his face as the blood drains
out of his lifeless body and thank him for being such a kind and trusting king. I love Macbeth
at times, but he is so easy to manipulate, I worry for him as King. I have been thinking that
when he comes back, he will be worried and vulnerable, and that it will be the perfect time
to ask him to let me control the throne. After all, we are well aware who the true ruler
between the two of us are. He loves me unconditionally, and that is his fault. He doesn’t
understand that to get where you want to be you have to step on others. But he has been
partially useful throughout this ordeal so I will forgive him. I really have the witches to thank
for bringing out his hidden cowardice. One day, when I’m queen, I’ll thank them myself.

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