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A questionnaire for measuring brand awareness for Adidas might include questions that assess
how well consumers recognize the brand and their knowledge of Adidas products.


☐ 18 – 25

☐ 25 – 50

☐ 50 – Above

☐ Male

☐ Female

☐ Prefer not to say

**Section 1: Brand Recognition**
1. Have you heard of the brand Adidas?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No

2. Where have you most recently seen or heard about Adidas? (Check all that apply)
- [ ] Television
- [ ] Social Media
- [ ] In-Store
- [ ] Online Advertising
- [ ] Word of Mouth
- [ ] Other (please specify): ______________

**Section 2: Product Knowledge**

3. How often do you purchase or use Adidas products?

- [ ] Daily
- [ ] Weekly
- [ ] Monthly
- [ ] Rarely
- [ ] Never

**Section 3: Brand Perceptions**

4. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the quality of Adidas products? (1 being very poor,
10 being excellent)
- [ ] 10
**Section 4: Purchase Behavior**
5. Have you ever purchased Adidas products?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No

6. What influenced your decision to purchase Adidas products? (Check all that apply)
- [ ] Quality
- [ ] Style
- [ ] Price
- [ ] Celebrity endorsements
- [ ] Sports sponsorships
- [ ] Other (please specify): ______________

Thank you for participating in our Adidas brand awareness survey.

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