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Template dạng Agree/ Disagree. Hoàn toàn đồng ý/ Không đồng ý hoàn ý.

Đoạn 1: Introduction

There is currently a contentious argument over whether XYZ [XYZ is the topic]

I totally agree/disagree with this opinion because [reason 1 + reason 2]

Đoạn 2: Body 1

Câu chủ đề: There are some compelling reasons/ why I believe/do not believe XYZ is because... [reason

Ý nhỏ 1: Chief of these is the fact that.

phát triển ý nhỏ 1: thì sao (This leads to...)/ tại sao (This is because) / ví dụ (A good illustration of this is

ý nhỏ 2: Another cause is that

phát triển ý nhỏ 2: thì sao (This leads to...)/ tại sao (This is because) / ví dụ (A good illustration of this is

Đoạn 3: Body 2

Another reason why I support/protest the notion that XYZ is owing/due to the fact that... [reason 2]

Ý nhỏ 1: Tại sao 1: The main reason is that , MĐ

phát triển ý nhỏ 1: thì sao (This leads to...)/ tại sao (This is because) / ví dụ (A good illustration of this is

ý nhỏ 2: Tại sao 2: The second explanation can be the fact that + MĐ

phát triển ý nhỏ 2: thì sao (Consequently) tại sao (This results from) / ví dụ (A case-in-point is + Người)

Đoạn 4:

In conclusion, I completely agree/disagree that XYZ because [rephrase reason 1] and [rephrase reason

Given this situation, it seems that [give a final recommendation or opinion]

Template dạng Agree/ Disagree: Trung Lập

Đoạn 1: Introduction

There is currently a contentious argument over whether XYZ [XYZ is the topic]

I am neutral to this debate because [reason 1 + reason 2]

Đoạn 2: Body 1

On the one hand, advocates of ……………. have plausible explanation of why their assertion [reason 1]

Đoạn 3: Body 2

On the other hand, there are some compelling reasons why I do not believe XYZ is because... [reason 2]

Đoạn 4:

In conclusion, I take a neutral stance to this argument because [rephrase reason 1] and [rephrase reason

Given this situation, it seems that [give a final recommendation or opinion]

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