Chapter 2 Soft Computing

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Soft Computing

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems

For BTI, Computer Engineering, MPSTME
Chapter 1:- Introduction to Neural Network- Biological Neurons, McCullah and
Pitts models of neuron, Models of ANN, Neural processing, Neural network learning
rules, Single layer perceptron classifier, Linearly separable classification

• Soft Computing:-

Artificial Neural Network Fuzzy Logic

Genetic Algorithm Probabilistic computing

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 2
Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system
• Introduction:-

• In a process control situation, “If the temperature is 45 F and the pressure is 55 N/m2, then turn the knob
• In a process control situation, “If the temperature is moderate and the pressure is high, then turn the knob
slightly right”
• not many human problems require such precision –
• problems such as parking a car,
• backing up a trailer, navigating a car among others on a freeway,
• washing clothes, controlling traffic at intersections, judging beauty contestants, and a preliminary understanding of a
complex system.
• Works with imprecise statements
• The rules have “Linguistic Variables”, typically adjectives qualified by adverbs.
Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 3
Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system
• Fuzzy Logic:-
• is an approach to variable processing
• Is a superset of Boolean Logic
• is intended to model logical reasoning with vague or imprecise statements
• refers to a family of many-valued logics,
• the truth-values are interpreted as degrees of truth.
• fuzzy set is a degree of membership, a real number from the interval [0,1]
• makes it possible to obtain an array of accurate conclusions.

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 4

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system
Fuzzy Logic:- Compare to Machine Learning and Neural Network

• Machine learning refers to computational systems that mimic human cognition, by iteratively
adapting algorithms to solve complex problems.
• Fuzzy logic is a set of rules and functions that can operate on imprecise data sets, but the
algorithms still need to be coded by humans.
• An artificial neural network is a computational system designed to imitate the problem-solving
procedures of a human-like nervous system.

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 5

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system
Fuzzy Logic:- Pros and Cons of Fuzzy Logic

• Pros • Cons
• Fuzzy logic is more likely to reflect real- • Fuzzy algorithms require broad validation
world problems than classical logic. and verification.
• Fuzzy logic algorithms have lower hardware • Fuzzy control systems are dependent on
requirements than classical Boolean logic. human expertise and knowledge.
• Fuzzy algorithms can produce accurate
results with imprecise or inaccurate data.

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 6

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
Fuzzy Logic:- Components

• Fuzzification. The process of converting degree of membership of input variables to

specific input values into some degree of fuzzy sets and the detailed fuzzy rules
membership of fuzzy sets based on how well
• Defuzzification. The process of converting
they fit.
the fuzzy conclusions into detailed output
• Fuzzy rules / knowledge base. These are values.
the If-Then rules to follow, often derived
from expert opinions or via more
quantitative approaches.
• Inference method. The way of obtaining
the final fuzzy conclusion, according to the
Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 7
Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• Fuzzy boundaries are ambiguously specified

• A classical set is defined by crisp boundaries
• Point a is represented by the number 1, and
• no-membership in a set, as point b is represented by 0, then
• point c must have some intermediate value of membership
(partial membership in fuzzy set A∼) on the interval [0,1].

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 8

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• an unordered collection of different elements (is a collection of distinct objects.)

• is defined in such a way that the universe of discourse is splitted into two groups members and
• listing its elements using the set bracket.
• Set of vowels in English alphabet,
• A = {a,e,i,o,u}
• A = {x:x is a vowel in English alphabet}
• Set of odd numbers less than 10,
• B = {1,3,5,7,9}
• B = {x:1 ≤ x < 10 and (x%2) ≠ 0}
Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 9
Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• For crisp sets A and B consisting of collections of some elements in X, the

following notation is defined:

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 10

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
CLASSICAL/CRISP SETS {Cardinal number & Cardinality }

• For crisp sets A and B consisting of collections of some elements in X, the

following notation is defined:
• X = {a, b, c}, the cardinal number is nx = 3
• P(X) = {∅, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a,c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c}}
• The cardinality of the power set, denoted nP(X), is found as nP(X) = 2nX = 23

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 11

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• Let A and B be two sets on the universe X.

• Union A ∪ B = {x | x ∈ A or x ∈ B}
• Intersection A ∩ B = {x | x ∈ A and x ∈ B}
• Complement = {x | x A, x ∈ X}
• Difference A | B = {x | x ∈ A and x B}

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 12

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• Commutativity • A∩A=A
• A∪B=B∪A • Identity
• A∩B=B∩A • A ∪∅= A
• Associativity • A∩X=A
• A ∪ (B ∪ C) = (A ∪ B) ∪ C • A ∩∅=∅
• A ∩ (B ∩ C) = (A ∩ B) ∩ C • A∪X=X

• Distributivity • Transitivity
• A ∪ (B ∩ C) = (A ∪ B) ∩ (A ∪ C) • If A ⊆ B and B ⊆ C, then A ⊆ C
• A ∩ (B ∪ C) = (A ∩ B) ∪ (A ∩ C) • Involution
• Idempotency • =A
• A∪A=A

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 13

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
CLASSICAL/CRISP SETS {Venn Diagrams of Set Combinations}

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 14

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
CLASSICAL/CRISP SETS {Venn Diagrams of Set Combinations}

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 15

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
CLASSICAL/CRISP SETS {special properties}

• Excluded middle axioms and • De Morgan’s principles.

• axiom of the excluded middle, • A∩B=A∪B
• deals with the union of a set A and its • A∪B=A∩B
• E1 ∪ E2 ∪···∪ En = E1 ∩ E2 ∩···∩ En
• A∪A=X
• E1 ∩ E2 ∩···∩ En = E1 ∪ E2 ∪···∪ En
• axiom of contradiction,
• represents the intersection of a set A and its
• A∩A=∅

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 16

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• Function Mapping of set theoretic form and function theoretic form

1 𝑥∈𝐴
• On the basis of mapping characteristic function is defined as, 𝑋𝐴 𝑥 = ቊ
0𝑥 ∉𝐴
• 𝑋𝐴 𝑥 -membership in set A for element

• Union A ∪ B • Complement 𝐴ҧ
• 𝑋𝐴 A ∪ B = 𝑋𝐴 𝑥 𝑣 𝑋𝐵 𝑥 = max 𝑥𝐴 𝑥 , 𝑥𝐵 𝑥 • 𝑋𝐴ҧ x = 1 − 𝑋𝐴 𝑥

• Intersection A ∩ B • Contentment 𝐴
• 𝑋𝐴 A ∩ B = 𝑋𝐴 𝑥 ∧ 𝑋𝐵 𝑥 = min 𝑥𝐴 𝑥 , 𝑥𝐵 𝑥 • If 𝐴 ⊆ 𝐵 then 𝑥𝐴 𝑥 ≤ 𝑥𝐵 𝑥

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 17

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• In classical, or crisp, sets the transition for an

element in the universe between membership and
non membership in a given set is abrupt. For an
element in a universe that contains fuzzy sets, this
transition can be gradual.
• Can be represented as 𝐴ሚ
• This function maps elements of a fuzzy set 𝐴ሚ to a
real numbered value on the interval 0 to 1
• or µ𝐴෨ (𝑥) ∈ [0,1]
Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 18
Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
FUZZY SETS {Operations}

• Define three fuzzy sets A∼, B∼, and C∼ on the universe X.

• For a given element x of the universe,
the following function-
theoretic operations for the set-theoretic operations of
union, intersection, and complement are defined for
𝐴ሚ, 𝐵෫
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐶ሚ on X

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 19

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
FUZZY SETS {Operations}

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 20

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
FUZZY SETS {Properties}

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 21

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
FUZZY SETS {Operations}

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 22

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
FUZZY SETS {Operations}

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 23

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• The elements in two sets A and B are given as A = {0, 1} and B = {a, b, c}. Various
Cartesian products of these two sets can be written as shown:
• A × B = {(0, a), (0, b), (0, c), (1, a), (1, b), (1, c)}
• B × A = {(a, 0), (a, 1), (b, 0), (b, 1), (c, 0), (c, 1)}
• A × A = A2 = {(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)}
• B × B = B2 = {(a, a), (a, b), (a, c), (b, a), (b, b), (b, c), (c, a), (c, b), (c, c)}

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 24

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• The relation between two set is called binary relation, and represented as A1 × A2
• If three, four, or five sets are involved in a subset of the full Cartesian product, the relations are called
ternary, quaternary, and quinary, respectively.
• A subset of the Cartesian product A1 × A2 ×· · ·×Ar is called an r-ary relation over A1,A2, . . . ,Ar
• For us , whenever the term relation is used without qualification, it is taken to mean a binary relation.
• The Cartesian product of two universes X and Y is determined as,
• X × Y = {(x, y) | x ∈ X, y ∈ Y}

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 25

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• The strength of this relationship between ordered pairs of elements in each universe is measured by the
characteristic function, denoted χ, where
• a value of unity is associated with complete relationship and
• a value of zero is associated with no relationship, i.e.,

1 (x, y) ∈ X × Y
𝑋𝑥𝑋𝑌 𝑥, 𝑦 = ቊ
0 (x, y) ∉ X × Y

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 26

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 27

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
CRISP RELATION {Composition}

• Let R be a relation that relates, elements from universe X to universe Y, and

• R = {(x1, y1), (x1, y3), (x2, y4)}
• Let S be a relation that relates, elements from universe Y to universe Z.
• S = {(y1, z2), (y3, z2)}
• “Composition”, can find a relation, T, that relates the same elements in universe X (that R
contains) to the same elements in universe Z (that S contains.)
• There are two common forms of the composition operation;
• one is called the max–min composition and
• the other the max–product composition

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 28

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
CRISP RELATION {Composition}

• The max–min composition

• T = R◦S
• χT(x, z) = ‫ڀ‬y∈Y (χR(x, y) ∧ χS(y, z))
• The max–product composition
• T = R◦S
• χT(x, z) = ‫ڀ‬y∈Y (χR(x, y) . χS(y, z))

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 29

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system
FUZZY RELATION {Composition}

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 30

• Let 𝐴 ̃ be a fuzzy set on universe X and 𝐵 ̃ be a fuzzy set on universe Y;
• then the Cartesian product between fuzzy sets 𝐴ሚ and 𝐵෨ will result in a fuzzy relation 𝑅̃෨ ,
• 𝐴ሚ × 𝐵෨ = 𝑅෨ ⊂ X × Y
• where the fuzzy relation 𝑅෨ has membership function
• µ 𝑅 ǁ (x, y) = µ 𝐴 ǁ× 𝐵 ǁ (x, y) = min µ 𝐴 ǁ (x), µ 𝐵 ǁ (y)

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 31

• for a fuzzy set (vector) 𝐴 ̃ that has four
elements, hence column vector of size
4 × 1, and for a fuzzy set (vector) 𝐵 ̃
that has five elements, hence a row
vector size of 1 × 5, the resulting
fuzzy relation, 𝑅෨ , will be represented
by a matrix of size 4 × 5, i.e., 𝑅෨
• will have four rows and five columns.
This result is illustrated in the
following example.
Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 32

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 33


Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 34

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 35

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 36

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 37

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 38

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• Reflexivity, Symmetry, and Transitivity Relations

used in graph theory.
• Consider the simple graphs in Fig. 3.8. This figure
describes a universe of three elements,
• Labeled as the vertices of this graph, 1, 2, and 3,
• or in set notation, X = {1, 2, 3}
• When a relation is reflexive every vertex in the graph
originates a single loop, as shown in Fig. 3.8a.
Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 39
Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

• If a relation is symmetric, then

• in the graph for every edge pointing (the arrows on the edge lines in Fig. 3.8b) from vertex i to vertex j (i, j = 1, 2,
3), there is an edge pointing in the opposite direction, i.e., from vertex j to vertex i.
• When a relation is transitive, then
• for every pair of edges in the graph, one pointing from vertex i to vertex j and the other from vertex j to vertex k (i,
j, k = 1, 2, 3), there is an edge pointing from vertex i directly to vertex k, as seen in Fig. 3.8c (e.g., an arrow from
vertex 1 to vertex 2, an arrow from vertex 2 to vertex 3, and an arrow from vertex 1 to vertex 3)

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 40

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 41

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 42

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory, crisp sets, Fuzzy set,
Crisp relations, fuzzy relations, fuzzy systems, crisp logic, predicate logic, fuzzy logic,
fuzzy rule based system

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 43

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set Crisp
relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy rule based

Questions for Practice

• Compare constrained relation and non

• Explain the operations and properties over a
constrained relation fuzzy relation
• Give the cardinality of classical relation • Discuss fuzzy composition techniques
• Mention the operation performed on classical • What are tolerance and equivalence relations
relations • Write short note on fuzzy equivalent relation
• List the various properties of crisp relations • How are a crisp tolerance relation and fuzzy
• What is the necessity of composition of a relation tolerance relation converted to crisp
• What are the various types of composition equivalence relation and fuzzy equivalence
relation respectively
• Define fuzzy matrix and fuzzy graph
• Explain with suitable diagrams and examples of
• Give the cardinality of Fuzzy relations fuzzy equivalence relation.
• What is meant by non iterative fuzzy sets

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 44

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set Crisp
relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy rule based

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 45

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set Crisp
relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy rule based

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 46

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set Crisp
relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy rule based

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 47

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system
let P and Q be two simple propositions on the same universe of discourse that can be combined using the following
five logical connectives

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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system
• Refers to compound propositions that are always true,
• are useful
• for deductive reasoning, for proving theorems, and for making deductive inferences.
• example, if A is the set of all prime numbers (A1 = 1, A2 = 2, A3 = 3, A4 = 5,...) on the real line universe, X, then the
proposition ‘‘Ai is not divisible by 6’’ is a tautology.
• One tautology, known as modus ponens deduction, is scheme used in forward-chaining rule-based expert

Chapter 2 (Part 2) Soft Computing 9/23/2023 49

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets
Fuzzy set Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate
logic fuzzy logic fuzzy rule based system

• Compound propositions that are always false
• For example, if A is the set of all prime numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, . . .) on the real
line universe, X,
• then the proposition ‘‘Ai is a multiple of 4’’ is a contradiction.
• Some simple contradictions are listed here:
• B∩B
• A ∩ ∅; A ∩ ∅
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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

• As mentioned, propositions P and Q are equivalent, i.e., P ↔ Q, is true only when both P
and Q are true or when both P and Q are false
• For example, the propositions P: ‘‘triangle is equilateral’’ and Q: ‘‘triangle is equiangular’’ are equivalent
because they are either both true or both false for some triangle. This condition of equivalence is shown
in Fig. 5.4, where the shaded region is the region of equivalence.

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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system
Deductive Inferences

The modus ponens deduction is used as a tool for making inferences in rule-based systems.
we have a rule of the form IF A, THEN B

we deduce, in rule form, IF A’, THEN B’

Defined in function-theoretic terms as χR(x, y) = max[(χA(x) ∧ χB(y)), ((1 − χA(x)) ∧ 1)]

Modus ponens deduction can also be used for the compound rule IF A, THEN B, ELSE C,
Then similarly

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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

Chapter 2 (Part 2) Soft Computing 9/23/2023 53

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system


Chapter 2 (Part 2) Soft Computing 9/23/2023 54

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

Chapter 2 (Part 2) Soft Computing 9/23/2023 55

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

Chapter 2 (Part 2) Soft Computing 9/23/2023 56

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

•fuzzy logic is to form the theoretical foundation for reasoning about imprecise propositions
•Suppose we have a rule-based format to represent fuzzy information. These rules are expressed in
conventional antecedent-consequent form, such as,
•Rule 1: IF x is A∼, THEN y is B∼, where A∼ and B∼ represent fuzzy propositions (sets).
•Now suppose we introduce a new antecedent, say A’∼, and we consider the following rule:
•Rule 2: IF x is A’∼, THEN y is B’∼ From information derived from Rule 1, is it possible to derive the
consequent in Rule 2, B’∼ ? The answer is yes, and the procedure is fuzzy composition.
•The consequent B∼ can be found from the composition operation ,B∼ =A∼ ◦R∼.
•The two most common forms of the composition operator are the max–min and the max–product

Chapter 2 (Part 2) Soft Computing 9/23/2023 57

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

Chapter 2 (Part 2) Soft Computing 9/23/2023 58

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

Chapter 2 (Part 2) Soft Computing 9/23/2023 59

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

Chapter 2 (Part 2) Soft Computing 9/23/2023 60

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

• Fuzzy Predicates:- In fuzzy logic the predicates can be

fuzzy, for example, tall, short, quick

• Fuzzy-predicate modifiers: In fuzzy logic, there exists a

wide range of predicate modifiers that act as hedges

• Fuzzy quantifiers. The fuzzy quantifiers such as most,

several, many, frequently are used in fuzzy logic.

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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

•In linguistics with adjectives (nouns) or adverbs (verbs)

•like very, low, slight, more or less, fairly, slightly, almost,
barely, mostly, roughly, approximately…...
•We will call these modifiers ‘‘linguistic hedges’’:
•that is, the singular meaning of an atomic term
•As an example, let us look at the basic linguistic atom, α, and
subject it to some hedges
•The expressions shown in Eqs. (5.26)– (5.28) are linguistic hedges
known as concentrations [Zadeh, 1972]
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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

•For example, by using Eq. (5.26) for the hedge very, a membership
value of 0.9 is reduced by 10% to a value of 0.81
•For example, using Eq. (5.29) for the hedge slightly, a membership
value of 0.81 is increased by 11% to a value of 0.9, whereas a
membership value of 0.01 is increased by an order of magnitude to
•This operation acts in a combination of concentration and dilation.
•It increases the degree of membership of those elements in the set
with original membership values greater than 0.5, and
•it decreases the degree of membership of those elements in the set
with original membership values less than 0.5.
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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system
There are three general forms,
a. Assignment statements
a. Eg y = small, color = orange,
b. Utilize =
b. Conditional statements
a. Eg IF y is very cool THEN stop, IF Ais high THEN B is low ELSE B is
not low.
b. Statements are IF THEN rule based.
c. Unconditional statements
a. They can be of the form go to sum, stop, divide by a, turn pressure low.

any compound rule structure may be decomposed and reduced to a number of

simple canonical rules as given in Table 5.8
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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

a. Aggregation functions combine input values a. Decomposition functions decompose

into a single output value, which represents all compound rule structure into a number of
the inputs simple canonical rule forms
a. Involves more than one rule a. Multiple conjunction antecedents
b. Obtaining Overall consequents from b. Multiple disjunctive antecedents
individual consequents provided by each c. Conditional statements with ELSE
rule d. Nested IF–THEN rules

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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system
Properties of set of RULEs
The properties for the sets of rules are
– Completeness,
– Consistency,
– Continuity, and
– Interaction.
(a) Completeness A set of IF–THEN rules is complete if any combination of input values result in an
appropriate output value.
(b) Consistency A set of IF–THEN rules is inconsistent if there are two rules with the same rules-antecedent
but different rule consequents.
(c) Continuity A set of IF–THEN rules is continuous if it does not have neighboring rules with output fuzzy
sets that have empty intersection.
(d) Interaction In the interaction property, suppose that is a rule, “IF x is A THEN y is B,” this meaning is
represented by a fuzzy relation R2, then the composition of A and R does not deliver B
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Chapter 2 (Part 2) Soft Computing 9/23/2023 69

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system
• The core of a membership function of fuzzy set A∼ is
• defined as that region of the universe that is characterized by complete and full membership in the set
• That is, the core comprises those elements x of the universe such that µA ∼ (x) = 1.
• The support of a membership function for fuzzy set A∼ is
• defined as that region of the universe that is characterized by nonzero membership in the set A∼.
• That is, the support comprises those elements x of the universe such that µA ∼ (x) > 0.
• The boundaries of a membership function for fuzzy set A∼
• are defined as that region of the universe containing elements that have a nonzero membership but
not complete membership.
• That is, the boundaries comprise those elements x of the universe such that 0 < µA ∼ (x) < 1

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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system
• A normal fuzzy set is one
• whose membership function has at least one element x in the universe whose membership value is unity.
• For fuzzy sets where one and only one element has a membership equal to one, this element is typically referred to as the prototype of the set, or
the prototypical element.
• A convex fuzzy set is described with increasing values for elements in the universe.
• whose membership values are strictly monotonically increasing,
• or whose membership values are strictly monotonically decreasing,
• or whose membership values are strictly monotonically increasing then strictly monotonically decreasing

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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

• is the process of making a crisp quantity fuzzy.
• hardware such as a digital voltmeter generates crisp
data, but these data are subject to experimental
• The information shown in Fig. 4.6 shows one
possible range of errors for a typical voltage
reading and the associated membership function
that might represent such imprecision.

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Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

• If we agree that anyone older than 60 years
as ‘old’, then the membership value of a
person above 60 years is 1, while that of a
person below 60 years is less than 1. We can
define the membership function of A as

Chapter 2 (Part 2) Soft Computing 9/23/2023 74

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- Fuzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set
Crisp relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy
rule based system

Develop a reasonable membership function for a square, based on the geometric properties of
a rectangle
We take L as the length of the longer side and l as that of the smaller side, If l/L = 1 the
rectangle is a square. We shall use exponential expression for the membership function

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Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 76

Chapter 2 :Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy systems :- F`uzzy set theory crisp sets Fuzzy set Crisp
relations fuzzy relations fuzzy systems crisp logic predicate logic fuzzy logic fuzzy rule based

Thank You Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Soft Computing 9/23/2023 77

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