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Allie Armstrong
The Problem

The problem I am hoping to solve is the disconnect among Kihei Charter

students and alumni, this is how I came up with my driving question: How
can I connect past and present Kihei Charter students?
The Solution

My solution to the disconnect between past and

present students at Kihei Charter is to create an
alumni association that allows alumni to stay
connected through an emailed newsletter. As well as
connecting them to their past sport that they could
have been involved in by also creating a sports
alumni association.
My Audience

My project audience and outreach focus is to the

alumni of Kihei Charter school that have since
moved on from being a high school student. I want
to reach out to the people who have appreciated
what Kihei Charter did for them and are interested
in staying involved and connected.
Potential Problems

The potential problems I plan on facing are not many but are crucial to
the success of my project. I need engagement from my audience to
really follow through with my commitment of connecting students in an
alumni association.
My mentor for this project will be Coach Cassie Kepler. She
will be able to guide me with how she wants the sports alumni
association to look like and help me with how to orchestrate
the school wide association as well.
Financial Summary
I will not need any money resources for
this project. I will need to spend time
fleshing out the newsletter and getting
the emails I need.
Milestones and Goals
❏ This month I have connected with my mentor as well as receiving an outline
from her about what my first steps need to be.

❏ My next steps for my project are to reach out to my mentor and collect all the
emails from each sport by reaching out to the athletic director.

❏ Before the new year I want to send out the first newsletter, this will happen
after I finish designing and communicating with Mrs. Federoff and Coach
Cassie about what they would like me to add to the the newsletter.

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