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Before we enter on "How to Control Covid 19" we must understand what is covid 19 or corona
virus. So corona is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. The disease caused by this viral
infection is called COVID-19. Corona virus can cause mild disorders of the respiratory system,
severe lung infections, and even death.
COVID-19 is transmitted through close contact and droplets, not through airborne transmission.
The people most at risk of infection are those who are in close contact with COVID-19 patients
or who care for COVID-19 patients. Prevention and mitigation measures are the key to
implementation in health and community services. The most effective preventive measures in
the community include:
perform hand hygiene using hand sanitizer if hands do not look dirty or wash hands with soap if
hands look dirty;
avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth;
apply coughing or sneezing etiquette by covering the nose and mouth with the inside of the
upper arm or a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash;
wear a medical mask if you have respiratory symptoms and perform hand hygiene after
disposing of the mask;
keep a distance (at least 1 m) from people who experience respiratory symptoms.

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