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Name: Mais salsabila

Student ID: 1225030112

1.What is the primary focus of a derivational and inflectional morpheme
analysis in the Apricot Princess album by Rex Orange County?
A) Identifying the album's release date
B) Analyzing the album's musical composition
C) Studying the morphological structure of words in the lyrics
D) Exploring the album's cover art

2.Which term refers to morphemes that change the grammatical category or

meaning of words?
A) Derivational Morphemes
B) Inflectional Morphemes
C) Prefixes
D) Suffixes

3.Why is the analysis of derivational and inflectional morphemes important in

understanding the lyrics of songs in the Apricot Princess album?
A) To identify the album's sales figures
B) To explore the emotional depth of the songs
C) To understand word formations and grammatical variations
D) To analyze the album's impact on the music industry
4.Which linguistic aspect might be explored to understand the derivational and
inflectional morphemes in the Apricot Princess album by Rex Orange County?
A) Phonological patterns
B) Semantic meanings
C) Morphemic analysis
D) Cultural references

Vid 3

1.What does a case study in morphology focus on in the context of Lewis

Capaldi's "Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent" album?
A) Analyzing album sales data
B) Studying the emotional themes of the songs
C) Examining the morphological structure of words in the lyrics
D) Exploring Capaldi's vocal range and techniques

2.Which of the following is an example of a morphological aspect that might be

analyzed in the lyrics of Lewis Capaldi's songs from the "Divinely Uninspired to
a Hellish Extent" album?
A) Rhyming schemes
B) Syntactic structures
C) Prefixes and suffixes
D) Album cover design elements
3.Why is a case study in morphology important when analyzing song lyrics
from albums like "Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent"?
A) To explore the emotional depth of the songs
B) To analyze word derivations and grammatical structures
C) To understand the cultural references in the lyrics
D) To study the impact of the album on the music industry

4.Which linguistic aspect might be explored to understand the morphological

intricacies in Lewis Capaldi's lyrics on the "Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish
Extent" album?
A) Phonological patterns
B) Semantic meanings
C) Morphemic analysis
D) Historical contexts

Vid 4

1.What is the main objective of analyzing unique morphemes in the lyrics of

songs from the album "Frozen"?
A) Exploring the album's cover art
B) Studying the emotional depth of the songs
C) Analyzing word formations and grammatical structures
D) Evaluating the album's musical composition
2.Which of the following is an example of a morphological aspect that might be
examined in the lyrics of songs from the "Frozen" album?
A) Rhyming schemes
B) Semantic meanings
C) Prefixes and suffixes
D) Album release dates

3.Why is the study of unique morphemes important in understanding the lyrics

of songs in the "Frozen" album?
A) To explore the emotional depth of the characters
B) To analyze word origins and meanings in the songs
C) To understand the impact of the songs on popular culture
D) To study the album's influence on animation techniques

4.Which linguistic aspect might be explored to understand the morphological

intricacies in the lyrics of "Frozen" songs?
A) Phonological patterns
B) Syntactic structures
C) Morphemic analysis
D) Cultural references

Vid 5
1.What does the study of Sundanese in English Morphology primarily focus on?
A) Exploring English grammar rules
B) Analyzing the influence of Sundanese culture on English vocabulary
C) Studying the morphological structure of Sundanese words in English
D) Examining English phonetic variations

2.Which of the following is an example of a morphological aspect that might be

examined in the context of Sundanese in English Morphology?
A) Sundanese idiomatic expressions in English
B) English word origins and etymology
C) Historical developments in Sundanese culture
D) English syntactic structures

3.Why is the study of Sundanese in English Morphology important in

A) To preserve Sundanese cultural heritage in English-speaking communities
B) To analyze English phonological patterns
C) To explore English syntactic structures
D) To study English literature

4.Which linguistic aspect might be explored to understand the fusion of

Sundanese and English languages in morphology?
A) Phonological patterns
B) Syntactic structures
C) Morphological analysis
D) Cultural influences
Vid 6
1.What is the primary focus of analyzing parallelism and derivational suffixes
in Taylor Swift's album "Red"?
A) Exploring the album's cover art
B) Studying the emotional depth of the songs
C) Analyzing repetitive linguistic patterns and word formations in the lyrics
D) Evaluating Taylor Swift's vocal techniques

2.Which of the following is an example of a derivational suffix that might be

examined in the lyrics of Taylor Swift's songs from the album "Red"?
A) -ed (past tense)
B) -ful (meaning "full of")
C) -er (comparative form)
D) -ing (present participle)

3.Why is the analysis of parallelism and derivational suffixes important in

understanding the lyrics of Taylor Swift's songs in the album "Red"?
A) To identify the album's release date
B) To explore word derivations and grammatical structures
C) To understand the cultural references in the lyrics
D) To analyze the impact of the album on the music industry

4.Which linguistic aspect might be explored to understand the usage of

parallelism in Taylor Swift's lyrics on the album "Red"?
A) Phonological patterns
B) Syntactic structures
C) Semantic meanings
D) Historical contexts

Vid 7
1.What is the primary focus of the term "morphology" in linguistics?
A) Studying word origins and etymology
B) Analyzing sentence structures and syntax
C) Understanding the smallest units of meaning in a language, like prefixes
and suffixes
D) Exploring cultural influences on language development

2.Why isn't the study of word formations called "wordology" instead of

A) "Morphology" refers specifically to the study of morphemes, which are
meaningful linguistic units, including prefixes and suffixes.
B) "Wordology" is already a term used in a different linguistic context.
C) Linguists prefer the term "morphology" to maintain consistency and
accuracy in terminology.
D) "Wordology" focuses on semantics and meanings, while "morphology"
encompasses both form and meaning of words.

3.What do morphemes represent in linguistic analysis?

A) Smallest units of language that carry meaning, including prefixes, suffixes,
and roots.
B) Different dialects within a language.
C) Various phonetic variations in speech.
D) Syntactic structures and word order in sentences.

4.Which linguistic aspect might be explored to understand why the study of

word formations is termed "morphology" and not "wordology"?
A) Historical origins of linguistic terminology
B) Phonological patterns in different languages
C) Cultural influences on language development
D) Semantic meanings and word categories

Vid 8

1.What is the primary objective of identifying suffixes in Avril Lavigne's album

"Goodbye Lullaby"?
A) Analyzing the album's cover art
B) Studying the emotional themes of the songs
C) Examining the morphological structure of words in the lyrics
D) Evaluating Avril Lavigne's vocal techniques

2.Which of the following is an example of a morphological aspect that might be

analyzed in the lyrics of Avril Lavigne's songs from the album "Goodbye
A) Rhyming schemes
B) Semantic meanings
C) Prefixes and suffixes
D) Album release dates

3.Why is the identification of suffixes important in the linguistic analysis of song

A) To understand word origins and etymology
B) To analyze word derivations and grammatical structures
C) To explore the emotional depth of the songs
D) To study the impact of the album on the music industry

4.Which linguistic aspect might be explored to understand the morphological

intricacies in the lyrics of Avril Lavigne's songs on the album "Goodbye
A) Phonological patterns
B) Syntactic structures
C) Semantic meanings
D) Morphemic analysis

Vid 9
1.Which statement accurately describes the morphemes in the words "recall"
and "remember"?
A) "re-" and "call" in recall; "re-" and "member" in remember
B) "re-" and "c-" in recall; "re-" and "member" in remember
C) "re-" and "call" in both recall and remember
D) "re-" in both recall and remember; "call" in recall, and "member" in

2.Which linguistic term refers to the smallest units of meaning in a language,

such as prefixes and suffixes?
A) Phonemes
B) Morphemes
C) Syntax
D) Semantics

3.In the context of morphological analysis, what does the prefix "re-"
commonly indicate in English words?
A) Negation or absence
B) Repetition, back, or again
C) Pluralization or possession
D) Future tense or possibility

4.Why is it important to distinguish morphemes in linguistic analysis?

A) To identify word origins and etymology
B) To understand the syntactic structures of sentences
C) To analyze phonetic variations in speech
D) To study the meaningful components of words and their functions
Vid 10
1.What is the primary focus of morphological analysis on Bruno Mars' album
"The Doo-Wops & Hooligans"?
A) Exploring the album's cover art
B) Studying the emotional depth of the songs
C) Analyzing the morphological structure of words in the lyrics
D) Evaluating Bruno Mars' vocal techniques and style

2.Which of the following is an example of a morphological aspect that might be

analyzed in the lyrics of Bruno Mars' songs from the album "The Doo-Wops &
A) Rhyming schemes
B) Syntactic structures
C) Prefixes and suffixes
D) Album release dates

3.Why is morphological analysis important in the study of song lyrics?

A) To identify the album's impact on the music industry
B) To analyze word derivations and grammatical structures
C) To explore the emotional depth of the songs
D) To examine the album's cultural influences
4.Which linguistic aspect might be explored to understand the morphological
structure of the lyrics in Bruno Mars' songs on the album "The Doo-Wops &
A) Phonological patterns
B) Semantic meanings
C) Morphemic analysis
D) Cultural references

Vid 11
1.What is the primary focus of analyzing syllables in The Beatles' songs from a
morphological perspective?
A) Studying the emotional depth of the songs
B) Analyzing the stress patterns of syllables in words
C) Exploring the album's cover art
D) Understanding word formations and morphological structure

2.Which of the following words from The Beatles' songs contains the maximum
number of syllables?
A) Yesterday
B) Strawberry Fields Forever
C) Love
D) Help

3.Why is the analysis of syllables important in the study of song lyrics from The
Beatles' songs?
A) To analyze the album's impact on the music industry
B) To explore the emotional depth of the songs
C) To understand word formations and grammatical variations
D) To examine the album's cultural influences
4.Which linguistic aspect might be explored to understand the syllabic patterns
in The Beatles' songs?
A) Phonological patterns
B) Semantic meanings
C) Morphemic analysis
D) Syntactic structures

Vid 12
1.What does a morphological analysis focusing on syllables in The Beatles'
songs primarily examine?
A) The emotional depth of the lyrics
B) The number and structure of syllables in the lyrics
C) The band's history and cultural influences
D) The album's musical arrangement

2. Which of the following words has the most syllables?

A) "Love"
B) "Imagine"
C) "Yesterday"
D) "Hey"

3.Why is syllable analysis significant in understanding the linguistic patterns in

The Beatles' songs?
A) To explore the band's impact on the music industry
B) To analyze phonetic variations and lyrical rhythms
C) To study the band members' personal lives
D) To identify historical references in the lyrics

4.Which linguistic aspect might be explored to understand the syllabic structure

in The Beatles' lyrics?
A) Semantic meanings
B) Syntactic structures
C) Phonological patterns
D) Cultural influences

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