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KANTOORAFSKRIF. YE RIGTINGS KOORDINATE LG. No. Meter “HOEKE Y__"Steleel_to.19° x Konstantes 90 000,00 |+3620 000,00] 10744-85 ap | 10,07] 2aseae'oo" | a | + 4 293,49 |+ 3 614,74 Be) 3ai2a| 315 57 30 |B | + 4 284,27 |+ 9 618,79 | Gosdgekeur =| co| — asyz4) 25 16 00 | c | + 4 200,49 |+ 3 643,98 Tl oz| 40136] 227 2400 | >| + 4 279,80 |+ 3 684,20 Eal agi7s| 20213 20 |e | +4 312,03 f+ 3 659.871 Lo mans pr | 99,50| 307 18.00 | F | + 4 259,19 |+ 9 704,86) 1996, 05: 29 (6) | stonpneus | +7 656,40 |+ 5 189,78 (50) _Tituskaip A] + 2 662,02 |+ 7 074,49 Beskerywing van Bakens: ay B, ¢, D,£ Halve ysterpaal vat 150 am uiteteck. F Ysterpaal gelyk met grond aan suidekant van swaar yeterhoekpaal in beton. Restant ket 759 « wn Restant ie on i. 1 Aan > eg big NS j te %q ~S i i 2a om i 4, F | ‘Skaal 3/1000” | Die tur «AB CDE i sto voor 1967 vierkante meter ‘10nd, synde ERP 752 _gedeelte van Erf 22 ST. HELINABAAT gelee in die Munisipalitett St. Helenabaai, Administatiowe Distik | Malmesbury, Provinsie Kaap die Goeie Hoop. | Opgemeet in September-November 1955 ak. | dour my. Lendmeter Taiwale Keane geheg ean [Die corspronkike Kaant Is. | Léer No. e/sae5atlaim. 18| No, B2399 \Looo M.S. No.2 3092/85 sedateer No. 1706/34 geteg ean | Komp. co-cpnn (4254) tow. ‘Transpon/Grondoriet B c No, 1955.46 .2278 ¢ Registratour van Aktes eee ARSC Fae [to sama aiens maaan Ee 158 = [ome | ee fos feePassin sifnen [ecfaeas sales Jerfasse rasehens berfena7 Evodlos, |atohes erase ' ‘eyoofoa_rseihoms ErFee39 \ Feotins No Remainder IEREDRRAGTENOART. 5 KANTOORAFSKRIF ‘SYE RIGTINGS KOORDINATE LG. No. Meter SHOEKE y__ "Stoll 19.19" _X Konstantes | | +90 000,00 ]+2620 000,00 | 10745 -85 aa| stay | poset) acl paseetse 3 eouey sc] 49/75 | 22 9.20 |B | + 4 200,49 |r 3 614174 | Goedgekeur eo} 6,40 | 127 34.00 |c | 24 ai193 |. 3 os9.87 | at | —2atoa | 105 28 so || + 4 217,03 [+ 3 656,00 za| 50.77 | 200 17 40 fe | + 4 aaorie [ea eaosso | (6) | stompneus |A| + 7 656,40 |+ 5 183,78 | joee. 05.29 cso)_| rieusiaip |S! ¢ 2 ssavoe fy 7 o7asa0 Beskryving van Bakens A,B, C, 0, 8 Hale yaterpaal wat 150 na uiteteek. 'N WARE AESKRIF l: WaAETER GENEL vin ~ a Stang Sng 784 wi. a Boe ae oe Mes, e Mae ty Cs—j2e0 > Seonieant RS "tae? Eng N i554 3 skasl: 1/1000 Die gue ABCDE sto voor 1509 vierkante meter ond, syne ERE 759_gedeelte van rf 22 7. HSLENABAAL goles in die Munisipaliteit St. Helenabaai, ‘Administratiowe Distrik Malneabury, Proviosle Kesp dle Goeie Hoop. Opgemeat in Septenber-Novenber 1985 ane dour my. Lanceeter Wiodie Kaan an | Die conpronkike Kaan a | Uber No. = aoheg 0 see No, 7237/93 Ms. No 3° 361/85 |G ]gedateer No, 1708/54 —geheg aan | Komp. cG-suDp (4454) tow Transpon/ondoriet No. 1985.46 2278 Aogisratour van Atos Wai SaTAT Woh aan Y A.W. UEYERS 6. VAN Ek weS!murcin ° OFFice cory Profesional lend Surveyors _W/ 1955 ‘SIDES | ANGLES OF CO-ORDINATES Matros: DIRECTION Y__ System Lo. 19° X Ss Nos Constant] | +90000,00 f-3620000,0 1973792 as] 27,80 | 315 56 sq a| + 4260,50/ 643,371 Be “5109 | 247 48 ad a] + 4234.21 k 3670, 54 Approves Go| 2750 | 19 41 ofc] + 4233,14 fk 3075,5: 2 oe| 41,16 | 73 42 sq 0} + + 370154 er| 33,82 | 127 13 1G e| + + 3704759» /Surveyor-General Fal 45,22 | 208 16 2g F | + 3088527 [ fe ent te (6) Stompneug A] + 7656,40 + 5153,7! 4 (50) Tituskiia A] + 2662,02 + © 7071,48, Beacon Descriptions AE Fence standard B,C 2omm iron peg De Standard at rail corner fence AS al 75; we e c Long g ~~ ie Stree, F ie em, (SEF Pen Ob Ringgit Eng gn? Roag, Seale 1: 1500 The figure AB CDE F ‘epresons 4695 square metres of land, being Erf 2186 (portion of Erf 22) St. Helena Bay situate in. the Municipality of St. Helena Bay Administrative Disticr of Maimesbury Surveyed in November 1994 Province of Gape ot Good Hope. feb lilee Register of Deeds Mo. 1958- 46 -2278 Pes P. vd Westhuizen Lend Surveyor This dgram ie ennexed to | Tho ginal dogrom We Filo No, Malm 18 No SR. No, B 508/92 dated No. 1706/54 annexed 10| Comp. ito Transtor‘Grene Ga-e000 (4454) 2/6 >) MJ GEOMATICS |) tana surveying & Geographic information Services PO Box 731, Langebaan, 7357, South Africa * cell 082 853 2142 tel 022 772 1067 « fax 0866 581 581 DATE : 15 January 2016 OUR REF : HO-7528TH [ HEIGHT CERTIFICATE : Erf 752, St. Helena Bay Banchmark Top of Kerb (10m) ‘This isto cory the averago natural ground level of the above-mentioned ert in elation to a benchmark, being the top of kerb, marked with blue paint, as follows: Benchmark (Top of Kerb} 10.00 Average Ground Level 14.25 Permissible Wall Plate Height of 7m 21.25 ‘ign eistins ero gute n goo ta andar nate a novation nr waiero ehalgreacten as reseed by fe oa autho. Kind regards, “oY Medin van Zyt Rogistered Surveyor (S 0856)

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