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Topic 8

ERP Systems and

Systems and Technology
1. Computing
• Host-Based Computing
– ______ - All the computing is done on a single large
computer. Typically, this is handled by allowing
users to share the computing resources (processing,
data, software).
– Examples : mainframes and mini-computers.
– _______ - The user would typically be at a terminal
(dumb) that had no computing capabilities (or at a
PC that emulated a terminal).

1. Computing
• ___________ Computing
– Definition – a distributed application architecture that
partitions tasks or works between service providers (servers)
and service requesters (clients).
– Client – “Client” refers to the user’s computer (eg. PC), while
the “server” refers to some other (e.g., centrally located)
computing source that provides computing resources,
software, or data.
– SAP – The original product (R/2) was developed for a Host-
Based environment while R/3 was developed for client-server
2. Networks
• ______ area networks (LANs) are networks used to
link computers together over a relatively small
geographical area, such as within a building.
• Wide area networks (WANs) link together
computers over a large area eg. across countries.
• ________ typically are LANs that consist of
computers which are connected for use by a
specific corporation internally.
• _________ typically are WANs that connect
computers belonging to various business partners
(eg. buyers, sellers). They are used by a specific
corporation and its partners (eg. customers,
suppliers). They facilitate B2B E-commerce.
2. Networks (cont..)
• Bandwidth, Standards
– _________ - A network must be able to accommodate
the requirements placed upon it by the applications.
Bandwidth is a network’s transmission capacity. The
greater the bandwidth, the greater the network’s
– _________ - Standard protocols allow the transmission
of information in a common form, facilitating
interaction between components. Perhaps the most
widespread network standards are those associated
with the Internet: TCP/IP
• Network Infrastructure
– Consists of all network components required to
connect clients and servers together eg. hubs,
switches, cables, modem, routers, front-end-
processors, multiplexors etc.
3. Database Management System
• _______ – ERP systems are developed so that
they can use any of a number of DBMS.
Example, SAP’s R/3 supports DBMS from :
Oracle, Microsoft’s SQL, Sybase, IBM’s DB2, and
• DBMS _______ – ERP systems have been
designed to run on more dominant DBMS (in
sequence) : Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase and
Microsoft SQL
• _______ DBMS – the choice of the database
system is dependent on the operating system.
The ability to upgrade the ERP software will
depend on the new version’s compatibility with
the specific DBMS.
3. Database Management System
• ______ : The main functions of a DBMS is to
manage databases. It helps to capture (record)
data from the transactions. It also allows users to
_____ , add, retrieve, amend or delete data on the
• ______ of DBMS : Most ERP employ relational
databases. Others : Network and Complex
• Example - rather than capturing a complete set of
customer information for each sales order, only
the customer number and sales details need to
be captured. Then, if more detailed information is
needed, we can look it up from customer table.
Centralised Database

Centralised database :
§ Enhance data ________
§ Reduces data ________
§ Enhance cross-functional
Exercise for Students
• Identify any two systems which are
• Identify a database which these two
systems would share data. In this
database identify TWO files used.
Suggested Answers
• Identify any two systems which are

• Identify a database which these two
systems would share data. In this
database identify TWO files used.

Data Warehouse and Data Mining
Definition of Data Warehousing
• _______. Take data from a variety of sources
including internal operational and historic
databases and external sources.
• _______. Data cleansed and formatted.
• Catalogued. Data in warehouse is catalogued by
a metadata directory.
• ______. Querying and flexible reporting without
affecting operational systems.
4. Operating Systems
• ERP systems have been designed to
run under _______ operating systems,
including UNIX-based systems and
Windows NT.
• In SAP’s R/3, each of the operating
systems for the presentation,
application, and database can be
5. Application Software – Legacy
• Definition
– Legacy software refers to ____ software which
have been implemented over the years.
– Legacy software typically has been developed by
and for the ______ firm.
– Legacy software is often mainframe software.
• Disadvantages
– Typically, there is substantial ________ cost of a
legacy system as it is updated to meet emerging
organizational needs.
6. Application Software – ERP
• Definition - package software is general software
built for use in multiple organizations.
• ________ & Features – Package software is built
with a large number of capabilities. Many of the
capabilities are not actually used, as the individual
company chooses from among the portfolio of
capabilities available within the software.
• _________ – One approach to ______ the
capabilities to meet the needs of a specific
company is to set parameters in the software to
choose among the different capabilities involving
switches turning options on and off.
Application Software – ERP System
• Selecting & Buying
– A trend towards buying ______ means abandoning
the internal development of software.
– Choosing ERP means that you delegate much of
your systems maintenance and evolution to the ERP
vendor. As a result, an important variable in
choosing software can be the vision of the package
• Versions of Software
– Package software comes in different ______ , where
new versions typically have greater functionality
than older versions.
– Since its release, SAP has seen a number of
versions of its R/3 software, including 3.0, 3.1,
4.0,4.5, 4.6., 6.4.
SAP Architecture
SAP Terminology
• ______ - Significant amount of code is written in
ABAP language (Advanced Business
Application Programming)

• Customised/Configured can be carried out via

IMG (IMplementation Guide)

• Main system components are

– ______ (front-end running on desktop PC)
– SAP Basis (common platform for applications)

SAP Architecture Trend
SAP’s 3-Tier Architecture
Client PC Application Server
running SAP running mySAP ECC

Database server
3-tier running Oracle
3-Tier Model

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

The Emerging 4-tier Architecture

Browser Web server running
portal software
(thin client)

Application server
running SAP R/3 4.7

Database server
(Oracle) 24

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