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The syllabus notes: Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) Paper .You will write a
summary of readings about culturally responsive teaching. Multiple alternate
resources are appropriate and expected. Used APA Citations

Used these references:

 Intertwined: Two stories of cultural identity (TED talk)-

 The power of protocols for equity- Articles attach this document to used as
reference , you also google it type in the title:

 Call to Action for White Educators Who Seek to be anti-racist:


 Race, poverty, and interpreting overrepresentation in special education:

 The state of racial diversity in the educator workforce:

Articles attach this document to used as reference , you also google it type in
the title:

 Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework from New York State

Education Department :

Also, I will accept optional references that go with this themes.

In 7-9 pages, summarize the resources below (include the optional resources or other
sources as you choose). Synthesize the materials into 2-3 major themes, using APA
headings to separate the themes. Include a reference page as per APA guidelines.
Include an abstract. You do not need to include a title page. The Writing Rubric is
included , please follow the rubic.

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