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| eon, there wa mine iy gc ina Levins tere Pusey te store. Puce to reported pictuves, there were capponinotely fheuss of prope rush tt the store the! moment the {¢ssdaors. te pushed _open. There were people -everpulere af ety department, Ds soon as sya wos buy. picking this with tempting di at 0p cua in thant ot o cloth wo middle-aged women weve. fighting - looking cont or 4o come Sureundiy people who had witnessed the ee want, Sawaal ot thet tn on-thot expensive coat, then they looked at each eter hastily, arguing who should have been the first penn to get the coat. A. Fight began | afternavds, and they even pulled enc eters Air Tt scene Irke beth oF them really | Wdesived that cont, which ws-dropped on the Floor, A let of people stovted to fal the incident. with Heir albdmet ond ulead ta to common where. people posts all kinds of events they see. Juit as no ohe weve wllig to stop them from Fight, clerk from another rfove walked wp to them and spoke to one ot the women # io ft _no use Fightty over that coat. Jom taking gout to , ein al ge 2 ae = erm ° VFS EAE © BRIT ET RAINE KEE TE Jour. tore and having you check out our products.”"As the clerk pointed foward: the store he cawe von, the worn saw an even more beaurtitul coat, andthe che Ft on the tloor oy jut a vont that revenbls the one she wounted. With the clerks dimely heb, the tuo wore lopped Fghtiag and_opoloyixed to enuh otter. Roth of them. eventuclly got erctly what they wotrted hoppy. a Rok Ww Dm tft &

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