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4 METALS TESTING LAB PURPOSE: The purpose of this laboratory is to give students experience in measuring various strength parameters of different metals. MATERIALS AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES Metals to be tested The following metals are to be tested: Color Code 1. A36 Hot Rolled Steel blue/black 2. 2024-T351 Aluminum red 3. Grey Cast Iron copper 4. 1018 Cold Rolled Steel large block Tests to be performed 1. Longitudinal Round Tensile Test (ASTM E8) to be performed on: (1) A36 hot rolled steel (2) 2024-T351 aluminum (3) Grey cast iron 2. Charpy Impact Test (ASTM E23) to be performed on: (1) A36 hot rolled steel (2) 2024-T351 aluminum (3) Grey cast iron 3. Rockwell AB@ Hardness Test (ASTM E18) to be performed on: (1) A36 hot rolled steel (2) 2024-T351 aluminum (3) Grey cast iron (4) 1018 cold rolled steel (large block) 4. 5. Rockwell AC@ Hardness Test (ASTM E18) to be performed on: (1) A36 hot rolled steel Brinell Hardness Test (ASTM E-10) to be performed on: (1) 1018 cold rolled steel (large block) Composition

0.18% Carbon


Procedures for Tension Test For each metal specimen, do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Using a micrometer, measure and record the diameter of the test specimen at its center. Mark two gage points 2 inches apart on the specimen with a special indenter. Measure the exact distance between the two gage points with a micrometer. Attach a 2-inch extensometer to the specimen at the two gage points. Place the specimen in the threaded grips and load the specimen slowly to failure. Record the load and deflection for each 1000 pound load increment for steel, and 500 pound load increment for aluminum and cast iron. Remove the extensometer from the specimen before fracture occurs. After the specimen has been broken, push the two broken pieces together by hand, and measure the distance between the two gage points by means of a micrometer to determine the total plastic deformation. Measure also the diameter of the reduced cross-section of the fractured specimen. Sketch the fractured specimen.


Do the following for the lab report: 1. Using the recorded load and deformation data, draw two stress-strain diagrams for each of the metals tested. One stress-strain diagram is to be plotted up to a strain of 0.5% (for cast iron and steel) and 1.0% (for aluminum). The second stress-strain diagram is to be plotted up to the failure strain. In drawing the second stress-strain diagram, assume (1) the ultimate stress to be equal to the failure stress, and (2) a linear stress-strain plot from the point when the extensometer is removed to the failure point. Using the stress-strain diagrams determine the following properties for each of the metals: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Stress at Johnson=s Apparent Elastic Limit Yield stress at 0.20% offset (for Steel and Aluminum) and at 0.05% offset (for Grey Cast Iron) Ultimate/failure stress Ultimate/failure strain Modulus of Elasticity Modulus of Resilience Modulus of Toughness



Tension Test Data (1) A36 Hot Rolled Steel Initial diameter: ____________________ Diameter at failure: __________________ Distance between two gage points, initial: ___________________ at failure: ___________________ Sketch:

Load (lbs)

Stress (psi)

Deflection ( 10-3 in.)

Strain (10-3)

Load (lbs)

Stress (psi)

Deflection ( 10-3 in.)

Strain (10-3)


Tension Test Data (2) 2024-T351 Aluminum Initial diameter: ____________________ Diameter at failure: __________________ Distance between two gage points, initial: ___________________ at failure: ___________________ Sketch:

Load (lbs)

Stress (psi)

Deflection ( 10-3 in.)

Strain (10-3)

Load (lbs)

Stress (psi)

Deflection ( 10-3 in.)

Strain (10-3)


Tension Test Data (3) Grey Cast Iron Initial diameter: ____________________ Diameter at failure: __________________ Distance between two gage points, initial: ___________________ at failure: ___________________ Sketch:

Load (lbs)

Stress (psi)

Deflection ( 10-3 in.)

Strain (10-3)

Load (lbs)

Stress (psi)

Deflection ( 10-3 in.)

Strain (10-3)


Charpy Impact Test Reference: Procedure: 1) 2) Loosen the impact hammer by allowing it to swing freely for several minutes. Lock the hammer in the high position without placing the test specimen inthe brackets. Release the hammer, allowing it to go through a full swing. Record the value on the energy indicator. This value represents the energy used to overcome the friction in the machine. Repeat this procedure three times to determine an average value. 3) With another member of the lab group securely holding the hammer at a low elevation, place the test specimen in the brackets. Lock the hammer in the high position then release it, allowing it to strike the specimen. 4) 5) Record the energy required and compute the energy used. Save the test specimen for the Rockwell Hardness Test. ASTM E23

To be included in the laboratory report: 1) 2) 3) The energy used to overcome the friction in the machine The impact data for each specimen and the energy used. Sketches of the specimens. Note on the sketch the type of failure encountered. Grainy (brittle material) vs. silky (ductile material) failures. Also note whether or not the failure was complete. Special Note: The Charpy Impact Machine, like many other machines used in this laboratory course, is not a fool proof machine. Special care should be taken in operating this machine to insure the safety of the operator and all those around him.


Hardness Tests Rockwell AB@ & C Hardness Test Reference: Procedure: ASTM E18 Using the specimens from the Charpy Impact Test, perform five (5) Rockwell AB@ Hardness tests using the procedure as shown by the lab instructor. Perform five Rockwell C Hardness tests on the A36 hot rolled steel specimens. To be included in the laboratory report: 1) Using an average of the Rockwell AB@ Hardness numbers (RB), compute the ultimate tensile strength using these equations: FULT = 3.75 x 106 130 - RB FULT = 3.57 x 106 130 - RB 2) RB < 90 90 < RB < 100

Compare the computed values for tensile strength with the value obtained in the tensile test of the material.

Brinell Hardness Test Reference: Procedure: 1) 2) Using a large block of 1018 Cold Rolled Steel, perform five (5) Brinell Hardness tests and five (5) Rockwell AB@ Hardness tests. When applying the load in the Brinell Hardness test, ensure that the load is applied and released uniformly without bouncing the load and that the load is applied for fifteen (15) seconds. ASTM E10

To be included in the laboratory report: 1) Compute the Brinell Hardness Number (BHN): BHN = P (D/2)[D - (D2 - d2)1/2]B where: P = load (3000 kg) D = ball diameter (10 mm) d = avg. of five measured diameters


Compare this value with the expected Brinell Hardness number using the table on the next page and the Rockwell AB@ Hardness number. Comment on the correlation between the two tests.



METALS TEST DATA Charpy Impact Test Energy loss due to friction: (1) ________________ (2) ________________ (3) ________________ Average: ________________ (1) A36 Hot Rolled Steel Fracture energy: ________________ Sketch:

(2) 2024-T351 Aluminum Fracture energy: ________________


(3) Grey Cast iron Fracture energy: ________________



METALS TEST DATA Rockwell AB@ Hardness Test (1) A36 Hot Rolled Steel Rockwell AB@ Hardness Number: (1) _________________ (2) _________________ (3) _________________ (4) _________________ (5) _________________ Average: _________________ (2) 2024-T351 Aluminum Rockwell AB@ Hardness Number: (1) _________________ (2) _________________ (3) _________________ (4) _________________ (5) _________________ Average: _________________ (3) Grey Cast iron Rockwell AB@ Hardness Number: (1) _________________ (2) _________________ (3) _________________ (4) _________________ (5) _________________ Average: _________________ (4) 1018 Cold Rolled Steel (large block) Rockwell AB@ Hardness Number: (1) _________________ (2) _________________ (3) _________________ (4) _________________ (5) _________________ Average: _________________


METALS TEST DATA Rockwell AC@ Hardness Test (1) A36 Hot Rolled Steel Rockwell AC@ Hardness Number: (1) _________________ (2) _________________ (3) _________________ (4) _________________ (5) _________________ Average: _________________ Brinell Hardness Test (1) 1018 Cold Rolled Steel (large block) Diameter of indented surface: (1) _________________ (2) _________________ (3) _________________ (4) _________________ (5) _________________ Average: _________________


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