Ganndi's Astro Lessons

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The Astro Wheel

I have set the time for Chicago at 4:53 AM to show you the Moons Ingress (Entering)
into the Sign of Aries. A planet Ingresses a new Sign at either 0 degrees or if it is Retrograde
then it will ingress a sign at 30 (29deg 59 mins). You can also say that the ASC or DSC etc
Ingress a new sign as they move around the Wheel.

Imagine the ring in the centre is the Earth, and you are standing there.
Looking up above your ahead to the MC or Mid Heaven is at 19 Libra.
The IC or Nadir is below your feet. You could say looking Down through the Earth.

Houses: Twelve pie-shaped sectors numbered anti (counter) clockwise

Cusps: Are the Twelve straight lines separating the houses, like a fence.

Horoscope or Circle or Wheel can also be seen as a 24-Hour Clock.

Ascendant = 6 AM – the Rising Sign or Sunrise point.
Nadir: 12 Midnight - Imum Colei or I.C. the Fourth House ruler.
Descendant: 6 PM - Mid Right (opposite Asc) is the 7th House ruler) - Sunset point.
Midheaven: 12 Noon - Top (Medium Colei, M.C.) is the 10th House ruler.

Houses can also be sub-divided into 10 degree lots called Decans.

They are also divided into

The Fire Signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
The Earth Signs are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
The Air Signs are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
The Water Signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Three Modes, Planets in
Cardinal Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Fixed Signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Mutant Signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Angular (Cardinal) - First House, Fourth House, Seventh House, Tenth House
Suceedent (Fixed) - Second House, Fifth House, Eighth House, Eleventh House
Cadent (Mutable) - Third House, Sixth House, Ninth House, Twelfth House

The Zodiac

The Circle or Wheel is broken up into 12 sections called Houses.

They are numbered from 1 to 12, see the inner numbered ring.

Now just like us, the planets too have a house in which they live and rule.
So we say the Ruler and owner of house one (First House) is Mars in Aries.
Planet Ruler
Neptune PISCES
Note: (1) Some astrologers use different Rulers to the above.
(2) Other planets Transit (pass through) the houses and thus the house takes on a different
character or personality. Example the owner of the First house Mars, has a different attitude when
He visits (transits) the 7th house (opposite the First House)
(3) By no means is this list of information here-in complete.
It is basic astrology for beginners.

The planets also Rule the days of the week.

Sunday = Sun
Monday = Moon
Tuesday = Mars
Wednesday = Mercury
Thursday = Jupiter
Friday = Venus
Saturday = Saturn.

Eventually every sign and degree of the Zodiac will pass over the Mid-heaven MC, and the
Descendant DSC, the Nadir IC, and Ascendant ASC, once every 24 hours.

Each house represents its own characteristics. Some attributes are

1st House Aries, you yourself and your Ego, how others see you, I AM
2nd House Taurus, Possessions, money, debts, self worth and esteem, determination, I HAVE
3rd House Gemini, Communications, short trips, siblings, Mentality, I THINK
4th House Cancer, Home, sensitivity, I FEEL
5th House Leo, Creativity, vitality, power, authority, I WILL
6th House Virgo, Service, Health, discrimination, practicality, naive, I ANALYSE
7th House Libra, Marriage and partnerships, companions, harmony, I BALANCE
8th House Scorpio, Death and renewal (regeneration), secrecy, I DESIRE
9th House Sagittarius, Mental Explorations, aspirations, travel, I PERCEIVE
10th House Capricorn, Career, Conservatism, organizing, I USE
11th House Aquarius, Your hopes, friends, desires, independence, humanitarianism, I KNOW
12th House Pisces, End of cycle, self destruction, undoing of things, renouncing, I BELIEVE

When a Ruling Planet aspects it's own house it Empowers (gives extra power) to that house.

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KISS = Keep It Simple Searchers

The Planets and their Glyphs (symbols)

See chart below
Try to memorise the all the signs and planet symbols (glyphs). Draw them if necessary.

Sun is ego.
Moon is the subconscious and public moods.
Mercury is the enquiring mind. Communication.
Venus is money, higher emotions, and "feelings".
Mars is aggressiveness, courage, initiatives, personal struggles, preparedness to act.
Jupiter is expansion. wisdom, prosperity, over indulgence, optimism, doing things in a big way.
Saturn is fear, distraction, discipline, constriction (contraction), ambitions.
Uranus is gut feelings and higher mental facilities, genius. (using your brain power)
Neptune is inspiration, delusions, imagination, chaos.
Pluto is regeneration, social changes, politics, sex.
The list can be added to as there are many more interpretations to everything in this paper.

A basic interpretation of a horoscope.

Mercury in Scorpio
Enquiring mind wants to unravel the secrecy with-in. Communication skills help.
Think of Sherlock Holmes.

Sun in the 6th house of Virgo, Ego and a naivety (virgin) of the situation.
Venus in Sagittarius. Think of Cupid shooting arrows, and wanting to travel with your loved one.

High in Stock Market is in the 8th house, could this mean the death of the High price or can it
mean it's regeneration because Jupiter is there, or is it Saturn, Mars could declare war against it!
Check it out for yourself.
Sun has Ingressed into Taurus the Bull, will this affect Live Cattle prices?
Sun has Ingressed into Leo the Yellow Lion, will this help Gold to climb in price?
Will the Silvery Moon affect Silver prices?
Will Mars declare war on Bond Prices?

An ORB means a "lee way". Example a Conjunction is when 2 planets are at the same degree
Say both are at Zero Aries. Using an Orb we could say they are Conjunct if one planet is at
Zero Aries and the other is at 3 degrees Aries, this conjunction has an Orb of 3 degrees.

Other Aspects to learn and understand.

Major Aspects
Conjunction = Zero Degrees apart between planets.
Sextile = 60 Degrees apart between planets.
Square = 90 Degrees apart between planets.
Opposition = 180 Degrees apart between planets.

Minor Aspects
Semisextile = 30 Degrees apart between planets.
Semisquare = 45 Degrees apart between planets.
Sesquare = 135 Degrees apart between planets.
Quincunx = 150 Degrees apart between planets.

Other aspects are (but rarely used)

Septiles = 51+ degrees (360/7) biseptile (102+ degs), triseptile (154+ degs).
Tredecile 108 degrees
Bi-quintile an aspect of 144 degrees
Quintile is 72 degrees and 1/5 of a 360 degree circle.
Noviles are 40 Degrees and 1/9th of a circle.
Semi Quintile……………… 36 degs.
Quindecile......................... 24 degs.
Semi-Decile, or Vigintile..... 18 degs.

KISS = Keep It Simple Searchers

Division of the circle by 2 and 4.
Angles of 90 Degree multiples i.e. 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees.
0 degrees = conjunction, 90 degs = Square, 180 degs = Opposition.
270 degs is the Applying Square after passing the opposition aspect.

Soft Aspects
Division of the circle by 3 or 6.
This aspect series is arrived at by dividing the circle by 3 or 6.
60 degs is called a Sextile
120 degs is called a Trine (Pyramid shape)

These are the aspects made to Planets Transiting a Natal Chart

Other Aspects or Terminology that you may come across.

Stellium 3 or more planets are conjunct (some astrologers say 4 or more planets)
Make a habit of also checking your charts when 3 or more planets are in the same sign.
Have a look at your ephemeris, from 6-7 December 2006 to 16-17 January 2007, note that
Mars, Jupiter and Pluto are in Sagittarius. Sagittarius = Arrows, many been shot at present.
Now look at the chart below for 24 August 1987, at 7:59 AM for New York.
Less that 2 months before the 19 October Black Monday Stock Market Crash.
For clarity I have included Mercury. For the purists exclude Mercury.
See chart below.

KISS = Keep It Simple Searchers

T Squares
Grand Crosses
Grand Trines
Yods (Finger of God)
Mid Points (preferably if 3 or more planets are involved)
The list goes on

I like to study Planet aspects that cross the ASC, MC, DSC, IC of Natal Charts.

The vertical coordinate (location) of the planets. The declination of a planet is the distance, in
degrees, North or South of the Celestial Equator. The sun’s declination varies between about
23.5 degrees north to 23.5 degrees south declination. The change in declination is caused by the
tilt of the Earth as it revolves around the Sun.

If you have a copy of the American Ephemeris 2001 to 2010 (a must have or similar) look at
The Declination and Latitude section on every page.
Under the Phenomena panel you will find the Moons Declination.
Example on the January 2007 page Max/0 Decl dy 9 14:05 0 this translates as
9 January 2007 the Moon will be at Zero Declination (imagine a celestial equator)
At 14:05 (5 minutes past 2 PM) and 16 22:17 28S27 means the Moon will be at Maximum
South Declination on the 16th of January 2007 at 22:17 (17 minutes past 10 PM) then it will
Turn around and come back to the Equator heading North.

Now for an interesting exercise

Look at December 2006, still under Declination, notice how on the 21st December the Sun
reaches a Maximum of 23S26 and remains there until 24 December, and on Christmas Day 25
December it is on it's way back North, to the Northern Hemisphere. Winter Solstice in the
Northern Hemisphere, and Summer in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Bringer of Light, the Sun, is Born again.
Think about this!

Imagine the Earth was flat (the church made sure in days of old that you believed that) and the
Sun dropped down at the Horizon into Hell. Thus Hell is below, in the Earth
So when the Sun gets to it's Maximum North Declination at the Summer Solstice in the Northern
Hemisphere, around 21 June. Have a look at 20-23 June 2007. The Sun is at 23N26.


In the same ephemeris look at the last section on every page entitled Daily Aspectarian.
Look under 1 Th meaning Thursday 1 February.
At 6:50 the Moon is Contra Parallel Mars.
Just below that Saturn is contra parallel Neptune at 3 PM.
At 5:55 the Moon was contra parallel Jupiter.
Note 2 small vertical parallel lines with a horizontal line through them.

Now lets look for a Parallel.

At the bottom left of that page, under 3 S (Saturday 3rd February 2007) the first entry we see
Moon parallel Saturn at 3:17 AM. Further down the Sun parallel Pluto at 12:20 PM.

Astrology terminology that you will come across.

Antiscion as found in "Christian Astrology" Volume 1, by William Lilly, 1647
The Antiscion Signs are those, which are of the same virtue and are equally distant from the first
degree of the two Tropic Signs, Cancer, Capricorn, and in which degrees whilst the Sun is, the
days and nights are of equal length; by example it will be plain; when the Sun is in the tenth
degree of Taurus, he is as far distant from the first degree of Cancer as when in the twentieth
degree of Leo; therefore when the Sun is in the tenth of Taurus, he has his Antiscion to the
twentieth of Leo; that is, he gives virtue or influence to any Star or Planet that at that time either is
in the same degree by Conjunction, or casts any Aspect unto it. But that you may more fully and
perfectly know where your Antiscion falls in degrees and minutes.

Another example, the Antiscion of a planet at 14 deg Capricorn is at 16 deg Sagittarius, which
point becomes effective when occupied by another planet, or one in transit or by direction.

A general Table of the Antiscion in Signs.


KISS = Keep It Simple Searchers

Aspect: Angular relationship between planets.

Aphelion is a Helio term meaning afar, thus far from the Sun
Perihelion means "near" to the Sun

Apogee means far from the Earth.

Perigee means near to the Earth.

Ascension. The vertical rising of a planet above the Ecliptic, equator or horizon.
Right Ascension, the circle of declination reckoned toward the east from 0 Aries, measured in the
plane of the Equator.
Oblique Ascension, measured on the Prime Vertical.
The Midheaven is directed by Right Ascension; the Ascendant by Oblique Ascension.

Cazimi. It means a planet located within an arc of seventeen minutes (17') of the Sun's longitude.
Some prefer 30 minutes (1/2 deg) from the Sun's center.

Horary: fundamentally a Figure cast for the birth-moment of an idea, a question, or an event.
Electional: basically a moment for initiating a new enterprise, or commencing a journey, etc.
Mundane: a consideration of the current positions of the planets with respect to their influence
upon entire populations, or portions thereof, by countries, cities or localities, at Ingresses,
eclipses, ordinary Lunations and Full Moons, and major transits or conjunctions.

Latitude, Parallels of Latitude is measured in degrees of arc N. or S. of the Ecliptic.

Significator. A planet may be taken as a significator of a person or of an event, or of affairs ruled

by a House. Its strength by virtue of its Sign and House position and its relationship by aspects
are then consulted in arriving at a judgment concerning a desired condition. In general the
strongest planet in the Figure, usually the ruler of the Ascendant, is taken as the Significator of
the native. Similarly the Ruler of the Sign on the cusp of the Second House is taken as the
Significator of wealth, of the Seventh House of the partner, of the Eighth of the partner's wealth,
and so on. Sepharial speaks of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven as Significators.

Solomon's Seal. Two interlaced triangles, the angles of which form the six-pointed star. often one
of the triangles is dark and the other light, symbolizing the union of soul and body

Solstices. The points in the Ecliptic at which the Sun is at its greatest distance north or south of
the Equator, so-called because the Sun then appears to stand still. The Summer Solstice occurs
when the Sun is at 0 degs Cancer, around 21 June; the Winter Solstice, at 0 degs Capricorn,
which occurs around 21 December each year.

Succedent Houses. 2, 5, 8 and 11th.

Temporal Houses. 2, 6, 10th.
Terminal Houses. 4th, 8th, 12th Houses.

Syzygy. Literally a yoking together, often loosely applied to any conjunction or opposition,
In Tide Tables it applies to the conjunctions and oppositions of Sun and Moon near the Node.

Trigons. A term applied to the three signs of the same Triplicity.

Triplicity....think about it!

Fire - Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Via Combusta. The combust path. In ancient times this referred to a cluster of fixed stars in the
early degrees of the constellation Scorpio. A birth Moon in that arc was considered to be as
afflicted as if it was in an eclipse condition - at or near one of the Nodes.

Others say it is between 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio.

I prefer to think it means a planet is being "cooked" by the Sun, at the above degree positions.

KISS = Keep It Simple Searchers


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