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Zs Recording to the picture, ye can se ib > a massive land planted with rows pheasant flowers. This is net on unfanitiar view tous, expecially during spring. vhen ts Hime shat all flowers open ino fall blossom. However, what, wee see in the pietwe net gene lining up beside. the farm to inerely ejay the spi scenery ; instead, numeras visiters are creating chags because of neglecting the sigh jas in front of them. Right next_to the farm stands o sigh, hich dearly demonstrates that viriters are welcomed to take yictuees of the flowers but stegying_on fein av injuring then are absolutely unaceptable _ Nevertheless some careless ptugle still step onto the [and at their will , not caving, how many flowery ave damaged ander therr feet ; sthes enter it due to a closer touch with flowes , oy baanting, te leave an impressive photo with the flowers that, tan be updated on. social media afterwacds.. What these visits have done js - aly wnagreeable., and ven sets a negative. exomple, tov then to follow. As an visitor, 1 totally do not support thee kind of made acts, | Look the veasons are os folloss First of all, thy sevionsly offen ‘ rights f enjoying tHe gictargsgue [an b scape. Damroged by careless visitors, these flowers will soon wither ay they ort 400 delicate to withstand any impulsive press fram the sarmndings , not to mention a plison’s single touch « Theefwe , people whe avvive Later will only be lett with a dying scene of floren . ond wha feels delighted offer seting such on inactive view? Moreover, some visitors may follow former people’> foatsteps to inte the and. Even if rales_ore_vvitten cleuly on the sigh, perple oy 500n hehave badly if they observe others have already violated she wales. Without an instant, punishment, pressed wn them» visitors will take it foe granted to appreciate flowen mo closer dntance , and even dram! mere people to Jehave oy they are gevmitted to act like this bast bat mot leart, formen ma Concent frasteated after these inetviewshle, damnge » giving ap to maintain the overal) vita of the land. Even though how had a farmer have strived to fale coe df tle flowen, they vill became injured again and again. In the Long form , tare may gt Aisappointed and tel) to maintain fhe view for visitors who tame later on. In my opinion as a vivifer, J He ceeely hope that people can all behave ns an elucated person, and remember te play there vole wel) to ensure others’ equal rights to enjay the storning vidas of flowers. As a vewlt,, all people can create and intl ge in the flensont atmoyphere ere ated by those flowers . Rak Df &

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